Lionfish Invaders Are Eating Up Other Marine Life in Florida Keys, Bahamas and Bermuda

“The lionfish is a voracious predator and it eats a lot! ... over 50 species of other reef fish have been found in lionfish stomachs (plus) a whole octopus.”

- Lad Atkin, REEF


If attacked, the carnivorous lionfish delivers a potent venom via its needle-like dorsal fins. Its sting is extremely painful to humans and can cause nausea and breathing difficulties, but is rarely fatal. Average lifetime in wild: 15 years. A lionfish will often spread its feathery pectoral fins and herd small fish into a confined space where it can more easily swallow them. Photograph by NOAA.
If attacked, the carnivorous lionfish delivers a potent venom via its needle-like dorsal fins. Its sting is extremely painful to humans and can cause nausea and breathing difficulties, but is rarely fatal. Average lifetime in wild: 15 years. A lionfish will often spread its feathery pectoral fins and herd small fish into a confined space where it can more easily swallow them. Photograph by NOAA.
Lionfish sightings as of February 1, 2010. Map by USGS, REEF and NOAA.
Lionfish head on. Image © 2006 by Ada Staal.
Lionfish head on. Image © 2006 by Ada Staal.
Lionfish head on. Image © 2006 by Ada Staal.

February 25, 2010  Key Largo, Florida -  The lionfish is any of several species of beautiful, venomous marine fish of the family Scorpaenidae native to the Indo-Pacific oceans. Lionfish extend from western Australia and Malaysia east to French Polynesia, the Pitcairn Islands, southern Japan and southern Korea.


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Unusual Heads on Newborn Turkish Lamb and Zimbabwe Goat

“I’ve seen mutations with cows and sheep before. I’ve seen a one-eyed calf, a two-headed calf, a five-legged calf. But when I saw this youngster I could not believe my eyes.”

- Erhan Elibol, D.V.M., who performed Cesarean section
to extract newborn lamb too big for natural birth


February 24, 2010  Izmir, Turkey, and Maboleni, Lower Gweru, Zimbabwe - In the first week of September 2009, New reported a goat was born with a human-like head. Then four and a half months later, on January 12, 2010, Pravda.Ru reported that a “sheep gives birth to human-faced lamb in Turkey.” The following are summaries of those reports with available photographs taken before the newborns were killed and burned in each case because of local resident fears about the “mutations.”


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Part 4:  RAF Bentwaters – 1986 Interview with Former Airman Larry Warren

“Sgt. Adrian Bustinza and several other people were taken out to the
Bentwaters base photo lab and went down an elevator to an underground facility.”

- Larry Warren, former RAF Bentwaters Airman
1st Class, in 1986 interview


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February 23, 2010  Albuquerque, New Mexico  - Continuing Part 4 of the May 18, 1986, interview of former RAF Bentwaters Airman 1st Class Larry Warren by New York mathematics professor, Benton Jamison, and Linda Moulton Howe, in New Haven, Connecticut.

Farmer's field in general area of central pink circle in Rendlesham Forest near Capel St. Andrew, England. The Orford Ness lighthouse is the far right pink circle. RAF Bentwaters is top large pink circle, about 6 miles northeast of RAF Woodbridge, pink circle at Woodbridge.
Farmer's field in general area of central pink circle in Rendlesham Forest near Capel St. Andrew, England. The Orford Ness lighthouse is the far right pink circle. RAF Bentwaters is top large pink circle, about 6 miles northeast of RAF Woodbridge, pink circle at Woodbridge.


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U. S. Honey Bee Deaths Increase Again

“The reports that I have gotten from beekeepers is that
about 30% of the healthy colonies that have gone to California -
for this 2010 almond pollination to fulfill pollination contracts -
have died in two or three weeks”

- Jerry Hayes, Asst. Chief, Apiary Inspection, Florida Dept. of Agriculture

 UC Davis bee breeder-geneticist Kim Fondrk in a Dixon, California, almond orchard. Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey.
UC Davis bee breeder-geneticist Kim Fondrk in a Dixon, California, almond orchard. Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey.
Western honey bee, or European honey bee (Apis mellifera), gathering pollen from almond tree flower. Florida apiary expert, Jerry Hayes, estimates that more than 30% of American honey bees in commercial hives will have died by spring 2010, in the persistent mystery known as “colony collapse disorder.” Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey.
Western honey bee, or European honey bee (Apis mellifera), gathering pollen from almond tree flower. Florida apiary expert, Jerry Hayes, estimates that more than 30% of American honey bees in commercial hives will have died by spring 2010, in the persistent mystery known as “colony collapse disorder.” Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey.

February 18, 2010  Gainesville, Florida - The mysterious disappearance of hundreds of European honey bee colonies in Pennsylvania was first reported in late fall 2006. Since then, the baffling “empty hive” syndrome called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) has been reported in many parts of the world. Some beekeepers have lost nearly 100% of their bees. Even though nicotine-based pesticides and lack of plant and pollen diversity are high on the culprits list, there is still no single smoking gun answer. The truth appears to be a combination of assaults on soils, plants and air that weaken and kill pollinators in the 21st Century.


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Part 3:  RAF Bentwaters – 1986 Interview with Former Airman Larry Warren

“It was gold, bronze, mist and the three, small beings are inside it. had to look really hard at this misty light – you could see sets of eyes inside the thing – black, big eyes just like in the movies!”

- Larry Warren, former RAF Bentwaters Airman
1st Class, in 1986 interview


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February 8, 2010  Albuquerque, New Mexico  - Continuing Part 3 of the May 18, 1986, interview of former RAF Bentwaters Airman 1st Class Larry Warren by New York mathematics professor, Benton Jamison, and Linda Moulton Howe, in New Haven, Connecticut.


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Part 3:  Highest Strangeness – Body Containers

“I got the impression that the aliens do not like to do this soul transfer (to cloned body containers) very often.”

- Linda Porter, California Abductee

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February 2, 2010  Albuquerque, New Mexico - The Tarbrax, Scotland, abduction case of August 17, 1992, detailed in 012810 Part 2-Earthfiles, includes Colin Wright's description of being encased in a clear, cylinder. I encountered descriptions of clear cylinder containers for bodies, both human and non-human, in my human abduction investigations of the early 1990s. The “resurrection technology” is described in depth and with illustrations in my third book, Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. II: High Strangeness © 1998. Please see Earthfiles Shop.


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Letters to Editor About High Strangeness Phenomena.

“‘What did I see in the sky?’ Within the hexagram passage were the words:  ‘The Ancestors, the earlier kings, who use the firebird
to descend upon the cities.’”

- Sleep paralysis experiencer

Return to  Parts 1 and 2
Earthfiles Scotland High Strangeness

January 30, 2010  Albuquerque, New Mexico  - After my January 28 - 29, 2010, broadcast on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory about highest strangeness cases in Scotland with author and investigator, Malcolm Robinson, I received many emails from people reporting their own highly strange encounters with the unknown. I would appreciate hearing from other listeners and Earthfiles viewers about phenomena experiences. My email address is: [email protected].


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Airport Body Scanners – How Safe Is The Terahertz Radiation?

“Terahertz radiation passes through clothing and will pass right through the body, but passing through does not mean that it is doing damage on the way, especially not in short time durations of a minute or so (time in airport body scanners).”

- Philip C. Hanawalt, Ph.D., Stanford University Biologist

Are terahertz radiation full-body scanners a safe answer to more effective airport security? Would you object to walking through them? Are they a privacy invasion? Source:
Are terahertz radiation full-body scanners a safe answer to more effective airport security? Would you object to walking through them? Are they a privacy invasion? Source:
A terahertz full-body scanner which produces “naked” images of airline passengers has started a trial in the U. K.'s Manchester Airport.
A terahertz full-body scanner which produces “naked” images of airline passengers has started a trial in the U. K.'s Manchester Airport.
 Terahertz millimeter waves between microwave and infrared frequencies can see through clothes and a newspaper. Source:  Science Vol. 297, August 2, 2002.
Terahertz millimeter waves between microwave and infrared frequencies can see through clothes and a newspaper. Source:  Science Vol. 297, August 2, 2002.

January 28, 2010 Palo Alto, California   - On Christmas day, December 25, 2009, Nigerian terror suspect Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab went aboard Northwest Airlines Flight 253 with 80 grams of PETN (pentaerythritol tetranitrate) explosive powder sewed into the crotch of his underwear.


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Part 1: Highest Strangeness UFO Cases in Scotland

“The witnesses said the small, grey beings were taking boxes and cylinders towards a triangle-shaped craft in the woods, not towards the light beams that were coming up from the ground further back in the woods.”

- Malcolm Robinson, Author, UFO Case Files of Scotland

 In central Scotland where the Firth of Forth bay joins the North Sea, the county of Fife north of Edinburgh (top right red circle) and the small village of Freuchie near Glenrothes was the location of a highly strange encounter with dozens of small, grey non-human beings and a triangular craft on September 23, 1996. Four years before on August 17, 1992, southwest of Edinburgh on the A70 near Harperrig Reservoir near a small town called Tarbrax (bottom circle), two men in a car encountered a disc over the road and lost 90 minutes of time. Residents in the region associate high strangeness phenomena with Bonnybridge (green circle) south of Stirling where UFO investigator Malcolm Robinson grew up and founded Strange Phenomena Investigations (SPI).
In central Scotland where the Firth of Forth bay joins the North Sea, the county of Fife north of Edinburgh (top right red circle) and the small village of Freuchie near Glenrothes was the location of a highly strange encounter with dozens of small, grey non-human beings and a triangular craft on September 23, 1996. Four years before on August 17, 1992, southwest of Edinburgh on the A70 near Harperrig Reservoir near a small town called Tarbrax (bottom circle), two men in a car encountered a disc over the road and lost 90 minutes of time. Residents in the region associate high strangeness phenomena with Bonnybridge (green circle) south of Stirling where UFO investigator Malcolm Robinson grew up and founded Strange Phenomena Investigations (SPI).
Freuchie, Fife County, Scotland, and Falkland Hill.
Freuchie, Fife County, Scotland, and Falkland Hill.

January 28, 2010  London, England - When Malcolm Robinson, now 52, was a young boy in Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland, he was curious about legends of ghosts and other unusual phenomena. By 18, he wanted hard answers - were ghosts and UFOs real? Malcolm started contacting police, airports, local flying clubs and other authorities about times and dates of specific UFO reports to see if there were logical human explanations for what people said they were seeing.


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