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Antarctica: Alien Secrets Beneath the Ice

⋅ 2020 Edition DVD NTSC

There is a huge secret hidden beneath the ice in Antarctica. Military whistleblowers report large alien structures under two miles of Antarctic ice.

Navy Seal Spartan 1 walked an alien hallway inscribed with mysterious hieroglyphs and tells investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe that Antarctica’s alien presence spans centuries, linked to Star Gate portals around Earth and beyond our solar system.

Click below to watch the trailer.


$ 30.00 USD
Domestic and int’l. shipping will be added at checkout.

Also available to stream online.

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Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 1: Facts & Eyewitnesses

⋅ New 2015 Ed., Color.
⋅ ISBN No. 978-0-9620570-5-2
⋅ 387 Pages, Format 8.5 x 11

Glimpses Vol. I grew out of Linda’s investigations of worldwide crop circle, animal mutilation, and human abduction mysteries through hard physical evidence and firsthand eyewitness testimony with over 300 color and B&W photographs, drawings, maps and documents.

$ 50.00 USD
Domestic and int’l. shipping will be added at checkout.
Now available on Amazon.
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Praise for Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 1: Facts & Eyewitnesses

“As I read Glimpses of Other Realities, I found myself in an almost permanent state of excitement. For anyone who has so far managed to
sleep through the increasing furor about non-human intelligence, I
cannot recommend a better alarm clock than Linda Moulton Howe’s
2-volume book.”

–  Colin Wilson, U. K.  Author, Mysteries

“Linda Howe looks with a dispassionate eye and writes with a passion for truth that draws readers in and yet allows them to weigh the evidence for themselves. This 2-volume book would be a remarkable achievement in any field.”

–  Denise Breton and Chris Largent, The Paradigm Conspiracy

Click cover to enlarge.

Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 2: High Strangeness

⋅ Updated 2021 2nd Ed., Color.
⋅ ISBN No. 978-0-9620570-4-5
⋅ 512 Pages, Format 8.5 x 11
⋅ Foreword by Colin Wilson, U.K.


Glimpses Vol. 2  has evolved from human testimonies about high strangeness interactions by military and civilians with unidentified aerial craft and non-human entities. This new 2021 2nd Edition has been updated with over 300 color and B&W photographs, drawings, maps and documents.

$ 85.00 USD
Domestic and int’l. shipping will be added at checkout.
Now available on Amazon.
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Praise for Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 2: High Strangeness

“Nobody has presented the problems created by an alien presence
in a more convincing manner. These volumes should be studied for
years to come.

– Bob Girard, Arcturus Books

Click cover to enlarge.

An Alien Harvest: Further Evidence Linking Animal Mutilations and Human Abductions to Alien Life Forms

⋅ Updated 2014 2nd Ed., Color.
⋅ ISBN No. 978-0-9620570-0-7
⋅ 488 Pages, Format 8.5 x 11
⋅ Foreword by Jacques Vallee and Jim Marrs.
⋅ Awarded 2015 Best Non-Fiction by Southwest Book Assoc.

Linda Moulton Howe’s Emmy Award-winning A Strange Harvest is a TV documentary investigation of bloodless, trackless animal mutilations first broadcast in May 1980 on the Denver CBS station. The phenomenon has persisted around the world to date. By 1989, Linda released her first book,  An Alien Harvest, to document anomalous evidence in animal mutilations, human abductions and government documents that support law enforcement conclusions that “the perpetrators are creatures from outer space.”  The 2015 updated and expanded 2nd Edition has more than 200 color and B&W photos, maps, illustrations and documents.

$ 50.00 USD
Domestic and int’l. shipping will be added at checkout.

New printing arriving mid-May 2022
Praise for An Alien Harvest —

“In this hall of mirrors, what are the intelligences and agendas behind the mutilations, glowing aerial craft and entities?

– Jacques Vallee, Author, Anatomy of a Phenomenon and Dimensions

“Read on as scientific journalist Linda Moulton Howe presents her amazing accumulation of evidence for one of the strangest and most mystifying issues of our time.”

– Jim Marrs, Author, Crossfire, Alien Agenda and Rule By Secrecy


 Click cover to enlarge.

Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles

⋅ Updated 2002 Ed., Color.
⋅ ISBN No. 0-9620570-6-1
⋅ 383 Pages, Format 7 x 9
⋅ Foreword by John Anthony West

Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles  in an updated 2nd Edition of more than 300 color and B&W photographs, drawings, maps and documents from Linda Moulton Howe’s investigations of crop formations in England, plus in-depth biophysical analysis from biophysicist W. C. Levengood who concluded: “Whatever is doing these formations is affecting the fundamental biochemistry and biophysics of the plants.”


$ 40.00 USD
Domestic and int’l. shipping will be added at checkout.

Praise for Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles —

“This is a fascinating adventure through the magical landscapes of Wiltshire, England, and beyond, where beautiful swirled patterns appear from nowhere and luminescent globes dance in and out of existence in front of astonished observers. Emmy Award-winning investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe uses level-headed science and analysis to back up the photographic and anecdotal evidence.

– Andy Thomas, Vital Signs: A Complete Guide to the Crop
Circle Mystery and Why it is NOT a Hoax.

10,000 B.C. Gobekli Tepe and Ancient Stone Circles - E.T. Terraforming?

10,000 B.C. Gobekli Tepe and Ancient Stone Circles — E.T. Terraforming?

⋅ 2014 Edition DVD NTSC

The inspiration for 10,000 Gobekli Tepe by Earthfiles Reporter and Editor Linda Moulton Howe was provoked by a retired government scientist from the black world who described “self-activating software” for alien technology built from exotic substances that contain programming down to the sub-atomic level. From the mysterious and ancient Gobekli Tepe limestone pillars to the geometric patterns embedded in crop fields around the world to the mystery of unidentified aerial phenomenon — all have in common an underlying mathematical language.

Linda stuns with the revelation that the 90-degree ratchets that defined Pi in a barley crop formation resemble a whistleblower’s leaked diagrams of self-activating extraterrestrial software used in self-activating E.T. technologies.

$ 30.00 USD
Domestic and int’l. shipping will be added at checkout.

Also available to stream online.


A Strange Harvest

⋅ Now available on DVD!
⋅ 1989 Edition DVD NTSC
⋅ 1-hour video

A Strange Harvest is Linda Moulton Howe’s Emmy Award-winning hour documentary about the worldwide animal mutilation mystery that has haunted ranchers and law enforcement since the 1950s. TV producer and investigative reporter Howe follows the eyewitness testimonies and the facts where they lead, linking the unusual animal deaths to a non-human intelligence and technology.


$ 30.00 USD
Domestic and int’l. shipping will be added at checkout.

Also available to stream online.

Strange Harvests 1993

⋅ Now available on DVD!
⋅ 1993 Edition DVD NTSC
⋅ 1-hour video

Strange Harvests 1993 is an hour-long documentary a decade after A Strange Harvest in which unusual animal deaths continue in the United States and worldwide, linked to unidentified lights and craft in the sky and non-human encounters.

$ 30.00 USD
Domestic and int’l. shipping will be added at checkout.
Also available to stream online.


100% cotton, available in Short Sleeve for Women and Men as well as Long Sleeve.

Click for larger view.
Click for larger view
Click for larger view
Detailed view – FRONT

Click for larger view
 Detailed view – BACK

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Short Sleeve T-Shirt – WOMEN

$ 20.00 USD

$5.00 shipping fee for shipping to continental USA will be added at checkout.

Short Sleeve T-Shirt – MEN

$ 20.00 USD

$5.00 shipping fee for shipping to continental USA will be added at checkout.

Long Sleeve T-Shirt

$ 25.00 USD

$5.00 shipping fee for shipping to continental USA will be added at checkout.



Chest 18 20 22 24 26 28
Sleeve Length 15 3/4 17 18 1/4 19 1/2 20 3/4 22
Body Length at Back 27 28 29 30 31 32

Measured across the chest one inch below armhole when laid flat.

Start at the center of neck and measure down shoulder, down sleeve to hem.

Measured from high point shoulder to finished hem at back.