Orange Spheres of Light Photographed Near Guy’s Cliffe, Warwickshire, U. K. Wheat Pattern

“What is behind those lights? That’s the question. Is it something physical behind the light? Or some kind of energy intelligence? Are the balls of light responsible for making some of the crop formations?”

- Andrew Pyrka, Editor,

Three orange lights moving near Guy's Cliffe, Warwickshire, England, wheat formation on July 12, 2010, and caught on low-light shutter speed at around 1/15th to 1/30th of a second. Image © 2010 by Andrew Pyrka.
Three orange lights moving near Guy's Cliffe, Warwickshire, England, wheat formation on July 12, 2010, and caught on low-light shutter speed at around 1/15th to 1/30th of a second. Image © 2010 by Andrew Pyrka.

July 14, 2010  Guy's Cliffe, Old Milverton, Warwickshire, England -
On July 10, 2010, reported a new formation at Guy's Cliffe house near Old Milverton in Warwickshire, England, quite a distance north of Swindon in Wiltshire County. Guy's Cliffe country house dates back to the Anglo-Saxons when Germanic tribes invaded Great Britain beginning in 597 A. D. into the 7th Century. Since the end of the 1900s, the ancient house on the River Avon has been in a derelict state, but the chapel is still used for Masonic ceremonies.


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Part 1:  “A-Bomb Men”

“The creation and use of nuclear weaponry opened a channel into this reality through which something has been entering.”

- Christopher Ross, IT System Administrator and UFO Experiencer


Angled path a bright light took above apartment building in Oak Park, Illinois, in 1965. Illustration © 2010 by Christopher Ross.
Angled path a bright light took above apartment building in Oak Park, Illinois, in 1965. Illustration © 2010 by Christopher Ross.


July 12, 2010  Minneapolis, Minnesota - In 1988, I began my first book, An Alien Harvest - Further Evidence Linking Animal Mutilations and Human Abductions to Alien Life Forms © 1989 with Foreword by Jacques Vallee. [ See Earthfiles Shop.] While the book was at the printers and bindery, I began receiving neatly typed letters in the mail from an anonymous source. The stationary was pale linen and the typing was free of errors and misspellings. The writer said he had been an airline pilot since his U. S. Air Force days and was still flying for an American airline company. His several letters over a few months summarized information about military and civilian pilot encounters with unidentified aerial lights and craft that the writer alleged were based on his personal experience and/or knowledge.


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High Strangeness Letters from Viewers

“I found myself standing in the center of the road in a shaft of light about 5 feet wide, about 6.5 to 7 feet high and it was square-shaped.  The light was clear and pure, the most pure light I have ever seen.”

- Idaho Dairy Truck Driver


July 9, 2010  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Toward the end of June 2010, I received a long, hand-written letter via U. S. mail and a typed letter by FAX. After reading each one, I put them in a special file to share with Earthfiles viewers. If anyone reading these accounts has had similar experiences or has insights about what has occurred, please email:  [email protected]. All requests for confidentiality are honored.


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BP’s Gulf Crude Oil Nearly 40% Methane – Will Huge Dead Zone Follow?

“This is the most vigorous eruption of methane from the sea floor that's been witnessed in the modern history of humans.”

- John Kessler, Ph.D., Chemical Oceanographer, Texas A & M

This image from video on Thursday, July 1, 2010, shows crude oil erupting from BP's (British Petroleum) Macondo broken wellhead that contains nearly 40% methane dissolving in the Gulf of Mexico. Video image by BP PLC.
This image from video on Thursday, July 1, 2010, shows crude oil erupting from BP's (British Petroleum) Macondo broken wellhead that contains nearly 40% methane dissolving in the Gulf of Mexico. Video image by BP PLC.
The BP (British Petroleum) Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded on April 20, 2010. The huge fire on the Deepwater Horizon semi-submersible Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU) was about 40 miles (64 km) southeast of the Louisiana coast in the Macondo Prospect oil field. The explosion killed 11 workers and injured 17 others; another 98 people survived without serious physical injury. It caused the Deepwater Horizon to burn and sink, and started a massive ongoing offshore oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico; this is now considered the largest environmental disaster in U.S. history. Image by U. S. Coast Guard.
The BP (British Petroleum) Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded on April 20, 2010. The huge fire on the Deepwater Horizon semi-submersible Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU) was about 40 miles (64 km) southeast of the Louisiana coast in the Macondo Prospect oil field. The explosion killed 11 workers and injured 17 others; another 98 people survived without serious physical injury. It caused the Deepwater Horizon to burn and sink, and started a massive ongoing offshore oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico; this is now considered the largest environmental disaster in U.S. history. Image by U. S. Coast Guard.

July 6, 2010  College Station, Texas - After the BP (British Petroleum) Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded on April 20, 2010, and its Macondo wellhead broke a mile down on the Gulf of Mexico sea floor, that uncontrolled eruption of crude oil, under the extreme pressure of being a mile under the ocean water, has turned into the worst environmental disaster in United States history. Some scientists wonder if the BP oil catastrophe could be creating yet a second disaster where the oil-contaminated Gulf will end up with a huge dead zone without oxygen where marine life cannot live?


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USAF’s First Robotic Space Plane, X-37B, and Update On Rocket Launch Spirals

“The Air Force is trying to keep the X-37B secret, but if you have a stopwatch and personal computer, after you have seen it a few times, you can use well-known math to calculate the orbit and predict where it’s going to be.”

- Jonathan McDowell, Ph.D., Harvard Astronomer

The Boeing X-37B unmanned space plane began as a NASA project in 1999, before transfer in 2004 to the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Then its mission control was transferred to the USAF Space Command in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
The Boeing X-37B unmanned space plane began as a NASA project in 1999, before transfer in 2004 to the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Then its mission control was transferred to the USAF Space Command in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

June 23, 2010  Cambridge, Massachusetts - Two months ago on April 22, 2010, at Space Launch Complex 41 at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida, there was a launch of America's first unmanned robotic spacecraft.


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Snakes Are Declining Around the World, But Why?

“Our data revealed an alarming trend.
The majority of snake populations had declined sharply ....”

- C. J. Reading, Ph.D., U. K. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology

June 2010, Biology Letters.
June 2010, Biology Letters.

June 23, 2010  Hammond, Louisiana - When the research paper above was first made public in Biology Letters the first week of June 2010, I was startled to learn that the European science team reported that beginning in the year 1998, 64% of the seventeen snake populations around the world that they studied have declined - some as severely as 90% loss - “and none (of decliners) have shown any sign of recovery over nearly a decade since the crash.” Some of those species in decline include the asp, smooth snake from Europe, the Gabon viper, the rhinoceros viper of West Africa and the royal python.


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Mysterious Aerial Object Over Reading, U. K.

“It doesn't look like any known aircraft I can think of, not a police or military drone, (outside chance it might be a black project craft), so I can't think what else it could be other than something extraordinary ... a true ufo.”

 - Kenneth Parsons, Director, British Earth and Aerial Mysteries Society

Enlargement of odd, bright, moving light at 10:30 PM, above Reading, Berkshire, England, on June 16, 2010. Image © 2010 submitted to British Earth and Aerial Mysteries Society (B.E.A.M.S.).
Enlargement of odd, bright, moving light at 10:30 PM, above Reading, Berkshire, England, on June 16, 2010. Image © 2010 submitted to British Earth and Aerial Mysteries Society (B.E.A.M.S.).

June 17, 2010  Reading, Berkshire, England - Today Kenneth John Parsons, Director of the British Earth and Aerial Mysteries Society (B.E.A.M.S.), emailed me images photographed around 10:30 PM on Wednesday night, June 16, 2010, of a mysterious aerial object above Reading, England, west of London. Identity of photographer withheld.


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Part 3:  High Strangeness – Buffalo Mutilation in Colorado

“The buffalo's penis and penile tissue had been removed
from inside the buffalo's abdomen with no signs of blood
or struggle inside a locked, metal corral.”


Return to Part 1.

June 13, 2010  Kiowa, Colorado - On October 19, 1994, at 11 AM, Doug Stewart, owner of the Denver Buffalo Co. near Kiowa, Colorado, found one of his buffaloes dead and mutilated. The 3 1/2-year-old male was in a locked metal corral that enclosed twenty-one buffalo. Stewart insisted the buffalo had been alive the night before when he had a veterinarian visit the corral to check on a different diseased animal.


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