Part 1:  Viewer Letters About Mysterious, Loud Booms

“How is it possible that I could not hear the sound at one end of the block, yet at the other end it was very, very loud?”

- Houston, Texas resident


October 3, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  During my Earthfiles news updates for Coast to Coast AM radio on September 29-30, one of my reports was about the unexplained global phenomenon of low-pitched “hums” around the world since first reported in Bristol, England, in 1979. Most recently, there have been persistent headlines from the Detroit, Michigan, and Windsor, Ontario, Canada, region since 2010 about people being kept awake by a low-pitched, pulsing sound.


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More Bizarre Cat Mutilations Near Vancouver, B. C., Canada

“Forensics in animal investigations are not a clear situation.  They are challenging cases. Of course, they are taken seriously. But the reality is, if we have no witnesses, it is very challenging to pursue cases like these.”

-Marcie Moriarty, Gen. Mgr., Cruelty Investigations, B. C. SPCA


October  3, 2011  Maple Ridge and Vancouver, B. C., Canada - In 1992 to 1993, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, had a rash of cats found cut in half - usually the front half was found on the owner's lawn. The Supervisor of Animal Control for the Vancouver City Pound told reporters,“The cats are clearly being butchered by someone. It's a real surgical job. And all I hope is that these cats were already dead when they were cut in half.”

At the time during those rash of cat mutilations in Vancouver, I was working with pathologist and hematologist John Altshuler, M. D., in Denver, Colorado. In March 1993, we were able to obtain one of the half cats - the front half - for analysis of the abdominal excision. Dr. Altshuler confirmed that the entire excision had been cut with something hot enough to cook the collagen and hemoglobin.


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Updated Japan’s 3/11 Radiation Refugees

“We in Otsu-City, Shiga Prefecture, 311 miles (500 km)
from Fukushima, are seeing readings around 0.15 microsieverts on average, which is around five times what the Japanese government is reporting. My wife and children will leave Japan as early as possible because I perceive a growing exodus will come and it might become hard to place kids in schools.””

-  Frank Daulton, Ph.D., Applied Linguistics, Ryukoku Univ., Kyoto, Japan

Testing citizens for radioactivity in Japan. Image © 2011 by Reuters.
Testing citizens for radioactivity in Japan. Image © 2011 by Reuters.
Fukushima Prefecture (top red circle) is where TEPCO nuclear power plants exploded and melted down after the March 11, 2011, 9.1 magnitude earthquake and tsunami. Fukushima, is 500 kilometers (311 miles) from Kyoto and Shiga Prefectures (lower red circle), where ground radiation in September 2011 is five times higher than what the Japanese government says, according to university professor.
Fukushima Prefecture (top red circle) is where TEPCO nuclear power plants exploded and melted down after the March 11, 2011, 9.1 magnitude earthquake and tsunami. Fukushima, is 500 kilometers (311 miles) from Kyoto and Shiga Prefectures (lower red circle), where ground radiation in September 2011 is five times higher than what the Japanese government says, according to university professor.

Update October 2, 2011- First physical traces of plutonium found 28 miles (45 km) from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in soil that underscores Prof. Daulton's deep concerns in this Earthfiles report - along with the general Japanese public's fears - about the radioactive dangers that persist in the air, water, marine seafood, soil and crops since Japan's 3/11.


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Part 2:  Interviews with Scientists Studying Mysterious, Ancient Stone Circles in Middle East Visible Only from Air

“What the functions of the circles are, nobody has excavated one to my knowledge. .... It's really difficult to say what these circles meant to those people 9,000 years ago.”

- Gary O. Rollefson, Ph.D., Prof. of Anthropology,
Whitman College, Walla, Walla, Washington


Visible only from the air, a couple thousand of these mysterious patterns are in the black lava rocks of the huge Harrat ash-Shaam lava field that extends into Jordan. Hundreds more are in the lava rock north into Syria and south into Saudi Arabia. The strange patterns are as old as 9,000 years, but the reason for their creation is unknown. Aerial image by David D. Boyer, Ph.D., APAAME.
Visible only from the air, a couple thousand of these mysterious patterns are in the black lava rocks of the huge Harrat ash-Shaam lava field that extends into Jordan. Hundreds more are in the lava rock north into Syria and south into Saudi Arabia. The strange patterns are as old as 9,000 years, but the reason for their creation is unknown. Aerial image by David D. Boyer, Ph.D., APAAME.

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September 30, 2011  Perth, Western Australia and Walla Walla, Washington - Twenty-five million years ago there were repeated volcanic eruptions in what is now modern day Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Today there is continuous dark basalt for 100 miles or more in a region called Harrat Ash-shaam. Lots of the basalt has broken up over time into jagged, rocks. In that vast 100 miles of black lava rock has emerged an archaeological mystery to rival the enigma on the Plains of Nazca in Peru. Thousands of circular patterns, many with spokes like a wheel, are found throughout the Harrat Ash-shaam.


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Part 4:  U. S. Government Knowledge of “Interplanetary” Craft, 1942 – 2011

“The NSC felt investigations of UFO sightings and incidents
had to continue in secrecy without any public knowledge. ...the fact that
an Alien was captured alive and survived for three years under secrecy cannot be released to the public for fear the information would be obtained by SHIS.”

- Page 7, “Executive Briefing, PROJECT AQUARIUS (TS)”


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September 17, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Without having a copy of the document that I was given to read at the April 9, 1983, Kirtland Air Force Office of Special Investigations meeting with Agent Doty, I made a lot of notes soon afterward that I used in my first book, An Alien Harvest: Further Evidence Linking Animal Mutilations and Human Abductions to Alien Life Forms © 1989. Please see Earthfiles Shop.


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Part 1: Mysterious, Ancient Stone Circles in Middle East Visible Only from Air

“In Jordan alone, we've got stone-built structures that are
far more numerous than the Nazca Lines, far more extensive
in the area that they cover, and far older.”

- David Kennedy, Ph.D., Univ. of Western Australia


The area near the Azraq Oasis a little south of Azraq ed Duruz, Jordan (east of Amman) has hundreds circular structures made of stone that date back at least 2,000 years old - and perhaps even 9,000-years-old. These wheel structures are often found on lava fields and range from 82 feet to 230 feet (25 meters to 70 meters) across. Archaeologists used to believe that the Azraq Oasis wheels were used as a cemetery, but that is now in doubt. None of the stone patterns can be seen from the flat ground, only from the air. Aerial image by David L. Kennedy, Ph.D., Aerial Photographic Archive for Archaeology in the Middle East (APAAME).
The area near the Azraq Oasis a little south of Azraq ed Duruz, Jordan (east of Amman) has hundreds circular structures made of stone that date back at least 2,000 years old - and perhaps even 9,000-years-old. These wheel structures are often found on lava fields and range from 82 feet to 230 feet (25 meters to 70 meters) across. Archaeologists used to believe that the Azraq Oasis wheels were used as a cemetery, but that is now in doubt. None of the stone patterns can be seen from the flat ground, only from the air. Aerial image by David L. Kennedy, Ph.D., Aerial Photographic Archive for Archaeology in the Middle East (APAAME).
The Harrat Ash Shaam (also known variously as the Harrat Ash Shamah and the Harrat e-Shamah) is a volcanic field covering a total area of some 40,000 square kilometers (15,000 square miles). This massive alkaline volcanic field extends from southern Syria, across Jordan east of Amman near Azraq ed Duraz, and into northwestern Saudi Arabia. Thousands of circular patterns in the black lava rocks date back between 2,000 and 9,000 years ago, but functions are unknown.
The Harrat Ash Shaam (also known variously as the Harrat Ash Shamah and the Harrat e-Shamah) is a volcanic field covering a total area of some 40,000 square kilometers (15,000 square miles). This massive alkaline volcanic field extends from southern Syria, across Jordan east of Amman near Azraq ed Duraz, and into northwestern Saudi Arabia. Thousands of circular patterns in the black lava rocks date back between 2,000 and 9,000 years ago, but functions are unknown.

September 16, 2011  Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia - Scientists at the University of Western Australia have taken almost 45,000 aerial images of mysterious stone circles, or “wheels,” they have found by satellite-mapping technologies in Syria and Saudi Arabia and an aerial photography project in Jordan. The number of stone patterns in only the region of Harrat ash-Shaam of Jordan are 1,000 or more.


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Part 3:  U. S. Government Knowledge of “Interplanetary” Craft, 1942 – 2011

“Missile Maintenance examined the missile and warhead
and found the nuclear components missing from the warhead.”

- Ellsworth AFB Complaint Report, November 16, 1977,


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September 15, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico - On April 9, 1983, I was at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque for a meeting with Air Force Office of Special Investigations Agent Richard C. Doty. The meeting had been arranged by New York attorney Peter Gersten. He had filed a January 23, 1980, FOIA Civil Action No. 80-1562 on behalf of his plaintiff, Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS), against the National Security Agency (NSA) defendant for whatever documents the agency had concerning unidentified flying objects. By October 1980 in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Peter Gersten and the NSA's Office of Policy Chief, Eugene F. Yeates, met in an in camera session. NSA had to admit the agency did have at least 239 classified documents related to the CAUS FOIA suit. NSA claimed the release of those documents would compromise American national security and the CAUS lawsuit was dismissed.


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What Fell in Western Skies September 15, 2011?

“On Wednesday night (Sept. 14, 2011) at approximately 7:45 PM PDT,
in the Yuma, Arizona foothills, an incredibly bright flash - like a movie set light - followed by a slow, horizontal, bright white, green and orange light.  Very impressive and not like anything we have ever seen.”

- Yuma, Arizona residents


Frame from video taken by Los Angeles, California resident, hmu4c, around 7:45 PM PDT, on September 14, 2011. See short video.
Frame from video taken by Los Angeles, California resident,
hmu4c, around 7:45 PM PDT, on September 14, 2011. See short video.

September 15, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico - On Wednesday, September 14th, around 7:45 PM Pacific Daylight Time, a bright, green object with a red-orange tail was seen in the night sky moving west to east over Los Angeles, San Diego, Riverside, Las Vegas, Yuma and Phoenix, Arizona. TV stations and police received many emails and phone calls from residents. Here is a brief sampling of eyewitness reports on the internet:


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Part 2:  U. S. Government Knowledge of “Interplanetary” Craft, 1942 – 2011

Page 004, MJ-12 briefing paper for American President-Elect Dwight David Eisenhower, Nov. 18, 1952.
Page 004, MJ-12 briefing paper for American President-Elect Dwight David Eisenhower, Nov. 18, 1952.


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September 12, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico - An alleged briefing paper for the 34th President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower, dated November 18, 1952, was first released to the public at the June 1987 Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) conference in Washington, D. C. It is stamped TOP SECRET/MAJIC and entitled “Briefing Document: Operation Majestic 12, Prepared for President-elect Dwight D. Eisenhower: (Eyes Only)   18 November 1952.”  The presenters of this leaked document at the MUFON conference were television producer Jaime Shandera and UFO researcher/author William Moore.


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