More Unexplained Booms – Earthfiles Viewer Letters

“The boom sound built up to percussion I could feel in my lungs, and when it went past me, the air seemed to suck right out of me.  The whole experience took less than 1.5 seconds, but left me in shock.”

- Loading Dock Worker, St. George, Utah


August 5, 2013  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Since my Earthfiles and COAST reports the end of May about the unexplained boom mystery throughout the United States since 2011 - possibly linked to Earth core changes - I continue to receive many unexplained boom reports. I am sharing some in this report with the hope that scientists, who might have more information about the possible link between the persistent, strange booms and Earth core changes, will contact me. All requests for anonymity are honored.


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Part 1:  Recent Bloodless Animal Mutilations with Scorched Grass in U. K. and Missouri. Other Mutilations in Argentina, Colorado, Nebraska and Idaho.

– “Even the foal's ear cut in half looked clean, like it was cauterized. My animal protection manager advised that the police should be contacted  because this was so unusual, unlike anything we've ever seen before.”

- Jennifer Thornton, Welfare Aide, South West Equine Protection, Dartmoor, U. K. re:  July 23, 2013, bloodless mutilation of 2-month-old foal

– “Something happened to these cows and it's not something that you see every day. It's not in your normal, so something else is going on (like E.T.s).”

- Lyn Mitchell, Rancher, 80 miles from Kansas City, Missouri
re:  July 19, 2013, cow mutilation, her third since December 2011


August 3, 2013  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Since the production of my first television documentary, A Strange Harvest, about the worldwide animal mutilation phenomenon broadcast May 25, 1980, on the then-CBS-affiliate KMGH-TV in Denver, Colorado, I have traveled to dozens of animal mutilation sites in a number of American states and in England. Always the first impression is how clean the animals and ground are, how bloodless the excisions are. “Eerily pristine,” one Colorado sheriff said. Retired Sheriff Tex Graves of Logan County told me in September 1979, during my first days of research for my TV documentary, that the “perpetrators of animal mutilations are creatures from outer space.”  [ See Earthfiles Shop.]


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Part 2:  Beyond Ridgeway 9 Rings – Diatonic Scale in Crop Formations

“Whoever made the crop patterns has the knowledge to conceive original theorems that haven't been stated before.”

- Gerald Hawkins, Ph.D., Astronomer and Mathematician


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July 27, 2013  Albuquerque, New Mexico - When I was producing my second book, Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. I: Facts & Eyewitnesses © 1993 (see Earthfiles Shop), I met and worked with astronomer and mathematician Gerald Hawkins, who had studied the astronomical alignments of ancient Stonehenge in southern England and written the book, Stonehenge Decoded © 1965, with John B. White.

During the 1990s, some crop formations in England were identified as containing mathematical relationships such as diatonic ratios, geometry theorems and fractals. The diatonic ratios intrigued Gerald Hawkins, who shared his research with me for my book. In this Earthfiles, I am sharing pages 53 - 59 and Appendices 1 through 3 from my original 1993 book.


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Part 1:  The Ridgeway Overton 9 Rings – Diatonic Scale and Einsteinian Physics

“There are nine rings, but eight spaces between them.  The eight spaces are the diatonic musical scale - the white notes  on the piano:  do re me fa so la ti do.”

- James Lyons, Retired U. K. Aerospace Engineer about Ridgeway pattern


July 26, 2013  Petersfield, Hampshire; and Cottingham, East Yorkshire, England - For at least 5,000 years, travelers in southern England have moved more easily from the Dorset coast to Norfolk by going along the high, drier ground called The Ridgeway, now designated as an 87-mile-long National Trail in the U. K.

The Ridgeway includes Overton Hill near Avebury where on July 6, 2013, nine rings were discovered in a wheat field there. The whole pattern was large, 186 feet in diameter measured by Charles Mallett, Director of the Silent Circle research center.


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Unidentified Cosmic Radio Bursts Baffle Astronomers

“We have uncovered four millisecond-duration radio transients all more than 40° from the Galactic plane.”

- Dan Thornton, Ph.D., Univ. of Manchester, U. K.

“We do not have an explanation for these radio bursts. It's something we just have not conceived of before - or there is no precedent for having seen anything like it.”

- James Cordes, Ph.D., Astronomer, Cornell University

 Parkes Radio Telescope, Australia, where “A Population of Fast Radio Bursts at Cosmological Distances,” was studied by astronomer Dan Thornton and international colleagues and published in Science on July 5, 2013. The radio signals have come from between 6 to 11 billion light-years away in this particular matter universe aged 13.8 billion light-years. Image by CSIRO.
Parkes Radio Telescope, Australia, where “A Population of Fast Radio Bursts at Cosmological Distances,” was studied by astronomer Dan Thornton and international colleagues and published in Science on July 5, 2013. The radio signals have come from between 6 to 11 billion light-years away in this particular matter universe aged 13.8 billion light-years. Image by CSIRO.


July 26, 2013  Ithaca, New York - Earlier this year, astronomers at the University of Auckland in New Zealand calculated there are around 100 billion habitable Earth-like planets in our Milky Way galaxy alone.

From Harvard University to University of Auckland, New Zealand, astronomers, the estimate of habitable Earth-like planets in our Milky Way galaxy alone keeps rising - now as high as 100 billion. And there are billions of galaxies in this universe.
From Harvard University to University of Auckland, New Zealand, astronomers, the estimate of habitable Earth-like planets in our Milky Way galaxy alone keeps rising - now as high as 100 billion. And there are billions of galaxies in this universe.


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Comet ISON – First Visit to Solar System

“Even if this comet survives passage (of the sun), which is by no means guaranteed because it's getting within 1/10th of a solar radii of the sun, it can be split up into many small pieces, which themselves could evaporate away. ...We really don't know.”

- Karl Hibbits, Ph.D., John Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory


July 26, 2013  - Long before any human knew about it, a half-mile-diameter clump of ice and rock far beyond Pluto began to move from its position in the primordial, cold Oort cloud that surrounds our solar system. Perturbed to move toward the sun's gravitational pull, the rough ball of ice for the first time headed into the solar system.

Graphic depiction of the Oort cloud's spherical distribution of comets, rocks  and dust around the solar system. The orbits of Uranus and Pluto are depicted at 50  astronomical units (A.U.) from the sun (1 A. U. = 93 million miles). The distance from our sun  to the outer limits of the Oort comet cloud is about three trillion miles, or one-half a light year.  Our nearest star, Alpha Centauri, is four light years away.
Graphic depiction of the Oort cloud's spherical distribution of comets, rocks and dust around the solar system. The orbits of Uranus and Pluto are depicted at 50 astronomical units (A.U.) from the sun (1 A. U. = 93 million miles). The distance from our sun to the outer limits of the Oort comet cloud is about three trillion miles, or one-half a light year. Our nearest star, Alpha Centauri, is four light years away.


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50,000-Year-Old Cypress Forest Discovered 60 Feet Underwater Off Mobile, Alabama

“These stumps are so big, they're upwards of two meters (6 feet) in diameter -  the size of trucks. They probably contain thousands of growth rings.”

- Grant Harley, Ph.D., Geography, Univ. of So. Mississippi


The half-mile-long stretch of underwater cypress has been radiocarbon-dated to between 50,000 and 80,000 years old. Its preservation was by sand cover that kept the cypress free of oxygen until Hurricane Katrina on August 23, 2005, exposed the ancient trees at a depth of 60 feet beneath the Gulf waters 15 miles off Mobile, Alabama's shore. That discovery was kept secret until 2012 when newspaper reporter Ben Raines was approached to investigate the cypress. See the Weeks Bay Foundation. Image © 2012 by Ben Raines and
The half-mile-long stretch of underwater cypress has been radiocarbon-dated to between 50,000 and 80,000 years old. Its preservation was by sand cover that kept the cypress free of oxygen until Hurricane Katrina on August 23, 2005, exposed the ancient trees at a depth of 60 feet beneath the Gulf waters 15 miles off Mobile, Alabama's shore. That discovery was kept secret until 2012 when newspaper reporter Ben Raines was approached to investigate the cypress. See the Weeks Bay Foundation.
Image © 2012 by Ben Raines and

July 25, 2013  Mobile, Alabama - Ancient bald cypress forests (Taxodium distichumonce) dominated swamps in the southeastern United States for at least 2,000 years.


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Updated:  Mystery Images from Spain Seafloor. Kenya Circles Solved.

“The grid pattern (on Monaco Deep seafloor) is so deep that I doubt a modern civilization or Government built something down there - it would cost too much and why build at such a mile-deep crushing depth?”

- U. S. Intelligence Analyst


Updated:  July 21, 2013  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Recently I received the following images and information that I am sharing at Earthfiles to see if anyone has other substantive information about the Monaco Deep grid mystery off the coast of Spain.  Updated:  Received answer on Kenya aerial image of circles from retired U. S. Navy Captain below.


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 Final Part 6: Military High Strangeness in Jordan? A Different, Positive Interaction with Reptilian Humanoids

“The only apparent light source was on the face of this creature, like a hologram of a human face superimposed and glowing over the alien's face. It was radiating light and this was done to disguise his true scaly, reptilian appearance.”

- Jim Sparks, Author, The Keepers

Return to Part 1.

July 9, 2013  Albuquerque, New Mexico - In contrast to the previous 5 parts about negative interactions with alleged reptilian humanoids, in my third book, Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. II: High Strangeness (Earthfiles shop) and in this original December 14, 2006, Earthfiles interview, abductee Jim Sparks (More Information below) describes his positive interaction with tall, reptilian humanoids. Jim explains how their non-human species has tried to communicate with the U. S. government about Earth's serious environmental deterioration, clean energy alternatives and the need to tell the human family about the reptilian presence and urgency to stop so many global pollutions. But timetable agreements have not been met.


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