Part 3: Maze of Deception

“Not all moving lights are hard physical objects,
and in a sense your contact is right in stating that the NHEs
have come into this dimension from another.” 

- The Writers

Parallel dimensions © by DJ Spyros.
Parallel dimensions © by DJ Spyros.

Return to Part 1.

April 16, 2015 Albuquerque, New Mexico - On August 16, 1994, I received a reply to my letter of questions about the Writers' earlier first floppy disc dated July 16, 1994. The second floppy disc contained the following five pages from the two men who had originally contacted Ray Boeche and showed identification from DIA and the Department of Defense in Washington, D. C. The Christian religious context of this reply by The Writers might relate more to their upbringing than hard, objective facts about non-human entities (NHEs), but personal background details are unknown. Content in Real X-Files at is presented for consideration in a wide range of phenomena and interpretations, not as proven fact.


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Part 2: Maze of Deception

“That whistleblower told me that non-human entities from some other
dimension have come into this universe/dimension from an unimaginable place through tears in the electromagnetic membrane between universes.” 

- Linda Moulton Howe in Q & A with The Writers

Return to Part 1.

April 13, 2015 Albuquerque, New Mexico - After receiving The Writers' first floppy disc communication to me dated June 21, 1994, I submitted my questions and comments on July 16, 1994.


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Part 1: Maze of Deception

“Our misguided program directors cling to the false belief
that we can control or manipulate the Non-Human Entities (NHEs),
when in actuality, the reverse is occurring - we are the
ones being manipulated and deceived.”

- DIA and NSA Agents, “The Writers”

April 9, 2015 Albuquerque, New Mexico - A trusted research colleague I had known since the early 1980s called me in May 1994, soon after my second book Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. I: Facts & Eyewitnesses was first published. See Earthfiles Shop.

The caller was Ray Boeche, Th.D., a devout Christian and a pastor, who was also a computer graphics illustrator at the University of Nebraska and long time investigator of the UFO phenomenon, including the baffling events at RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge in England, December 26 - 28, 1980. Ray told me on the phone that he had been contacted by two men who showed identification from the National Security Agency (NSA), Fort Meade, Maryland, and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) in Washington, D. C.


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Update April 1, 2015 – U. K. MoD Delays Once Again Release of 18 Classified UFO Files Admittedly Withheld in FOIA Correspondence with Retired USAF Tech Sgt. John Burroughs.

“I read the Condign report and in my FOIA to the MoD, I asked specific
questions about Condign that said we were exposed to this
(non-ionising radiation) phenomena in Rendlesham Forest.”

- USAF Tech Sgt. (Ret.) John Burroughs

“These documents could be legitimately called Britain's X-Files
and almost certainly contain further documents on the Rendlesham
Forest incident. Given the US government recently settled an injury claim
(to John Burroughs) on the basis of a UK government admission that
the Rendlesham witnesses were probably irradiated, it's possible this has
caused a high-level diplomatic row, and that's what's causing the delay.”

- Nick Pope, formerly on MoD UFO Desk

March 31, 2015, U. K. Mirror. See Websites below.
March 31, 2015, U. K. Mirror. See Websites below.

April 1, 2015 Update Albuquerque, New Mexico - Of original October 30, 2014 MoD admission to retired USAF Tech Sgt. John Burroughs that the MoD is withholding 18 classified UAP/UFO-related files  — On March 2 and 16, 2015, Lord Black of Brentwood in the U. K. House of Lords, asked “Her Majesty's Government” when 18 MoD classified files about UFOs would be made public by the National Archives, whether they will “be released in a single batch or in multiple batches,” and “why the timescale for the transfer of the 18 unidentified flying object files from the Ministry of Defence to the National Archives has been delayed from the end of 2014, as previously announced, to late 2015 or early 2016?”


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What Are the Bright Spots and Hexagonal Craters On Mysterious Ceres?

— “Those two bright spots are very intriguing. DAWN will resume
taking pictures in the early part of May 2015 ... three times sharper
than the ones we have so far.”

- Marc D. Rayman, Ph.D., Dawn Mission Director
and Chief Engineer, NASA/JPL, Pasadena, California

— “If we discover something like cryovolcanism on Ceres, that would be spectacular because it would be an indicator that there are subsurface reservoirs of water ... and that could make Ceres very astrobiologically important.”

- Mark Sykes, Ph.D., Director, Planetary Science Institute
and NASA Dawn Ceres Mission Scientist


Ceres is near the rocky asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, but round and so is called  a dwarf planet. It is small, only 590 miles in diameter, with a surface temperature of minus-105 degrees C. (minus-157 degrees F.). Yet, it's estimated to be 20% water ice and some  scientists think that the bright spots could be fresh ice somehow ejected from below the surface.  Feb. 19, 2015 image by NASA/JPL.
Ceres is near the rocky asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, but round and so is called a dwarf planet. It is small, only 590 miles in diameter, with a surface temperature of minus-105 degrees C. (minus-157 degrees F.). Yet, it's estimated to be 20% water ice and some scientists think that the bright spots could be fresh ice somehow ejected from below the surface. Feb. 19, 2015 image by NASA/JPL.
Ceres is 514 million miles (2.77 astronomical units) from the sun around which it  revolves every 4.61 Earth years in a nearly circular orbit. A day on Ceres is 9.1 hours. Ceres was the first object in the asteroid belt to be discovered in 1801 by Giuseppe Piazzi,  who thought it was a new planet because it was round. Ceres is not like the rocky asteroids and in 2006, the Astronomical Union decided to classify Ceres as a dwarf planet, small and round.
Ceres is 514 million miles (2.77 astronomical units) from the sun around which it revolves every 4.61 Earth years in a nearly circular orbit. A day on Ceres is 9.1 hours. Ceres was the first object in the asteroid belt to be discovered in 1801 by Giuseppe Piazzi, who thought it was a new planet because it was round. Ceres is not like the rocky asteroids and in 2006, the Astronomical Union decided to classify Ceres as a dwarf planet, small and round.

March 27, 2015 Pasadena, California - On February 19, 2015, the NASA/JPL Dawn spacecraft was 28 thousand miles from our solar system's dwarf planet Ceres near the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Ceres is in the small planet category because it is so round. Asteroids are not round. They are jagged rocks. Also, Ceres is only 590 miles in diameter made of 20% water ice with a surface temperature of minus-105 degrees Centigrade. That's a very cold minus-157 degrees Fahrenheit. One of Ceres's many mysteries is what dense ingredients came together at the beginning of this solar system that would have enough mass to form such a small, round ball that might even have a thin atmosphere?


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What Heats the Bottom of the Enceladus Moon’s Ocean to 194 Degrees Fahrenheit?

— “We think that the temperature at least in some part of the ocean
must be higher than 190 degrees Fahrenheit. If you could swim a little bit
further from the really hot part, then it could be comfy.”

- Sean Hsu, Ph.D., Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, Univ. of Colorado

— “[For such heat] the most exciting possibility is that there's ongoing chemical reactions between the rock inside Enceladus and the water.”

- Bill McKinnon, Ph.D., Planetary Scientist, Washington Univ.-St. Louis


March 27, 2015 Boulder, Colorado - In 2014, NASA reported that gravity-measuring devices on its Cassini spacecraft showed there was an enormous body of liquid water directly below the south pole of Enceladus, one of Saturn's 31 moons and the sixth largest.

Measurements from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft suggest that Saturn’s moon, Enceladus, which has jets of water vapor and ice gushing from its south pole, also harbors a large interior ocean with hydrothermal activity beneath an ice shell, as this illustration depicts. (Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech)
Measurements from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft suggest that Saturn’s moon, Enceladus, which has jets of water vapor and ice gushing from its south pole, also harbors a large interior ocean with hydrothermal activity beneath an ice shell, as this illustration depicts. (Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech)


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Part 1: Mysterious Booms Provoke American Businessman to Investigate Possible Link to Earth’s Core

“The dramatic changes in physical properties at the Earth's Core Mantle Boundary strongly suggest a major compositional change rather than a phase change.   … In contrast to the outer core, the inner core is denser than pure iron, so it is  thought to be iron-nickel without a light element. Thus it is chemically different  from the outer core, as well as being solid rather than liquid.”

- Seth Stein, Ph.D., Geophysicist, Northwestern University lecture, about three large, unexplained booms over Jefferson Hills, Pennsylvania, Sunday night, March 15, 2015, about fifteen miles southeast of Pittsburgh., about three large, unexplained booms over Jefferson Hills, Pennsylvania, Sunday night, March 15, 2015, about fifteen miles southeast of Pittsburgh.
Three years to the day earlier: March 15, 2012, TV headline by, Jacksonville, Florida, about booms heard in 5 Georgia counties at the same time.
Three years to the day earlier: March 15, 2012, TV headline by, Jacksonville, Florida, about booms heard in 5 Georgia counties at the same time.

March 27, 2015 Southeastern United States - Earthfiles has been reporting unusual, unexplained loud booms, metallic and trumpet sounds in North America and other parts of the world since 2011. One of the puzzling facts is that very few places have had any seismic activity recorded by the U. S. Geological Survey. And yet, the thousands of people throughout North America, who have experienced the booms say that at least one side of their house shakes hard, rattling windows and floors and spooking dogs, cats and other animals. Adding to the puzzle is that some people think the booms are coming from below ground, while others think booms are coming from the sky above. Sometimes there have even been mysterious bright flashes of light with the booms on clear weather days or nights.


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Part 2: Are Inner Core Changes Causing Mysterious Booms and Magnetic Field Changes Leading To A Pole Flip?

“If the government is beginning to see patterns that might suggest
this type of disruptive activity occurring in the Earth’s core and then other dynamics, which erupt from that, then they are going ... to establish solid scientific proof for acceptance that such phenomenon are going to occur and then the ramifications that could come from such phenomenon.”

- “James Smith,” U. S. corporation owner concerned about boom phenomenon


Return to Part 1.

March 27, 2015 Southeastern United States - The Earth's magnetic field is thought to be generated by the Earth's inner and outer cores where the solid inner sphere of mostly iron and a little nickel spins rapidly inside the outer liquid iron core. Geophysicists report that quite incredibly the solid inner core spins faster than the whole Earth rotates.

The inner core, on average, rotates eastward. At the speeds it travels, it might, on average, complete a revolution every 750 to 1,440 years. However, these speeds appear unstable, which makes it uncertain just how long it actually takes to finish a turn on its axis. It remains unknown exactly why there are fluctuations in the inner core rotation speed, but speculation is that it is related to gravitational and magnetic forces.

The European Space Agency's Swarm Satellite measurements of the Earth's magnetic field between January and June 2014 showed a dramatic decline in the magnetic field over North and South America with a strengthening of the magnetic field over the southern Indian Ocean. If in 2015, the magnetic field continues to decline, it might be a signal that the North and South magnetic poles might actually flip at some point in this 21st Century.

Swarm satellite (ESA) measurements made from January to June 2014  show a dramatic decline in Earth's magnetic field over North and South  America with a strengthening of the Earth's magnetic field over the southern  Indian Ocean. 2014 image by ESA's Swarm Satellite.
Swarm satellite (ESA) measurements made from January to June 2014 show a dramatic decline in Earth's magnetic field over North and South America with a strengthening of the Earth's magnetic field over the southern Indian Ocean. 2014 image by ESA's Swarm Satellite.

Further on February 5, 2015, the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University published a report with data that shows seafloor volcano activity over the centuries also relates to the Earth's history of pole changes.See Websites below.


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Long Rumbles Shook Houses March 16th from North Carolina to Delaware, Followed by Huge Fish Kill and Dolphin Stranding On Outer Banks

— “The U. S. Geological Survey wants to hear from coastal residents about two rumbles that shook houses from the Carolina coast to Delaware
Monday, but the USGS's instruments did not detect earthquakes in the region.” The rumbles were exactly 2 hours apart.

- The Outer Banks Voice, March 17, 2015

— “This Monday, March 16, 2015, we had another terrifying shaking of the house, this time I was at my home. I just knew it had to be an earthquake because it did something that I have only seen during a real earthquake at my home and that is it made the sliding glass door panels all bow in and out very rapidly. Big 6 and 8’ sliders. This never happens.” But USGS says no quake.

- Resident of Currituck County, North Carolina


From the Outer Banks of North Carolina at the Google marker up the East Coast to Atlantic City, New Jersey, is about 345 miles. Two 20-second-long rumbles exactly two hours apart shook houses from the Outer Banks to New Jersey on Monday, March 16, 2015. The first occurred at 4:24 PM Eastern and the second at 6:24 PM Eastern, according to the U. S. Geological Survey, but NO seismic activity.
From the Outer Banks of North Carolina at the Google marker up the East Coast to Atlantic City, New Jersey, is about 345 miles. Two 20-second-long rumbles exactly two hours apart shook houses from the Outer Banks to New Jersey on Monday, March 16, 2015. The first occurred at 4:24 PM Eastern and the second at 6:24 PM Eastern, according to the U. S. Geological Survey, but NO seismic activity.

March 19, 2015 Outer Banks, North Carolina - Earthfiles first began reporting unusual, unexplained loud booms, metallic and trumpet sounds in North America and other parts of the world in 2011. One of the puzzling facts is that very few places have had any seismic activity recorded by the U. S. Geological Survey. And yet, the thousands of people throughout North America, who have experienced the booms say that at least one side of their house shakes hard, rattling windows and floors and spooking dogs, cats and other animals. Adding to the puzzle is that some ear listeners think the booms are coming from below ground, while others think it’s coming from the sky above.


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Persistent Dust Cloud and December 2014 Aurora On Mars Still Mysteries

— “What's especially surprising about the aurora we saw is how deep
in the atmosphere it occurs — much deeper than at Earth or elsewhere on Mars. The electrons producing it must be really energetic.”

- Arnaud Stiepen, IUVS Team at LASP, Univ. of Colorado

— “No known process on Mars can explain the appearance of dust
in the observed locations” from normally expected sources.

- NASA and University of Colorado LASP

NASA's Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) spacecraft using its  UltraViolet Spectrograph (IUVS) to observe the December 2014 "Christmas Lights Aurora" on the red planet. The aurora is similar to Earth's Northern Lights, agitated by especially energetic  solar particles. Image credit: LASP, University of Colorado, Boulder.
NASA's Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) spacecraft using its UltraViolet Spectrograph (IUVS) to observe the December 2014 "Christmas Lights Aurora" on the red planet. The aurora is similar to Earth's Northern Lights, agitated by especially energetic solar particles. Image credit: LASP, University of Colorado, Boulder.

March 18, 2015 Boulder, Colorado - Today, NASA reported about its efforts to understand “two unexpected phenomena in the Martian atmosphere: an unexplained high-altitude dust cloud and aurora that reaches deep into the Martian atmosphere.” No known process on Mars can explain the appearance of dust in the observed locations from normally expected sources. Further concerning the mysterious aurora, MAVEN detected “a huge surge in energetic electrons at the onset of the aurora” that must be solar particles suddenly increasing, but why?

Both mysteries were detected by NASA's Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution, MAVEN, spacecraft that has been orbiting the red planet since September 22, 2014.


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