Middle Eastern Mystery: Thousands of Odd Pre-Historic Stone Patterns

“In Jordan alone, we've got stone-built structures that are far more numerous than the Nazca Lines, far more extensive in the area that they cover, and far older.”

- David Kennedy, Ph.D., Univ. of Western Australia

Mysterious patterns in lava rock of volcanic fields covering at least 15,000 square miles (40,000 square km) in southwestern Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen (map below). Upper left to right clockwise: thousands of circular "wheels," long bullseye "pendants," long rectangular "gates," triangular "keyhole burials." Below: Large lines of "kites" have also been found on Google Earth satellite images. Kites date to at least 8,500 years ago and one speculation is they were used to trap and hold animals. But even that concept is controversial among archaeologists who are stunned by the blanketing of harsh, uninhabited volcanic fields by so many strange patterns, some of which run for 7 kilometers, almost 5 miles, but are only two or three feet high. Images provided by Prof. David Kennedy, UWA.
Mysterious patterns in lava rock of volcanic fields covering at least 15,000 square miles (40,000 square km) in southwestern Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen (map below). Upper left to right clockwise: thousands of circular "wheels," long bullseye "pendants," long rectangular "gates," triangular "keyhole burials." Below: Large lines of "kites" have also been found on Google Earth satellite images. Kites date to at least 8,500 years ago and one speculation is they were used to trap and hold animals. But even that concept is controversial among archaeologists who are stunned by the blanketing of harsh, uninhabited volcanic fields by so many strange patterns, some of which run for 7 kilometers, almost 5 miles, but are only two or three feet high. Images provided by Prof. David Kennedy, UWA.


Kite found in Google Earth at lat/long N by E   Altitude 1,336 feet.
Kite found in Google Earth at lat/long N by E   Altitude 1,336 feet.
Another large kite found in Google Earth, but without lat/long and altitude information.
Another large kite found in Google Earth, but without lat/long and altitude information.
Mysterious patterns in lava rock of volcanic fields covering at least 15,000 square miles (40,000 square km) in southwestern Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen have been found on Google Earth satellite images in the red areas above.
Mysterious patterns in lava rock of volcanic fields covering at least 15,000 square miles (40,000 square km) in southwestern Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen have been found on Google Earth satellite images in the red areas above.

December 18, 2015  Perth, Australia - Scientists at the University of Western Australia working with Oxford University in England have taken more than 45,000 aerial images of mysterious landscape glyphs that were created between 2,000 and 9,000 years ago with intricate, precise and very different shapes. There are circular "wheels," long bullseye "pendants," triangular "keyholes," long rectangular "gates," and large "kites." The patterns can only be seen from the air and the first people to report some of them in uninhabited lava beds were RAF pilots delivering mail from Cairo to Baghdad and India in 1921 after World War I.


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Part 1: Praying Mantis Emerges in Meditation

“This praying mantis creature's civilization communicates difficult concepts via the use of symbols that radiate emotion. ...The emotional aspect is relayed via carrier waves that resemble sound waves, but are not part of the human sound spectrum. These waves can be felt, but not heard.”

- Linda Porter, Human Abductee, 1963, Covina, California

“I was overwhelmed by the power of presence (of mantis being) that was
suddenly before me. ... waves of thought energy flooded my being
and it was really a wave of love that filled me.”

- “G. S.”, TV director and meditator, 2010, Toronto Canada


December 18, 2015 Toronto, Canada - “G. S.” is a 59-year-old TV director, who lives and works in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He was born and raised in Montreal and after graduating high school in 1974, he earned a degree in communication studies specializing in TV production from a local university in 1979. But even before graduation, he found himself drawn to Eastern philosophy of meditation and over the next twenty-four years, he would live off and on in the Indian Himalaya region studying meditation techniques with a master.

Then in 2010 at age 54, the most extraordinary meditation experience of his life occurred on a summer afternoon in his downtown Toronto condo.


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Mysterious Granite Head On U. K.’s Isle of Portland.

"The book I have on Portland describes the Head as perhaps being Phoenician, but who knows?”

- Gill Nicholas, resident of Devizes, England

Left:  Is an illustration of an alleged big-nosed, "cloned biological entity (CBE)" with no chin, vertical pupils, large ears, wearing a ropey headdress and holding an alleged communication rod at a New Mexico pre-arranged landing with U. S. government representatives on April 25, 1964. See Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. I: Facts & Eyewitnesses by Linda Moulton Howe in Earthfiles Shop.   Middle and right: Entity with huge nose, narrow eyes, a "crest" that might be under the CBE's headdress on left. Stone head is allegedly made of granite and currently in the garden of the U. K. Isle of Portland Museum. Historically, the unusual stone head has been linked to Phoenicia. See Websites at end of this report.
Left:  Is an illustration of an alleged big-nosed, "cloned biological entity (CBE)" with no chin, vertical pupils, large ears, wearing a ropey headdress and holding an alleged communication rod at a New Mexico pre-arranged landing with U. S. government representatives on April 25, 1964. See Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. I: Facts & Eyewitnesses by Linda Moulton Howe in Earthfiles Shop.   Middle and right: Entity with huge nose, narrow eyes, a "crest" that might be under the CBE's headdress on left. Stone head is allegedly made of granite and currently in the garden of the U. K. Isle of Portland Museum. Historically, the unusual stone head has been linked to Phoenicia. See Websites at end of this report.


December 9, 2015 - Isle of Portland, U. K. - In the early 1990s, I met Gill and Rob Nicholas in Wiltshire, England, when I was investigating crop formations. The three of us have been together in some remarkable adventures. One night in late summer 1999, we and others watched through an infrared scope while a bizarre glowing, oval object appeared to jump back and forth and change shape into a square and back to an oval for at least an hour above a rain-flooded East Field near Alton Barnes. Gill is very sensitive to the environment around her, the seen and unseen. On December 5, 2015, I received the following email from her about a mysterious granite head she saw in the garden of the U. K.'s Isle of Portland Museum highlighted by the red Google pointer on the map below about 145 miles southwest of London.


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Part 3: Booms, Metallic Scraping and Bright Light Flash

“I stopped what I was doing to look around for a safe place to duck
into if the ceiling started to fall — that's how much the building was shaking and rattling.”

- Resident earwitness, Bullhead City, AZ, Dec. 3, 2015

“The four booms sounded exactly like bombs. But, my first thought is
that these sounds are somehow being manufactured. All four sound-events
were exactly the same, as though someone were playing a 'sound sample'.”

- Retired Army earwitness, Helena, MT, Nov. 23, 2015


Return to Part 1.

December 7, 2015 Albuquerque, New Mexico - Strange, unidentified loud booms, metallic scraping and trumpet sounds continue to be reported in Fall 2015.


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Part 2: Booms, Metallic Scraping and Bright Light Flash

“I heard what sounded like a very loud bulldozer scraping
on the cement ... ‘Wow, I wonder if that could have been an EMP —
electromagnetic pulse? — because it set off the train signal.’”

- “Lisa,” telecommunication sales, Pittsburg, Kansas


Pittsburg, Kansas at Google pointer is 96 miles northwest of Springfield Missouri; 121 miles northwest of Eureka Springs, Arkansas; and 138 miles northeast of Tulsa, Oklahoma..  Carthage, Missouri, 38 miles southeast of Pittsburg, is historically linked to high strangeness.  On March 7, 2004, a man named Pat Garrett reported to BUFO Paranormal and UFO Radio  that he was investigating an alleged underground storage facility when "two creatures,  one was very tall at least 7' feet maybe more and very powerfully built...reddish in color and the other was smaller about 6' feet, but it was not red in color but pale, like an albino and it was not as powerfully built as the other. They looked like REPTILES... living, walking, intelligent beings ...not human...not warm blooded. But reptiles!"  See Websites below.
Pittsburg, Kansas at Google pointer is 96 miles northwest of Springfield Missouri; 121 miles northwest of Eureka Springs, Arkansas; and 138 miles northeast of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Carthage, Missouri, 38 miles southeast of Pittsburg, is historically linked to high strangeness. On March 7, 2004, a man named Pat Garrett reported to BUFO Paranormal and UFO Radio that he was investigating an alleged underground storage facility when "two creatures, one was very tall at least 7' feet maybe more and very powerfully built...reddish in color and the other was smaller about 6' feet, but it was not red in color but pale, like an albino and it was not as powerfully built as the other. They looked like REPTILES... living, walking, intelligent beings ...not human...not warm blooded. But reptiles!" See Websites below.



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Part 1: Booms, Metallic Scraping and Bright Light Flash

“Here's a slow motion version of the footage our camera caught of the
bright flash that accompanied last Saturday's (November 21 at 2:25 AM) loud booming sound.”

- Petersburg Public Library, Alaska


December 1, 2015 - Since January 2011, Earthfiles has produced more than a hundred news reports about mysterious, unexplained booms in North America, Europe, and other parts of the world. This year of 2015, there were many boom reports at the beginning of the year and then strangely quiet until September to October. Below are some of the emails Earthfiles has recently received from California, Alaska, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Illinois and Florida. The mysterious boom phenomena has been heard by thousands of people and authorities with lots of news coverage, such as Clintonville, Wisconsin, or in five southeastern counties in Georgia all reporting booms at the same time.


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Part 2: Death from Below and Above in Earth Mass Extinctions

“There’s also a correlation between the times of comet impacts and large scale volcanism on the Earth. ...They are tens of thousands of times larger than the stuff that’s been coming out of Kilauea in the past 20 or 30 years.”

- Michael Rampino, Ph.D., NYU Geologist

The “double whammy” of global volcanic agitation of Earth 66 million years ago  at the same time that a 6-mile wide outer space chunk of rock or ice slammed  into the Gulf of Mexico caused K-T boundary mass extinctions on Earth.  Illustration © by Sergey Krasovskiy/Corbis.
The “double whammy” of global volcanic agitation of Earth 66 million years ago at the same time that a 6-mile wide outer space chunk of rock or ice slammed into the Gulf of Mexico caused K-T boundary mass extinctions on Earth. Illustration © by Sergey Krasovskiy/Corbis.

Return to Part 1.

November 23, 2015 New York City, N.Y. - There was a “double whammy” of global volcanic agitation of Earth 66 million years ago at the same time that a 6-mile-wide outer space chunk of rock or ice slammed into the Gulf of Mexico creating the 12-mile-deep and 112-mile-wide Chicxulub crater that wiped out the dinosaurs.

Even more ancient back to 511 million years ago during the Early-Middle Cambrian, there was the first dramatic reduction in complex multicelluar life on Earth considered to be the first mass extinction. At that time, there were huge volcanic eruptions from the Kalkarindji volcanoes in Northern and Western Australia that covered 2 million square kilometers/ 772,204 square miles with deep lava.


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Thermal Imaging of Great Pyramid of Giza Reveals “Impressive Heat Anomaly” On East Side

“The pyramid itself, yeah, it’s incredible that they did it and
it would be great to know how they did it. If there was an internal ramp,
how did it work? Will it tell us anything about how they turned the
corners with the blocks? That would be great to know!”

- John Coleman Darnell, Ph.D., Prof. of Egyptology, Yale University

Thermal imaging of the Great Pyramid of Khufu or Cheops at Giza has revealed anomalies of an estimated 6-degrees-higher temperature in three of the highlighted limestone blocks above on the east side as well as in the upper half of the Great Pyramid. The thermal investigation began October 25, 2015, by the Scan Pyramid project. Additional thermal anomalies have been detected at the pyramid of Khafre as well as the Red and Bent Pyramids at Dahshur. Is there an opening behind these warmer stones? Image courtesy Scan Pyramids.
Thermal imaging of the Great Pyramid of Khufu or Cheops at Giza has revealed anomalies of an estimated 6-degrees-higher temperature in three of the highlighted limestone blocks above on the east side as well as in the upper half of the Great Pyramid. The thermal investigation began October 25, 2015, by the Scan Pyramid project. Additional thermal anomalies have been detected at the pyramid of Khafre as well as the Red and Bent Pyramids at Dahshur. Is there an opening behind these warmer stones? Image courtesy Scan Pyramids.
This thermal scan shows that the temperature of three limestone blocks at ground level on the eastern facing side of the Great Pyramid is elevated by a few degrees, see scale on the right. Researchers say cause could be internal air currents, differences in the limestone or by an opening behind the wall. Thermal image courtesy Scan Pyramids.
This thermal scan shows that the temperature of three limestone blocks at ground level on the eastern facing side of the Great Pyramid is elevated by a few degrees, see scale on the right. Researchers say cause could be internal air currents, differences in the limestone or by an opening behind the wall. Thermal image courtesy Scan Pyramids.

November 20, 2015 New Haven, Connecticut - The Great Pyramid of Giza — also known as the Khufu Pyramid or Cheops (Greek name) — is the oldest and largest of the three big pyramids in the Giza compound outside Cairo, Egypt. Built some 4,560 years ago, the Great Pyramid was the tallest manmade structure in the world for nearly 4,000 years.


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NASA Now Helping to Photograph Mysterious, Large Geoglyphs in Northern Kazakhstan

“I think everything began 13 to 20 thousand years ago by the earliest settlers to the Middle East and Europe.”

- Dimitriy Dei, Kazakhstan archaeologist, who first discovered mysterious geoglyphs

“...I’ve never seen anything exactly like these.”

- Persis B. Clarkson, Ph.D., Prof. of Anthropology, Univ. of Winnipeg


Turgay Swastika next to circles or rings first discovered in February 2007 by Kazakh archaeologist Dimitriy Dei. The 3-armed pattern is unusual, measures 90 meters in diameter, or 295 feet, and is estimated to be 7,000 to 8,000 years old. Google Earth image.
Turgay Swastika next to circles or rings first discovered in February 2007 by Kazakh archaeologist Dimitriy Dei. The 3-armed pattern is unusual, measures 90 meters in diameter, or 295 feet, and is estimated to be 7,000 to 8,000 years old. Google Earth image.


November 20, 2015 Greenbelt, Maryland - Kazakhstan is the ninth largest country in the world, larger than Western Europe, and extends from the Caspian Sea on the west to Mongolia on the east; from Russia in the north to Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and China in the south. Kazakhstan was the second largest republic in Russia until the 1991 collapse of the U.S.S.R.

Kazakhstan has been inhabited for a long time and it is thought those people were the first humans to domesticate and ride horses. In fact, the name, Kazakhstan, is from an old Turkic word that meant “independent, a free spirit.”


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