Part 2: Three Cape Girardeau Aliens Underneath the Nation’s Capitol?

“We are not engaged in an arms race, but rather in a race of perfecting
an integrated program of UFO technology (including extraterrestrial plasma weapons and Electro-Magnetic Pulse devices.) ... But our scientists will not turn to national defense unless they perceive an actual danger to the United States. A danger was perceived in 1939, only two years
before a UFO was captured in 1941, and Pearl Harbor (Japan attack).

It is vital that scientists should perceive the danger now, before it is too late. What is at stake is not only the prevention of defeat, but prevention of cosmic war. Nevertheless, convincing the American scientific community that military UFO research (is important) is a most difficult undertaking.”

- Excerpt from a 1980s paper entitled “UFO Technology and the Imbalance of Power” by Edward Teller, Ph.D., physicist and former director of the “Star Wars” Space Defense Initiative (SDI), during the Ronald Reagan Administration, 1980-1988


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Part 3: Did FDR Commit Suicide?

— “It seems apparent that Dr. Vannevar Bush began examining the craft
(Cape Girardeau 1941 UFO crash) and found an atomic propulsion system, neutronic in nature, and thought we could possibly apply this to our atomic bomb program.”

— “FDR's secretary recorded in her diary at that time (1944 South Carolina) her great surprise that the President asked seriously that a loaded handgun be brought to him.”

- Paul Blake Smith, author, MO41 - The Bombshell Before Roswell

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, "FDR," Jan. 30, 1882, to April 12, 1945. Image in National Archives by Getty Images File.
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, "FDR," Jan. 30, 1882, to April 12, 1945. Image in National Archives by Getty Images File.
November 10th 1944. It was a week after FDR had won the reelection for the unprecedented fourth term. In one of the rare photos from 1944 Presidential Election, haggard-looking President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Vice President-elect Harry S. Truman sit in a car with sitting Vice President Henry Wallace relocated in the backseat. Taken at Union Station in Washington, D.C., by Abbie Rowe.
November 10th 1944. It was a week after FDR had won the reelection for the unprecedented fourth term. In one of the rare photos from 1944 Presidential Election, haggard-looking President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Vice President-elect Harry S. Truman sit in a car with sitting Vice President Henry Wallace relocated in the backseat. Taken at Union Station in Washington, D.C., by Abbie Rowe.
On April 12, 1945, the same day that FDR died, Vice President Harry S. Truman is sworn in as president. He had been vice president for only 82 days in FDR's fourth unprecedented term.
On April 12, 1945, the same day that FDR died, Vice President Harry S. Truman is sworn in as president. He had been vice president for only 82 days in FDR's fourth unprecedented term.

Return to Part 1.


February 26, 2016  Springfield, Missouri - “Franklin D. Roosevelt was going to win the election of 1944. That much was certain. FDR was an icon: victor over the Depression, champion of the middle class, stalwart leader against the Axis powers in World War II. ... FDR 'was crumbling and there was nothing 1940s medical technology could do for him,” wrote John Stanchak in his 2012 article, “Truman: FDR's Exit Plan.”

“FDR pressured younger, robustly healthy Senator Harry S. Truman of Missouri to be his running mate ... and it took a phone call from FDR on the eve of the Democratic convention to change Truman's mind” to resist FDR's request and become FDR's Vice President in that 1944 election, FDR's fourth term as U. S. President. Author Paul Smith thinks behind the scenes FDR wanted Truman because they both knew the great secrets of extraterrestrial beings and craft and were both Freemasons.


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5-D Data Storage for 13.8 Billion Years?

“We can guarantee that we have the ability to store the culture,
language and essence of the human race in a simple piece of glass
for future civilizations — or what ever else is Out There.”

- Aabid Patel, Ph.D., Optical Physicist, U. K.'s Univ. of Southampton

This one-inch 5-dimensional data storage glass disc contains the King James Bible. A 5D glass disc the size of a 128-gigabyte Blu-ray can store 360 terabytes of information. So the 5D glass disc could store 3,000 times more than the Blu-ray disc. Image by U. K.'s University of Southampton.
This one-inch 5-dimensional data storage glass disc contains the King James Bible. A 5D glass disc the size of a 128-gigabyte Blu-ray can store 360 terabytes of information. So the 5D glass disc could store 3,000 times more than the Blu-ray disc. Image by U. K.'s University of Southampton.

February 19, 2016  San Francisco, California - A surprising headline appeared in technology news February 16th proclaiming “Five-dimensional” glass discs can store data for up to 13.8 billion years.”  That’s the age of this universe! The news came this week from the 2016 Int'l. Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE) conference in San Francisco where scientists from the U. K.’s University of Southampton reported: “We can guarantee that we have the ability to store the culture, language and essence of the human race in a simple piece of glass for future civilizations — or what ever else is out there.”


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Another Huge, Ground-Shaking Boom in New York — Not Sonic and Not Seismic

“We have no idea. There's been no confirmation by the government,
the military or the scientific community.”

- Dick Martinkovic, N.Y.'s Sullivan County Commissioner of Public Safety

Two policemen at the Monticello, New York, police station near midnight on Saturday, January 30, 2016, reported hearing a very loud boom, and also said their cars and the police building shook and rattled for a second or two. Image by Monticello Police Dept.
Two policemen at the Monticello, New York, police station near midnight on Saturday, January 30, 2016, reported hearing a very loud boom, and also said their cars and the police building shook and rattled for a second or two. Image by Monticello Police Dept.

February 2, 2016  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Since January 9, 2016, there have been dozens of loud booms and metallic sounds reported in Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Florida, Alabama, Texas, Colorado, New Jersey, Kansas, South Carolina and now Sullivan County, New York.


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Pt. 1 Hillary Clinton and John Podesta — Tweets About Aliens and 2016 New Hampshire Campaign Interview

“... I think we may have been visited already (by UFOs). We don’t know for sure. ... (John Podesta) has made me personally pledge we are going to get the (UFO) information out one way or another. Maybe we could have, like, a task force to go to Area 51.”

- Hillary Clinton, December 30, 2015, interview with reporter
Daymond Steer at The Conway Daily Sun, Conway, NH


January 29, 2016  Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada - John David Podesta born January 8, 1949, is married, has three children, served as Chief of Staff in the second Bill Clinton Administration, was White House Counselor to President Barack Obama overseeing climate change and energy policy From December 2013, until he resigned on February 13, 2015, to become the Chairman of Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign.

John Podesta, White House counselor, walking with President Barack Obama on May 21, 2014,  near the White House in Washington, D. C. Image© by Larry Downing/Reuters.
John Podesta, White House counselor, walking with President Barack Obama on May 21, 2014, near the White House in Washington, D. C. Image© by Larry Downing/Reuters.


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Pt. 3 UFO/E.T. Experiencers Say Consciousness Is Key to UFO Technology with Grant Cameron

“They could prove they can stop a nuclear war because they can take the moon and split it in half and put it back together in front of the entire world.”

- Grant Cameron,, about E.T.s as described
by Wilbert Smith, Dept. of Transportation, Canada in early 1950s


January 29, 2016  Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada - A Roper Survey for the Bigelow Holding Company in Las Vegas, Nevada, was conducted between July and September 1991. The survey asked nearly 6,000 adult Americans questions about “Unusual Personal Experiences ... that concern the relation between the experiencers and what can be called the 'UFO abduction syndrome.' ...The incidence of abduction experiences appears to be on the order of at least 2% of the adult population.” In 2014, the adult U. S. population older than 18 totaled about 245 million people. 2% of that is 4,900,000!


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CIA: Take A Peek Into Our UFO “X-Files”

“Dr. Julius A. Stratton, Executive Vice President and Provost
of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ...reiterated his earlier position
that this (flying saucers) is a subject which must be investigated ... as he is
personally very interested as well as fully aware of the potential
danger and implications of the situation.”

- Jan. 21, 2016 CIA-released memorandum about “flying saucers” dated Dec. 3, 1952

UFOs photographed above Sheffield, England, on March 4, 1962, from CIA “X-Files.”
UFOs photographed above Sheffield, England, on March 4, 1962, from CIA “X-Files.”


One document in some 60 pages of a "peek" at the CIA's UFO "X-files" released on its CIA News & Information blog on January 21, 2016.
One document in some 60 pages of a "peek" at the CIA's UFO "X-files" released on its CIA News & Information blog on January 21, 2016.

January 23, 2016  Langley, Virginia - On January 21, 2016, the Central Intelligence Agency in Langley, Virginia, posted the following “News & Information” at its information blog site for the general public to “Take a Peek Into Our (UFO) 'X-Files.'”

January 20, 2016, CIA posting. See links in Websites at end of this report.
January 20, 2016, CIA posting. See links in Websites at end of this report.


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