Global CO2 Rise Is Changing Ocean Chemistry and Killing Marine Creatures, While Rising Ocean Temperatures Are Killing Great Barrier Reef Coral

“I was shocked: most of the coral in the Great Barrier Reef is dead or dying.”

- James Woodford, The Guardian, April 16, 2016

Imagine if  you were living along the East Coast of the U. S. or on the
Atlantic Coast of Europe and all of a sudden 95% of the seawalls on that entire coast crumbled into dust?! That is what just happened on the Great Barrier Reef.”

- Stephen Palumbi, Ph.D., Prof. of Biology and
Dir., Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford Univ., Monterey, CA

2016 National Coral Bleaching Taskforce reports 95% of the Great Barrier Reef is now severely bleached and is calling for the once-vibrant reef to be formally listed as in danger of complete die-off. Image by The Guardian.
2016 National Coral Bleaching Taskforce reports 95% of the Great Barrier Reef is now severely bleached and is calling for the once-vibrant reef to be formally listed as in danger of complete die-off. Image by The Guardian.

See Websites below for "Our Changing Climate," U.K. Meet Office Hadley Centre.


April 29, 2016 Monterey, California - On April 22, 2016, something happened that's never been seen before. It was Earth Day and never have so many countries signed an agreement at once as 175 countries did on opening day to sign the Paris Agreement to fight the relentless rise in global air and ocean temperatures. Even North Korea signed.

The nations that did not sign the agreement on April 22nd have one year to do so. China, the world's top carbon dioxide emitter, announced its intention to “finalize domestic procedures” to ratify the Paris agreement before the gathering of the G-20 summit in China five months from now in September. The second largest CO2 emitter, the United States — represented by Secretary of State John Kerry — pledged to ratify the Paris Agreement this year and so did the 28-nation European Union along with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and leaders of Mexico and Australia.


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Part 2: More Binary Code from Sgt. C. J. — Surprise of Ancient Sumerian and Akkadian Words.

“The first two words and the fourth word look to be Akkadian and not Sumerian.”

- Joshua Jeffers, Ph.D., Research Specialist, Royal Inscriptions
of the Neo-Assyrian Period Project, Univ. of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Babylonian Section, Philadelphia, PA

Return to Part 1.


April 25, 2016  Colorado Springs, Colorado - On February 18, 2016, Sgt. C. J. found that he had added five new lines of squares and lines in his notebook without darkening any of them. He emailed me:  “It was fast and I was unsure if I drew them down correctly. It felt like it was not meant for me to write them, and I felt weird about it, like it was not clear enough for me to. I just did the best I could and figured it was probably all messed up or wrong.

February 18, 2016 – 5 new lines of squares and ones in Sgt. C. J.'s notebook followed by the words “lost concentration.”
February 18, 2016 – 5 new lines of squares and ones in Sgt. C. J.'s notebook followed by the words “lost concentration.”


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From Earth to Mars: Farming with “AstroGardening” Robot

Earth and Mars were similar watery planets once upon a time. Rock formations show that liquid water once flowed on the surface and today the permafrost, if thawed, could flood the red planet again. Of its many mysteries, why and when did the water disappear from the surface and the Martian atmosphere blow away? Collage by mental_floss.
Earth and Mars were similar watery planets once upon a time. Rock formations show that liquid water once flowed on the surface and today the permafrost, if thawed, could flood the red planet again. Of its many mysteries, why and when did the water disappear from the surface and the Martian atmosphere blow away? Collage by mental_floss.

“Fresh food is one of the biggest boosts of morale for astronauts.
Now they get to watch the strawberry grow, see the it develop, turn from
pink to red. There's a psychological benefit through those visual cues.
And at the end, you get the prize [to eat].”

- Heather Hava, Ph.D. student in Aerospace Engineering, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder,
and winner, 2016 Lemelson-MIT Student Prize for Robotic Space Garden

Heather Hava, winner, 2016 Lemelson-MIT Student Prize for robotic space garden invention. Heather is a Ph.D. student in Aerospace Engineering Sciences and Bioastronautics at the University of Colorado in Boulder.
Heather Hava, winner, 2016 Lemelson-MIT Student Prize for robotic space garden invention. Heather is a Ph.D. student in Aerospace Engineering Sciences and Bioastronautics at the University of Colorado in Boulder.


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Four More Bloodlessly Mutilated Cats South of London

Since January 2016 in the region from Croydon to London and Forest Hill to Frimley, Surrey, more than 50 cats, rabbits and squirrels have been found bloodlessly mutilated ranging from being cut in half to beheaded. Between April 2 - 9, 2016, four more half cats have been found in Forrest Hill, Thornton Heath, Kingston and Frimley, Surrey.
Since January 2016 in the region from Croydon to London and Forest Hill to Frimley, Surrey, more than 50 cats, rabbits and squirrels have been found bloodlessly mutilated ranging from being cut in half to beheaded. Between April 2 - 9, 2016, four more half cats have been found in Forrest Hill, Thornton Heath, Kingston and Frimley, Surrey.

April 18, 2016  South of London, England - Between April 2 to April 9, 2016, four more cats have been found bloodlessly mutilated south of London, England, in Thornton Heath north of Croydon; in Forest Hill northeast of Thornton Heath; in Kingston west of Forest Hill; and further away in Frimley, Surrey southwest of Kingston.


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UPDATED: Answer to Slavic Symbols East of Roswell Is 1940s RAAF Bomb Targets

WWII Roswell AAF precision bombing target did use Slavic central pattern surrounded by other patterns. Some targets were more free of impact craters because RAAF sometimes dropped bags of water or sand instead of explosives. Source: NM Bombing Ranges and Targets.
WWII Roswell AAF precision bombing target did use Slavic central pattern surrounded by other patterns. Some targets were more free of impact craters because RAAF sometimes dropped bags of water or sand instead of explosives. Source: NM Bombing Ranges and Targets.
Ancient Slavic symbol of eternity and constant cycle between Life and Death (left) does match the desert patterns (right) discovered on Google Earth east and northeast of Roswell, New Mexico. Source:
Ancient Slavic symbol of eternity and constant cycle between Life and Death (left) does match the desert patterns (right) discovered on Google Earth east and northeast of Roswell, New Mexico. Source:


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Interstellar Travel with Laser Light Propulsion

“Much as wind pushes a sail, there's a way to be propelled by light or photons.”

- Philip Lubin, Ph.D., Prof. of Physics,
Univ. of Calif. - Santa Barbara

Illustration of laser array beaming photons at small, unmanned spacecraft to accelerate up to 30% the speed of light, opening up the possibility of interstellar research to nearby stars. Graphic by Experimental Cosmology Group at the Univ. of California – Santa Barbara.
Illustration of laser array beaming photons at small, unmanned spacecraft to accelerate up to 30% the speed of light, opening up the possibility of interstellar research to nearby stars. Graphic by Experimental Cosmology Group at the Univ. of California – Santa Barbara.

April 5, 2016 Santa Barbara, California - In the past 60 years, only one human-made machine from Earth has left our solar system and is now in interstellar space. That was Voyager 1 launched in 1977.  Today NASA and Russia are talking about building nuclear thermal propulsion spacecraft to take humans from Earth to Mars in maybe 45 days, much shorter than the nine months to get the rovers to Mars.


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Part 2: Three Fukushima Nuclear Cores Are Still Missing,   Melted Down Into Ground and Likely Into Groundwater. U. S. Has 23 of the Same Reactor Models — Could It Happen Here?

“Are the Americans any better than the Japanese? No.
Our industry is just as much in bed with the regulators as the Japanese
were, but we were just lucky and they were unlucky. ”

- Arnie Gundersen, Nuclear Engineer, Fairewinds
Nuclear Energy Education, Burlington, VT

Schematic GE BWR inside a Mark I containment. Wikimedia.
Schematic GE BWR inside a Mark I containment. Wikimedia.

April 1, 2016 Burlington, Vermont - The nuclear power reactors at TEPCO's Fukushima facility are General Electric's BWR-1, which stands for Boiling Water Reactor. The BWR-1 represents the design of a large percent of the fission nuclear reactors around the world. All of them depend upon large quantities of cold water to keep the radioactive fuel rods cooled and safe from melt down. If the pumps of that coolant water are in a water region that can be flooded, it is logical that the pumps should be either constructed on higher ground or be engineered to be submersible. Otherwise, water flooding is always going to be a threat.


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Part 1: Nuclear Engineer Reports Fukushima Radioactivity Is Spreading Beyond TEPCO Control

“What we found is the wind and the rain and the movement of radioactive dust everywhere is recontaminating areas that TEPCO claims are clean ... and Fukushima fishermen take their contaminated fish and seafood further south to markets that don't know the sources are Fukushima waters.”

- Arnie Gundersen, Nuclear Engineer, Fairewinds
Nuclear Energy Education, Burlington, VT

A 2013 aerial view shows Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO)'s radioactive Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and its increasing number of radioactive water storage tanks. Image © 2013 by Reuters.
A 2013 aerial view shows Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO)'s radioactive Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and its increasing number of radioactive water storage tanks. Image © 2013 by Reuters.
The pumps to get cooling water to the reactor cores of TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant were on the edge of the Pacific Ocean. At 2:46 PM, local time, a 9.0 magnitude quake hit 231 miles northeast of Tokyo at a depth of 15.2 miles. Forty-one minutes later, a tsunami with 30-foot-high waves destroyed the pumps and knocked out electricity. Three of the reactor cores in Units 1, 2 and 3 heated up, emitted hydrogen gas that blew up and the three cores went into meltdown. 50,000 households were moved from the 80 kilometer Exclusion Zone. Five years later in March 2016, no one yet knows how deeply those three cores melted into the Fukushima ground.
The pumps to get cooling water to the reactor cores of TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant were on the edge of the Pacific Ocean. At 2:46 PM, local time, a 9.0 magnitude quake hit 231 miles northeast of Tokyo at a depth of 15.2 miles. Forty-one minutes later, a tsunami with 30-foot-high waves destroyed the pumps and knocked out electricity. Three of the reactor cores in Units 1, 2 and 3 heated up, emitted hydrogen gas that blew up and the three cores went into meltdown. 50,000 households were moved from the 80 kilometer Exclusion Zone. Five years later in March 2016, no one yet knows how deeply those three cores melted into the Fukushima ground.


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Old Nuclear-Powered Satellites Orbit Earth with Plutonium Onboard. One Crash Could Contaminate Thousands of Square Miles.

“A lot of these satellites were for military purposes, for surveillance, for both the U. S. and Soviet Union. We used plutonium, the most toxic radioactive substance.”

- Karl Grossman, Prof. of Journalism, SUNY-Old Westbury, NY

Transit 4A, launched June 29, 1961, was the first satellite to use a radioactive power source (a SNAP-3). Transit 4B (1961) also had a SNAP-3 RTG. Transit 4B was among several satellites which were inadvertently damaged or destroyed in a nuclear explosion, specifically the United States Starfish Prime high-altitude nuclear test on July 9, 1962 and subsequent radiation belt. Astronautics, December 1962.
Transit 4A, launched June 29, 1961, was the first satellite to use a radioactive power source (a SNAP-3). Transit 4B (1961) also had a SNAP-3 RTG. Transit 4B was among several satellites which were inadvertently damaged or destroyed in a nuclear explosion, specifically the United States Starfish Prime high-altitude nuclear test on July 9, 1962 and subsequent radiation belt. Astronautics, December 1962.

April 1, 2016 Old Westbury, New York - A report in 2011 by the U.S. National Research Council warned NASA that the amount of orbiting space debris is at a critical level. According to some computer models, the amount of space debris “has reached a tipping point, with enough currently in orbit to continually collide and create even more debris, raising the risk of spacecraft failures.” The report called for international regulations to limit debris that is now in the thousands of pieces and figure out a way to get rid of it.


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