UPDATE Part 1:  Updates On RAF Bentwaters Mystery – IR Anomalies and Telepathic Download of Binary Code

“Security Control, the object is about 150 feet in front of us.”

- USAF S/Sgt. James Penniston, December 26, 1980,
Rendlesham Forest near RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge, England

Woodbridge Community Hall gathering about RAF Bentwaters mystery on December 28, 2010, the 30th anniversary of the December 26 - 28, 1980 phenomena. R-L: John Burroughs (table right), former USAF Airman 1st Class at RAF Bentwaters; Nick Pope (center), former U. K. Ministry of Defence UFO desk manager; former USAF Staff Sergeant Jim Penniston (standing below table yellow collar); Peter Robbins, co-author with former USAF Airman Larry Warren of book, Left At East Gate. Image © 2010 by Linda Moulton Howe, speaker and panel member.
Woodbridge Community Hall gathering about RAF Bentwaters mystery on December 28, 2010, the 30th anniversary of the December 26 - 28, 1980 phenomena. R-L: John Burroughs (table right), former USAF Airman 1st Class at RAF Bentwaters; Nick Pope (center), former U. K. Ministry of Defence UFO desk manager; former USAF Staff Sergeant Jim Penniston (standing below table yellow collar); Peter Robbins, co-author with former USAF Airman Larry Warren of book, Left At East Gate. Image © 2010 by Linda Moulton Howe, speaker and panel member.

UPDATE May 30, 2016 Reprint in collaboration with PHENOMENON Radio interview by John Burroughs and Linda Moulton Howe with retired British Transport Police officer and founder of Police Reporting UFO Sightings (PRUFOS), Gary Heseltine. These original Earthfiles 4-part reports were first published beginning January 1, 2011, after return to United States from Woodbridge, Suffolk, England, TV production by Ancient Aliens for The History Channel.


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UPDATE Part 2:  Updates On RAF Bentwaters Mystery – IR Anomalies and Telepathic Download of Binary Code

“Both John Burroughs and I independently witnessed ping pong-sized balls of blue/blue-white light appear amongst the trees in front of us and
move briskly through the tree ‘finger’.”

- Winston Keech, Engineer and Owner, The Power Collective, U. K.

L-R: Light orange straight path from left turn off logging road going east toward Capel Green, the small, more darkly shaded field section between the pale orange circle (John Burroughs and Jim Penniston phenomenon site) and the red circle. Red circle is where John Burroughs reported the TriField meter pegged at highest level after midnight during our TV production research on December 26 and 27, 2010, in the small southern field known as Capel Green. Blue circle marks the watery marsh in the finger of trees that would explain why both John Burroughs and Jim Penniston reported getting wet during their December 26, 1980, 3 AM, encounter with the lights and craft. White circle marks the third house that has animals. Orange circle marks the second house directly across the field from the modern day picnic table and UFO signs (pink circle). But John and Jim say that pink circle is not the correct location of their encounter; the pale orange circle is the phenomenon site.  Yellow circle marks the first house. Graphic overlay of Google map by Earthfiles.
L-R: Light orange straight path from left turn off logging road going east toward Capel Green, the small, more darkly shaded field section between the pale orange circle (John Burroughs and Jim Penniston phenomenon site) and the red circle. Red circle is where John Burroughs reported the TriField meter pegged at highest level after midnight during our TV production research on December 26 and 27, 2010, in the small southern field known as Capel Green. Blue circle marks the watery marsh in the finger of trees that would explain why both John Burroughs and Jim Penniston reported getting wet during their December 26, 1980, 3 AM, encounter with the lights and craft. White circle marks the third house that has animals. Orange circle marks the second house directly across the field from the modern day picnic table and UFO signs (pink circle). But John and Jim say that pink circle is not the correct location of their encounter; the pale orange circle is the phenomenon site. Yellow circle marks the first house. Graphic overlay of Google map by Earthfiles.

Return to Part 1.

UPDATE May 30, 2016 Reprint in collaboration with PHENOMENON Radio interview by John Burroughs and Linda Moulton Howe with retired British Transport Police officer and founder of Police Reporting UFO Sightings (PRUFOS), Gary Heseltine. These original Earthfiles 4-part reports were first published beginning January 1, 2011, after return to United States from Woodbridge, Suffolk, England, TV production by Ancient Aliens for The History Channel.


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UAPs and Alien “Gods”

“We are part of a symbiotic relationship with something which disguises
itself as an extra-terrestrial invasion so as not to alarm us.”

- Terence McKenna, Author, Food of the Gods

“I was told that there are numerous E. T. ‘gods’ fighting amongst themselves and they are interjecting themselves into human affairs. I am being told that a lot of this is being kept secret because we are trying not to initiate a conflict with ‘an adversary that we poorly understand.’”

- Tom DeLonge, co-author, Sekret Machines: Chasing Shadows © March 2016, collaborating with 10 U. S. military and intelligence advisers on E.T. facts

Garden of Eden experiment created, monitored and manipulated by Other Intelligences past and present. Illustration © 1984 by Debbie Pagliughi and Beau Peterson, The Order.
Garden of Eden experiment created, monitored and manipulated by Other Intelligences past and present. Illustration © 1984 by Debbie Pagliughi and Beau Peterson, The Order.


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Part 2: Alien Agendas Include Animal Mutilations and Hybrids

July 1983, Ron and Paula Watson of Mt. Vernon, Missouri,  watched through binoculars as small, grey beings floated a live, paralyzed cow to craft guarded by a standing up lizard humanoid. Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. I © 1994 by Linda Moulton Howe.
July 1983, Ron and Paula Watson of Mt. Vernon, Missouri,  watched through binoculars as small, grey beings floated a live, paralyzed cow to craft guarded by a standing up lizard humanoid. Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. I © 1994 by Linda Moulton Howe.

Return to Part 1.

May 27, 2016 San Diego, California - Operation PAPERCLIP was the American Office of Strategic Services (OSS) program in which more than 1,500 German scientists, engineers and technicians were brought to the United States from Nazi Germany and other countries after World War II ended. White Sands Proving Ground in southern New Mexico was an assignment for many of them because the United States wanted a rocket program like Germany's, even if it meant dealing with non-humans. The United States also wanted to have those valuable German minds in America and not going to the Soviet Union or other perceived competitors.

The Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency, known as the JIOA, began signing up German scientists and transporting them to the United States after the Allied victory in Europe was declared on May 8, 1945. But President Harry Truman did not formally execute Operation PAPERCLIP orders until August that year. In his orders, President Truman excluded anyone found “to have been a member of the Nazi Party” and its associations, but that rule would have excluded the brilliant rocket scientists Wernher von Braun, Kurt Debus and Arthur Rudolph. So in spite of Truman's order, the JIOA created false employment and political biographies for those scientists in order to get rid of their Nazi backgrounds.


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Part 1: WWII  Was An E.T. Battle Fought Through Humans, According to Retired U. S. Navy Engineer

“These intel operatives said that Hitler and the S. S. made agreements
with Reptilian extraterrestrials to give the S.S. secret information of extraterrestrial vehicles, their propulsion, their controls, their operation and everything needed to build those UFOs and put them into production.”

- William M. Tompkins, retired aerospace engineer and author, 
Selected by Extraterrestrials: My life in the top secret world of UFOs, think-tanks and Nordic secretaries”
 © Dec. 2015, edited by Robert M. Wood, Ph.D.

Die Glocke RFZ (RundFlugZeug, or Round Aircraft) series from 1934-41. As war had started in 1939 the RFZ-5 became the Haunebu I (photographed above) and by 1941 the RFZ-7 had become the Vril 1.
Die Glocke RFZ (RundFlugZeug, or Round Aircraft) series from 1934-41. As war had started in 1939 the RFZ-5 became the Haunebu I (photographed above) and by 1941 the RFZ-7 had become the Vril 1.


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Part 3: Sgt. C. J.’s Telepathic Binary Code Has 3 Layers

“This is a novel binary format which, to my knowledge,
has never been seen before on Earth.”

Horace Drew, Ph.D., retired geneticist, Sydney, Australia

Return to Part 1.


May 12, 2016  Colorado Springs, Colorado - Binary translator Horace Drew, Ph.D., emailed after studying Sgt. C. J.'s squares and ones:

Dear Linda:

“Many of these messages contain 'hidden codes,' which is why some letters are strangely capitalized, and why some letters are deleted. Those are not 'mistakes' but 'hidden codes.' These codes from Sgt. C.J. are quite intellectually difficult, and challenge me as a long-term professional scientist.

There are several things about the ‘shaded’ binary codes of CJ's that overlap with one another and show us three parallel messages at once!


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Mysterious Triangular Craft, Strange Booms and Creature Encounter Like Varginha, Brazil

“I see It (alien) blocking the plant and It’s solid. I see three protrusions on Its head.”

“John Smith,” retired USAF Crew Chief from Altus AFB, Oklahoma,
describing 1996 encounter in Altamonte Springs, FLA

Florida resident, "John Smith," encountered this same type of being sketched from the January 20, 1996, UFO crash with several other live alien beings in Varginha, Brazil. Also in 1996, this type of being shot a sparkling ball of light at Mr. Smith and he went unconscious in his Altamonte Springs, Florida, bedroom.
Florida resident, "John Smith," encountered this same type of being sketched from the January 20, 1996, UFO crash with several other live alien beings in Varginha, Brazil. Also in 1996, this type of being shot a sparkling ball of light at Mr. Smith and he went unconscious in his Altamonte Springs, Florida, bedroom.
Varginha, Brazil, is about 175 air miles northwest of Rio de Janeiro.
Varginha, Brazil, is about 175 air miles northwest of Rio de Janeiro.

May 5, 2016 Deltona, Florida - Twenty years ago on January 20, 1996, at 3:30 PM in the afternoon, three young women were walking together across a vacant lot in Varginha, Brazil, when they saw a strange, humanoid crouched down with red glowing eyes. Its most remarkable feature was the top of the head. It appeared divided into three sections in which three long ridges rose above the head surface.


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Update: U. S. Navy Flight Engineer Saw Silver Discs and Entrance to Alleged E. T.and Human Collaboration Base in Antarctica

“Talk among the flight crews was that there is a UFO base at South Pole
and some of the crew heard talk from some of the scientists working at the
Pole of E.T.s working with and interacting with the scientists
at that air sampling camp/large ice hole.”

- Brian, retired U. S. Navy Flight Engineer

Update May 5, 2016 / Original January 30, 2015 Albuquerque, New Mexico - On January 2, 2015, I received the email below from a retired U. S. Navy Petty Officer First Class Flight Engineer, who asked me to only call him "Brian." His high strangeness experiences flying cargo and rescue in Antarctica were in the 1983 to 1997 time period and included several observations of aerial silver discs darting around over the Transantarctic Mountains. He and his crew also saw a big hole in the ice only about five to ten miles from the geographic South Pole (pink circle on map) that was supposed to be a No Fly Zone. But during an emergency medevac situation, they entered the No Fly Zone and saw what they were not supposed to see: an alleged entrance to a human and E. T. science research base created under the ice. Then at a camp near Marie Byrd Land, some dozen scientists disappeared for two weeks and when they re-appeared, Brian's flight crew got the assignment to pick them up. Brian says they would not talk and “their faces looked scared.”

Brian and his flight crew received several orders at different times to not talk and were sternly told that they didn't see what they saw. But he was never asked to sign an official non-disclosure statement. So now that he's retired, he has decided to share what he has seen and experienced because he knows non-humans are working on this planet.

Locations identified by U. S. Naval Flight Engineer (Ret). Click here for larger map.


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Sphinx Reported On Castner Glacier Near Black Rapids, Alaska. Any Connection to the Alleged “Dark Pyramid” Near Mt. Denali?

“The Sphinx is supposed to be up Castner Glacier four days. ”

- Jared Beeler, former U. S. Army Infantryman, Fort Richardson, Alaska

Alleged large underground “Dark Pyramid” 60 miles west of Mt. Denali (McKinley) is 120 miles southwest of alleged Sphinx seen on Castner Glacier near Black Rapids, Alaska. See archived 2012 Earthfiles “Dark Pyramid” reports beginning here.
Alleged large underground “Dark Pyramid” 60 miles west of Mt. Denali (McKinley) is 120 miles southwest of alleged Sphinx seen on Castner Glacier near Black Rapids, Alaska. See archived 2012 Earthfiles “Dark Pyramid” reports beginning here.

April 29, 2016 Priest River, Idaho - On April 10, 2016, I received a series of emails with image attachments from a 33-year-old man named Jared Beeler, who lives in Priest River, Idaho, where he is an airplane assembler for Quest Aerospace. What provoked him to email me was his learning about my 2012 Earthfiles reports about an alleged “Dark Pyramid” underground about 60 miles straight west of Mt. Denali, formerly known as Mt. McKinley.


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Past Life Memories: Independent Consciousness Versus Brain and DNA

“Consciousness can exist separate from a functioning brain.”

- Jim B. Tucker, M. D., Prof. of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences,
Univ. of Virginia, and author of Return to Life


April 29, 2016 Charlottesville, Virginia - In November 1984, I was a speaker at the University of Nebraska with astronomer and Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) Founder, J. Allen Hynek, Ph.D. At the conference, I presented my investigations of bloodless, trackless animal mutilations around the world. Allen talked about his 1960s investigations of UFOs in his work as a scientific adviser for the U. S. Air Force and Project Blue Book, which he later would criticize as deliberately deceiving the public and media about the alien presence, a government PR effort to deflect attention from unidentified aerial phenomena that authorities behind the scenes referred to as advanced extraterrestrial biological entities.


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