More Evidence of Ancient Thermonuclear Explosions On Mars At American Inst. of Astronautics and Aeronautics 2016 Space Conference

John E. Brandenburg, Ph.D., plasma physicist from Morningstar Applied Physics LLC, Madison, Wisconsin, will be among NASA managers and astronauts along with Boeing, Northrop Grumman and other aerospace managers to present a technical paper for the American Institute of Astronautics and Aeronautics (AIAA) 2016 Space Conference in Long Beach, Calif. about accumulating data that support his hypothesis that there were two hydrogen bomb explosions in the air over Cydonia Mensae and Galaxias Chaos in the Martian northern hemisphere eons ago.
John E. Brandenburg, Ph.D., plasma physicist from Morningstar Applied Physics LLC, Madison, Wisconsin, will be among NASA managers and astronauts along with Boeing, Northrop Grumman and other aerospace managers to present a technical paper for the American Institute of Astronautics and Aeronautics (AIAA) 2016 Space Conference in Long Beach, Calif. about accumulating data that support his hypothesis that there were two hydrogen bomb explosions in the air over Cydonia Mensae and Galaxias Chaos in the Martian northern hemisphere eons ago.

“We have evidence on Mars of two big nuclear explosion at two sites
and if you look at the map, those sites are directly upwind of Cydonia Mensae and Galaxias Chaos — meaning they were targeted on those areas.”

- John E. Brandenburg, Ph.D., Morningstar Applied Physics

"Face On Mars" photograph taken by the Viking 1 orbiter and released by NASA/JPL on July 25, 1976. The large mesa sculptured as a face is 1.2 miles (2 km) long in Cydonia Mensae, at 40.75° north latitude and 9.46° west longitude. When the image was originally acquired, Viking chief scientist Gerry Soffen dismissed the “Face on Mars” in image 035A72 as a “trick of light and shadow.” However, other computer analysts and plasma physicist John E. Brandenburg, Ph.D., say the 5-sided pyramid and other structures not far from the sculpted face (below) are evidence of an ancient civilization in Cydonia Mensae and Galaxias Chaos to the east where two atmospheric hydrogen bombs left trinitite, xenon-129, Argon 40 and krypton evidence that is now being presented at serious science conferences by Dr. Brandenburg. The dark spots all over this original 1976 Viking 1 images are attributed to “static digital dropouts.”
"Face On Mars" photograph taken by the Viking 1 orbiter and released by NASA/JPL on July 25, 1976. The large mesa sculptured as a face is 1.2 miles (2 km) long in Cydonia Mensae, at 40.75° north latitude and 9.46° west longitude. When the image was originally acquired, Viking chief scientist Gerry Soffen dismissed the “Face on Mars” in image 035A72 as a “trick of light and shadow.” However, other computer analysts and plasma physicist John E. Brandenburg, Ph.D., say the 5-sided pyramid and other structures not far from the sculpted face (below) are evidence of an ancient civilization in Cydonia Mensae and Galaxias Chaos to the east where two atmospheric hydrogen bombs left trinitite, xenon-129, Argon 40 and krypton evidence that is now being presented at serious science conferences by Dr. Brandenburg. The dark spots all over this original 1976 Viking 1 images are attributed to “static digital dropouts.”

August 26, 2016 Madison, Wisconsin - In 2015, a newly published book by plasma physicist John Brandenburg, Ph.D., was entitled,“Death On Mars: The Discovery of A Planetary Nuclear Massacre.” Sixty-three-year-old John Brandenburg received his Ph.D. in Theoretical Plasma Physics at the University of California-Davis extension campus at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, California in 1981. His Ph.D. thesis was about magnetic confinement of plasmas for controlled nuclear fusion. For his book, he analyzed United States 1976 Viking spacecraft data about the Martian atmosphere as well as two Viking images of the so-called “Face on Mars,” that stares upward from a Martian highland in the northern hemisphere called Cydonia Mensae.


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Part 2: Earthfiles Special Report with U. K. Electrical Engineer Winston Keech on PHENOMENON Radio

Live KGRA web radio Thursday nights - 5 -7 PM Pacific / 8 - 10 PM Eastern.
Live KGRA web radio Thursday nights - 5 -7 PM Pacific / 8 - 10 PM Eastern.

Interview continues from Part 1:

Interview with mp3 audio and transcript of exclusive 2 hours on Aug. 11, 2016, with John Burroughs, Linda Moulton Howe and Winston Keech on PHENOMENON Radio, co-hosted by John and Linda weekly for Thursday evening broadcasts on db KGRA.

U. K. electrical and mechanical engineer Winston Keech —
who owns The Power Collective in Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England.


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Part 1: Earthfiles Special Report with U. K. Electrical Engineer Winston Keech on PHENOMENON Radio

Live KGRA web radio Thursday nights - 5 -7 PM Pacific / 8 - 10 PM Eastern.
Live KGRA web radio Thursday nights - 5 -7 PM Pacific / 8 - 10 PM Eastern.


August 18, 2016  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Retired USAF Tech Sergeant John Burroughs and Earthfiles reporter and editor Linda Moulton Howe interviewed U. K. electrical and mechanical engineer Winston Keech For PHENOMENON Radio on August 11, 2016. Six years ago, Winston was with us and the Ancient Aliens TV production crew December 26-28, 2010, when we traveled to Woodbridge, England, on the 30th anniversary of the now famous unidentified aerial phenomena in the trees and on the ground. John Burroughs is the only former military person in Rendlesham Forest who eyewitnesses said was engulfed in light twice — the early morning hours of December 26 and December 28, 1980. None of us knew on that trip that in a few weeks, John would suffer his first in a series of atrial fibrillations that led to his having to have open heart surgery on December 18, 2013, in order to survive. The answer to repairing John's heart was

Our interview with Winston Keech was about his investigation of electrostatic fields and mysterious objects showing up in infrared that we experienced while searching for the original site of tripod marks, scorched grass and trees.


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Puzzling Case of Mothership Glass and U. K.’s Ansty Wheat Formation

“Mothership Glass does have some specific and special technology
in their functional glass art and when people ask, 'How do you do this?' —
a lot of times their answer is, 'It's the work of aliens.' Or, 'It's lasers that
can do this type of work.' That's what they've said in the past and now
this crop circle formation shows up with such mystery behind it.”

- AllGlass representative “AtariVideo,” Dayton, Ohio

August 17, 2016  Dayton, Ohio - The original logo of three laurel leaves doubled to a 6-fold flower geometry surrounded by stylized letters first emerged in 2012, when glass artists Scott Deppe and Jake Colito formed Mothership Glass, “a functional glass art company,” at a secret studio location in Bellingham, Washington.

Beginning in 2012, this is the graphic logo based on sacred geometry used by Mothership Glass in Bellingham,Washington, that is very similar to the Ansty, England, wheat pattern reported on August 12, 2016, below. But the glasswork logo has different, straight line perimeter letters, “MOTHERSHIP MOTHERSHIP,” compared to the 20 intricate symbols in the large wheat crop formation below Logo from Mothership Glass facebook page.
Beginning in 2012, this is the graphic logo based on sacred geometry used by Mothership Glass in Bellingham,Washington, that is very similar to the Ansty, England, wheat pattern reported on August 12, 2016, below. But the glasswork logo has different, straight line perimeter letters, “MOTHERSHIP MOTHERSHIP,” compared to the 20 intricate symbols in the large wheat crop formation below Logo from Mothership Glass facebook page.
Wheat field in Ansty near Salisbury, Wiltshire, England, reported Friday, August 12, 2016. Ansty has Bronze Age grave barrows, one as old as 7 A.D. Aerial © 2016 by Cropcircleconnector.
Wheat field in Ansty near Salisbury, Wiltshire, England, reported Friday, August 12, 2016. Ansty has Bronze Age grave barrows, one as old as 7 A.D. Aerial © 2016 by Cropcircleconnector.


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Three Mysterious and Intricate August 2016 Crop Formations

“A “triangulated grid” of 10 x 10 squares, with 23 squares half-flattened, for a total of 100 squares, which appeared in crops in Chilcomb Ranges near Winchester, in Hampshire, England, on August 3, 2016, seems to show a “100-day calendar,” with 23 days marked off as “half-squares.”

- Horace Drew, Ph.D., Geneticist

August 7, 2016 Surrey and Wiltshire, England - We grow up on a planet where we are taught that there are three matter dimensions of space in x, y and z axis and that Time is a “boundless 4th dimension” through which the matter moves. But those don't explain the force of local and large-scale gravity or the three fundamental other forces of electromagnetic, strong nuclear and weak nuclear.

Superstring theory is an attempt to explain all of the particles that make up matter and the four fundamental forces of Nature as vibrations of tiny supersymmetric strings. In supersymmetry, a Superpartner, also known as a sparticle, is a hypothetical elementary particle that would act as a “partner.” For example, each fermion would have a partner boson. The partner boson would be the fermion's Superpartner. Also, each boson would have a partner fermion. If this hypothesis were true and there is “unbroken Supersymmetry,” then particles and Superpartners would have identical mass.

Some researchers have hoped the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, might produce evidence for the existence of superpartner particles, or sparticles.

An example of simulated data modeled for the CMS particle detector on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. Here, following a collision of two protons, a Higgs boson is produced which decays into two jets of hadrons and two electrons. The lines represent the possible paths of particles produced by the proton-proton collision in the detector while the energy these particles deposit is shown in blue.
An example of simulated data modeled for the CMS particle detector on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. Here, following a collision of two protons, a Higgs boson is produced which decays into two jets of hadrons and two electrons. The lines represent the possible paths of particles produced by the proton-proton collision in the detector while the energy these particles deposit is shown in blue.


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UPDATE Part 1: Was Bismuth/Magnesium Layered Metal in NM UFO Crash A Superconductor?

“A lone surviving occupant was found within the Disc,
and it was apparent its left leg was broken. ...The occupant
communicated via telepathic means.”

- Army Sgt. writing from his Grandad's diary about 1947
security patrol at UFO crash in Roswell region


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Remarkable Geometries in July 2016 Crop Formations

“These puzzling circles — large sweeping areas nearly flattened
in a swirling pattern — do not exhibit the kind of rough damage caused
by harsh weather, animals or humans.”

- Time Magazine, September 18, 1989,
“Who, or what, is creating those mysterious crop-field rings?”

July 27, 2016 Bavaria, Germany, and Wiltshire, England - Mysterious circular patterns in cereal crops have been reported in England since at least the 1930s to 1940s. No one knew what caused them then and no one today really knows the source either. But U. K. and U. S. government counterintelligence operations have tried since the early 1990s to convince the public and media that two elderly, now deceased, gentlemen from Somerset County, England, known as “Doug and Dave,” were responsible. That phony explanation did not even try to account for the worldwide phenomenon in which intricate formations have been reported in both hemispheres, including wet rice paddies in Japan and tall grasses in the Glass Mountains of Australia. See "Light Anomalies in Photos of Conondale, Australia Grass Circles."

By the late 1980s, simple circles, concentric rings, quincunxes and “Celtic crosses” of four circles linked by one large, thin ring were photographed and discussed in the international media. The September 18, 1989, issue of Time magazine showed large formations in southern England and asked, “Who — or what — is creating those mysterious crop-field rings?”


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Another Eerie Cat Mutilation in England – This Time Near Manchester

“It was a clean cut to remove the head and tail. The skin had been
removed from the left hind leg. The cuts were precise — it is psychotic, freaky.”

- Gavin McCoubrey, D.V.M., Tameside Vet Clinic, Ashton-under-Lyne,
in Tameside region east of Manchester, U. K.

Upper left corner, the larger red circle is Manchester, England, a city of half a million residents. The smaller red circle is Dukinfield, a town of about 20,000 people on the south bank of the River Tame opposite Ashton-under-Lyne on the north bank. On July 4th, 2016, an 18-month-old female cat named Socks was found dead with her head and tail cleanly severed from her body. 208 miles to the southeast in the lower right corner, the larger red circle is London and the smaller red circle is Croydon, 12 miles south and the center of half-cat mutilations since January 2014.
Upper left corner, the larger red circle is Manchester, England, a city of half a million residents. The smaller red circle is Dukinfield, a town of about 20,000 people on the south bank of the River Tame opposite Ashton-under-Lyne on the north bank. On July 4th, 2016, an 18-month-old female cat named Socks was found dead with her head and tail cleanly severed from her body. 208 miles to the southeast in the lower right corner, the larger red circle is London and the smaller red circle is Croydon, 12 miles south and the center of half-cat mutilations since January 2014.

July 9, 2016 Tameside region east of Manchester, England - Dukinfield is a town in Tameside, Greater Manchester, England, on the south bank of the River Tame opposite Ashton-under-Lyne, 6.3 miles (10.1 km) east of Manchester. The 2011 Census population was 19,306. The Tameside region's history goes back 10,000 years to twenty-two ancient sites where humans lived.

Today, Dukinfield Park is making news as the place where primary school teacher Claire Collins found her 18-month-old female cat, Socks, at 7:45 AM on Monday, July 4, 2016, in the park near King Street. Her head and tail had been cleanly severed from her body and skin had been removed from her left hind leg.


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Flower of Life and Egg of Life in Hampshire, U. K. Crop Formations

“Maybe there was something more organized before the Big Bang?”

- Roger Penrose, Ph.D., Astrophysicist, Cycles of Time

July 6, 2016 - Popham and Chilcomb Down, Hampshire County, England - Popham is a hamlet and civil parish south of Basingstoke, Hampshire, England. The area's history goes back to pre-historic times and was established as a permanent town during the Roman occupation of Britain. The manor of Popham was established by the monastery of Winchester as an outlying agricultural grain station.


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