Part 2: Self-Activating Intelligence of Dragonfly and James Webb Telescopes

“As soon as a supernova is detected, it sends a signal to a bunch
of telescopes and they will  — sometimes within seconds —  move to
that position and start taking images without a human ever being in the middle.”

- Pieter van Dokkum, Ph.D., Prof. of Astronomy, Yale University

Dragonfly telescope in Cloudcroft, NM, thinks for itself while it hunts for dark matter galaxies. Image by Pieter van Dokkum, Ph.D., Astronomer, Yale University.
Dragonfly telescope in Cloudcroft, NM, thinks for itself while it hunts for dark matter galaxies. Image by Pieter van Dokkum, Ph.D., Astronomer, Yale University.

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September 30, 2016 New Haven, Connecticut - One of the most anticipated astronomy breakthroughs since the Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes is expected to come from the James Webb Space Telescope now scheduled for launch in October 2018. The JWST will have the Earth's best resolution and sensitivity ranging from long-wavelength visible light (orange-red), through near-infrared to the mid-infrared. It's theme is to “see first light,” meaning as far back in time to the beginning of this universe as possible.


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Part 1: Searching for Other Life and Dark Matter in This Universe

“Europa's ocean could extend through the ice up to the surface where
there is access to oxidants, organic compounds, and light. … If there IS life
there, it would not necessarily be restricted to microorganisms. [ Meaning there could be swimming creatures in Europa’s deep ocean.] So, probably the best chance of finding current life in our solar system right now would be on Europa.”

- Richard Greenberg, Ph.D., Prof. of Planetary Sciences,
Univ. of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Lab


“Dragonfly 44 is as heavy as the Milky Way. So, it’s as big as the Milky Way. But it has only .1% of the stars of the Milky Way! It is almost entirely
made up of dark matter — 99.99%!”

- Pieter van Dokkum, Ph.D., Prof. of Astronomy, Yale University

Astronomy news in September 2016 highlights possibility of life in Europa's deep, salty ocean and the shocking discovery of a galaxy called Dragonfly 44 that is 99% dark matter and only 1% matter. This NASA image: Galaxy cluster Abell 1689.
Astronomy news in September 2016 highlights possibility of life in Europa's deep, salty ocean and the shocking discovery of a galaxy called Dragonfly 44 that is 99% dark matter and only 1% matter. This NASA image: Galaxy cluster Abell 1689.
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope took direct ultraviolet images of the icy moon Europa (foreground sphere) transiting across the disk of Jupiter (black and purple background). Out of ten observations, Hubble saw what may be the silhouettes of water plumes rising about 125 miles above Europa's surface in the southern hemisphere. (light blue enhancement) The above three intermittent water vapor plumes in 2014 were dated Jan. 26, Mar. 17 and April 4. This adds another piece of supporting evidence to the existence of water vapor plumes on Europa. Now NASA would like to have a spacecraft mission that could fly near the plume region to "sniff" for signs of organic life if the water vapor is coming from the huge Europa ocean beneath the moon's thick ice crust. Published on Sept. 26, 2016, by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/Katrina Jackson.
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope took direct ultraviolet images of the icy moon Europa (foreground sphere) transiting across the disk of Jupiter (black and purple background). Out of ten observations, Hubble saw what may be the silhouettes of water plumes rising about 125 miles above Europa's surface in the southern hemisphere. (light blue enhancement) The above three intermittent water vapor plumes in 2014 were dated Jan. 26, Mar. 17 and April 4. This adds another piece of supporting evidence to the existence of water vapor plumes on Europa. Now NASA would like to have a spacecraft mission that could fly near the plume region to "sniff" for signs of organic life if the water vapor is coming from the huge Europa ocean beneath the moon's thick ice crust. Published on Sept. 26, 2016, by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/Katrina Jackson.


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More Mysterious Cat Mutilations in England

“The vets said that it looks as though Midnight was deliberately shaved
and her leg was deliberately wounded by a sharp blade.”

- Ben Kirby, RSPCA Inspector

Croydon in the southern suburbs of London has been the epicenter of mysterious bloodless mutilations of cats, foxes, rabbits, a monitor lizard and a royal python since January 2014. Now in 2016, in Aylsham, Norfolk, East Anglia, 140 miles northeast of London, several cats have been viciously and bloodlessly attacked by a mysterious perpetrator.
Croydon in the southern suburbs of London has been the epicenter of mysterious bloodless mutilations of cats, foxes, rabbits, a monitor lizard and a royal python since January 2014. Now in 2016, in Aylsham, Norfolk, East Anglia, 140 miles northeast of London, several cats have been viciously and bloodlessly attacked by a mysterious perpetrator.
Midnight, the twin of Twilight — two Russian Blues — was left crippled by the inexplicably violent attack with a blade or knife on Saturday, July 30, 2016. Her twin sister, Twilight, suffered a large, smooth slice of her abdomenand had to be put to sleep. Image © 2016 by Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA).
Midnight, the twin of Twilight — two Russian Blues — was left crippled by the inexplicably violent attack with a blade or knife on Saturday, July 30, 2016. Her twin sister, Twilight, suffered a large, smooth slice of her abdomenand had to be put to sleep. Image © 2016 by Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA).

September 19, 2016 Aylsham, Norfolk, England - The town of Aylsham, Norfolk, East Anglia, England, lies approximately 140 miles northeast of London. Aylsham is also 10 miles from the North Norfolk coastline, where seals between 2008 and 2010 were discovered with bloodless corkscrew excisions on Blakeney Point, Morston and Wells beaches in North Norfolk County near Cromer not far from Aylsham.


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The Horror and Rage 15 Years Ago on 9/11

Reprint 15 Years Later On September 11, 2016 

On September 11, 2001, at 8:45 AM EDT, hijacked American Airlines Flt 11 from Boston crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in NYC. At 9:03 AM EDT, a second hijacked airliner, United Airlines Flt 175 from Boston crashed into the south tower of the WTC. Both towers collapsed and killed nearly 3,000 people  and injured over 6,000 others. Video frame from CNN.
On September 11, 2001, at 8:45 AM EDT, hijacked American Airlines Flt 11 from Boston crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in NYC. At 9:03 AM EDT, a second hijacked airliner, United Airlines Flt 175 from Boston crashed into the south tower of the WTC. Both towers collapsed and killed nearly 3,000 people and injured over 6,000 others. Video frame from CNN.
Osama bin Laden, organizer of the Al Qaeda Islamic terrorist group  and son of Muhammad Bin Laden, owner of the large construction company,  Bin Laden Group, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Photograph from Middle East newspaper.
Osama bin Laden, organizer of the Al Qaeda Islamic terrorist group and son of Muhammad Bin Laden, owner of the large construction company, Bin Laden Group, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Photograph from Middle East newspaper.

September 15, 2001  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - The horror in New York, Washington and western Pennsylvania this week has not only changed the psyche of our nation - it changed air travelers into potential enemies and airports into much less friendly territory. I know that from personal experience yesterday morning at the Philadelphia Airport. I was scheduled to fly to Dallas on a 9:17 a.m. flight in order to attend a conference. But when my alarm went off at 5:30 a.m., lightning and thunderbolts were dropping around the house like bombs and the hard rain turned the Pennsylvania Turnpike and I-476 to the airport into a slow moving traffic jam. A trip that would normally take about 55 minutes, took 2 hours and 20 minutes.


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Ansty, Wiltshire Eyewitness: “8 People Over 2 Weeks Made the MOTHERSHIP Wheat Pattern”

“Resident 2 said the first thing that happened was that 8 people
worked in the PYO wheat field for three nights with lights and torches
and what looked to be the straight beams of lasers.”

- Ian Halling, Computer Tech and Earthfiles Contributor, Gloucestershire, U. K.

September 10, 2016  Ansty, Wiltshire, England - On August 17, 2016, Earthfiles reported that the wheat pattern in Ansty, Wiltshire, U. K. — 14 miles southwest of Salisbury — is a match for the original MOTHERSHIP Glass logo created in 2012 by glass artists Scott Deppe and Jake Colito at a secret studio location in Bellingham, Washington. See: 081716 Earthfiles.

Beginning in 2012, this is the graphic logo based on sacred geometry used by Mothership Glass in Bellingham,Washington, that is very similar to the Ansty, England, wheat pattern reported on August 12, 2016, below. But the glasswork logo has different, straight line perimeter letters, “MOTHERSHIP MOTHERSHIP,” compared to the 20 intricate symbols in the large wheat crop formation below. Logo from Mothership Glass facebook page.
Beginning in 2012, this is the graphic logo based on sacred geometry used by Mothership Glass in Bellingham,Washington, that is very similar to the Ansty, England, wheat pattern reported on August 12, 2016, below. But the glasswork logo has different, straight line perimeter letters, “MOTHERSHIP MOTHERSHIP,” compared to the 20 intricate symbols in the large wheat crop formation below. Logo from Mothership Glass facebook page.
Wheat field in Ansty, Wiltshire, England, 6 miles east of Shaftesbury, Dorset County, and 14 miles southwest of Salisbury, Wiltshire County, first reported publicly on Friday, August 12, 2016. Aerial © 2016 by Cropcircleconnector.
Wheat field in Ansty, Wiltshire, England, 6 miles east of Shaftesbury, Dorset County, and 14 miles southwest of Salisbury, Wiltshire County, first reported publicly on Friday, August 12, 2016. Aerial © 2016 by Cropcircleconnector.


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Bizarre, Mysterious Death of Appaloosa Mare in Queensland, Australia

“Who would kill an animal and cut their leg joints after the horse is dead?
And why if someone cut all four of her legs, why did they leave the legs there?”

- Carolyn Greer, Horse Breeder, Upper Coomera, QLD, Australia, Aug. 2016

“Farmers in the Adelaide Hills have discovered mutilated animal
corpses and burn marks on the ground. ... In one incident, researchers
say a farmer discovered four cows with holes drilled
into their skulls and the brains removed.”

- July 15, 1984, Sunday Times, Perth, Australia

Upper Coomera near the Queensland, Australia, Gold Coast, is 36 miles southeast of Brisbane.
Upper Coomera near the Queensland, Australia, Gold Coast, is 36 miles southeast of Brisbane.
Aerial above the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, suburb of Upper Coomera, Wikipedia.
Aerial above the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, suburb of Upper Coomera, Wikipedia.

September 8, 2016  Upper Coomera, Queensland, Australia - On the evening of Thursday, August 8, 2016, around 7 PM in the Gold Coast suburb of Upper Coomera, Queensland, long-time horse breeder Carolyn Greer, 53, fed four of her horses she had raised from birth. “They are like my kids and they have been together all their lives,” she told me in a phone interview this week. “My favorite was Angie, a pure bred Arab cross Appaloosa dual registered mare with beautiful, solid brown hair, not spotted. I had also raised Angie's mother who lived to be 31 years old.”


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Part 2: Some FBI Docs About Unidentified Light, But Much Still Sealed 74 Years Later

“I think we're property. I should say we belong to something:
That once upon a time, this earth was No-man's Land, that other worlds
explored and colonized here, and fought among themselves for possession,
but that now it's owned by something: That something owns
this earth—all others warned off.”

- 1919, The Book of the Damned by Charles Fort

Sunday morning, January 18, 1942, Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, California, with front page TWA Flight # 3 airliner crash headline and photo of right to left: actress Carole Lombard, actor Clark Gable and Carole's mother.
Sunday morning, January 18, 1942, Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, California, with front page TWA Flight # 3 airliner crash headline and photo of right to left: actress Carole Lombard, actor Clark Gable and Carole's mother.
FBI Case File 98-76 dated March 27, 1942, by the Salt Lake FBI office confirmed the airliner took off from the Las Vegas Airport at 7:07 PM Pacific and only 15 minutes later at 7:22 PM had flown with engines revved up straight into Mount Polosi about 500 feet below the mountain’s 8,517 feet crest.
FBI Case File 98-76 dated March 27, 1942, by the Salt Lake FBI office confirmed the airliner took off from the Las Vegas Airport at 7:07 PM Pacific and only 15 minutes later at 7:22 PM had flown with engines revved up straight into Mount Polosi about 500 feet below the mountain’s 8,517 feet crest.

Return to Part 1.

August 26, 2016 Springfield, Missouri - A week after the inexplicable, catastrophic crash of TWA Flight  3 flying with engines powered up straight into Mount Patosi, the Chief Investigator for the U. S. Senate Sub-Committee On Safety in Air — at the Los Angeles office —  received a detailed eyewitness account by rancher Willard H. George.


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