UFO Disc Close Up and Deathbed Revelation

“The UFO was like two plates with one inverted on top of the other ...
about 20 to 25 feet off the ground ... light metallic grey, about 25 feet
in diameter, maybe 15 feet high. It had three windows.”

- William H. Cashman, Atty., New Haven, Connecticut, describing
close encounter with UFO in early 1980s

Attorney Cashman's description is similar to this unidentified aerial object that was photographed by Gabriel Kozora on June 28, 1967, at New Castle, Pennsylvania, while he was taking Polaroid photographs of his young son. Mr. Kozora said the UFO was about 60 feet long and hovered overhead for about 15 seconds before moving off to the northwest. Source UFOs: A Pictorial History from Antiquity to the Present ©1979 by David C. Knight.
Attorney Cashman's description is similar to this unidentified aerial object that was photographed by Gabriel Kozora on June 28, 1967, at New Castle, Pennsylvania, while he was taking Polaroid photographs of his young son. Mr. Kozora said the UFO was about 60 feet long and hovered overhead for about 15 seconds before moving off to the northwest. Source UFOs: A Pictorial History from Antiquity to the Present ©1979 by David C. Knight.

October 28, 2016 New Haven, Connecticut - Over the decades of UFO reports, one of the repeated descriptions in the United States and other parts of the world has been, “it looked like two pie pans or plates put together at the rims.” There is one historic photograph that was close enough to show details of a round aerial craft that looked like two pie pans joined at the rim. There were three windows below the rim. The black and white photograph was taken with a Polaroid camera when Gabriel Kozora was photographing his 11-year-old son in front of their house in New Castle, Pennsylvania, on June 28, 1967. Mr. Kozora said the UFO was about 60 feet long and hovered overhead for about 15 seconds before moving off to the northwest.


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Hacked Podesta Email Describes UFO “Landing and Takeoff Spot East of Miami”

“His claim was the UFOs had a landing and takeoff spot in the ocean east of Miami, north of Bermuda ... there was a specific electronic signature (frequency) emanating from (UFOs) when they were going into or coming out of the water, so they were easy to track. ... High quality film of UFOs is 'out there' somewhere!”

- Robert Fish relating UFO information to John Podesta from
ELINT (electronic intell) technician, MacDill AFB, Florida

October 3, 2016, email excerpt from author and USS Hornet Museum Trustee Robert B. Fish to John Podesta, Counselor to U. S. President Barack Obama until February 13, 2015, when Podesta left the White House to be Campaign Chair for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. See whole email and link to original below.
October 3, 2016, email excerpt from author and USS Hornet Museum Trustee Robert B. Fish to John Podesta, Counselor to U. S. President Barack Obama until February 13, 2015, when Podesta left the White House to be Campaign Chair for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. See whole email and link to original below.

October 25, 2016 Washington, D. C. - This morning Grant Cameron in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, who produces the PresidentialUFO.com website (see Websites below) emailed me with the subject line: “Podesta Emails.”


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Part 2: What Happens to Human Minds and Souls When E.T.s Show Up?

“Are we being toyed with by extraterrestrials? Are there sinister entities
somewhere out there waiting to gain entrance into our minds and hearts and  souls through any means possible? And if so, why? Are we pawns in
a cosmic chess game between the forces of light and darkness?”

- Ray Boeche, Th.D., Theologian, Paranormal
Researcher and Protestant Church Pastor

Return to Part 1.

October 13, 2016 Albuquerque, New Mexico This 2-part transcript with embedded mp3 audio is produced from the October 13, 2016, PHENOMENON Radio broadcast on db-KGRA.


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Part 1: What Happens to Human Minds and Souls When E.T.s Show Up?

Are we being toyed with by extraterrestrials? Are there sinister entities
somewhere out there waiting to gain entrance into our minds and hearts and souls through any means possible? And if so, why? Are we pawns in
a cosmic chess game between the forces of light and darkness?”

- Ray Boeche, Th.D., Theologian, Paranormal
Researcher and Protestant Church Pastor

October 13, 2016 Albuquerque, New Mexico This 2-part transcript with embedded mp3 audio is produced from the October 13, 2016, PHENOMENON Radio broadcast on db-KGRA.


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High Strangeness Encounter in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

“We are seeding life on another planet.”

- Telepathic communication from rapidly flickering lights
on diamond-shaped aerial craft.

Diamond-shaped aerial craft with pulsing lights telepathically communicated to driver who drew this illustration. Sketch © 2016 by Mark for Earthfiles.com.
Diamond-shaped aerial craft with pulsing lights telepathically communicated to driver who drew this illustration. Sketch © 2016 by Mark for Earthfiles.com.

September 30, 2016 Cedar Rapids, Iowa - “Star Trek,” the TV series produced by Gene Roddenberry, had its first broadcast on November 10, 1966, and ran for years afterward with groundbreaking plots and characters that provoked some to ask: Is Star Trek based on real government knowledge about E.T.s and other life in this universe? Some whistleblowers even said that Gene Roddenberry worked for the CIA and his job with Star Trek was to condition the world public about other life forms beyond Earth.

Eleven years after that debut, Steven Spielberg’s CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND was released on November 16, 1977.


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Large and Small Animal Mutilations Now in Australia, England and Argentina

“Who would kill an animal and cut their leg joints after the horse is dead?
And why if someone cut all four of her legs, why did they leave the legs there?”

- Carolyn Greer, Horse Breeder, Upper Coomera,
Queensland, Australia, Aug. 2016

Upper Coomera near the Queensland, Australia, Gold Coast, is 36 miles southeast of Brisbane.
Upper Coomera near the Queensland, Australia, Gold Coast, is 36 miles southeast of Brisbane.
Aerial above the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, suburb of Upper Coomera, Wikipedia.
Aerial above the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, suburb of Upper Coomera, Wikipedia.

September 30, 2016 Queensland, Australia - Upper Coomera, Queensland, is in Australia’s Gold Coast 36 miles southeast of Brisbane. On the evening of Thursday, August 8, 2016, around 7 PM in the suburbs of Upper Coomera, long-time horse breeder Carolyn Greer, 53, fed four of her horses that she had raised from birth.


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