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Special Earthfiles YouTube Channel interview
with Earthfiles Reporter and Editor Linda Moulton Howe.

Couple Lifted in Car by Beam of Cerulean Blue Light Talk for First Time

 “And suddenly, there was a blue light - a cerulean blue light - that enveloped the car. We drove into that light. And there was a sound that sounded like a bullwhip going around, very loud sound that whipped through the air.

--Gary and Irene Thompson, Southwestern United States


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Part 2:  Couple Lifted in Car by Beam of Cerulean Blue Light

“It's like They're picking my mind ... like I don't have any control - my brain ... it's like there's a tunnel that goes through my mind to Theirs.”

- Longmont, Colorado resident


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Part 1:  Couple Lifted in Car by Beam of Cerulean Blue Light

“Then a light of some sort, a cerulean blue light, locked on to my station wagon. It had kind of a bull whip noise to it, like a whish, whish, whish sound.”

- Longmont, Colorado resident


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Medical Descriptions of Artificial Androids Not from Earth

“The ‘skin’ was nothing like anything I’d seen before. It was just like a fabric suit (leotard), but the suit was its flesh at the same time.’ ”

- USAF Flight Surgeon, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, circa 1947


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Part 2: Is This What the CIA, NRO, DIA and NSA Cover Up About Roswell?

“The NSC felt investigations of UFO sightings and incidents
had to continue in secrecy without any public knowledge. ...the fact that
an Alien was captured alive and survived for three years under secrecy cannot be released to the public for fear the information would be obtained by SHIS.”

- Page 7, “Executive Briefing, PROJECT AQUARIUS (TS)”


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Part 1: Is This What the CIA, NRO, DIA and NSA Cover Up About Roswell?

“The most disturbing aspect of this investigation was -
there were other bodies found not far from LZ-1 that looked
as if they had been dissected as you would a frog. It is not known
if army field surgeons had performed exploratory surgery on these
bodies. Animal parts were reportedly discovered inside
the craft at LZ-2 but this cannot be confirmed.”

- July 22, 1947, War Department IPU Memorandum


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Part 3: Terry Lovelace’s Telepathic Exchange with Female Asian-Looking Humanoid

“The female alien threatened first that the thing above my knee (and in left leg Terry knew nothing about) can't be removed and analyzed by terrestrial scientists. She said her 'Host' is going to come and take them from you. They'll take them from you in the middle of the night, and you'll have no pain whatsoever." And her second threat was more direct: 'If you talk about these things, your government will kill you.'”

— Terry Lovelace, Esq.


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