Part 2: USAF Father’s Young Son Abducted by Greys and Praying Mantis Being

“I was constantly being visited by small Greys that sometimes used to float me all the way downstairs ... my legs draped over a table in front of an insectoid being.”

- “Steve,” young son of USAF father who retrieved dead E.T.s from crash sites

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November 24, 2016 Staten Island, New York - While USAF father was retrieving dead alien bodies from around the United States and Greenland, his young son Steve was being abducted by small Greys and a Praying Mantis being.


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Part 1: E.T. Retrieval Team and “Alien War” in Greenland

“There was something about the reptilian ones.
Even though they were dead, he (father in USAF) would talk about
the overwhelming fear when they got near even the dead ones to cart them off. ”

- “Steve,” son of USAF retriever of dead alien bodies at crash sites from 1947 onward

Composite model of two crescent-shaped aerial craft that crashed in New Mexico's Corona and Oscura Peak sites the first week of July 1947. Artwork by Tim Bauer, © 1999 The Franklin Mint, Philadelphia, PA.
Composite model of two crescent-shaped aerial craft that crashed in New Mexico's Corona and Oscura Peak sites the first week of July 1947. Artwork by Tim Bauer, © 1999 The Franklin Mint, Philadelphia, PA.

November 24, 2016 Staten Island, New York - On November 14, 2016, I received the following email from a long-time Staten Island, New York, resident, who I will call “Steve.”

“Hi Linda,

You are a tireless journalist and one that I trust. I started watching Art Bell the first year he was broadcasting his show. I think that was 1995? I have been sitting on a major story for decades. This has never been covered — the public has no knowledge of it. I say this because I have been following all these subjects since I was 6 years old, with good reason, and I just turned 50.”


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New Ground-Level Ozone Alert

“The whole global ambient level of ground-level ozone has risen now to 50 ppb and rising. That’s a lot for a gas so toxic to plants, animals and humans.”

- Jim Robbins, New York Times contributor and author

Healthy tulip tree leaf (top) compared to ozone-injured leaf. Images by National Park Service.
Healthy tulip tree leaf (top) compared to ozone-injured leaf. Images by National Park Service.
Environmental Protection Agency alert.
Environmental Protection Agency alert.
Even bristlecone pine trees over a thousand years old growing on top of mountains from Colorado to California are now affected by rising levels of ground-level ozone. Image USDA.
Even bristlecone pine trees over a thousand years old growing on top of mountains from Colorado to California are now affected by rising levels of ground-level ozone. Image USDA.

November 24, 2016 Helena, Montana - On November 18, 2016, the U. S. Forest Service reported that 2016 U. S. Forest Service surveys of dead trees in California increased by 36 million deaths since May 2016, bringing the grand total in California to 102 million dead trees during the ongoing 5-year-drought. More than half of that number were 2016 deaths reinforcing the alarm that trees in California and other parts of the U. S. and the world are dying at an ever-accelerating rate. The world lost 45 million acres of trees last year in 2015.


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Update: Viewer Feedback On San Jose Booms and Lake Ontario Mysteries

“I heard the booms Nov. 15. There were distinctly two; the second boom arriving just a few moments after the first, with the second boom being louder and more concussive.”

- San Jose, California, resident

“The UFO stopped in mid-air, reversed course horizontally. At this point, I knew exactly what I was seeing and it shook me to my core.”

- Scarborough East resident on Lake Ontario, Toronto, Canada


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What Was Large “Balloon”-Shaped Aerial Object Over Lake Ontario That Forced Pilots to Dive Below It On November 14th?

“We've got our work cut out trying to figure out what this unidentified flying object was. What did the pilots encounter? It definitely wasn't a bird.
It was a fairly large (balloon-like) object.”

- Peter Rowntree, Canada's Sr. Regional Air Safety Board Investigator

Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario make up the Great Lakes between the United States and Canada. Toronto sets on the northwestern shore of Lake Ontario that has a long history of UFO sightings. Map © by
Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario make up the Great Lakes between the United States and Canada. Toronto sets on the northwestern shore of Lake Ontario that has a long history of UFO sightings. Map © by

November 15, 2016 Toronto, Canada - The Great Lakes between the United States and Canada have been one of the UFO hotspots in North American history of unidentified flying objects. One of the most famous cases on record was the disappearance of a jet and its pilot and radar operator over Lake Superior on November 23, 1953. That evening, one of Kinross AFB's radar controllers had an "unidentified target" over Lake Superior. An F-89C Scorpion jet was scrambled from Kinross AFB to check the unidentified out. Radar controllers kept watching as the F-89 and its two-man crew of pilot Felix Moncla and radar operator Robert Wilson, flew closer to the UFO. Then, to their amazement, the UFO blip and the F-89 blip on the radar screen merged. That jet and its crew were never found.


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Two Northern Mysteries — Strange, Persistent Ping from Arctic Seafloor and “UFO? or 1950 Bomb?” Northwest of Vancouver, B. C.

“Fury and Hecla Strait is one of the major hunting areas in the summer
and winter because it's an area of open water surrounded by ice that's abundant with sea mammals. And this time around, this summer (2016), there were hardly any (seals and whales). And this became a suspicious thing.”

- Paul Quassa, Legislative Assembly Member
for Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada

“It resembled a bagel cut in half, and then around the circle of the bagel
these bolts ... bigger than basketballs ... all molded into it, like half spheres. It was the strangest thing I had ever seen.”

- Sean Smyrichinsky, Diver near Haida Gwaii,
an archipelago some 466 air miles (750 km) NW of Vancouver, B. C.,
describing 12-foot-long, round, metallic object on seafloor

November 6, 2016 Arctic Fury and Hecla Strait; and Haida Gwaii Archipelago northwest of Vancouver, B. C., Canada -

Fury and Hecla Strait - Mystery Pinging Sound

Fury and Hecla Strait is a narrow channel of water in Nunavut, which is the most recent, largest and least populated territory in Canada, west of Greenland. Normally the strait is full of seals, whales and other marine animals because the spot doesn't ice over through most of the year. But since the summer of 2016, the waters have been eerily empty alerting locals that something is wrong and fishermen hear and feel the pinging coming through the hulls of their wooden boats. Image by City Escapes/
Fury and Hecla Strait is a narrow channel of water in Nunavut, which is the most recent, largest and least populated territory in Canada, west of Greenland. Normally the strait is full of seals, whales and other marine animals because the spot doesn't ice over through most of the year. But since the summer of 2016, the waters have been eerily empty alerting locals that something is wrong and fishermen hear and feel the pinging coming through the hulls of their wooden boats. Image by City Escapes/


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Part 3: Hacked Podesta Emails — Alien Bad Guys? Good Guys?

“In ongoing requests for our Skype talk to discuss Disclosure and the difference between our contiguous universe nonviolent obedient ETI and the celestials of this universe ...”

- Edgar D. Mitchell, Sc.D., and NASA Apollo 14 Astronaut
to John Podesta on July 10, 2015

Return to Part 1.

October 28, 2016 Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada - In this third half-hour about the WikiLeaks dump of hacked John Podesta emails, I would like to share some excerpts from now-deceased Apollo 14 Astronaut Edgar Mitchell. In 1964, he received his Doctorate in Science (Dsc) from MIT with a focus on aeronautics and astronautics.

Apollo 14 launched from Earth on January 31, 1971, with Astronauts Edgar Mitchell, Alan Shepard and Commander Stuart Roosa. Edgar Mitchell piloted the Lunar Module and with Alan Shepard landed on the moon’s surface February 5th, 1971.  The two astronauts spent 33 hours collecting 100 pounds of lunar samples.

Astronaut Edgar D. Mitchell, Apollo 14 lunar module pilot stands by the deployed U.S. flag on the lunar surface during the early moments of the mission's first spacewalk. He was photographed by astronaut Alan B. Shepard Jr., mission commander. Astronaut Stuart A. Roosa, command module pilot, remained with the Command and Service Module "Kitty Hawk" in lunar orbit. Credit: NASA.
Astronaut Edgar D. Mitchell, Apollo 14 lunar module pilot stands by the deployed U.S. flag on the lunar surface during the early moments of the mission's first spacewalk. He was photographed by astronaut Alan B. Shepard Jr., mission commander. Astronaut Stuart A. Roosa, command module pilot, remained with the Command and Service Module "Kitty Hawk" in lunar orbit. Credit: NASA.


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Part 2: Hacked Podesta Emails —Why Is Media Ignoring Generals and UFOs?

“The media still thinks it's a joke. But a day will come when The New York Times and The Washington Post realize that they’ve been had. And they decide they are going to put six reporters on the UFO story. They are going
to talk to their high level sources.”

- Grant Cameron,

Return to Part 1.

October 28, 2016 Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada - Since the WikiLeaks dump of John Podesta's emails at the beginning of October, there has been a lot of political reporting about the emails related to Hillary Clinton, but not about the significant development of two U. S. Air Force Generals and the head of Lockheed's Skunk Works meeting in a Google Hangout with John Podesta and Tom Delonge on January 25th this year.


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