Part 2: Keys to the Cosmos: Fractal Math, Frequencies and Wave Patterns

“Space-time — it's the Planck constant times frequency equals mass times the speed of light squared. Think about how the universe is Planck pixels, the frequency of which things are vibrating on those pixels, and at the very quantum, fundamental level, all of that would describe what people consider their souls.”

- Jason Padgett, co-author Struck by Genius

Return to Part 1.


February 24, 2017 Federal Way, Washington - There was a best-selling book entitled “The Holographic Universe” that was first released in hard cover by HarperCollins in 1991.

The Holographic Universe © 1991 by Michael Talbot.
The Holographic Universe © 1991 by Michael Talbot.

Around the same time, I spoke at a Mid-West conference, along with human abduction researcher Budd Hopkins. The new book by a young man only 38 years old and its mind-blowing hypothesis that our universe was being projected by Something Else — maybe from another dimension — was the topic of many discussions at the conference.  A holographic universe is one where all the information that makes up our 3-dimensional “reality” plus time is actually contained in a 2-dimensional surface that is projecting what we conscious creatures see and move through as 3-dimensional space/time. 


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WWII UFO and RAF Plane Encounter Covered Up by Churchill and Eisenhower, MoD Documents Reveal

Reprinted on February 16, 2017, after the science journal Nature's February 15, 2017, article “Winston Churchill's essay on alien life found” written in 1939. During WWII,  Prime Minister Churchill and American General Dwight D.Eisenhower discussed UFOs.
See Websites below for Feb. 15, 2017, Nature article.

“This (UFO) event should be immediately classified
since it would create mass panic amongst the general population
and destroy one's belief in the church.”

- Churchill bodyguard, quoting Churchill as told to grandson, a U. K. scientist

American General Dwight D. Eisenhower with U. K.'s Prime Minister Winston Churchill during World War II in 1943 discussed UFOs, according to MoD release.
American General Dwight D. Eisenhower with U. K.'s Prime Minister Winston Churchill during World War II in 1943 discussed UFOs, according to MoD release.

Reprinted on February 16, 2017 / original Earthfiles August 6, 2010  London, England - Yesterday on August 5, 2010, the latest batch of British UFO files were released from the U. K. National Archives. One of the files entitled DEFE 24/2013/1 (PDF, 37.9 Mb) in Archives list below contains August to October 1999 correspondence between a “qualified scientist, specializing in physics and astronomy” to the U. K. Ministers Correspondence Unit in London, England, about his grandfather, whom he describes “serving as a personal bodyguard to the Prime Minister,” Winston Churchill. The following letters from the scientist give more details about an alleged conversation of alarm between PM Churchill and American General Dwight D. Eisenhower discussing an encounter between an RAF bomber returning from Germany and an unknown aerial object “metallic with an arrow-shaped body.”


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Are Color-Modulated Rapid Pulses from 234 Stars E.T. Signals?

— “The light pulses are separated by exactly the same time, like turning a flashlight on and off, and the time separation is exactly the same — billions of times a second.”

- Ermanno Borra, Ph.D., Prof. of Physics, Univ. of Laval, Quebec City, Canada, with Graduate Student Eric Trottier

— “The one in 10,000 objects with unusual spectra seen by Borra and Trottier are certainly worthy of additional study.”

- Breakthrough Listen/ Berkeley SETI Research Center, UC Berkeley, CA.

— “Meeting an advanced civilization could be like Native Americans
encountering Columbus. That didn't turn out so well.”

- Stephen Hawking, Ph.D., U. K. Theoretical Physicist and Cosmologist

2.5 million star spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey were analyzed with Fourier transform analysis, but only 234 yellow stars had the peculiar color-modulated, billions of pulses a second. Also see SDSS video at end of this report.
2.5 million star spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey were analyzed with Fourier transform analysis, but only 234 yellow stars had the peculiar color-modulated, billions of pulses a second. Also see SDSS video at end of this report.

January 27, 2017 Pasadena, California - Two years ago on November 15, 2015, the American Astronomical Journal published a paper entitled, “Searching for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Signals in Astronomical Spectra, including Existing Data.” The writer is Ermanno Borra, Ph.D., Professor of Physics, Laval University in Quebec City, Canada. He received his doctorate in Astronomy from the University of Western Ontario in 1972, followed by his post-doctoral fellow at Hale Observatory and then a sabbatical in cosmology at the University of Arizona. Dr. Borra is currently a member of the Canadian Network for Space Research.


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Disturbing 40% Decline in Earth’s Giraffes Since 1987 — Another 21st Century Extinction?

Adopt A Giraffe to Save from Extinction!

Giraffe Conservation Foundation

January 27, 2017 Eros, Windhoek, Namibia Along with the depressing headlines in December 2016 about the rapid decline of cheetahs came more headlines that giraffes have lost nearly half their population in just the last 30 years and are now also facing the risk of extinction this century.

We have all been hearing about Earth being in a 6th mass extinction because of human impact on once-natural habitats that are being developed for farms or houses or other human needs. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature, the IUCN, reported in early December 2016 that the number of species now on its Red List totals more than 85,000, with more than 24,000 at risk of extinction — including the world's tallest animal, the giraffe.


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Only 7,000 Cheetahs Left In World — 21st Century Extinction?

“All we can say for cheetah is they're now confined to only 9% of their historical range. And if you look at Asia, it's down to 2%.”

Sarah Durant, Ph.D., Sr. Research Fellow, Zoological Society
of London and Scientist, Wildlife Conservation Society, London, and Namibia, Africa.

Cheetahs are the fastest animals on Earth and can reach 75 mph in runs after gazelles and impala, their food in the balance of Nature.
Cheetahs are the fastest animals on Earth and can reach 75 mph in runs after gazelles and impala, their food in the balance of Nature.
Cheetah mother and her three cubs. Lions and hyenas kill cheetah cubs for food. Humans capture cubs to sell as pets that will usually die in captivity. In the 1900s, cheetah roamed over all of Africa. Today their original habitat has been cut down to only 9% of what it was. Only 7,000 cheetahs are left on Earth. Image prehistoricpark.
Cheetah mother and her three cubs. Lions and hyenas kill cheetah cubs for food. Humans capture cubs to sell as pets that will usually die in captivity. In the 1900s, cheetah roamed over all of Africa. Today their original habitat has been cut down to only 9% of what it was. Only 7,000 cheetahs are left on Earth. Image prehistoricpark.

Save Cheetahs from Extinction!

Donate to: Wildlife Conservation Society

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January 27, 2017 Namibia, Africa I was stunned by The New York Times and National Geographic headlines in late December 2016 warning that “Cheetahs Are Dangerously Close to Extinction.” I remember a day in September 1985, after I had completed production on a documentary film in Ethiopia about child survival for UNICEF. My cameraman invited me to travel to his home in Nairobi, Kenya, and then visit the Maasai Mara National Reserve, a large game park in Kenya near the Serengeti National Park of Tanzania.


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Search Ongoing for 9th Planet, So Massive It Tilts Solar System Planets 6 Degrees

“My first guess is that it'll be kind of like Neptune, but I don't know what it's going to look like.”

- Michael Brown, Ph.D., Prof. of Planetary Astronomy, Caltech

Our sun is the yellow sphere. Planet orbits are depicted as gravitationally interacting rings where Orbit 9 depicts the great elliptical path of what the astronomers think is a gaseous 9th planet in the Oort cloud that is 10-20 times the mass of our Earth. Why such a huge planet would have such an elliptical orbit is still unknown. Speculation is that a passing star at the time the solar system formed might have pulled Planet 9 into the strange orbit. Graphic by Michael Brown & Konstantin Batygin 2016.
Our sun is the yellow sphere. Planet orbits are depicted as gravitationally interacting rings where Orbit 9 depicts the great elliptical path of what the astronomers think is a gaseous 9th planet in the Oort cloud that is 10-20 times the mass of our Earth. Why such a huge planet would have such an elliptical orbit is still unknown. Speculation is that a passing star at the time the solar system formed might have pulled Planet 9 into the strange orbit. Graphic by Michael Brown & Konstantin Batygin 2016.
California Inst. of Technology astronomers Mike Brown, Ph.D., and Konstantin Batygin, Ph.D., discovered that thirteen objects in the Kuiper Belt surrounding our solar system were all moving together as if influenced by the gravity of a very large object that is so far not visible. Above illustration of ninth planet with our Sun in the lower right corner by Caltech/R. Hurt.
California Inst. of Technology astronomers Mike Brown, Ph.D., and Konstantin Batygin, Ph.D., discovered that thirteen objects in the Kuiper Belt surrounding our solar system were all moving together as if influenced by the gravity of a very large object that is so far not visible. Above illustration of ninth planet with our Sun in the lower right corner by Caltech/R. Hurt.

January 27, 2017 Pasadena, California One year ago on January 29, 2016, I reported at my news website,, and my Coast to Coast AM radio broadcast,  about a newly discovered ninth planet at the edges of our solar system. Michael Brown, Ph.D., Professor of Planetary Astronomy at Caltech in Pasadena,  reported that a huge object ten to twenty times the mass of Earth was moving in a big looping orbit far beyond Pluto in the region between the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud. Prof. Brown simply calls it “Planet 9.” The discovery has been like chasing a ghost. Whatever is out there, its mass is so great that its gravitational field pushes half a dozen other Kuiper Belt objects to cluster together on the opposite side of Planet 9's huge looping orbit.


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Unexplained, Loud, House-Shaking Boom Reported by Dozens to Mt. Holly, N.C. Police Night of Jan. 17th

“It sounded like a bomb just went off outside our house.”

- Mt. Holly, No. Carolina Resident, January 17, 2017

Mt. Holly, North Carolina, is about 13 miles northwest of  Charlotte, NC. Twelve miles further west from Mt. Holly is Gastonia, the location of one of the most shocking horse mutilations on record that occurred February 22, 1980. See last segment of this report.
Mt. Holly, North Carolina, is about 13 miles northwest of Charlotte, NC. Twelve miles further west from Mt. Holly is Gastonia, the location of one of the most shocking horse mutilations on record that occurred February 22, 1980. See last segment of this report.

January 19, 2017 Mt. Holly, North Carolina - Tuesday night, January 17, 2017, beginning at about 8:03 PM Eastern, the Channel 9-WSOTV newsroom in Mt. Holly, North Carolina, began receiving dozens of calls from viewers reporting a mysterious, loud, house-shaking boom. Channel 9 reporter Ken Lemon learned Mt. Holly police and county dispatchers also received over thirty 911 calls in a couple of hours from worried residents trying to find out what caused the bomb-like sound.

Channel 9-WSOTV news report, Mt. Holly, North Carolina, on Tuesday night, January 17, 2017, four nights after another loud boom was reported on Saturday, January 14, 2017. City and  county authorities still have no answers.
Channel 9-WSOTV news report, Mt. Holly, North Carolina, on Tuesday night, January 17, 2017, four nights after another loud boom was reported on Saturday, January 14, 2017. City and county authorities still have no answers.


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Update: High Strangeness in U. K. Cat and Fox Deaths and Oregon Cow Mutilation

“We started our investigation in September 2015. Since then we’ve collected about 180 bodies, all with similar wounds — their head or tail cut off, or both; some have had their front paws or back paws cut off; some have literally been cut in half.”

- Tony Jenkins, Co-Founder, U. K. South Norwood
Animal Rescue and Liberty (SNARL)

“The cow's milk bag (udder) was taken off in a big, round cut. And the uterus was taken out through the removed udder hole in the abdomen. It was just a weird deal.”

- Farmer after cow mutilated between John Day
and Prairie City, Oregon, Nov. 2016

January 17, 2017 Croydon, England, and Prairie City, Oregon - Since the fall of 2015, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) and the South Norwood Animal Rescue and Liberty known as SNARL have worked hard to catch and arrest the perpetrators of at least 180 cat, fox, rabbit and other bloodless animal mutilations in the Croydon region a few miles south of London. By now as another year begins, the investigators and police thought the crimes would be solved. But bloodless beheadings, disembowelments, removals of paws and tails, and cutting bodies in half continue in small animals, especially domestic cats. Some mutilations have been as far north as Manchester and Birmingham, 200 miles and 125 miles respectively northwest of London.

Manchester is about 200 miles northwest of London, England. Birmingham is 125 miles northwest. Since the Fall of 2015, bloodless, beheaded half-cats and other small animals such as rabbits and foxes have been found dead and mysteriously cut without blood in the animals or on the ground around them.
Manchester is about 200 miles northwest of London, England. Birmingham is 125 miles northwest. Since the Fall of 2015, bloodless, beheaded half-cats and other small animals such as rabbits and foxes have been found dead and mysteriously cut without blood in the animals or on the ground around them.


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Chile Military Releases Unclassified UFO Video of Nov. 11, 2014

“We do not know what it was, but we do know what it was not.”

- Gen. Ricardo Bermúdez, Director, CEFAA,
Committee for the Study of Aerial Phenomena, Santiago de Chile

January 9, 2017 Santiago de Chile - The Chilean government's Committee for the Study of Aerial Phenomena (CEFAA) in Santiago de Chile has released unclassified videotape (never classified, but took two years to release) of a naval helicopter carrying out a routine daylight coastal patrol on November 11, 2014, when the camera operator noticed an unidentified flying object ahead. See Websites below for full video. The first appearance of the UFO was as two dark spheres joined together that were was flying horizontally and at a steady speed similar to that of the naval helicopter.

Infrared video frame of dark UFO, November 11, 2014. This and all infrared videotape frames below are © 2014 by Chilean CEFAA, which investigates UFOs.
Infrared video frame of dark UFO, November 11, 2014. This and all infrared videotape frames below are © 2014 by Chilean CEFAA, which investigates UFOs.


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