Part 5: Dina Napier Encounters with Live Reptilian Humanoid and Frightening Cloaked Figure

“The cloaked being was hovering above us. My 6-month-old son and I were huddled in the corner, and I was holding onto him very, very tightly.
This being would reach out, trying to take my son away from me. It was
a mental battle between us, that I was protecting my son, and I wasn't
allowing this being to take him from me.”

- Dina Napier in 1994, age 21


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Part 4 – Audio Interview with Alaska Dark Pyramid Remote Viewer Dina Napier

“We knew that there was a lot of energy leaking out of this
pyramid, and this is what they wanted us to study.”

- Dina Napier from 1995 remote viewing
underground black pyramid in Alaska, age 22


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Repeating Fast Radio Bursts 2.5 Billion Light-Years from Earth — Alien Intelligence?

“Fast radio bursts are exceedingly bright given their short duration and origin at great distances, and we haven't identified a possible natural source with any confidence. An artificial origin of fast radio bursts is worth contemplating and checking.”

- Avi Loeb, Ph.D., Chair, Astronomy Dept., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA.

Illustration of a hypothetical alien intelligence's large transport sail powered by a radio beam (red) generated from the surface of an Earth-sized planet 1 to 3 billion light-years from Earth. Credit:  M. Weiss/Center for Astrophysics, Harvard Univ.
Illustration of a hypothetical alien intelligence's large transport sail powered by a radio beam (red) generated from the surface of an Earth-sized planet 1 to 3 billion light-years from Earth.  
Credit: M. Weiss/Center for Astrophysics, Harvard Univ.

March 30, 2017 Cambridge, Massachusetts - What has been making very powerful and rapid radio bursts the past ten years from 2.5 billion light-years from Earth? The first recorded fast radio burst was in 2007 by the Parkes radio telescope in Australia. The power of that radio burst was 500 million times the power of our solar system's sun and lasted only 5 milliseconds. It might have been some astronomical body that blew up — except that five years later on November 2, 2012, in the same place there were two more repeating bursts now known as “FRB 121102.” Since then there have been fifteen more recorded by Earth scientists to date for a total of eighteen recorded mysterious fast radio bursts coming from the same spot in the cosmic sky.


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93% of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef Suffering Coral Bleaching.

— “We didn't expect to see this level of destruction to the Great Barrier Reef for another 30 years. In the north, I saw hundreds of reefs in which literally two-thirds of the reefs were dying and are now dead.”

- Terry Hughes, Ph.D., Prof. and Dir. of Australia's Government-Funded Center for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University, Townsville City, QLD, Australia

— “I've been photographing this area of the reef for several years now
and what we’re seeing is unprecedented. ... nearly 100% of the corals are bleaching, and who knows how many will recover?”

- Brett Monroe Garner, Photographer, Greenpeace Int'l.

The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is suffering its worst coral bleaching ever recorded with 93% damaged to dying. Image by AFP.
The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is suffering its worst coral bleaching ever recorded with 93% damaged to dying. Image by AFP.
The Great Barrier Reef, off the coast of Queensland in northeastern Australia, (red underline) is the largest living organism on Earth, even visible from outer space. The 1400-mile-long (2,300 km) ecosystem is made up of some 3,000 individual reefs produced from over 600 types of hard  and soft coral. Coral reefs are not plants. Corals are the product of billions of tiny organisms known as coral polyps. Even though coral reefs make up only 1/10th of 1% of the Earth's  surface, the reefs are where 25% of all marine life live for protection.
The Great Barrier Reef, off the coast of Queensland in northeastern Australia, (red underline) is the largest living organism on Earth, even visible from outer space. The 1400-mile-long (2,300 km) ecosystem is made up of some 3,000 individual reefs produced from over 600 types of hard and soft coral. Coral reefs are not plants. Corals are the product of billions of tiny organisms known as coral polyps. Even though coral reefs make up only 1/10th of 1% of the Earth's surface, the reefs are where 25% of all marine life live for protection.


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Part 3: More Mystery About Alaska Underground Dark Pyramid

“These dark underground pyramids are going to be revealed at some point.
It's almost like these pyramids are very individual in their looks and types, but I feel that what's going on in the Antarctic right now is exactly what's going on up in Alaska as well. So these are the same types of black pyramids.”

- Dina Napier from 1995 remote viewing
underground black pyramid in Alaska, age 22

Return to Part 1.

March 24, 2017 Albuquerque, New Mexico - In Dina Napier's February 19, 2017, email excerpted in Part 1, she wrote that eight years after her first 1995 remote viewing at age 22 of the black pyramid underground in Alaska:

“Around the age of 30 (2003), I yet again had a very powerful dream. I had the same man 'guide' from the Alaska remote viewing dream of the big, black pyramid underground that scientists were studying.


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Part 2: More Mystery About Alaska Underground Dark Pyramid

“I got back to ground level on the ice above the huge, black underground pyramid and my last vision was on the ice in the cold and there were three large spaceships, very large sort of triangular-shaped aerial craft rose up out of the ice.”

- Dina Napier from 1995 remote viewing
underground black pyramid in Alaska, age 22

Dina Napier's © 2017 illustration of the three aerial craft exchanging beam energy with the tops of Giza pyramids in Egypt, that she viewed in 1995 at age 22 in a vivid dream remote viewing experience of Alaska site of large, black pyramid underground west of Mt. McKinley, re-named Mt. Denali.
Dina Napier's © 2017 illustration of the three aerial craft exchanging beam energy with the tops of Giza pyramids in Egypt, that she viewed in 1995 at age 22 in a vivid dream remote viewing experience of Alaska site of large, black pyramid underground west of Mt. McKinley, re-named Mt. Denali.

Return to Part 1.

March 15, 2017 Albuquerque, New Mexico - After receiving Dina Napier's February 19, 2017, email excerpted in Part 1, she agreed to an in-depth recorded interview by phone for Earthfiles and radio broadcasts. The following begins with my question after her dramatic statement about not using elevator to enter any other pods on the big, black pyramid ended Part 1 with: “We were not to venture off into any other areas. If we did, then we would be eliminated.”


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Part 1: More Mystery About Alaska Underground Dark Pyramid

“This is as super secret a situation as the Manhattan Project was.
Nobody is supposed to know this place even exists. ...This thing is some
kind of power generator and it’s thousands of years old, it’s made out of
stone like a pyramid. They don’t know where it came from, who made it
or how it works. But it can generate enough power to power the whole
North Slope, all of Alaska, and probably the whole country of Canada!
That’s how much juice it puts out and they don’t have a clue
where it came from and it’s underground!”

- Huey helicopter pilot delivered cargo
to military at dark pyramid site, Spring 1978

“Though we seem to be sleeping, there is an inner wakefulness that directs the dreams. And that will eventually startle us back to the truth of who we are.”

- Rumi, Persian poet, 1244

March 1, 2017 Albuquerque, New Mexico - I returned from Gobekli Tepe, Turkey, on June 15, 2012, and reported in the 6-part Earthfiles about the 30-acres of limestone pillars placed in circles twelve thousand years ago - and then buried about eleven thousand years ago. In the Turkey trip, we also visited mysterious Mount Nemrut north of Gobekli Tepe. The upper 198 feet of that mountain is completely artificially covered with the same size stones. What is behind the phenomenon of burying ancient structures? Was there another burial of a pyramid larger, obsidian-black and more ancient than Cheops in western Alaska between Mount McKinley and Nome?


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Part 1: Is Our Universe Also A 3-D Hologram?

“It doesn't seem like the universe cares so much about fairness
as it does care that all things that can happen — do.”

- Jason Padgett, co-author Struck by Genius

February 24, 2017 Federal Way, Washington - Even though Thomas Campbell seems convinced that our universe, if simulated, is not holographic but purely information based, perhaps built from 3-dimensional fractal geometries, there are increasingly credible science papers and books about the simulation of our universe as a 3-dimensional hologram.

Only a month ago on January 30th, 2017, theoretical physicists and astrophysicists from the University of Southampton in the U. K. — the University of Waterloo in Canada — and the University of Salento in Italy — published in the Physical Review Letters  “substantial evidence” that we’re living in a holographic universe.


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Part 1: A Physicist Thinks Our Universe Is Simulated

“You look into reality close enough and what you find is that it’s not material. It’s information based. Information based means it’s computed. Computed means there is computer code and if there’s computer code, you’re going to find error correction!”

- Thomas Campbell, author and applied physicist

February 24, 2017 Huntsville, Alabama - Last month in my January 2017 COAST broadcast, I interviewed Phoenix resident Jerry Wills about his 1966 face-to-face contact with a male, blond extraterrestrial humanoid called “Zo.”  Zo's home base, he said, was a planet orbiting Tau Ceti about 12 light-years from Earth.

Then in  November 1998, Jerry was at Lake Titicaca, Peru, and his wife saw him disappear into a rock doorway known as Aramu Muru. Jerry reappeared in a flash of light after  being  in what he thought was another universe where an Intelligent Voice showed him a laboratory experiment to create and study a universe. The Voice told Jerry that our cosmos was the result of the Other Dimension’s experiment to simulate a universe.

Is our universe a computer simulation? That question keeps coming up in media, science journals and public conferences.  A few months ago at the Recode Code computer conference in Los Angeles, Elon Musk — Owner and CEO of SpaceX and Tesla — was asked about the simulated universe hypothesis. He answered, “The odds we are in base reality is one in billions!” — meaning he thinks the odds are high that we are in a simulated universe.


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