Latest Antarctica Volcano Count — 138! Another Threat to Sea Level Rise

“We were amazed. We had not expected to find anything like 91 more volcanoes a mile down in the ice! ...West Antarctic rift is the densest region of volcanoes in the world.”

- Robert Bingham, Ph.D., Glaciology, Univ. of Edinburgh, Scotland

What is troubling scientists is the ability for these many Antarctic volcanoes, if they erupted, to cause wide scale melting and breakup of Antarctica's ice sheets. Image by NASA.
What is troubling scientists is the ability for these many Antarctic volcanoes, if they erupted, to cause wide scale melting and breakup of Antarctica's ice sheets. Image by NASA.

September 29, 2017 Edinburgh, Scotland -  Scientists from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland have done the first study of the West Antarctic Rift with ice-penetrating radar and have found what might be the largest volcanic region on Earth, larger than the East Africa volcanic ridge that contains Mt. Kilimanjaro. They analyzed the shape of the land beneath the ice using measurements from ice-penetrating radar, and compared the findings with satellite and database records, as well as geological information from aerial surveys.

To their surprise, they now have a count of 138 volcanoes that range in height from 320 feet (100 m) to 12,600 feet (3,850 m). The peaks are concentrated in a region known as the West Antarctic Rift System, spanning 2,174 miles (3,500 km) from Antarctica's Ross Ice Shelf to the Antarctic Peninsula. Some of the peaks stick out of the mile thick ice, while most are below the ice sheet.


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Part 2: Fiery UFO Seen by Two Army M.P.s At Fort Baker Near San Francisco

“The yellow-orange-white bright light came down from high in the sky
to the bottom of a 100-foot-high cliff at Ft. Baker — no explosion or fire —
but three 'people' suddenly appeared at the top of the cliff!”

- U. S. Army Specialist 4/ Military Policeman, Fort Baker, California

Video frame of an orange-yellow-white UFO over West Palm Beach, FL, © 2015 Jan. 2015 Jennifer Schee.
Video frame of an orange-yellow-white UFO over West Palm Beach, FL, © 2015 Jan. 2015 Jennifer Schee.

September 29, 2017 Fort Baker, California, across Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco's Presidio -  Three months later after David and his M. P. partner saw the reptilian “Creature from the Black Lagoon”  get out of the water,  stand on the road for a few seconds and then disappear into the cliff wall — the two men were on patrol at the Battery Spencer installation near Fort Baker when they both saw a very bright, red-yellow-white UFO come from high in the night sky  rapidly downward on a 45-degree angle towards the bottom of a cliff. What happened next baffled David and his M. P. colleague.


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Distant Galaxy Emits 15 New Fast Radio Bursts

— “These are the highest frequency and widest bandwidth detections of bursts from FRB 121102 obtained to-date. Additional fully calibrated full-Stokes analysis employing coherent de-dispersion on raw voltage data is ongoing. These observations may indicate FRB 121102 is currently in a heightened activity state, and follow-on observations are encouraged, particularly at higher radio frequencies.”

- The Astronomer's Telegram, Aug. 29, 2017

— “Fast radio bursts are exceedingly bright given their short duration and origin at great distances (3 billion light-years), and we haven't identified a possible natural source with any confidence. An artificial origin of fast radio bursts is worth contemplating and checking.”

- Avi Loeb, Ph.D., Chair of the Harvard University Astronomy Department

A sequence of 14 of the 15 detected bursts illustrate their dispersed spectrum and extreme variability. The streaks across the colored energy plot are the bursts appearing at different times and different energies because of dispersion caused by 3 billion years of travel through intergalactic space. In the top frequency spectrum, the dispersion has been removed to show the 300 microsecond pulse spike. Capturing this diverse set of bursts was made possible by the broad bandwidth that can be processed by the Breakthrough Listen backend at the Green Bank Telescope. Spectrum by Breakthrough Listen.
A sequence of 14 of the 15 detected bursts illustrate their dispersed spectrum and extreme variability. The streaks across the colored energy plot are the bursts appearing at different times and different energies because of dispersion caused by 3 billion years of travel through intergalactic space. In the top frequency spectrum, the dispersion has been removed to show the 300 microsecond pulse spike. Capturing this diverse set of bursts was made possible by the broad bandwidth that can be processed by the Breakthrough Listen backend at the Green Bank Telescope. Spectrum by Breakthrough Listen.

August 30, 2017 Green Bank Telescope, West Virginia - “Circling one star among hundreds of billions, in one galaxy among a hundred billion more, in a universe that is vast and expanding ever faster — perhaps toward infinity. Are we alone? Are there habitable worlds in our galactic neighborhood? Can we make the great leap to the stars? And can we think and act together as one world in the cosmos?”


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Part 2: More Half-Cats in Baton Rouge, LA, Continue Long History of Half-Cats

“All that was remaining was the uppermost part (of black cat),
meaning its front paws, shoulders and head. The rest of that cat was gone.”

- Bonnie McDaniel, discovered black cat cut bloodlessly in half
in her neighbor's back yard in East Baton Rouge, LA, August 10, 2017

Shenandoah is an unincorporated area in East Baton Rouge Parish,  Louisiana. The population was 18,399 at the 2010 census. Google map coordinates are: 30°24′5″N 91°0′16″W.
Shenandoah is an unincorporated area in East Baton Rouge Parish,  Louisiana. The population was 18,399 at the 2010 census. Google map coordinates are: 30°24′5″N 91°0′16″W.

Return to Part 1.

August 15, 2017 Baton Rouge, Louisiana - On August 10, 2017, WBRZ-TV News reported that the East Baton Rouge Animal Control is investigating the discovery of several bloodless cats cut in half. Bonnnie McDaniel, a resident of East Baton Rouge in Shenandoah County, Louisiana, was walking through her neighbor's back yard the second week of August 2017 and discovered the front half of a black cat that laid in the grass dry and bloodless with everything gone on its body except its front paws, shoulders and head.


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Part 1: Bizarre, Bloodless Cat and Other Animal Mutilations in Canada and Florida

— “The animals are incredibly clean (without blood).
We believe that it would take a fair amount of time to do that.”

- Judy Foster, Ex. Dir., London, Ontario Human Society, Canada

— “My cat had been cleanly cut in half and PLACED tail in the air
in a little clearing between homes. Absolutely no blood around. ”

- Paul Martinez, resident in Orlando, Florida

August 14, 2017  London, Ontario, Canada - Nine months ago in December 2016, in Toronto, reported that seventeen dead and bloodlessly mutilated animals had been reported to London, Ontario, police and the Humane Society. That month one of the victims was a dog with its head cleanly cut off lying on top of a recycling bin next to a liquor store. The dog had been skinned and its internal organs removed, but there was no blood anywhere.


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Bloodless Bull Mutilation in Canada

— “Bull was facing south with rectum, testicles and penis removed from within sheath — extreme precision with cuts and little to no blood.”

- Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Redcliff, Alberta, Canada,
bull mutilation report June 18, 2017

— “I do butcher my own animals and I know how to cut to some degree and it looked like the scrotum and penis were removed surgically with maybe something like a laser.”

- “John Smith,” rancher for 52 years, Schuler, Alberta, Canada

August 11, 2017   Schuler, Alberta, Canada - On June 18, 2017, a rancher I've been asked to call “John Smith,” was shocked and confused by what happened to a 2-year-old bull he had rented to breed with his herd of 13 cows. “Smith” has been raising Black Angus cows for 52 years in Schuler, Alberta, Canada, a half-hour northeast of Medicine Hat.

Schuler, Alberta Canada, is 38 miles northeast of Medicine Hat and Redcliff.
Schuler, Alberta Canada, is 38 miles northeast of Medicine Hat and Redcliff.


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