Part 1: Star Wars Physicist Edward Teller And Remotely Piloted Vehicles (RPVs)

“A menace greater than the nuclear arms race exists. It does not originate here on earth, but comes from space itself. ”

- Edward Teller, Ph.D., in memo to Pres. Ronald Reagan

Reprint Dec. 7, 2017 / original October 23, 2015 Albuquerque, New Mexico - I want to share an alleged government document leaked to Bob and Ryan Wood in their Majestic-12 documents project at The document is entitled “Edward Teller’s Pitch to President Reagan for SDI” (Strategic Defense Initiative). The date was July 2, a year or two (1981-1983) after Ronald Reagan became president in January 1981.


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Part 2 – Star Wars Physicist Edward Teller About Alien “Menace” and Remotely Piloted Vehicles (RPVs).

“An ingenious new circular airfoil design is now in experimental stage.”

- Edward Teller, Ph.D., in memo to Pres. Ronald Reagan

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Reprint December 7, 2017 / Orig. October 23, 2015 Albuquerque, New Mexico - The following alleged government document is reprinted in full. Originally leaked to Bob and Ryan Wood for their Majestic-12 documents project at The document is entitled “Edward Teller’s Pitch to President Reagan for SDI" (Strategic Defense Initiative). The date is July 2, a year or two (1981-1983) after Ronald Reagan became president in January 1981.

President Ronald Reagan awarded physicist Edward Teller, Ph.D., the National Medal of Science in 1983. Image courtesy Lawrence Livermore Laboratory.
President Ronald Reagan awarded physicist Edward Teller, Ph.D., the National Medal of Science in 1983. Image courtesy Lawrence Livermore Laboratory.


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Notes About MJ-12 Project Sigma and LANL WX Division

“Project Apotheosis ... refers to modules and 'aliens' being ready
for transfer from an Australian (Project Sigma) facility.”

- CONFIDENTIAL anonymous Notes on Project Sigma, Australia

November 29, 2017   Albuquerque, New Mexico - Recently, I found a file in an old cabinet drawer filled with 1980s papers, books and photographs. Two of the pages might be more understood and relevant now moving toward the middle of the 21st Century than in the 1980s. Those following two pages were in a folder labelled “high strangeness - anonymous” of letters and notes. So I am sharing them now for feedback from Earthfiles viewers and listeners. I am also adding information that has evolved since about some of the subjects in the two pages below.


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Mysterious Metallic Wind Sound Wouldn’t Record On iPhone

“It was weird. Not only could my iPhone not pick up the apocalyptic sound, my iPhone could not pick up anything. I could not hear the playback of my voice or any other background noise.”

- Mike Quinn, Godfrey, Illinois, resident who tried to record with his iPhone

Residents in Godfrey, Illinois, reported hearing a loud, eerie sound beginning around 2:30 AM on early Sunday morning, November 26, 2017, that lasted about 10 minutes.
Residents in Godfrey, Illinois, reported hearing a loud, eerie sound beginning around 2:30 AM on early Sunday morning, November 26, 2017, that lasted about 10 minutes.

November 29, 2017 Godfrey, Illinois - Godfrey is a village of some 18,000 people in Madison County, Illinois, about 38 miles north of the larger metropolitan city of St. Louis, Missouri. Early Sunday morning November 26, 2017, at 2:30 AM, local musician and audio engineer Mike Quinn, was talking with a friend in the parking lot of Godfrey's 24-hour pharmacy Schnucks. Other residents between Humbert Road and the Schnucks pharmacy at the end of Godfrey Road also reported hearing a loud, mysterious sound around 2:30 AM early Sunday morning that lasted for several minutes.


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Part 1: After 54 Years, Why Do the CIA and FBI Still Want to Keep Secret Several Thousand JFK Assassination Records?

President John F. Kennedy, JFK, at podium. At the far right of photo left to right are CIA Director Allen Welsh Dulles, AWD, and his Deputy CIA Director Charles Cabell. Image from JFK Archive.

“When the JFK assassination cover-up hits, it is certainly helpful that
the (Dallas) Mayor, Earle Cabell, is a CIA asset and that his brother,
Charles Cabell, is the former Deputy CIA Director!"

- Daniel Liszt, Producer and Host, Dark Journalist

The New York Times, November 10, 2017, after FBI and CIA protested to President Donald Trump not to allow the full release of all JFK assassination documents and photographs by the National Archive as mandated by the 1992 JFK Assassination Records Collection Act.
The New York Times, November 10, 2017, after FBI and CIA protested to President Donald Trump not to allow the full release of all JFK assassination documents and photographs by the National Archive as mandated by the 1992 JFK Assassination Records Collection Act.

November 22, 2017 Cambridge, Massachusetts - Today marks the 54th Anniversary of the JFK assassination in Dallas, Texas. By now, a 1992 National Archives law had mandated that all of the thousands of documents and photos from the murder investigation would be released to the American public by October 26, 2017. But the CIA and FBI are still blocking the release of thousands of records — why?


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Nov. 12, 1963, JFK Wants to Review “All UFO Intelligence Files Affecting National Security”

President John F. Kennedy, JFK, at podium. At the far right of photo left to right are CIA Director Allen Welsh Dulles, AWD, and his Deputy CIA Director Charles Cabell. Image from JFK Archive.

“It would be very helpful if you would have the high threat cases reviewed with the purpose of identification of bona fide as opposed to classified CIA and USAF sources.”

- President John F. Kennedy in TOP SECRET Memo
to CIA Director John McCone, November 12, 1963,
ten days before his assassination

Return to Part 1.

November 22, 2017 Cambridge, Massachusetts - In his extensive research into the various investigations of the November 22, 1963, JFK Assassination, Daniel Liszt has focused a lot on the New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison, who was building a case that the people and money responsible for the skillfully executed assassination were from aerospace companies. Today we now have two important documents that President John Kennedy had prepared on the same date: November 12, 1963 — only ten days before he would be killed in the Dallas motorcade.


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Part 4: George Joannides: CIA Psychological Warfare Expert

— “There was a Washington Post reporter named Jefferson Morley,
who found records that were related to the Cuban Directorio Revolucionario
(DRE), and he realized that George Joannides (CIA psychological
warfare expert) was funding them!”

- Daniel Liszt, Producer and Host, Dark Journalist

— “There is a body of documents (about George Joannides) that the CIA
is still protecting, which should be released to the public" because independent
researchers find links between Joannides and the JFK assassination.

- The Boston Globe, 2013

R eturn to Part 1.

November 22, 2017 Cambridge, Massachusetts - The CIA and FBI have withheld not only all the Jim Garrison documents and photographs from his JFK assassination investigation, they still don't want to open up the files of another CIA agent who began working for the agency in 1952 and by 1963 was active in New Orleans where he had a house that summer when Lee Harvey Oswald was living there and working for Guy Bannister. That CIA agent's name is George Joannides and he was using CIA money to fund the Cuban student group known as DRE.


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Part 2: Attorney Douglas Caddy’s Assassination Secrets

“Howard Hunt said, ‘Kennedy was killed because he was about to give our most vital secret to the Soviet Union.’ ”

- Last discussion with Douglas Caddy, Atty., 1975, Washington, D. C.

Return to Part 1.

November 22, 2017 Houston, Texas - Forty-five years ago on June 17, 1972, five men were arrested for breaking into the Democratic National Committee offices at the Watergate Hotel and office complex in Washington, D. C. They were James McCord, a former CIA agent working for Nixon's re-election CREEP committee, Frank Sturgis, Bernard Barker, Virgilio Gonzalez and Eugenio Martinez.

Watergate is an office-hotel-apartment complex near the Potomac River in Washington, D. C.
Watergate is an office-hotel-apartment complex near the Potomac River in Washington, D. C.


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More Bloodlessly Mutilated Rabbits and Cats in U. K.

Before reading the November 12, 2017, Earthfiles report below about the current and persistent rash of some 350 half-cats and other small bloodlessly mutilated animals in the U. K., it might be valuable to read the long history of the bloodless half-cat and mutilated small animal phenomenon that has been occurring since the late 1970s in several parts of the world. Please click on this Earthfiles report:
The Long History of Half-Cats.

“All that was remaining was the uppermost part (of black cat),
meaning its front paws, shoulders and head. The rest of that cat was gone.”

- Bonnie McDaniel, discovered black cat cut bloodlessly in half
in her neighbor's back yard in East Baton Rouge, LA, August 10, 2017

Half cat discovered October 17, 2005, San Antonio, Texas. Image provided to Earthfiles by resident, Robert Casell.
Half cat discovered October 17, 2005, San Antonio, Texas. Image provided to Earthfiles by resident, Robert Casell.

November 12, 2017 - More Bloodlessly Mutilated Rabbits and Cats in U. K.

© 2017 by Linda Moulton Howe

“I saw him at the bottom of the garden and when I touched his body, I realized he didn’t have a head. There was no blood, no tufts of fur anywhere.”

- Harriet Mitchell , Leavesden, Hertfordshire, England


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More Bloodlessly Mutilated Rabbits and Cats in U. K.

Before reading the November 12, 2017, Earthfiles report below about the current and persistent rash of some 350 half-cats and other small bloodlessly mutilated animals in the U. K., it might be valuable to read the long history of the bloodless half-cat and mutilated small animal phenomenon that has been occurring since the late 1970s in several parts of the world. Please click on this Earthfiles report:
The Long History of Half-Cats.

“All that was remaining was the uppermost part (of black cat),
meaning its front paws, shoulders and head. The rest of that cat was gone.”

- Bonnie McDaniel, discovered black cat cut bloodlessly in half
in her neighbor's back yard in East Baton Rouge, LA, August 10, 2017

Half cat discovered October 17, 2005, San Antonio, Texas. Image provided to Earthfiles by resident, Robert Casell.
Half cat discovered October 17, 2005, San Antonio, Texas. Image provided to Earthfiles by resident, Robert Casell.

November 12, 2017 - More Bloodlessly Mutilated Rabbits and Cats in U. K.

© 2017 by Linda Moulton Howe

“I saw him at the bottom of the garden and when I touched his body, I realized he didn’t have a head. There was no blood, no tufts of fur anywhere.”

- Harriet Mitchell , Leavesden, Hertfordshire, England


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