Part 1: Could Nuclear War Start By Accident?

— “The North Korean bomb size now is estimated to be 150 kilotons. That's ten times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb that the United States dropped on Japan.”

- Scott Portzline, Three Mile Island Alert,
Security Committee Chairman, Harrisburg, PA

— “The magnitude of the effect of an EMP attack on the United States, or any similar advanced country, will remain unknown until one actually happens.   Unless the device is very small or detonated at an insufficiently high altitude, it is likely that it would knock out nearly the entire electrical power grid of the United States.”

- Jerry Emanuelson, B. S. E. E., Intro to Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse

Saturday morning, January 13, 2018 - Original ballistic nuclear missile alert to Hawaiian Islands that caused panic for 38 minutes until authorities announced false alarm due to human error. Then 3 days later, the same thing happened in Japan.
Saturday morning, January 13, 2018 - Original ballistic nuclear missile alert to Hawaiian Islands that caused panic for 38 minutes until authorities announced false alarm due to human error. Then 3 days later, the same thing happened in Japan.

January 26, 2018 - Harrisburg, Pennsylvania - On Saturday morning January 13, 2018, at 8:07 AM in Hawaii, cell phones blared a terrifying alert:

Then across TV and radio networks came another emergency alert:  “If you are outdoors, seek immediate shelter in a building. Remain indoors well away from windows. If you are driving, pull safely to the side of the road and seek shelter.”

During the next 38 minutes, parents even tried to put young children down storm drains in the street.


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Part 2: High Strangeness Insights from An MJ-12 Insider

“The humanoid bodies were put on and taken off at will for a specific goal. ...My body is like a robe I can take off and put back on.”

- Pennsylvania female abductee, 1987, looking at cloned bodies in lighted tubes

The huge room was filled with tall and shorter humanoid bodies (abductee Wanna Lawson thought there was a mixture of humans and non-humans). The short, plump abductee female was transferred into a tall, thin preserved body and explored the craft with another tall, male humanoid. She did not  understand how the transfer from her body into the cloned body was made. Illustration by L. Hoffman for Linda Moulton Howe © 1992. See 2-volume Glimpses of Other Realities in Earthfiles Shop.
The huge room was filled with tall and shorter humanoid bodies (abductee Wanna Lawson thought there was a mixture of humans and non-humans). The short, plump abductee female was transferred into a tall, thin preserved body and explored the craft with another tall, male humanoid. She did not  understand how the transfer from her body into the cloned body was made. Illustration by L. Hoffman for Linda Moulton Howe © 1992. See 2-volume Glimpses of Other Realities in Earthfiles Shop.

Return to Part 1.

January 15, 2018 Albuquerque, New Mexico - In addition to the Part 1 whistleblower's typed August 17, 1992, letter about the U. S. government's taxonomy of five different groups of non-humans — Ebens, Archquloids, Quadaloids, Haplaloids and Trantaloids — I was also able to do a private recorded interview three years later.

The following are excerpts from that interview that I typed in July 1995. The MJ-12 insider begins by explaining that an MJ-12 member had a face-to-face meeting with the Ebens.


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Blast of Light, Huge Boom and Ground Shaking “Over Thousands of Miles in Russia”

— “We saw this while driving. There was a vibration and the sound of explosion in the sky, awesome! What was it? A meteor, a rocket from space, UFO, North Korea?”

- Artyom Russkikh, Eyewitness, The Siberian Times, Jan. 8, 2018

— “I saw the flash in Menzelinsk. There was also the sound of an explosion and then a vibration. I felt it.”

- Ilnaz Shaykhraziev, eyewitness in Menzelinsk, Russia, The Siberian Times, Jan. 8, 2018

January 9, 2018 Bashkortostan, Udmurtia and Tatarstan, Russia - A few minutes after midnight on Sunday, January 7, 2018, according to the video timestamp, an “explosion of light” with a loud boom sound was caught on security cameras at the same time that the ground shook “over thousands of miles in Russia.” The geographic focus with the most intensity seemed to be in the region of Bashkortostan, Udmurtia and Tatarstan marked by the three red circles on the maps below.

The far left red circle on the red bordered region is Tatarstan. The upper red circle is Udmurtia. The third far right red circle is Bashkortostan. The three regions are in the Russian Ural Mountains.
The far left red circle on the red bordered region is Tatarstan. The upper red circle is Udmurtia. The third far right red circle is Bashkortostan. The three regions are in the Russian Ural Mountains.


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The “Juvenile Taboo” Against Telling Truths About An Alien Presence

GIMBAL is the first of three US military videos of unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP/UFO) that has been through the official declassification review process of the United States government and has been approved for public release "in its original and unaltered form and is authentic. The background material about the GIMBAL video provided by To The Stars Academy states that “the date, location and other information have been removed by the originating authority as part of the release approval process.” Released by DoD AATIP.

Robert Bigelow, Owner of Bigelow Aerospace in Las Vegas, Nevada, confirms his participation to investigate UFOs in the new organization To The Stars Academy with retired military intelligence and scientist participants and is quoted in today's December 19, 2017, New York Times as saying Americans are being held back from serious research into U.F.O.s by “a juvenile taboo.”

“The object's orientation and performance seem to defy
current principals of physics such as atmospheric resistance and normal
aerodynamic forces. During the orientation change, the UFO also
slows to a near stop, but does not change altitude.”

- DoD Analysis of UFO in U. S. Navy F/A-18F
fighter jet's gun camera infrared video

1) The U. S. Department of Defense provided two infrared gun camera videos, and says there will be a third video. The first is 34 seconds (above white object in gun camera sites) and identified as 2004 USS Nimitz FLIR 1 Video taken off the coast of San Diego, California, along with a written report. This was released in The New York Times on December 16, 2017. 2) The second longer video (2:45) is identified as GIMBAL video in which "the date, location and other information have been removed by the originating authority as part of the release  approval process." Earthfiles understands from the Commander David Fravor interview  in The Washington Post that this location might have been between San Diego and Mexico —  or might have been in the Middle East where Commander Fravor was assigned in 2004. See both released videos below: First, December 16, 2017, 2004 San Diego,  with updated pilot conversation transcript from Earthfiles filtered version below. Second, the GIMBAL longer video (2:45) in The Washington Post, December 18, 2017. Both released by the Defense Department's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP).
1) The U. S. Department of Defense provided two infrared gun camera videos, and says there will be a third video. The first is 34 seconds (above white object in gun camera sites) and identified as 2004 USS Nimitz FLIR 1 Video taken off the coast of San Diego, California, along with a written report. This was released in The New York Times on December 16, 2017.

2) The second longer video (2:45) is identified as GIMBAL video in which "the date, location and other information have been removed by the originating authority as part of the release  approval process." Earthfiles understands from the Commander David Fravor interview  in The Washington Post that this location might have been between San Diego and Mexico —  or might have been in the Middle East where Commander Fravor was assigned in 2004.

See both released videos below: First, December 16, 2017, 2004 San Diego,  with updated pilot conversation transcript from Earthfiles filtered version below. Second, the GIMBAL longer video (2:45) in The Washington Post, December 18, 2017. Both released by the Defense Department's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP).

Update January 4, 2018 Albuquerque, New Mexico - Original December 19, 2017 report - Now we have had both infrared gun camera videos and more filtered audio analysis of jet fighter voices in a 34-second video from 2004, released in The New York Times on Saturday, December 16, 2017.

That's why December 16, 2017, was an historic day and night in the annals of the U. S. government's 70 years of covering up the alien presence behind UFOs, also known as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs), with strict policies of denials and lies ordered in 1947 by President Harry S. Truman in the interest of national security.


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Part 1: High Strangeness Insights from An MJ-12 Insider

“The war between the Ebens and Trantaloids lasted for 300 Earth years, but took place 6,450 years ago.”

- MJ-12 insider letter, August 17, 1992

January 2, 2018 Albuquerque, New Mexico - In 1992, I was living and working  in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where I had communications from a few whistleblowers frustrated by the U. S. government's persistent policy of denial and lying since World War II about an alien presence on this planet, in this solar system and beyond.

The following August 17, 1992, letter is from a military man who requested anonymity. This is the first time I have ever shared the content hard mailed to me 14 years before the alleged DIA agent's release beginning on November 2, 2005, about non-humans. Both the letter below and the Serpo website have very similar names for different types of non-human beings — but the characterization of the Trantaloids is not the same from the two different alleged government insider sources.


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Part 2 – Did U. K. Military Attack UFO in Wales On Feb. 26, 2016?

— “It was now around 4 AM (Feb. 26, 2016) and there was one almighty explosion
come from the direction of where the Apaches were flying around, followed
by another huge explosion about 4 or 5 seconds later.”

- Caz Clarke's Pentrych neighbor, “Dave,” February 26, 2016

— “I heard an extremely loud explosion which sounded like it was right outside the hospital. This was then followed by a smaller explosion which also sounded a little distance away from the hospital. ... I have combat experience in the British armed forces and can tell the difference between a bang and an explosion. I then went outside the hospital to the entrance and the smoke that was around resembled a very foggy night and it is correct that the smell of sulphur was all around.”

- Male Nurse working Feb. 26, 2016, in the Royal Glamorgan
Hospital, Llantrisant, South Wales

Many trees and dozens of branches were snapped off 20 feet above ground in Smilog Forest near Llantrisant, Wales, on February 26, 2016, after helicopters and large planes showed up between 2:30 to 4 AM above Pentyrch, Cardiff, Wales neighborhood some 2 to 3 miles from Llantrisant. Eyewitnesses in Pentyrch saw large UFOs in air at same time and later investigated evidence of snapped off trees and other anomalies in Smilog Forest near Llantrisant. Image © SUFON - All Rights Reserved.
Many trees and dozens of branches were snapped off 20 feet above ground in Smilog Forest near Llantrisant, Wales, on February 26, 2016, after helicopters and large planes showed up between 2:30 to 4 AM above Pentyrch, Cardiff, Wales neighborhood some 2 to 3 miles from Llantrisant. Eyewitnesses in Pentyrch saw large UFOs in air at same time and later investigated evidence of snapped off trees and other anomalies in Smilog Forest near Llantrisant. Image © SUFON - All Rights Reserved.

Return to Part 1.

Dec. 31, 2017 Update: Since my December 21, 2017, Earthfiles news updates on Coast radio and my Part 1 Earthfiles report that links to this Part 2, I received the following December 30, 2017, email from a South Wales, U. K., resident who was working as a male nurse inside the Royal Glamorgan Hospital in Llantrisant during the early morning hours of February 26, 2016, when there was “an extremely loud explosion, which sounded like it was right outside the hospital.”


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Part 1 – Did U. K. Military Attack UFO in Wales On Feb. 26, 2016?

“26 February 2016 - Pentyrch - Llantrisant, Wales: Multiple witnesses of a huge UFO and other lights. Military planes and helicopters, a chase, explosions, physical effects such as shaken buildings, damaged trees and wreckage on the ground.”

- Web archive, Swansea UFO Network (SUFON), southern Wales

Computer-generated illustration of pyramid-shaped craft surrounded by red lights that would brighten on the right side to whitish-yellow-orange. The green sphere was seen shooting out of the top of the pyramid. CGI illustration © SUFON - All Rights Reserved.
Computer-generated illustration of pyramid-shaped craft surrounded by red lights that would brighten on the right side to whitish-yellow-orange. The green sphere was seen shooting out of the top of the pyramid. CGI illustration © SUFON - All Rights Reserved.


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Did NASA/JPL Fudge Xenon-129 Data for Both Mars and Venus?

Mariner 10 was launched on November 3, 1973, to fly by our solar system's planets Mercury and Venus to return the first-ever close-up images of those planets. The primary scientific objectives of the mission were to measure Mercury's and Venus's environment, atmosphere, surface, and body characteristics. Image by NASA.
Mariner 10 was launched on November 3, 1973, to fly by our solar system's planets Mercury and Venus to return the first-ever close-up images of those planets. The primary scientific objectives of the mission were to measure Mercury's and Venus's environment, atmosphere, surface, and body characteristics. Image by NASA.

December 22, 2017  Madison, Wisconsin - In 2015, a newly published book by plasma physicist John Brandenburg, Ph.D., was entitled, “Death On Mars: The Discovery of A Planetary Nuclear Massacre.” Sixty-five-year-old John Brandenburg received his Ph.D. in Theoretical Plasma Physics at the University of California-Davis extension campus at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, California, in 1981. His Ph.D. thesis was about magnetic confinement of plasmas for controlled nuclear fusion. For his book, he analyzed United States 1976 Viking spacecraft data about the Martian atmosphere.


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Did A UFO Blow Up NASA’s Ranger 3?

“An unidentified spacecraft came toward Ranger 3 at twice Ranger 3's speed,
blew Ranger 3 to smithereens and then proceeded away at 10,000 mph.”

- Retired NASA JPL Flight Controller

“Avoid negative public reaction.”

- U. S. Government Policy of Denials
about UFO-Related Events

Ranger 3 was NASA's first attempt on January 26, 1962, to have a spacecraft do close-up images of the lunar surface. The official NASA story is that Ranger 3 suffered “a series of malfunctions, principally with the spacecraft's guidance system that sent the spacecraft hurtling past the moon at much higher speeds than planned.” A retired NASA JPL Flight Controller said that is a cover story made up to cover the UFO attack on Ranger 3. Image by NASA JPL.
Ranger 3 was NASA's first attempt on January 26, 1962, to have a spacecraft do close-up images of the lunar surface. The official NASA story is that Ranger 3 suffered “a series of malfunctions, principally with the spacecraft's guidance system that sent the spacecraft hurtling past the moon at much higher speeds than planned.” A retired NASA JPL Flight Controller said that is a cover story made up to cover the UFO attack on Ranger 3. Image by NASA JPL.


December 22, 2017   Denver, Colorado -Fifty-five years ago on January 26, 1962, the United States attempted its first effort to launch a Ranger 3 spacecraft toward the moon with the goal to study radar reflectivity of the lunar surface. Ranger 3 was also expected to transmit pictures of the moon in the last 10 minutes before deliberately  smashing onto the lunar ground, an impact that would be studied with a seismometer dropped before impact.


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From Booms to Animal Mutilations to Aliens and Genetic Engineering

“I was in the USAF for 4 years stationed at Manassas, Va. back in 1958, 1959. While on duty, we tracked many UFOs, very fast, sometimes very high (100,000 feet) with high finder radars FPS 6 and other technologies.

- Radar Operator, 647th AC&W

December 10, 2017   Albuquerque, New Mexico - has received hundreds of emails since January 2011 from viewers and listeners about persistent cycles of loud, unexplained booms — sometimes simultaneous with a bright flash of light in clear skies. Other reports to Earthfiles come from frustrated farmers and ranchers about persistent, ongoing, bloodless animal mutilations on farms and ranches around the world. Then there are humans, who describe being taken by a light beam technology from bedrooms and cars into craft, as some ranchers have watched their animals lifted from pastures and open fields or lowered from round, aerial vehicles in the sky down beams into pastures.


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