“Something’s Not Right in Southern Oregon”

“Are we about to experience a severe natural disaster?”

- Resident, Rogue Valley, Oregon on March 19, 2018

Rogue Valley, Oregon, is 11 miles north of Medford. It's in southwestern Oregon along the middle Rogue River and its tributaries in Josephine and Jackson counties near the California border. The largest communities in Rogue Valley are Medford, Ashland and Grants Pass.
Rogue Valley, Oregon, is 11 miles north of Medford. It's in southwestern Oregon along the middle Rogue River and its tributaries in Josephine and Jackson counties near the California border. The largest communities in Rogue Valley are Medford, Ashland and Grants Pass.

March 21, 2018 UPDATE from Earthfiles Viewer:

March 21, 2018

We live in Coos Bay, Oregon, on the coast. We usually have LOTS of hummingbirds, 7 - 10,  that will all feed at the same time. We have four feeders outside of our house. There hasn't been even one hummingbird in the past week. Yesterday we took the feeders down, cleaned them out and made fresh food. Nothing. Not one hummingbird.

So, your article was timely and interesting.
Thank you, Linda, for Earthfiles.

Kindest regards
Coos Bay resident  

March 19, 2018 Rogue Valley, Oregon - Earthfiles has been receiving worried emails from viewers and listeners who sense that something is significantly wrong in a number of American communities — ranging from absence of insects and pollinators to missing birds. This morning I received the following email from a man who has lived in southwestern Oregon's Rogue Valley eleven miles north of Medford for 30 years. What he describes in his email are such striking changes around him that he now wonders if a large seismic event is about to happen and the birds at least know in advance.


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NASA’s Dangerous Juno Mission Will Soon Try to Reach 3,000 Miles from Jupiter’s Cloudtops Without Being Destroyed

“The scariest thing to me are the unknowns. So much about the Jupiter environment we will have to withstand is unknown. Nothing is certain about what's going to happen.”

- Planetary Scientist, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California

“Juno is only about one third the way through its primary mission, and already we are seeing the beginnings of a new Jupiter. These astonishing science results are yet another example of Jupiter’s curve balls, and a testimony to the value of exploring the unknown from a new perspective with next-generation instruments. Juno’s unique orbit and evolutionary high-precision radio science and infrared technologies enabled these paradigm-shifting discoveries.”

- Scott Bolton, Ph.D., Juno Principal Investigator, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX

No other human-made spacecraft from Earth has tried to fly this deeply into Jupiter's radiation belts to reach 3,000 miles from Jupiter's cloudtops. No scientist knows what will happen. Illustration of NASA/JPL's Juno spacecraft on July 4, 2018, headed to 3,000 miles from Jovian cloudtops.
No other human-made spacecraft from Earth has tried to fly this deeply into Jupiter's radiation belts to reach 3,000 miles from Jupiter's cloudtops. No scientist knows what will happen. Illustration of NASA/JPL's Juno spacecraft on July 4, 2018, headed to 3,000 miles from Jovian cloudtops.

March 17, 2018 Pasadena, California - In less than four months, NASA/JPL's Juno spacecraft will try the closest approach of any Earth machine so far with the goal to penetrate the giant planet's radiation belts. Scientists are now trying to keep up with Juno's data stream as it approaches the strongest gravity and magnetic fields in our solar system. July 4th, 2018, will be a big unknown. Will Juno be able to enter orbit around the biggest gas planet in our solar system without being destroyed after seven and a half years to get there (August 5, 2011-July 4, 2018)? Scientists in charge of this unique effort are actually afraid of what could happen when Juno tries to get to 3,000 miles from Jupiter's cloudtops.


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Cosmic Ray Radiation Is Dangerous and Getting Worse As Sun Is Often Spotless

“The radiation environment is worsening more rapidly than previously estimated. Over the last decade, the solar wind has exhibited low densities and magnetic field strengths, representing anomalous states that have never been observed during the Space Age.”

- Nathan Schwadron, Ph.D., Physicist, Univ. of New Hampshire

Eight months ago on June 26, 2017, our Sun had only one small sunspot region. In 2017, the sun was completely blank 25% of the year as that Solar Cycle 24 was historically weak with the lowest number of sunspots since the Solar Cycle 14 of 1906, 112 years ago. Image by NASA.
Eight months ago on June 26, 2017, our Sun had only one small sunspot region. In 2017, the sun was completely blank 25% of the year as that Solar Cycle 24 was historically weak with the lowest number of sunspots since the Solar Cycle 14 of 1906, 112 years ago. Image by NASA.

March 8, 2018 Durham, New Hampshire - In mid-February 2018, solar activity was as low as 2007 levels, which was one year before that solar minimum began. That's why solar physicists now project that the Solar Cycle 24 minimum leading up to Solar Cycle 25 will begin a year from now in the spring of 2019. Some solar physicists have even placed bets about whether low energy Solar Cycle 24 will keep extending into Solar Cycles 25 to 26 ending up in a Maunder Minimum of 1645 to 1715, when our Sun was blank without sunspots most of the time and coincided with a Little Ice Age.


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Exoplanet Near Earth’s Nearest Star Might Have Been Scorched by Gigantic Solar Flare

“It’s likely that Proxima b was blasted by high energy radiation during this flare. Over the billions of years since Proxima b formed, flares like this one could have evaporated any atmosphere or ocean and sterilized the surface, suggesting that habitability may involve more than just being the right distance from the host star to have liquid water.”

- Meredith MacGregor, Ph.D., Astronomer, Carnegie Institution, Washington, D. C.

March 6, 2018 Albuquerque, New Mexico - A year ago on March 24, 2017, one of Earth's nearest stars beyond our own sun — Proxima Centauri — unleashed a solar flare that grew in brightness by 1,000 times in ten seconds compared to the normal Proxima Centauri sun. The enormous hot flare lasted for approximately one minute. All that heat and light must have scorched nearby exoplanet Proxima b, a planet 30% more massive than Earth, which orbits near Proxima Centauri.


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Part 4: President Richard Nixon’s Secret Meetings with Huston Plan Covert Agent Robert Merritt

“There comes a point where the wall of secrecy makes the functioning of the government almost schizophrenic because it's keeping too many secrets.”

- Daniel Liszt, Producer and Reporter, Dark Journalist.com

Return to Part 1.

March 2, 2018 Cambridge, Massachusetts - In my 20-part Earthfiles series about CIA whistleblower “Kewper Stein” [ see end of this report], he described working with President Eisenhower and Vice President Richard Nixon.

Kewper Stein: “Eisenhower and Nixon knew all about Area 51 and what was going on with the aliens. Of course, President Harry S. Truman knew all about it, too. But I think Nixon and Eisenhower were the last two presidential executives to know everything. Presidents were just chopped off from the Need To Know after Eisenhower and weren’t given the highly classified alien information.

Nixon told us, ‘From all the reports I have received, we don’t know if they are trying to survey Earth for attack later. Some apparently do good. But some torture people and let them go. Or we are missing people altogether. We don’t know if some ever came back that were abducted and we have no idea where the aliens took them or where they went.’

That was the whole gist of information up to 1960 — that we really were not sure whether the aliens had come to kill us eventually?  Or come to help us?  Or what? Why were they here on Earth? Why didn’t they go some place else and leave us alone?”

Kewper Stein said they had CIA meetings at the White House in Fall 1958 with Richard Nixon and later in the Spring of 1959 with both President Dwight Eisenhower and Vice President Nixon. 


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Part 3: President Richard Nixon’s Secret Meetings with Covert Huston Plan Agent Robert Merritt

“A process has now begun where the National Archives has been sent a letter by Douglas Caddy, who's still an attorney. The letter states the conditions that Merritt will give them the directions to the time capsule at the White House under two conditions — that they will read the letter aloud as soon as it's discovered, and that they will distribute it to the public shortly thereafter.”

- Daniel Liszt, Producer and Reporter, Dark Journalist.com

Return to Part 1.

March 2, 2018 Cambridge, Massachusetts - On February 9, 2018, attorney Douglas Caddy — who helped E. Howard Hunt after the June 1972 Watergate break-in and is now trying to help Robert Merritt now — sent a letter to The Archivist of the United States, Mr. David S. Ferriero, at The National Archives and Records Administration in college Park, Maryland. The subject listed is: Secret “Message to the American People” written by President Richard M. Nixon for posterity that he left hidden inside the White House.

Douglas Caddy explains in the letter that he is “co-author with Confidential Government Informant Robert Merritt of the book, Watergate Exposed: How the President of the United States and the Watergate Burglars Were Set Up, published in 2011.

Caddy further writes: “A number of documents from the Watergate Special Prosecutor that the National Archives released to Mr. Merritt in 2010 are reproduced in our book, a copy of which is enclosed. Those documents are concerned with Mr. Merritt and with me as the original attorney for the Watergate seven burglars — including Merritt's role as the sole employee of the secret Huston Plan that was run out of President Nixon's White House. When White House Counsel John Dean was fired by President Nixon in April 1973, he took the only 31-page written copy of the Huston Plan with him and deposited it with Chief Judge John Sirica. This explosive document has been under court seal ever since, immune from being subpoenaed by any outside source.”

Then attorney Caddy explains to the Archivist about President Nixon's time capsule letter that he hid “at a location inside the White House ... and disclosed the location to Mr. Merritt with the stipulation that Mr. Merritt could reveal it at some future time if he deemed circumstances merited it. Both Mr. Merritt and I know of its location. We believe the time has come for its disclosure and for it to be placed in the National Archives of the United States. ... The only conditions that we impose if the document is discovered is that it immediately be read aloud to those present and that copies be made of it and distributed immediately to the public media and to those present after which the National Archives would take permanent possession of President Nixon's document.” Here now, Daniel Liszt continues.


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Part 2: President Richard Nixon’s Secret Meetings with Huston Plan Covert Agent Robert Merritt

“Nixon said that Star Trek was antiquated. He laughed and said, 'Robert, we are so, so far advanced it would really take your breath away!'”

- Robert Merritt, covert agent for Nixon's Huston Plan in secret 1972 meeting with President Nixon beneath the White House

Return to Part 1.

March 2, 2018 Cambridge, Massachusetts - Daniel Liszt first posted his taped interview with Robert Merritt on February 14, 2018. Three hours later, YouTube took the video down. In the five years since Daniel Liszt started producing and reporting Dark Journalist.com, he has never had any of his productions taken down until this newly posted exclusive interview with Robert Merritt.

When he protested to YouTube, he was not even given a serious reason for why the new YouTube was taken down. Daniel cited his five years of uninterrupted productions on YouTube and eventually the Merritt interview was restored on the Dark Journalist YouTube website where it has been running non-stop since.

I listened to all of it and asked Daniel if I could share for Earthfiles and Coast to Coast AM some excerpts of Merritt's description of his third secret meeting with Richard Nixon below the White House after the June 17, 1972, Watergate break-in. That's when he found Nixon in tears.

After awhile, the President read out loud to Merritt his entire hand-written Letter to the American People. The, according to Merritt, President Nixon used surgical tape to attach a package with two letters and two audiocassettes to Robert Merritt's stomach for delivery to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

Here now is Robert Merritt telling Daniel Liszt about his third and last secret meeting with President Richard Nixon in an office somewhere below the White House.


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Part 1: President Richard Nixon’s Secret Meetings with Huston Plan Covert Agent Robert Merritt

“When Nixon was being faced with the idea of not getting a pardon, he said, 'Good. Let them do it. I'll take down Helms, Ford, and the whole government.' ... He worked on the most important national security secret, which is the UFO file.”

- Roger Stone, Nixon biographer, and Daniel Liszt, Dark Journalist.com

March 2, 2018 Cambridge, Massachusetts - Did President Richard Nixon hand write a letter to the American people about “an advanced being from outer space” working with our government? Then in 1972 after the Watergate break-in that would destroy his administration, did Nixon hide his letter like a time capsule in a secret White House spot known only to his Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and one of his White House spies, Robert Merritt?

The Watergate hotel/office/apartment complex on Washington, D. C.'s Potomac River waterfront and 1972 home to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) offices. Police interrupted five burglars attempting to break into the DNC offices after midnight on June 17, 1972. Photo © by AP.
The Watergate hotel/office/apartment complex on Washington, D. C.'s Potomac River waterfront and 1972 home to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) offices. Police interrupted five burglars attempting to break into the DNC offices after midnight on June 17, 1972. Photo © by AP.


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Part 2: What Ancient Archaeology IS in Antarctica?

“Who tampers with Google maps once an image with lat/long are given in a public web forum or news media about a subject as apparently sensitive to government intelligence agencies as the alien presence of ancient archaeological structures and artifacts in Antarctica?"

- Linda Moulton Howe, Reporter and Editor Earthfiles.com

“Staircase” about 200 miles west from Shackleton Coast, East Antarctica. 2012 Google Earth image.
“Staircase” about 200 miles west from Shackleton Coast, East Antarctica. 2012 Google Earth image.

February 26, 2018 Albuquerque, New Mexico - A year ago in January 2017, the Google Earth image directly below — that was allegedly first found in 2012 in Eastern Antarctica — began to make the media rounds under headlines asking, “Is There A Lost City in Antarctica?” The latitude and longitude given below this faceted feature's image when searched on Google Earth in February 2018 are blurred out white without any Google explanation. The estimated longest length reported in January 2017 was 400 feet (121 m), which is longer than a football field.

Alleged latitude and longitude for this faceted oval structure supposedly first photographed in 2012 in East Antarctica: Latitude 77 degrees 29 minutes 59.99 seconds South and Longitude 37 degrees 29 minutes and 59.99 seconds East. But in 2018, a Google Earth search of this lat/long goes to blurred out white. Estimated length 400 ft (121 m.)
Alleged latitude and longitude for this faceted oval structure supposedly first photographed in 2012 in East Antarctica: Latitude 77 degrees 29 minutes 59.99 seconds South and Longitude 37 degrees 29 minutes and 59.99 seconds East. But in 2018, a Google Earth search of this lat/long goes to blurred out white. Estimated length 400 ft (121 m.)


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