Part 2: When Portals Open Up With the Deaths of Pets

Once I saw my cat after he died at the top of the stairs on my way to bed. First I saw a flash of light and then him, swishing his tail the way he always did as he waited for me to make my way upstairs.” 
– W. M.

My beloved departed kitty Woody appeared and began walking around my pillow. It was him! He was real! I reached out to him as he was in full 3-D. I felt the indentations on the pillow as he kneaded it with his paws.”
– Sandy Morgan, Battle Creek, Michigan


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Part 1: When Portals Open Up With the Deaths of Pets

was suddenly awakened from a deep sleep in the middle of the night, sat up, and slightly to my left a few feet above the bed was a scintillating field of light — exactly as you described with Simba. It was somewhat oval, about 4 feet with a vibrating energy dancing throughout.”  - Ivy Amar

“I was told that what is behind me is past. That although I can't see it
anymore, it's still there. And what is ahead hasn't come yet, but it's
already there, too.”  - Jdee


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Part 1: Sasquatch That Can’t Be Killed with Bullets and Disappear in A Flash of Light.

“Until he passed away, the farmer's son told me that he'd never forget how that large 8-foot-tall Bigfoot creature with those glowing green eyes kept looking back and staring at him as he's firing live ammo into it. And he said there was no evidence that it was injured in any way!

- Stan Gordon, UFO Anomalies Zone website

Female camper's sketch of 8-foot-tall Sasquatch that appeared near her tent in the San Juan National Forest on August 5, 2000. Sketch by eyewitness Julie Davis.
Female camper's sketch of 8-foot-tall Sasquatch that appeared near her tent in the San Juan National Forest on August 5, 2000. Sketch by eyewitness Julie Davis.

April 28, 2017 Greensburg, Pennsylvania - By October 1975, hundreds of bloodless, trackless animal mutilations had been reported throughout North America and big, orange UFOs were setting off alarms on SAC bases in Montana, Wyoming, Nrtth and South Dakota. Ranchers began arming themselves, while silent, dark helicopters and large, bright lights in the sky were seen day and night. The absence of tracks around the dead, bloodlessly mutilated animals was baffling.


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Pt. 1: Mysterious Brain Concussion Injuries in Cuban Embassy — 24 Americans and 10 Canadian Diplomats.

“We all believe this is a real syndrome (in Cuba). This is concussion without blunt head trauma.”
– Douglas H. Smith, M. D., Director, Center for Brain Injury and Repair, University of Pennsylvania


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Pt. 2: Mysterious Brain Concussion Injuries in Cuban Embassy — Infrasound? Ultrasound? Microwaves?

“Human hearing range is 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. Below 20 Hz down to 4 Hz is infrasound. Above 20,000 Hz is ultrasound. Infrasound is usually not perceived as a tonal sound, but rather as a pulsating sensation, pressure on the ears or chest. Ultrasound can cause ear pressure, headaches, nausea and fatigue. Microwaves  are electromagnetic waves with frequencies ranging from 300 MHz to 300 GHz.” - Assoc. of Veterans Administration Audiologists (AVAA), March 2010


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1.8 Trillion Pieces of Plastic Garbage in Pacific Ocean Threaten Marine Life.

“It's disastrous for marine life, so right now there are around 800 species that could go extinct because of this plastic pollution.”   —  Boyan Slat, Founder and CEO, The Ocean Cleanup, The Netherlands


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Scientists Trying for First Photo of Milky Way Galaxy’s Black Hole

“It turns out that the material falling into a black hole becomes so hot, emitting lots of light, and the light is bent by the gravity of the black hole. It's expected to be bent into a ring shape that's surrounding the shadow cast by the black hole on the emission. So, that's what we're trying to take a picture of.” - Michael Johnson, Ph.D., Astrophysicist, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics


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Artificial Intelligence and Hypersonics — Getting More Money and New Pentagon Office?

— “We're going to move on hypersonics, move on A. I.  We're looking at a joint office where we would concentrate all of DoD's efforts since we have a number of Artificial Intelligence efforts underway right now. We're looking at pulling them all together” in a new Pentagon Joint Office On Artificial Intelligence.  - James N. Mattis, Secretary of Defense, April 12, 2018

— “We have lost our technical advantage in hypersonics, (but) we haven't lost the hypersonics fight.” - General Paul Selva, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff


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