Update: “We’re Going to Have A Space Force … And Very Soon We’re Going to Mars” – President Trump.

“We're going to have the Air Force, and we're going to have the Space Force, separate but equal. ...we must have American dominance in space.”

- Donald Trump, U. S. President, June 19, 2018, speaking to National Space Council at White House

“My new national strategy for space recognizes that space is a war-fighting
domain, just like the land, air and sea. ...Very soon we're going to Mars.”

- Donald Trump, U. S. President, March 13, 2018, speaking to Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, San Diego, Calif.


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What Launched from Whidbey Island, Washington, On Sunday, June 10, 2018?

“My good night cam picked up what appears to be a large missile launch on Whidbey Island on Sunday AM.” - Greg Johnson, Skunk Bay Weather

June 14, 2018  Albuquerque, New Mexico - At 3:56 AM Pacific on Sunday, June 10, 2018, the image below was snapped by a high-quality, 20-second exposure camera run by the Skunk Bay Weather Service in Whidbey Island, Washington. Greg Johnson works there and was reviewing the camera images from the previous hours when he came to this one — a bright orange glow around a blast of whitish-yellow light rising in the early morning darkness beneath what looks like a grey missile.


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World’s Fastest Computer: 200 Quadrillion Calculations Per Second!

“A person doing one calculation a second would have to live for more than 6.3 billion years to match what the American Summit computer can do in a second.” - Steve Lohr, June 9, 2018, The New York Times


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Cuban Embassy Strange Sounds Illness Now Affecting U.S. Diplomats in China

South China Morning Post, June 7, 2018 – more U. S. citizens evacuating from U. S. Consulate in Guangzhou, China, after suffering what appears to be the same strange, sound-frequency-related illness that disabled Cuban U. S. Embassy workers beginning in 2016 to 2017.

“It's hard for Chinese people to believe that any foreign organization can conduct this kind of behavior on Chinese soil while avoiding all monitoring and not leaving any clue.”
Global Times, State-run Chinese newspaper, June 8, 2018


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NASA Confirms Organic Molecules On Mars — Will Life Evidence Be Next?

“Finding ancient organic molecules in the top 5 centimeters of rock  — that was deposited when Mars may have been habitable — bodes well for us to learn the story of organic molecules on Mars with future missions that will drill deeper.” - Jen Eigenbrode, Ph.D., Mars Research Scientist, Goddard Space Flight Center, MD.

“Are there signs of life on Mars? We don't know, but these results tell us we are on the right track.”
-  Michael Meyer, Ph.D., Lead Scientist, Mars Exploration Program, NASA Headquarter


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Part 2: Does 95% Primate and 5% Unknown Mean Maria Is Alien Hybrid?

“The DNA analysis information that came back suggested that Maria was '95% primate.' They did not say human. They said, '95% primate.' However, the 5% that's left would indicate because Maria authentically has three fingers and three toes and at least eleven anatomical anomalies, she must be some form of mutation.


Yes, absolutely!”

-  Stephen Meara in Part 1, May 30, 2018 interview with Earthfiles Reporter and Editor Linda Moulton Howe

Peruvian female body “Maria” carbon dated to 1,800 years old. Genetech DNA analysis of her tissue samples collected in July 2017 by Stephen Mera, Phenomena magazine, London. DNA results:  95% Primate and 5% Unknown, or a hybrid. In 2016, the female body was found by grave robbers in a cave or underground mausoleum in the Palpa/Nazca/Ica region of southern Peru. Her body and others in the tomb were covered with white diatomaceous earth, most likely for preservation. Maria is not technically a mummy because her internal organs were not removed. Image © 2017 by Barry Fitzgerald / Zohar Entertainment Global Group, Glastonbury, England.
Peruvian female body “Maria” carbon dated to 1,800 years old. Genetech DNA analysis of her tissue samples collected in July 2017 by Stephen Mera, Phenomena magazine, London. DNA results:  95% Primate and 5% Unknown, or a hybrid. In 2016, the female body was found by grave robbers in a cave or underground mausoleum in the Palpa/Nazca/Ica region of southern Peru. Her body and others in the tomb were covered with white diatomaceous earth, most likely for preservation. Maria is not technically a mummy because her internal organs were not removed. Image © 2017 by Barry Fitzgerald / Zohar Entertainment Global Group, Glastonbury, England.


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Part 3: Strange Triangular Artifact Containing Large Crystal Found with Peruvian Bodies. Report upcoming.

“In Maria's tomb, there is this artifact described to have been at least  about 15 feet tall, about 6 to 9 feet in diameter on a box-shaped format with interconnecting beams that rise up in a pyramid type structure with a crystal, a very large crystal at its apex.”

- Stephen Mera, Founder, Phenomena Magazine, London, U. K., May 2018

 Triangular crystal mounted in top of 15-foot-tall triangle/pyramid structure inside the cave or underground mausoleum of the 3-fingered bodies covered with white diatomaceous clay found by grave robbers in 2016, in the Palpa/Nazca region of Peru. Image provided by Stephen Mera, Founder, U. K.’s Phenomena Magazine, and co-investigator with Barry Fitzgerald for the documentary The Mysterious Bodies of Peru © 2017 by Zohar StarGate, Glastonbury, England.
Triangular crystal mounted in top of 15-foot-tall triangle/pyramid structure inside the cave or underground mausoleum of the 3-fingered bodies covered with white diatomaceous clay found by grave robbers in 2016, in the Palpa/Nazca region of Peru. Image provided by Stephen Mera, Founder, U. K.’s Phenomena magazine, and co-investigator with Barry Fitzgerald for the documentary The Mysterious Bodies of Peru © 2017 by Zohar StarGate, Glastonbury, England.


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Mysterious Area 29 — Is It Linked to Area 51 and UFOs?

“These targets make me nervous. They're all associated with a code word Omega Operations. I believe they're also all connected to deep space propulsion vehicles, ground to space aircraft, Mach 10 plus vehicles, negative gravity vehicles, high energy output devices, high energy weapons systems, high altitude loitering surveillance systems, encrypted long-range instantaneous communication devices, UFOs, reverse engineering technology development from ET recovered materials.”

- Remote Viewer Sky Arrow

White Sands National Park and Missile Range, New Mexico. Image by Adventure Sports Network.
White Sands National Park and Missile Range, New Mexico. Image by Adventure Sports Network.


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