Part 5: Hall of Mirrors with A Quicksand Floor

“Something was able to hold this steer paralyzed on the dry pasture ground while its left ear, genitals, rectum and tail were bloodlessly excised. There were no struggle marks on the ground anywhere around the animal. That means even its legs never moved! But it dug an 8-inch deep hole with its head that must have been left unparalyzed.  Can you imagine the pain that steer felt? What can do that?”

- Former Logan County Sheriff Tex Graves, Sterling Colorado

“When I asked what they did with the animals after (taking blood and tissues), I just sort of got a telepathic flash of the light beam taking them back down and dropping them from about ten to twelve feet above the ground.”

- Roger Vail, Musician, Colorado

 Machine surrounding limp cow in which tubes are inserted into the cow and blood runs in spirals around the base of the contained animal to provide sustenance for the non-humans. Illustration by Ken Rose.
Machine surrounding limp cow in which tubes are inserted into the cow and blood runs in spirals around the base of the contained animal to provide sustenance for the non-humans. Illustration by Ken Rose.

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Reposted July 17, 2018March 16, 2014 Albuquerque, New Mexico - Continuing from Part 4.


Roger Vail, Musician, Colorado: “The snake-skin reptoid in the purple cloak said they use animal blood and tissues for food. They run the tractor beam down from their craft on them and bring the animals up into the ship. They had this big, circular table that had places to drain fluids. They would drain the blood out of the animal and mix it with a powder, stir it up in like a blender and they'd drink it. It was more of a sucking-type thing.


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Part 4: Hall of Mirrors with A Quicksand Floor

“The (alien beings) proceeded to take these machines and go into different areas of the cow's body and cut them and extract the blood out for food.”

- Roger Vail, Musician, Colorado


Machine surrounding limp cow in which tubes are inserted into the cow and blood runs in spirals around the base of the contained animal to provide sustenance for the non-humans. Illustration by Ken Rose.
Machine surrounding limp cow in which tubes are inserted into the cow and blood runs in spirals around the base of the contained animal to provide sustenance for the non-humans. Illustration by Ken Rose.

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Reposted July 16, 2018 - March 14, 2014 Albuquerque, New Mexico - In addition to small grey beings and tall blond humanoids, people in the human abduction syndrome have also described encounters with standing up lizards or alligators referred to as reptilian humanoids, or reptoids. In early 1980 when I was producing A Strange Harvest at KMGH-TV in Denver, I talked with a Colorado rancher who told me one bright, sunny day near Kiowa she was riding her horse at noon time. Suddenly the horse stumbled and neighed in distress. To her disbelief, standing by the right side of the path in front of a tree not far away “was a standing up alligator.”


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Part 3: Hall of Mirrors with A Quicksand Floor


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Reposted July 15, 2018 - March 10, 2014 Albuquerque, New Mexico - Three years after my TV documentary, A Strange Harvest, was first broadcast on May 25, 1980, from KMGH-TV Channel 7 in Denver, Colorado, an even more intense period of my investigations into the animal mutilations, UFOs and E. T.s began. On March 20, 1983, I was in New York City for a meeting the next day at Home Box Office. During the previous fall, an HBO executive had screened A Strange Harvest and asked me if I would submit a film proposal that went beyond the mutilation investigation and focused primarily on evidence for extraterrestrial presence on our planet.


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Part 2: Hall of Mirrors with A Quicksand Floor

“The brightest, whitest light I've ever seen. How can it fly like that?
What is it? Oh, I'm scared. How can they be doing that —
killing that cow? It's not even dead! It's alive!”

- Female abductee at cattle mutilation site, Cimarron, NM, May 1980

 Anonymous postcard dated June 19, 1989, from Seattle, Washington, to Linda Moulton Howe at the time that her first book An Alien Harvest was released.
Anonymous postcard dated June 19, 1989, from Seattle, Washington, to Linda Moulton Howe at the time that her first book An Alien Harvest was released.


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Large, Mysterious Sarcophagus Found in Alexandria, Egypt

“The black granite sarcophagus is one of the largest ever found in Alexandria. Experts have not yet determined to whom the huge tomb belongs.” - Mostafa Waziri, Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities


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Intricate Pentagon Crop Formation in Wiltshire, England

July 7, 2018  Wootton Rivers, Wiltshire, England - Early this morning in Wootton Rivers, Wiltshire, U.K., a crop formation in wheat about 150 feet in diameter with an intricate 5-fold geometry was photographed and reported by Soon after the crop formation's existence went public, the farmer “erased” it by harvesting out the pattern.


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Oumuamua — Comet? Asteroid? Other? Changing Speed and Course

“What's most surprising is that we've never seen interstellar objects pass through (our solar system) before.”  - Karen Meech, Ph.D., Astronomer, Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii, Honolulu

“Unexpectedly, we found that Oumuamua was not slowing down as fast as it should have under gravitational forces alone.”
- Marco Micheli, Ph.D., Astronomer, European Space Agency, and Author of Oumuamua paper, June 27, 2018,  Nature


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Mysterious Bloodless Animal Beheadings in Niles, Ohio

“As I was making my way through the field, following my path, I came upon this severed, BLOODLESS, FRESH baby deer head laying in the middle of my walking path. Upon further inspection of it, I noticed that it was BLOODLESS and the incisions were SURGICAL, in regards to the area of the skin and the neck. The vertebrae were perfectly cut.” - Dr. Anthony Montevideo, D.D.S., Niles, Ohio


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Are Advanced Cosmic Intelligences Countering Dark Energy Expansion By Harvesting Stars?

“The presence of dark energy in our universe is causing space to expand at an accelerating rate ... (and) over the next approximately 100 billion years, all stars beyond the Local Group will ... become not only unobservable, but entirely inaccessible. ... ( To counteract the loss of stars, could there be) observable signatures of a civilization elsewhere in the universe that is currently in a state of stellar harvesting.”

- Dan Hooper, Ph.D., Fermi Nat'l. Accelerator Laboratory, Center for Particle Astrophysics, Batavia, Illinois


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