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New Data-Generated Images of Ceres Bright Spots and Pyramid Mountain

“Scientists have not yet determined what it is about the composition
or structure of the bright spots that is responsible for their extreme brightness. ...To discover their real nature, we need to get more data from lower altitudes.”

- Marc Rayman, Ph.D., Director, Dawn mission orbiting Ceres


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Part 1: Searching for Other Life and Dark Matter in This Universe

“Europa's ocean could extend through the ice up to the surface where
there is access to oxidants, organic compounds, and light. … If there IS life
there, it would not necessarily be restricted to microorganisms. [ Meaning there could be swimming creatures in Europa’s deep ocean.] So, probably the best chance of finding current life in our solar system right now would be on Europa.”

- Richard Greenberg, Ph.D., Prof. of Planetary Sciences,
Univ. of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Lab


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Proxima Centauri, Closest Star to Earth, Has Exoplanet Where Temperature and Water Might Make It Habitable

“One of the main features that distinguishes this planet from Earth is that
the light from its star is mostly in the near infra-red. These frequencies of light interact much more strongly with water vapour and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which affects the climate that emerges in our model [of Proxima Centauri and exoplanet.]”

- James Manners, Ph.D., Astronomy & Astrophysics Journal, May 16, 2017


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Part 1 – Aliens: Scientists Search for Extraterrestrial Life

“I would say the odds are even 50/50 that in a year or two, we will
have discovered life elsewhere — and that's pretty big stuff!”

- Jim Al-Khalili, Ph.D., Prof. of Theoretical Physics,
Univ. of Surrey, Guildford, U. K.


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6,000 Square Miles of Frozen Water Ice Estimated in Martian Valles Marineris Canyon.

“We found a central part of Valles Marineris to be packed full of water — far more water than we expected.”

— Alexey Malakhov, Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia


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What Is Creating Phosphine — A Biosignature on Earth — in the Atmosphere of Venus?

“I thought we'd just be able to rule out extreme scenarios, like the Venus clouds being stuffed full of organisms. When we got the first hints of phosphine in Venus' spectrum, it was a shock!”

— Jane Greaves, Ph.D., Astronomy Group, Cardiff University School of Physics and Astronomy


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Human Births On Mars? New Research Indicates Human Sperm Could Last 200 Years On Red Planet.

“NASA and several organizations are now beginning to plan manned missions to Mars.  ... However, interplanetary deep space is populated not only by microgravity, but also by strong radiation such as galactic cosmic rays, which originate outside the solar system, plus solar particles, which include high-charge, high-energy particles that are difficult to shield from a spacecraft.”

Science Advances, June 11, 2021


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A. I. Robot Dogs Training to Explore Caves On Mars.

“Lava tubes (on Mars) could provide stable shields from cosmic and solar radiation and micrometeorite impacts which are often happening on the surfaces of planetary bodies.”

— Francesco Sauro, Ph.D.,  Speleologist and Head, ESA Caves and Pangaea Program, University of Bologna, Italy


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