Part 9: High Strangeness Files about EBENs

“The historic facts were disguised and planted by some conduit from MJ-12 into script development for what became Steven Spielberg's E. T., The Extra-Terrestrial.”

- U. S. Military Source

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Reposted November 17, 2018 – May 26, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  Continuing in Part 9 with Linda Moulton Howe's 1983 to 1987 High Strangeness file notes about EBENs and other non-human entities. The following are interview notes I wrote after a 1984 discussion with a military source.

On June 18, 1952, the Ebe that had been retrieved from a 1949 crash near Roswell, New Mexico, died of unknown causes. That day, Ebe was traveling with the USAF Captain who became a Colonel. The two were en route between USAF bases for meetings with scientists and officials. When Ebe got on the first plane, he told the Colonel he did not feel well and attributed the illness to food. The two proceeded to the first air force base meeting and then returned to the Los Alamos, New Mexico, facility where Ebe was housed. Ebe felt much worse and was taken to a hospital where everyone tried to save his life. His temperature changed. MJ-12 authorities discussed the possibility of sending out a specific Hertz frequency given by the EBENs for an “SOS” call for help to try to save Ebe, who telepathically communicated that if he could get into an EBEN light beam technology, his health could be restored.


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Part 8: High Strangeness Files about EBENs

“Two military men were in the process of being abducted by a Tall Blond craft when three EBEN craft appeared above the Tall Blond craft. Eyewitnesses said it looked as if the EBEN craft forced the Tall Blond craft to land.”

- U. S. Intelligence Agent

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Reposted November 16, 2018 – Updated - May 14, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  Continuing in Part 8 with Linda Moulton Howe's 1983 to 1987 High Strangeness file notes about EBENs and other non-human entities. The following are interview notes I wrote from a 1984 discussion with an intelligence source.


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Part 7: High Strangeness Files about EBENs

“The EBENs can use their craft to control materialization and dematerialization of matter, and also do ‘dimensional skipping’
like jumping from stone to stone over a river. ”

- USAF Officer

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Reposted November 15, 2018 – May 5, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  Continuing in Part 7 with Linda Moulton Howe's 1983 to 1987 High Strangeness file notes about EBENs and other non-human entities.

Some questions and hand-written answers from a retired USAF officer about information from Ebe 1 and Ebe 2, both retrieved from aerial craft (shot down or crashed) in the Roswell, New Mexico, region:


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Part 6: High Strangeness Files about EBENs

“Globes of green fire also, of a brightness more intense than the full moon's, have frequently passed through the skies.  ...The Air Force is now ready to concede that many saucer and (green) fireball sightings still defy explanation; here LIFE offers some scientific evidence that there is a real case for interplanetary saucers.”

- H. B. Darrach, Jr., and Robert Ginna, LIFE Magazine, April 7, 1952

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Reposted November 14, 2018 – AApril 29, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  Continuing in Part 6 with Linda Moulton Howe's 1983 to 1987 High Strangeness file notes about EBENs and other non-human entities.

More miscellaneous notes about the Cimarron, New Mexico, abduction case of the mother and son who stopped car near pasture where two humanoids had a cow down in a pasture.
[ See 040809 Earthfiles and An Alien Harvest in Earthfiles Shop has full Cimarron case hypnosis transcript. ]


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Part 5: High Strangeness Files about EBENs

“Ebe was like a child with the mind of a thousand men.”

- USAF Colonel, Los Alamos   

EBEN entity sketched in charcoal by Colorado professional artist after abduction with his wife from freeway between Boulder and Longmont around Thanksgiving 1980. See 102205 Earthfiles in Archive.
EBEN entity sketched in charcoal by Colorado professional artist after abduction with his wife from freeway between Boulder and Longmont around Thanksgiving 1980. See 102205 Earthfiles in Archive.

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Reposted November 13, 2018 – April 22, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  Continuing in Part 5 with Linda Moulton Howe's 1983 to 1987 High Strangeness file notes about EBENs and other non-human entities.


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Part 4: High Strangeness Files about EBENs

“The universe is built on sound patterns, which is why so many different worlds/dimensions can exist in the same space. Each is on a different frequency.”

- Linda Porter, California Abductee

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Reposted November 12, 2018 – April 14, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  Continuing in Part 4 with Linda Moulton Howe's 1983 to 1987 High Strangeness Files about EBENs.


The alleged presidential briefing paper I was shown at Kirtland AFB on April 9, 1983, stated in one paragraph that extraterrestrials were operating on Earth before the time of the dinosaurs and that in fact, the EBENs genetically created dinosaurs. Scientists date the beginning of dinosaurs to at least 230 million years ago. Dinosaurs ranged the entire planet until 65.5 million years ago when it's theorized that a large meteorite, or bolide, maybe one-half-mile in diameter, crashed into the Gulf of Mexico near the Yucatan peninsula that caused the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event that wiped out 48% of all genera of life on Earth, including the dinosaurs.


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Part 3: High Strangeness Files about EBENs

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Reposted November 11, 2018 – April 8, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  Continuing in Part 3 with Linda Moulton Howe's 1983 to 1987 High Strangeness Files about EBENs.

Military insiders and people in the human abduction syndrome reference large city-sized, EBEN space stations orbiting between Saturn and Uranus and/or Uranus and Neptune. Back in the 1950s, there were at least two large, “mother ships” orbiting Earth. Author and abductee experiencer, Lou Baldin, described details about a huge, complex space city orbiting near Uranus in his second book published in 2008 entitled, A Day With An Extraterrestrial. His first book, In League With A UFO © 1997, has important insights into alien technologies, cloning and genetic manipulation of bodies that look human, but are designed for alien control and monitoring.

A Day With An Extraterrestrial © 2008 by Lou Baldin. Click to more information.
A Day With An Extraterrestrial © 2008 by Lou Baldin. Click to more information.


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Part 2: High Strangeness Files about EBENs

“We made you. We put you here. But you have to live it.”

- Ebe, Los Alamos, New Mexico

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Reposted November 10, 2018 – April 5, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  Continuing in Part 2 with Linda Moulton Howe's 1983 to 1987 High Strangeness Files about EBENs.

From Linda Moulton Howe's High Strangeness EBEN files, 1983 - 1987.
From Linda Moulton Howe's High Strangeness EBEN files, 1983 - 1987.

EBEN CLOTHES:  They don't wear any.They have a thick hide of two layers, which changes color and temperature in varying light intensities. One photo in USAF files shows Ebe (1949 retrieval?) in a human male's dress suit and tie, apparently USAF's effort to make Ebe appear more normal for communication with visiting scientists and government agents.


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Part 1: High Strangeness Files about EBENs

“Our government's greatest concern is who walks around
on this planet looking human and is not.”

 - U.S. Military Source    

Left and center: Two variations on EBEN “Trilateral Insignia” seen on craft and sketched by eyewitnesses. One military source said, “Take the middle vertical line out and it will be correct.” Right: Symbol associated with blond-haired humanoids and said to mean “the merging of two worlds.”
Left and center: Two variations on EBEN “Trilateral Insignia” seen on craft and sketched by eyewitnesses. One military source said, “Take the middle vertical line out and it will be correct.” Right: Symbol associated with blond-haired humanoids and said to mean “the merging of two worlds.”

Reposted November 9, 2018 – April 1, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico -   The content that unfolds in this series of Real X-Files is a summary of my raw file notes between 1983 and 1989 from many sources that have given me similar, and sometimes contradictory, information about the complex and confusing nature of extraterrestrial biological entities, EBENs - an acronym generally used to describe a grey-skinned, four-finger type with large, black eyes or black eye covers.


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Oumuamua’s Peculiar Acceleration – Harvard Scientists Discuss Possible Extraterrestrial Lightsail Power

“Oumuamua showed deviations from a Keplerian orbit at a high statistical significance. We discuss the possible origins of Oumuamua, including the possibility that it might be a lightsail of artificial origin ... for interstellar travel.”

- Schmuel Bialy, Ph.D. and Abraham Loeb, Ph.D.,  Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, Mass. Prof. Loeb is Chairman of Harvard's Astronomy Dept., November 1, 2018

“This is the most extreme orbit I have ever seen.”

- Davide Farnocchia, Ph.D.,  NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS), Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, October 19, 2017


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