Mysterious Explosions Persist in Phoenix and Glendale, Arizona. Listen to audio.

“It's a big blast. It's definitely not an M-80, it's definitely not a firework. It's definitely some type of explosive powder ordinance.”

— Adan Sanchez, resident in 43rd Avenue to 27th Avenue


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Will Trump Launch Space Command This Week?

“This new command structure for the physical domain of space, led by a four-star flag officer, will establish unified command and control for our Space Force operations, ensure integration across the military, and develop the space warfighting doctrine, tactics, techniques, and procedures of the future.”

— Mike Pence, U. S. Vice President at Pentagon, August 2018


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Christmas Comet Came With Green Glow!

December 15, 2018  Albuquerque, New Mexico - We've got a Christmas 2018 green, bright comet on its way toward Earth at 21,251 miles per hour. Astronomers call it:  Comet 46P/Wirtanen. The 46P means this is the 46th periodic comet discovered with an orbital period around our sun of less than 200 years. Now scientists know that 46P/Wirtanen is a small, short-period comet that goes around our sun every 5.4 years.


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Meteor Lighted Up New England Plus Reports of “Deep Rolling” Boom Sound and Shaking

“Caught it out bedroom window as I was getting into bed. Crazy bright pulsing light through transom window right over headboard.” 

- Ryan B, Portland, Maine

Video frame of falling meteorite near 12:15 AM Eastern on December 12, 2018, over southern Maine.
Video frame of falling meteorite near 12:15 AM Eastern on December 12, 2018, over New England. But what caused the loud “deep rolling” boom and ground shaking — especially in Boothbay Harbor, Maine?


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New “Polio-like Disease”: Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM) — More Than 400 American Cases Since 2014.

“In our surveillance here in Colorado and I know in other states, there has been a similar pattern of circulation of Enterovirus 68 that mirrors the incidence of acute flaccid myelitis in the United States.”

– Samuel Dominguez, M. D. and Ph.D., Assoc. Prof., Pediatrics-Infectious Diseases and Medical Director for Microbiology Laboratory, Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora, Colorado

So far in 2018, the CDC has confirmed 116 cases of polio-like disease in 31 states. Since 2014, when the new paralyzing disease was first noticed, the CDC has confirmed more than 400 cases known medically as Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM). Many of the young children that have been infected by the virus — average age 4 — are still coping with paralysis. CNN family photo.
So far in 2018, the CDC has confirmed 116 cases of polio-like disease in 31 states. Since 2014, when the new paralyzing disease was first noticed, the CDC has confirmed more than 400 cases known medically as Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM). Many of the young children that have been infected by the virus — average age 4 — are still coping with paralysis. CNN family photo.


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New Editor’s Update to Part 1: Apollo 17 – Jon Lavine’s Tale Is Not Honest.

December 20, 2018  Editor's Note from Earthfiles Reporter and Editor Linda Moulton Howe:  I am preparing a fact check update for Earthfiles and my December 27-28, 2018, Coast to Coast AM radio broadcast with the finding that the original November 29, 2018, three-part tale by 71-year-old Jon Lavine that begins below appears to be mostly dishonest for reasons unknown. In the face of contradictory facts, Lavine keeps insisting his secret astronaut story is real, even though many of his assertions don't hold up credibly under research scrutiny that will be laid out in my upcoming fact check updates.

Helping Earthfiles' investigations have been U. K. engineer, IT inventor and analyst Winston Keech; retired Navy Captain Mark Wood; retired Naval Flight Engineer Brian S.; writer and researcher John Hacherian; and U. K. Earthfiles field reporter Ian Halling. Ironically, three anonymous military whistleblowers have also told Linda that beyond Lavine's fraudulent claims, there have been secret NASA missions concerning an alien presence on the moon.


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New Editor’s Update to Part 2: Jon Lavine Claims Apollo 18 and 19 Were Secret Failed Missions Before Secret Apollo 20.

“We investigated a very large (3-mile-long) cigar-shaped spaceship first photographed by Apollo 15 on the back side of the moon.”

- Jon Harold Lavine, 71, retired, alleges secret work on classified, non-public Apollo 17, 18 and 20 


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New Editor’s Update to Part 3: Lavine Described Ancient 3-Mile-Long UFO On The Moon

“The alien cockpit had a control panel that looked like you put 6-fingered  hands on it. And apparently, the controls, the ship's computer interfaced directly with the pilots.”

- Jon Harold Lavine, 71, retired, alleges secret work on classified, non-public Apollo 17, 18 and 20


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Today Nov. 26th – NASA Joy and Cheers As InSIGHT Lands On Mars! See updated report.

InSIGHT landed safely on Mars today, November 26, 2018, near 2:54 PM Eastern! It's the first lander to be able to dig at least 16 feet down into the Martian red soil and will have a seismometer to measure quake activity on the mysterious red planet! NASA image illustration of how InSIGHT looks like now on the flat plain of Elysium Planitia!
InSIGHT landed safely on Mars today, November 26, 2018, near 2:54 PM Eastern!  It's the first lander to be able to dig at least 16 feet down into the Martian red soil and will have a seismometer to measure quake activity on the mysterious red planet! NASA image illustration of how InSIGHT looks like now on the flat plain of Elysium Planitia.

Update - 

“There’s a reason engineers call landing on Mars ‘seven minutes of terror.' We can’t joystick the landing, so we have to rely on the commands we pre-program into the spacecraft."

— Rob Grover, Lead for InSIGHT’s entry, descent and landing (EDL),  NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA

“Previous missions haven't gone more than skin-deep at Mars. InSIGHT scientists can’t wait to explore the deeper heart of Mars.”

— Sue Smrekar, InSIGHT Mission Deputy Principal Investigator, Jet Propulsion Lab, Pasadena, CA


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Part 10: High Strangeness Files about EBENs

“I'm pretty sure some - maybe all - of the aliens don't want us or anyone on Earth to use nuclear weapons, so aliens interfere with our missiles.”  

- U. S. Military Source

Return to Part 1

Reposted November 18, 2018 – June 1, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  Continuing in Part 10 with Linda Moulton Howe's 1983 to 1987 High Strangeness file notes about EBENs and other non-human entities. The following are interview notes I wrote after a 1985 discussion with a military source who told me he had been to Pease AFB to view non-human bodies preserved in five vertical tubes of liquid hanging on a wall.

[ Editor's Note:  Wikipedia - “Pease Air Force Base in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, was a U.S. Air Force base under the control of the Strategic Air Command (SAC) until 1991. Back in 1958, the 509th Bombardment Wing that had been at Walker AFB, New Mexico, in 1958, and was the successor to the famed 509th Composite Group of World War II that had executed the nuclear strikes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki moved to Pease AFB.” ] The 509th BW was also involved in the retrieval of one or more non-human craft that crashed, or were shot down, near Roswell and White Sands Proving Ground in July 1947. ]


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