Part 3: Non-Human Blonds, Greys and Big-Nosed, Cat-Eyed Lizards

"I do know I saw images of the big nosed lizard things harvesting that cocoon stuff in those tunnels.” 

- Kansas Abductee

Drawings by human abductees after encounters with blond, lizard and big-nosed, cat-eyed grey non-humans. Source: Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. I: Facts & Eyewitnesses © 1993 by Linda Moulton Howe.
Drawings by human abductees after encounters with blond, lizard and big-nosed, cat-eyed grey non-humans. Source: Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. I: Facts & Eyewitnesses © 1993 by Linda Moulton Howe.

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Reposted February 9, 2019 - August 1 , 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico -

Strange "Moon Stone" Ring

My Dad went in for surgery on Nov. 9, 1980. The doctors said he had to have bypass surgery. The doctor was from overseas.


The Philippines is what I was told. I never met him. During the surgery on my Dad, the Philippine doctor cut a vein and my Dad bled to death on the operating table. Two weeks after that, the doctor disappeared out of the U. S. All attempts by me – I could not find his name or anything. So, I kind of feel that my Dad’s death was not an accident.


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Part 2: Non-Human Blonds, Greys and Big-Nosed, Cat-Eyed Lizards

“Tall, scaly beings with very large noses – bigger than Arabic –
and yellow eyes with vertical pupils like cat eyes. Those big-nosed ones
had come back to Earth to first take over some kind of  underground harvesting operation.”   

- Kansas Abductee

Symbols and craft shapes seen in mind of Kansas man while in the presence of tall, blue-eyed blond-haired humanoids. Drawing © 2007 by Kansas abductee.
Symbols and craft shapes seen in mind of Kansas man while in the presence of tall, blue-eyed blond-haired humanoids. Drawing © 2007 by Kansas abductee.

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Reprinted February 7, 2019 - July 31, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  The Kansas abductee told me, “Tall, scaly beings with very large noses – bigger than Arabic – and yellow eyes with vertical pupils like cat eyes. Those big-nosed ones (in the images shown to me) had come back to Earth to first take over some kind of underground harvesting operation.”


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Part 1: Non-Human Blonds, Greys and Big-Nosed, Cat-Eyed Lizards

“My Dad basically told me that if people knew the complete truth, it would change religion as we know it today and would collapse religious beliefs.”

- Kansas Abductee

"Different craft I have seen since childhood - some use humans and this planet. Others, I think, are trying to help us." Drawing by Kansas abductee
"Different craft I have seen since childhood - some use humans and this planet. Others, I think, are trying to help us." Drawing by Kansas abductee

Reposted February 6, 2019 - July 26, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  In early January 1960, a boy was born to a Kansas family. By age 8, the boy understood that his father worked on very important matters concerning astronauts and NASA's moon missions. His mother seemed to know a lot, too, but the boy was never told exactly what his parents did. However, he vividly remembers the night in 1968 when silver-suited, blond-haired "astronauts" woke him up in his bedroom and he thought they had come home from work with his father.


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Part 3: Terry Lovelace’s Telepathic Exchange with Female Asian-Looking Humanoid

“The female alien threatened first that the thing above my knee (and in left leg Terry knew nothing about) can't be removed and analyzed by terrestrial scientists. She said her 'Host' is going to come and take them from you. They'll take them from you in the middle of the night, and you'll have no pain whatsoever." And her second threat was more direct: 'If you talk about these things, your government will kill you.'”

— Terry Lovelace, Esq.


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Part 2: From 1977 Abduction to Strange Metallic Implant On 2013 X-Ray

“To breach the integrity of the skin and to penetrate to the level of the fascia where these (anomalous implant) things are embedded into your muscle tissue would leave a scar. But there is no scar. I don't know, I have never seen this before.” 

— Radiologist examining Terry Lovelace right leg x-rays, V. A. Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, October 22, 2013


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Part 1: Gigantic Triangular Craft Took Two Campers in Devil’s Den State Park, Arkansas

“What I got back from those eyes was raw intellect. There wasn't an ounce of mercy or kindness or empathy or anything that's good. Nothing good. I got the feeling that it was there collecting information. Like they were Darwin.”

— Terry Lovelace, Esq., about tall, pinkish-grey alien entity on huge triangular craft


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2nd Mysterious Repeating Fast Radio Burst (FRB) Discovered – What Are They?

“Explaining FRBs has become one of the biggest unsolved problems in astrophysics in the last few years.”

— Kendrick Smith, Ph.D., Cosmologist, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

“FRBs have to be trillions of times brighter than a pulsar. That's one followed by 12 zeros. That's huge! We have no idea how to make something that bright.”

— Shriharsh Tendulka, Ph.D., Astronomer and CHIME team member, McGill University, Canada


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January 23, 2019 – Tune In Earthfiles YouTube Broadcast for Navy Seal Whistleblower Eyewitness Description of Huge Structures Deep Under Antarctic Ice

Spartan 1, retired U. S. Navy Seal, backlighted and voice-altered for whistleblower interview videotaped with Earthfiles Reporter and Editor Linda Moulton Howe about his firsthand Special Operations mission to investigate huge structures deep under Antarctic ice discovered by deep ground and ice penetrating radar at the beginning of the 21st Century. This is Part 1 of a video series © 2018 by Linda Moulton Howe.
Spartan 1, retired U. S. Navy Seal, backlighted and voice-altered for whistleblower interview videotaped with Earthfiles Reporter and Editor Linda Moulton Howe. His firsthand testimony is from a Special Operations mission to investigate huge structures deep under Antarctic ice discovered by deep ground and ice penetrating radar at the beginning of the 21st Century. This is Part 1 of a video series © 2018 by Linda Moulton Howe.

Click for report.

January 21, 2019 — Updated with Orange Lunar Eclipse Image from Chile.

“We will have 85 total lunar eclipses in the 100 years of this 21st Century — and one is January 20-21, 2019.”

— Fred Espenak, Astrophysicist and Eclipse Expert, retired from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center


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