Part 2: Racheal’s E. T.-Human Hybrid Eyes

“Since humans and these E. T. species all share the same genetic heritage going back millions of years when Earth was first seeded with life, humans are the ideal species to interbreed with.”

- Chisky, Hybrid Geneticist from Zeta Reticuli 1

Sketch by Helen Littrell of Racheal Nadien as she saw the large, solid “avocado green with vertical black slit” eyes of the alleged alien-human hybrid from Zeta Reticuli 1 brought to Earth in a “Humanization Program” operated underground at “Four Corners” on the north end of Area 51, Groom Lake, Nellis AFB. Illustration © May 11, 2014 by and Helen Littrell.
Sketch by Helen Littrell of Racheal Nadien as she saw the large, solid “avocado green with vertical black slit” eyes of the alleged alien-human hybrid from Zeta Reticuli 1 brought to Earth in a “Humanization Program” operated underground at “Four Corners” on the north end of Area 51, Groom Lake, Nellis AFB. Illustration © May 11, 2014 by and Helen Littrell.


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May 31, 2014  Klamath Falls, Oregon - Col. Nadien told Helen and Marisa that he worked under “the highest level of security in the U. S. government called MAJI, or Majority Agency for Joint Intelligence.” He told them that MAJI “controls all projects dealing with alien entities, concocting and distributing deliberate misinformation as   a cover-up.” The Director of MAJI, or MAJESTIC-12 as it’s also been called, has been the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency since its creation on September 18, 1947, soon after the retrieval of at least three wedge-shaped extraterrestrial craft from the Roswell, New Mexico, region in the summer of 1947.


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Part 1: Racheal’s E. T.-Human Hybrid Eyes

“Hybrid is an offspring of two animals or plants of different
races, breeds, varieties, species, or genera.”

- Merriam-Webster Dictionary

“The Humanization Program was a (MAJI) project to see how
well beings from another place (planet) could be integrated into our
Earth society. It was also an inter-species breeding program on another planet.”

- Helen Littrell, mother of roommate living with human-alien hybrid, Sacramento, Calif.


May 30, 2014  Cedarville, California and Klamath Falls, Oregon - It is highly probable that all life on Earth was seeded by an advanced intelligence from somewhere else in the cosmos. That idea was first proposed by 1903 Nobel Prize chemist Svante Arrhenius, who introduced the concept of “panspermia,” the seeding of life through spores of living cells on different planets.

Then 70 years later in 1973, Nobel Prize laureate Francis Crick evolved Arrhenius's concept to “directed panspermia.” After the discovery that DNA was a double helix molecule that contains the singular genetic code for all Earth life from bacteria and fish to plants and humans, Crick puzzled over why there was only one genetic code for all terrestrial life. That could not have happened by chance, he hypothesized. So Crick agreed with Arrhenius that life on Earth was likely seeded and directed by Advanced Intelligences.

DNA double helix molecule. The genome “sentence” to make a Homo sapiens sapiens is about 3.2 billion base pairs long and contains 20,000 to 25,000 distinct protein-coding genes.
DNA double helix molecule. The genome “sentence” to make a Homo sapiens sapiens is about 3.2 billion base pairs long and contains 20,000 to 25,000 distinct protein-coding genes.


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Part 3: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM

Paul D. McKeever served as an E-4 Army Reserve Specialist Corporal. Entered basic training on August 31, 1984, and remained in active Army reserves until August 31, 1992.
Paul D. McKeever served as an E-4 Army Reserve Specialist Corporal. Entered basic training on August 31, 1984, and remained in active Army reserves until August 31, 1992.

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Reposted February 21, 2019 - November 29, 2007   Albuquerque, New Mexico -After Army basic training, Paul returned to Albuquerque where he remained in active Army reserves until 1992. What Paul did not know was that only six years after he and his Mom and Aunt saw the disc at ground level on the Sandia hill, Kirtland security guards also saw lights, or discs, land three different times inside Coyote Canyon’s restricted test range between August 8 and September 3, 1980.


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Part 2: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM

Paul D. McKeever, in August 1984 at age 18, was accepted into U. S. Army Reserves at Ft. Leonard Wood, Company D44, Missouri.
Paul D. McKeever, in August 1984 at age 18, was accepted into U. S. Army Reserves at Ft. Leonard Wood, Company D44, Missouri.

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Reposted February 20, 2019 - November 29, 2007   Albuquerque, New Mexico -Ten years after the Sandia hills event, Paul McKeever at age 18 enlisted in the U. S. Army Reserves in August 1984. He is pictured here on far left. Paul was sent for basic training at Ft. Leonard Wood in Missouri where he trained with Company Delta 44  (Battalion 4, Brigade 4).


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Part 1: Glowing Disc Encounter with Military in Albuquerque, NM

Military security surrounded a glowing disc hovering horizontally on the side of a rocky hill in the Cibola National Forest, Sandia hills, May 1974, witnessed by an Albuquerque family and others. Graphic illustration © 2007 by eyewitness Paul McKeever.
Military security surrounded a glowing disc hovering horizontally on the side of a rocky hill in the Cibola National Forest, Sandia hills, May 1974, witnessed by an Albuquerque family and others. Graphic illustration © 2007 by eyewitness Paul McKeever.

Reposted February 19, 2019 - November 29, 2007   Albuquerque, New Mexico -  Eleven months ago in January 2007, I received an email from an Albuquerque resident named Paul McKeever. He said he and his family had seen a glowing disc – first in the sky and then on the ground surrounded by military. He gave his phone number and I called him. By March 4, 2007, I met with Paul at the apartment where his aunt, Sandy Rivers, lived with her family in the early 1970s and where Paul at age 8 was visiting with his mother, Rebecca McKeever Armstrong. He and his two cousins were playing outside when the three saw a brightly glowing, white disc moving in the evening sky at the same time that Sandy and Rebecca heard radio station 770 KKOB announce a news alert that an unidentified flying object was in the air over Albuquerque.


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Part 5: Military Insiders Comment About Zeta Reticuli and EBENs – Christ Versus The Devil

“The Ebens set us in motion genetically and are watching us grow,
like ‘watching children grow’ is the way it's been described to me.
One of the Ebens said, ‘We made you. We put you here.
But you have to live it.’”

- Military Insider

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September 16, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico - The government insiders I am calling "Sherman" also described seeing 3-dimensional, moving images of Jesus Christ in the Yellow Book. Further, the Ebens allegedly communicated "there really is a devil." I asked Sherman, "What role do you think Christ has played in all of this if it's true that the Ebens had a connection to His birth on this planet and are somehow involved with the recycling of souls?"


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Part 4: Military Insiders Comment About Zeta Reticuli and EBENs

“We now know that some Tibetan scrolls written in ancient Sanskrit
were actually written by Ebens and those scrolls seem to be made of
something that never ages.”

- Military Insider

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September 11, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico - The government insiders I am calling "Sherman" also made a distinction between EBENs and "Greys."


Sherman:  "The Greys are similar in appearance, but they wear a different uniform or suit with different insignias and colors. The Greys have crude telepathic abilities compared to the Ebens and the Greys are more reckless. They aren't as compassionate as the Ebens either. But in truth, I don't think the Ebens have always explained to us what they are doing like they are supposed to (by treaty?)"


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Part 3: Military Insiders Comment About Zeta Reticuli and EBENs

“I think the Ebens can travel in and out of time any way they want to.
I think that's why they know the future, what's going to happen.
And I think they even know how to tinker around with
time lines to change things.”

- Military Insider

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September 7, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico - The government insiders I am calling "Sherman" also had information about non-human genetic manipulation of Earth life. I asked him, "From your point of view, are Ebens the only non-humans that have experimented genetically on this planet?"


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Part 2: Military Insiders Comment About Zeta Reticuli and EBENs

“The animal mutilations did occur and were performed by the aliens.
We allowed them to conduct experiments using animals. Not just cattle.”

- Military Insider

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See September 7, 2007 Update below.

September 5 , 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico - The government insiders I am calling "Sherman" also had information about the Ebens alleged involvement with our solar system beyond Earth.


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Part 1: Military Insiders Comment About Zeta Reticuli and EBENs

“I know I read that the Ebens had also spent almost twenty years
living among the Mayans who had stepped pyramids like
the ziggurats of Sumeria.”

- "Yellow Book," Military Insider

 Pages 4 -18 of the December 1974 Astronomy magazine featured an article entitled, "The Zeta Reticuli Incident" by astronomer and author, Terence Dickinson. Original magazine cover © 1974 Astronomy.
Pages 4 -18 of the December 1974 Astronomy magazine featured an article entitled, "The Zeta Reticuli Incident" by astronomer and author, Terence Dickinson. Original magazine cover © 1974 Astronomy.

Reposted February 9, 2019 - August 30, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico - According to the December 1974 issue of Astronomy magazine, “The two stars that comprise the Zeta Reticuli system are almost identical to the sun. Each is classified as a G2 star, the same as our sun. They are the only known examples of two solar type stars apparently linked into a binary star system of wide separation. Zeta 1 is separated from Zeta 2 by at least 350 billion miles - almost one hundred times the sun-Pluto distance. The two suns probably require at least 100,000 years to orbit their common center of gravity. The binary stars are in the constellation Reticulum (The Net), which is 37.5 light years from our solar system. Reticulum is visible from Earth's Southern Hemisphere. Both Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 are prime candidates for the search for life beyond Earth. According to our current theories of planetary formation, they both have a retinue of planets something like our solar system.”


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