Updated – Part 1:  Western Electric Engineer Worked 700 Feet Underground At “Dark Pyramid” in Alaska

“My father said that the Alaska underground pyramid was technology completely unknown at the time when he worked on it from 1959 to 1961. He didn’t know where the technology came from.”

 - “John Smith,” son of Western Electric and AT&T Engineer

Updated with mp3 interview and images on August 23, 2012 / Original report on August 22, 2012  Omaha, Nebraska - On June 22, 2012, I received an email from a retired U. S. Army Counterintelligence Warrant Officer named Douglas Alan Mutschler. In June, he had heard my Coast to Coast AM radio broadcast about my trip to Gobekli Tepe, Turkey, the 12,000-year-old archaeological wonder that was mysteriously buried about a thousand years after its original construction. No one knew anything about the nearly 300 tall, limestone pillars arranged in repeating circles until excavation began in 1994. Doug Mutschler wanted to report another alleged underground burial - a large, pyramid-shaped structure supposedly found underground in Alaska by seismologists and geophysicists studying the Earth's crust during China's May 22, 1992, one megaton underground nuclear detonation test in Lop Nor.


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Updated Part 1: Is There A Large Pyramid Underground Between Mt. McKinley and Nome, Alaska?

Updated with mp3 audio of interview.

“My father was 're-recruited' by the military to join a group of other experts to study and work at an underground structure in Alaska that in his words they called the‘Dark Pyramid.’”

- July 27, 2012 email to Earthfiles

“What the geologists said they found in this byline news story (Anchorage TV Channel 13) story was under Alaska, they found a pyramid bigger than the one in Egypt.”

- Douglas A. Mutschler, Chief Warrant Officer, U. S. Army Counterintelligence


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Mountains Bigger Than Everest Inside Earth’s Mantle.

“They are among the largest things inside the Earth, and yet we literally do not know what they are, where they came from, how long they’ve been around, or what they do.”

—  Ved Lekis, Ph. D., Prof. of Geology, University of Maryland, College Park, Md.


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Part 3: Childhood Out-of-Body Mystery

“I'm not sure why, but I felt a need to look up at the ceiling, and as soon as I did, I was immediately sucked out of my body and in a flash passed through the ceiling and zoomed into space.”

— Carlos V, out-of-body traveler from age 5 onward


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Part 2: Childhood Out-of-Body Mystery

“The instant I felt fear I was SUDDENLY back in bed in my body. My heart was racing and I remember that it took a long time to calm down. What is strange is that I wasn't scared once 'back' as one would think a 5-year-old child should have been. I was ecstatic, but also sad that I was back in my body.”

— Patty E., 61-year-old retired intensive care nurse about her out-of-body travel at age 5


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Part 1: Childhood Out-of-Body Mystery

“As you lie in slumber, your spirit body snaps free and drifts upward while your physical shell is left lonely on the bed below, connected only by a fragile, silvery cord. You turn and observe yourself peacefully sleeping. Could this be evidence of the soul? Could it be proof of life after death?”

— Tim Newman, Medical News Today, July 19, 2017


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2001 – 2019: NSA Shuts Down Sifting Through Bulk Records of American Phone Calls and Texts

The Trump Administration “hasn't actually been using it (Freedom Act) for the past six months. ... I'm actually not certain that this administration will want to start that (NSA phone spy program) back up.”

— Luke Murry, House Minority Leader's national security adviser, Lawfare Podcast, March 2, 2019


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What Really Happened At the Beginning of Our Universe? And Why Is It Expanding Faster Than Expected?

“A growing mystery about the universe, known as the 'Hubble Tension,' is that it appears to be expanding much faster now than predicted even with our latest understanding of its initial conditions and contents.”

Adam Riess, Ph.D.,  Nobel laureate astrophysicist and expert in the Hubble constant, Johns Hopkins University and Space Telescope Science Institute

“Under the influence of dark energy, the cosmos is now doubling in size every 10 billion years. ... Is the fate of our universe at stake?”

— Dennis Overbye, Science Reporter, The New York Times


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Viewer Letters About E. T.-Human Hybrids

— “There are two (2) common links between each alien group and the Ebens. The first link is that the Ebens discovered each group, civilized them and then CLONED (hybridized) their species with others.”

- Email to Earthfiles, May 31, 2014

—  “We made you, we put you here, but you have to live it.”

- Eben to USAF Captain, Los Alamos, New Mexico, 194

Page 221, Raechel's Eyes © 2005 by Helen Littrell and Jean Bilodeaux: “Triangular emblem seen on Raechel's food and water containers, on the license plate of the car driven by the men visiting Raechel at her apartment, and on a truck outside the Four Corners, Nevada, underground base.”
Page 221, Raechel's Eyes © 2005 by Helen Littrell and Jean Bilodeaux: “Triangular emblem seen on Raechel's food and water containers, on the license plate of the car driven by the men visiting Raechel at her apartment, and on a truck outside the Four Corners, Nevada, underground base.”

Return to Part 1 and 2 E.T.-Human Hybrids.

Update June 5, 2014 - Viewer About Reptilian Eye — Have any Earthfiles viewers or COAST and Dreamland Online listeners ever encountered a human with one or more cat or reptilian eyes as described in this Update email? Please contact [email protected]. All requests for confidentiality are honored.


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