Earthfiles 2007 Archive – Writing In Chad “Drone” Image – A Link to NASA Clementine 1 Moon Mission?

Reposted April 11, 2019 - June 18, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico - On Sunday evening, June 17, I received an email from George Pettit, a truck driver based in Shermansdale, Pennsylvania. He uses and listens to Coast to Coast AM Radio. So Mr. Pettit was aware of the ongoing and evolving dragonfly-shaped drone story.


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Black Holes – First Ever Image Attempts by Event Horizon Telescope

“It's exciting, even just technically, to get this up close and personal to a black hole.”

— Priyamvada Natarajan, Ph.D., Astrophysicist, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.

“Even if the new images do not overthrow Einsteinian relativity, they will be invaluable as astronomers' first glimpses into the hearts of these black hole cosmic entities and the way they generate cosmically catastrophic energies.”

— Dennis Overbye, Science Reporter, The New York Times, April 9, 2019


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Part 1: Yosemite National Park and Northridge, California, Aerial Dragonfly “Drones”

“It was like the moment the flashlight light hit the thing, it jerked very quickly and started to move in another direction.”

- Yosemite Park Drone Eyewitness

“That strange aerial object above the tree was a brilliant, fluorescent apple green in the shape of a horseshoe crab sideways (profile) with a long tail.”

- Robert Mariotti, Northridge Drone Eyewitness

Reposted April 10, 2019 - June 15, 2007 Canoga Park, California - Since the first week of May, seven people in California, one in Birmingham, Alabama, and another from Louisiana – for a total of 9 - have reported seeing a dragonfly-shaped aerial object in the sky that has a ring body, a long tail and variations of appendages extending from the ring.


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Part 6:  Mysterious 12,000-Years-Old Gobekli Tepe, Turkey – Was Underground Cappadocia Another Escape from Catastrophe?

“Cappadocia was a huge underground refuge, and I believe many areas might date back thousands of years, perhaps even to the end of the last ice age 12,000 years ago when Gobekli Tepe was constructed.”

- Robert M. Schoch, Ph.D., Geologist, Boston University

Reposted April 9, 2019 - July 2, 2012  Cappadocia Region southeast of Ankara, Turkey, in ancient Anatolia - The western frontier of Asia known as Asia Minor was the region of Anatolia that encompassed the central uplands of modern Turkey from the coastal plain of the Aegean Sea east to the mountains on the Armenian border and from the narrow coast of the Black Sea south to the Taurus mountains and Mediterranean coast.


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Part 5:  Mysterious 12,000-Years-Old Gobekli Tepe, Turkey – Another Artificial Covering Over Mount Nemrut

“Mt. Nemrut is clearly an artificial peak on top of the mountain. It’s piled up with gravel purposefully ... of a certain size, of a certain shape so ... it’s actually a very sophisticated pile of gravel.”

- Robert M. Schoch, Ph.D., Geologist, Boston University

Reposted April 8, 2019 - June 28, 2012  Mount Nemrut 25 miles north of Kahta, Turkey - On June 11, 2012, we traveled to see the “8th Wonder of the Ancient World,” Mount Nemrut. It's a 7,000-foot-high mountain (2,134 meters) north of Gobekli Tepe and about 25 miles (40 km) north of Kahta, Turkey. Historically, the astounding mountain burial monument disappeared from world consciousness for two thousand years until re-discovered in 1881 by a German engineer named Charles Sester, who was studying Ottoman transport routes. Then it took until 1953 for any professional archaeological research to be done.


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Part 4:  Mysterious 12,000-Years-Old Gobekli Tepe, Turkey – Interview with Geologist Robert Schoch.

“All the work Gobekli Tepe builders put into carving those pillars, erecting them, erecting walls between them at a later stage... is in many ways dwarfed by the amount of time and work and energy they put into covering them over again.”
- Robert M. Schoch, Ph.D., Geologist, Boston University

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June 26, 2012  Gobekli Tepe, Turkey  - After the sun had risen to completely light up Gobekli Tepe, I interviewed geologist Robert M. Schoch, Ph.D., inside the Gobekli Tepe excavation. I asked him if given that Gobekli Tepe's creation and purpose is perhaps the greatest archaeological and historical mystery on the planet today, what does Dr. Schoch speculate happened a thousand years after the elegant, bizarre, strangely eerie pillars, totem, Urfa man and other sculptures were erected in circles over 30 hilltop acres to cause Someone to cover the whole site back over with dirt?


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Part 3:  Mysterious 12,000-Years-Old Gobekli Tepe – Buried to Escape Incoming Comets? Meteorites? Huge Solar Flares?

“Nanodiamonds only form under very high temperatures
and pressures consistent with a major cosmic impact event.”

- Douglas Kennett, Ph.D., Univ. of Oregon

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Reposted April 6, 2019 - June 21, 2012  Gobekli Tepe 8 miles northeast of Sanliurfa, Turkey - Who made the 30 acres of elegantly carved Gobekli limestone pillars in circles? And why? More baffling, who? or what? was gathering up tons of soil and carefully piling it over the 30 acres of 19-foot-high, T-shaped limestone pillars - covering them up a thousand years after the pillars had been sculpted by Someone? These 12,000-year-old circles of limestone pillars, cemented bases and brick walls are more than twice the age of Mesopotamia! Was Gobekli being protected because Gobekli creators had foreknowledge about a coming catastrophe? The effort needed to erect so many large stone circles over some 30 acres - and then have to bury all those pillars again centuries later – is beyond understanding. What exactly was the process to re-bury all the pillars?


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Part 2:  Mysterious 12,000-Years-Old Gobekli Tepe – Odd Pillar Creatures, Bizarre Totem and Mouthless Man

“The T-shaped pillars have an anthropomorphic identity. But who are they?As their faces are never depicted, they seem very likely to be related to supernatural beings, beings gathered at Gobekli Tepe for certain, but so far unknown, purposes.”

- June 2012 Issue of Actual Archaeology Magazine-Anatolia,
“The First Temple of the World: Gobekli Tepe.”

Return to Part 1.

Reposted April 5, 2019 - June 18, 2012  Gobekli Tepe 8 miles northeast of Sanliurfa, Turkey - As the sun rose on the eastern horizon June 13, 2012, I first faced the sun and then turned 180 degrees to face the opposite point in the west. Below me in the Gobekli Tepe Section C, a large pillar is cemented to a rectangular base like an altar. On that altar-pillar is a long-bodied animal that doesn't quite match any known Earth animal today. With the sun shining on my back, that pillar animal was facing me on an east-west axis.


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Part 1: Mysterious 12,000-Year-Old Gobekli Tepe

“What was so important to these early people that they gathered to build (and bury) the stone rings? The gulf that separates us from Gobekli Tepe's builders is almost unimaginable.”

— Smithsonian Reporter Andrew Curry


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Part 5: Dina Napier Encounters with Live Reptilian Humanoid and Frightening Cloaked Figure

“The cloaked being was hovering above us. My 6-month-old son and I were huddled in the corner, and I was holding onto him very, very tightly.  This being would reach out, trying to take my son away from me. It was
a mental battle between us, that I was protecting my son, and I wasn't
allowing this being to take him from me.”

- Dina Napier in 1994, age 21

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Reposted March 30, 2019 - March 30, 2017 Union Gap, Washington - High strangeness remote viewing of a huge, black pyramid underground in Alaska at age 22 in 1995 is not the only phenomena in Dina Napier's life. A year before that in 1994 as a mother with a
6-month-old baby boy, Dina had to fight off a tall, black-cloaked entity with four long grey fingers that seemed intent on taking her young son and she had to fight hard with her mind to keep the entity away.


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