U. S. Army Infantryman At Ft. Richardson, Alaska, Encounter with Grey Alien

“It was a small, thin, grey hand. It was quick and reached up and grabbed my genitals.”

- Stephen Mann, former U. S. Army Infantryman, Fort Richardson, Anchorage, Alaska

Reposted May 13, 2019 - May 26, 2017 Northwestern Ohio - While Earth scientists are looking far outward into the cosmos for physical evidence of habitable planets that could have organic life, right here on Earth for decades there have been thousands of flesh and blood human beings who have described to doctors, psychiatrists and investigators face-to-face interactions with non-human entities that seem focused on harvesting sperm and eggs from people. One of those cases was 20 years old serving in the U. S. Army at Fort Richardson in Anchorage, Alaska, when a grey-skinned entity suddenly appeared at his bunk bed.


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Part 4: 1954 SOM1-01 Training Manual and Challis, Idaho, Huge Triangle

“Basically what was on the 35mm negative is a 32-page training manual
dated 1954 which describes for special field units how to recover crashed
flying saucers, how to take them apart, how to pack them, where to ship them, how to take care of the bodies and how to keep the public in the dark.”

- Robert M. Wood, Ph.D., Aerospace Engineer

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Reposted May 12, 2019 - May 29, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  SOM1-01 training manual continued.


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Part 3: 1954 SOM1-01 Training Manual and Challis, Idaho, Huge Triangle

“Basically what was on the 35mm negative is a 32-page training manual
dated 1954 which describes for special field units how to recover crashed
flying saucers, how to take them apart, how to pack them, where to ship them, how to take care of the bodies and how to keep the public in the dark.”

- Robert M. Wood, Ph.D., Aerospace Engineer

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Reposted May 11, 2019 - May 29, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  Retired McDonnell-Douglas aerospace engineer, Robert M. Wood, Ph.D., has intensely researched the SOM1-01 document that first appeared as 35mm black and white negative film in a package addressed to Don Berliner of the Fund for UFO Research in Maryland. The package was postmarked March 7, 1994 from LaCrosse, Wisconsin, and bore a return address of a pharmacy in LaCrosse. On the 35mm film were thirty-two pages of text and drawings and the fingers of whoever photographed the pages of the TOP SECRET/MAJIC classified manual.


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Part 2: Idaho Hunters Describe Huge Triangle Aircraft Over Their Campsite 

“This thing really didn’t bank like an aircraft - it just sort of slid! I could not hear a thing. Couldn’t smell anything. That was very perplexing how something this size could maneuver like it was with no audio sounds at all!”

- Marc Bales, Pilot

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Reposted May 10, 2019 - May 28, 2009  Bend, Oregon  -  Kris Bales’ younger brother, Marc, works in their Bend, Oregon, construction company. Marc Bales also flies his own plane and watched the huge triangle aircraft at their Challis, Idaho, hunting camp site through 10X binoculars with the eyes and mind of a pilot.


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Part 1: Idaho Hunters Describe Huge Triangle Aircraft Over Their Campsite 

“That red light came on simultaneously with a really deep, low-pitched throb, a deep base that was not loud, just perceptible, an immense amount of power.”

- Kris Bales, Hunter

Reposted May 9, 2019 - May 28, 2009  Bend, Oregon  -  One of the most important UFO-related government documents to emerge since the early 1980s is entitled:  “Restricted SOM1-01 Majestic-12 Group Special Operations Manual, Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal - TOP SECRET/MAJIC EYES ONLY.” It's dated April 1954, only seven years after a UFO crash made headlines in July 1947 near Roswell, New Mexico. The cover page is also stamped with the official United States War Office seal that was still used in 1954. In Part 3 of this report, I am reprinting the entire SOM1-01 training manual for Earthfiles viewers.


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Is This U.S. 2017 Patent to Deflect Asteroids, Nuclear Missiles and Strong Solar Prominences A “Gift” From Friendly E.T.s?

“The invention described herein may be manufactured and used by or for the Government of the United States of America for governmental purposes without payment of any royalties thereon or therefor.”

— Jan. 26, 2017 Patent US 2017/0025935 A1, U. S. Patent Office

Red underlines added for emphasis by Earthfiles.com.
Red underlines added for emphasis by Earthfiles.com.


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