Second “Interstellar Visitor,” After Oumuamua, On Its Way To Our Sun.

“The high velocity indicates not only that the object likely originated from outside our solar system, but also that it will leave and head back to interstellar space.”

— Davide Farnocchia, Ph.D., Astronomer,  NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California


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Part 7: Mysterious Bismuth and Magnesium-Zinc Metal from Bottom of Wedge-Shaped UFO – Research Updates 1996-2018

“The bismuth/magnesium-zinc alloy is an electrogravitic rectifier. You energize it in order to cause it to rectify gravitational field energy — unidirectional force, one direction, based upon how you have the material oriented. And when the Bi/MgZn material is being energized, along with the other structure of the craft — the structure of the craft really negates gravitational energy from penetrating. In other words, it becomes weightless.”

- Whistleblower Physicist, February 2, 2017


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Part 6: Mysterious Bismuth and Magnesium-Zinc Metal from Bottom of Wedge-Shaped UFO – Research Updates 1996-2018

“Clearly when it comes to engineering warp drive or wormhole solutions, seemingly insurmountable obstacles emerge, such as unattainable energy requirements or the need for exotic matter. Thus, if success is to be achieved, it must rest on some yet unforeseen breakthrough about which we can only speculate, such as a technology to cohere otherwise random vacuum fluctuations.”

- Hal Puthoff, Ph.D., Inst. for Advanced Studies-Austin,
Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, 2005


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Part 4: Mysterious Bismuth and Magnesium-Zinc Metal from Bottom of Wedge-Shaped UFO – Research Updates 1996-2018

“The Bi-Mg sample gave count rates of positive magnesium ions, which were enhanced sixty times more than in the pure Magnesium metal standard.”

- Erik Hauri, Ph.D., Ion Microprobe Tech,
Carnegie Institution of Washington, D. C., July 20, 1996


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Part 3: Mysterious Bismuth and Magnesium-Zinc Metal from Bottom of Wedge-Shaped UFO – Research Updates 1996-2018

“Sample extraction (Bi/Mg) radiated light for a full (3) hours. Originally located on central underside of Wedge-shaped Disc. ... Secondary examinations at Los Alamos Facility. Footlockers subsequently airlifted by Courier to Wright Field, Ohio.”

- July 5, 1996, excerpt from 5th typed letter quoting grandfather's diary about his observation in an Army security unit surrounding the wedge-shaped UFO. He described the layered metal on the bottom of the craft as glowing for 3 hours.


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Part 2: Mysterious Bismuth and Magnesium-Zinc Metal from Bottom of Wedge-Shaped UFO – Research Updates 1996-2018

April 22, 1996:  Excerpt from Army source's 2nd typed letter post-marked South Carolina.
April 22, 1996:  Excerpt from Army source's 2nd typed letter post-marked South Carolina.
May 27, 1996: 3rd Letter sent with Bismuth and Magnesium/Zinc layered metal "scrapings from the exterior underside" of wedge-shaped UFO in July 1947.
May 27, 1996: Excerpt from 3rd Letter sent with Bismuth and Magnesium/Zinc layered metal “scrapings from the exterior underside” of wedge-shaped UFO in July 1947.


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Part 1: Mysterious Bismuth and Magnesium-Zinc Metal from Bottom of Wedge-Shaped UFO – Research Updates 1996-2018

Alleged extraterrestrial metal from bottom of a “wedge-shaped craft” between Sierra Blanca and San Mateo Mountains west of Roswell, New Mexico, in late 1940s, made of 26+ alternating layers: 1 to 4 microns dark bismuth and 100 to 200 microns silver magnesium/zinc alloy. Each of six pieces received from U. S. Army source were “formed” with a curvature that tapered. Photograph © 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe with Tim Bauer.



April 10, 1996, typed letter from U. S. Army grandson about grandfather in alleged Roswell UFO crash security team, 1947.
April 10, 1996 - First typed letter from U. S. Army grandson about grandfather in alleged Roswell UFO crash security team, 1947.


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Updated with Audio and Video: Mountain-Size “Alien Grey” Face Discovered in Antarctica

“I heard these scientists talking about that there’s some guys there at Pole that were working with these strange-looking ‘men.’ They weren’t saying, you know, ‘alien’ or ‘extraterrestrial,’ or whatever. And that the air sampling station (big hole in the ice) was actually a joint base with the scientists and the E.T.s.”

– Brian, retired Navy Flight Engineer, Antarctic Development Squadron Six

The following update comes from Linda Moulton Howe's original Earthfiles YouTube Channel broadcast on August 28, 2019, about a half-mile-size carved black stone head in the Admiralty Mountains of Antarctica. Please subscribe to the Earthfiles channel  now to explore Antarctica, alien intelligences and other Earth mysteries. Help Linda bring the pressure of facts to truth about our world's past, present and future.


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Part 11: Army/CIA Unit Studied the Real UFO Blue Book Cases

“We were supposed to talk with Vice President Nixon about what we in the CIA were going to do with the special Project Blue Book.”

- “Stein,” Former Army/CIA UFO Analyst


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