Updated – Part 1:  Western Electric Engineer Worked 700 Feet Underground At “Dark Pyramid” in Alaska

“My father said that the Alaska underground pyramid was technology completely unknown at the time when he worked on it from 1959 to 1961. He didn’t know where the technology came from.”

 - “John Smith,” son of Western Electric and AT&T Engineer


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Updated Part 1: Is There A Large Pyramid Underground Between Mt. McKinley and Nome, Alaska?

Updated with mp3 audio of interview.

“My father was 're-recruited' by the military to join a group of other experts to study and work at an underground structure in Alaska that in his words they called the‘Dark Pyramid.’”

- July 27, 2012 email to Earthfiles

“What the geologists said they found in this byline news story (Anchorage TV Channel 13) story was under Alaska, they found a pyramid bigger than the one in Egypt.”

- Douglas A. Mutschler, Chief Warrant Officer, U. S. Army Counterintelligence


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Near Nellis AFB Area 51, This Morning’s 6.5 Magnitude Earthquake Also Rattled San Francisco.

t was a little rattle that kept getting bigger and stronger, like when 20 seconds can seem like 5 minutes.”

— Andria Williams, Mgr., Jim Butler Inn & Suites, Tonopah, Nevada, about earthquake 051520


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What Beheaded Young Seals in Mid-April 2020 On Beaches in Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador? With mp4 video.


“We've never had even one headless seal. And I've lived here my whole life. What could have caused this and why now and not any other time in the past 21 years?”

— Geoffrey Howard, 21, student at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, April 11, 2020, after finding 27 beheaded and head-damaged young seals on beach near West Pennant, Nova Scotia.


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Race for COVID-19 Vaccine. And Pentagon Finally Declassifies 3 Navy UFO Videos.

“The best defense against this virus, until there is a vaccine, is physical distance from other people.”

— Michelle Lujan Grisham, Governor of New Mexico, May 1, 2020

“I'm glad the Pentagon is finally releasing this (UFO) footage, but it only scratches the surface of research and materials available. The U. S. needs to take a serious, scientific look at this and any potential national security implications. The American people deserve to be informed.” 

— U. S. Senator retired Harry Reid (D-Nevada), April 27, 2020

“I don't know of anything that has an acceleration rate like that (UFO).  And there was more than one of them. We were tracking multiple objects.”

— David Fravor, November 2004 Commanding Officer of U. S. Navy Strike Fighter Squadron 41, Super Hornet F-18 fighter jets for U. S. S. Nimitz Operations 100 miles southwest of San Diego, CA.


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Medical Experts Say A Second Wave of COVID-19 Is Coming Fall 2020 — And Could Be Worse Mixed with Fall Flu Season. Mp3 Audio Interview with Prof. Jay Couey, Ph.D., Cellular Neurobiologist, Univ. of Pittsburgh.

“There’s a possibility that the assault of the virus on our nation in Winter 2020-2021 will actually be even more difficult than the one we just went through. …We’re going to have the flu epidemic and the coronavirus epidemic at the same time.”

Robert Redfield, Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), April 21, 2020

“And the reason why we’re going to get second and third waves of COVID-19 is because there are too many of us who have not had it yet.”

— Jay Couey, Ph.D., Professor of Cellular Neurobiology, University of Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania.Click for report.

Part 2 – Small Greys in La Luz, NM, and A Wall of Freezing Cold in Marble Canyon.

“I saw two Grey aliens in La Luz… couldn’t have been over 3.5  feet tall. I had the distinct impression that they were dangerous! And I just wanted to get away from them. It’s like someone speaking to you in your mind. I clearly understood that I was NOT to stop and I was to leave the area.”

— Stephen P. in 1995 driving to his house in La Luz, New Mexico, when he worked for DoD as Generator Maintenance Mechanic, Holloman AFB and White Sands Missile Range, 1969-1976.  U. S. Navy Vietnam Vet, 1966-1969.

“And when we tried to approach the (green glowing) craft, it was only like a half a mile from where we were. We tried to run up the (Marble) Canyon to see what it was. And when we got to the mouth of the canyon, it was so cold that it actually hurt you.”

— Stephen P., first huge green orb encounter near La Luz, New Mexico, age 13 in 1962Click for report.

Part 1 – When Huge “Green Orb” Taunted F4s At White Sands Missile Range. With MP3 Audio Interview.

“The intense lime-green object moved far too slowly to have been a meteor and left no trail of sparks or dust cloud as would be typical of meteors flying at low altitudes … and was turning on and off like a light switch … those green aerial objects were ‘artificial in origin.’”

— Classified letter to the USAF on December 20, 1948, from Prof. Lincoln LaPaz, Ph.D., Mathematician and Director, Institute of Meteoritics, Albuquerque, New Mexico

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