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with Earthfiles Reporter and Editor Linda Moulton Howe.

Amphibian Decline – Parasites and Increased UV Radiation

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

May 27, 1999  Corvallis, Oregon - A headline in the Environment section of the October 28, 1996 Time magazine said, "Trouble in the Lily Pads - Something ominous is happening to Minnesota's frogs - and it's spreading." Amphibians are particularly sensitive to environmental changes and pollution because they live in water and on land and breathe through their skin. So, like a canary in a miner's cage that will die before the miner does if the air is bad, frogs, toads and salamanders are signaling that something is wrong in our world.

The problem was first noticed in 1995 when school children in Minnesota found deformed frogs. Some were missing a leg, some had withered arms, others had shrunken eyes or none at all. One had nine legs and another had three eyes, one in the back of its throat.


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The Shroud of Turin – An X-Ray?

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

The Shroud of Turin: modern photo of the face, positive left and digitally processed image right.
The Shroud of Turin: modern photo of the face, positive left and digitally processed image right.

Left top is front negative image on Shroud of Turin; Right top is back negative image on Shroud. Left below is front positive image on Shroud of Turin; Right below is back positive image on Shroud.

Left top is front negative image on Shroud of Turin; Right top is back negative image on Shroud. Left below is front positive image on Shroud of Turin; Right below is back positive image on Shroud.     


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The Shroud of Turin – Blood Tests

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

May 23, 1999  Danbury, Connecticut - The Shroud of Turin is a linen cloth alleged to be the burial shroud of Christ. It has straw-colored front and back images of a crucified man with blood colored wounds and dozens of scourge marks similar to whips used two thousand years ago. It's as if the linen shroud had been wrapped around the man's body from the feet up over the head and back down to the feet after the blood had clotted. The body images are also bracketed the entire length of the cloth by parallel burn and scorch marks from fire damage suffered in 1532.

The Shroud images were photographed in 1931 and 1978. In the authoritative and well-illustrated book, The Blood and The Shroud by Ian Wilson, positive and negative photographs of the head and body clearly show rivulets of blood on the head and lash marks and larger blood stains on the body.


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The Shroud of Turin – Dematerialization of the Body?

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

May 20, 1999 Toronto, Canada - The Shroud of Turin is a linen cloth alleged to be the burial shroud of Christ. It has the front and back images of a crucified man as if the linen had been wrapped around the body from the feet up over the head and back down to the feet, leaving complete front and back images -- including what appear to be bloodstains. The sharp detail of the blood combined with what appear to be teeth and bones on the cloth have provoked several scientists to hypothesize that intense radiation involving light and x-ray frequencies produced the images on the linen. The Shroud was photographed in 1931 and 1978 and you can visit www.shroud.com for more information about international Shroud research.


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Edgar Evans Cayce About His Father and Atlantis

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

May 16, 1999 Virginia Beach, Virginia ­ We're now mid way into 1999 and two subjects that often come up from Dreamland listeners in this transition to the new Millennium concern the prophecies, or clairvoyance, of Edgar Cayce. Mr. Cayce lived in the first half of the 20th Century and is famous for his ability to remote view sick people, find out what was wrong and suggest a treatment that often worked. Over nearly five decades, as Cayce tapped into illnesses of the body, he could also see other lives of the patient's soul -- including incarnations in Atlantis between 12,000 and 50,000 years ago. And he said he could see a likelihood of earth changes at the end of the 20th Century.

Recently I talked with his son, Edgar Evans Cayce, now a retired electrical engineer in Virginia Beach, Virginia where his father died in 1945. The son has studied his father's several thousand readings and compiled information about Atlantis in a book entitled Mysteries of Atlantis Revisited now out in paperback in most bookstores.


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New Bioterrorism Center

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

May 10, 1999  Baltimore, Maryland - Out of the 76 tornadoes that touched down May 3rd to 4th, Joe Schaefer, Director of the U. S. Storm Prediction Center, says many lives were probably saved by the biggest one because everyone in the weather service could see it coming. That was the F5 vortex that levelled whole subdivisions in Okahoma City. F5s are considered to be one of the most powerful storms on earth and this one was a mile wide and ten miles high ­ so huge that storm trackers could give warnings for more than two hours. Unlike typical tornadoes that break up after moving only a few miles, this F5 traveled 55 miles in a steady path at about 25 miles an hour before breaking up. At one point, police stopped traffic along Route 44 to allow the tornado to pass as it headed toward Oklahoma City. And storm shelters were filling up before the monstrous tornado struck.


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Two Antarctic Ice Shelves Almost Gone

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

May 5, 1999  Boulder, Colorado - Tonight, more tornado weather is threatening Moore and Norman, Oklahoma. And so far this week, those vicious half mile wide tornadoes with winds approaching 300 miles an hour in Kansas and Oklahoma this week have killed at least 44 people and wiped out more than two thousand homes and businesses. Earlier this year in January, another series of unusually violent tornadoes tore through the Tennessee region. Are these freak storms? Or will atmospheric turbulence get worse and worse as global warming continues to take hold of the earth?


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Mysterious Deaths of Harbor Porpoises on East Coast

Common porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). Photo by Stephen Spotte, Mystic Marinelife Aquarium.
Common porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). Photo by Stephen Spotte, Mystic Marinelife Aquarium.

May 5, 1999 Solomons Island, Maryland - Between March and April 1999, more than 160 porpoises washed up dead or dying along the East Coast of the United States. The number of deaths tripled over 1998. Marine scientists are baffled about why the porpoises are dying in such numbers and plan to have
a meeting in early June 1999 to compare research findings. I talked with Dr. Stephen J. Jordan, Director of the Sarbanes Cooperative Oxford Research Laboratory in Solomons Island, Maryland. His lab cooperates with the federal National Ocean Service and Dr. Jordan summarized what researchers know so far about the porpoise deaths.


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Large Triangle Over Albuquerque

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe
April 22, 1999  Albuquerque, NM ­

Very large, triangular-shaped aerial craft have been reported during the 1980's and 90's over the United States and other parts of the world. In 1997, several eyewitnesses in Arizona estimated that one unidentified aerial triangle was almost two miles long. (See 03/13/97 Earthfiles, Large Triangle Over Phoenix, Azizona.)

Now, on April 22, 1999 just before midnight, Tony Chapparo of Albuquerque, New Mexico walked to the second story balcony of his house. He was facing east toward the Sandia Mountains when he looked up toward the zenith.


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The Mysterious Life and Death of Dr. Wilhelm Reich

April 20, 1999 New York City - One of the most maligned scientists of the 20th century was psychiatrist
Dr. Wilhelm Reich. He was born on March 24th, 1897 in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, grew up on a farm, and then entered medical school. By
the 1920s, Dr. Reich was being hailed as the heir apparent to Sigmund Freud because of his contributions to psychoanalysis.

By the 1930s, Dr. Reich's studies of biogenesis -- the origin of life -- were thought by some to be worthy of a Nobel Prize.
Then in the 1940s in the United States, Dr. Reich claimed to discover a new form of energy that he said pervaded all space
and life, including vacuums. He began to write about a new paradigm in physics, one in which energy -- not matter -- is primary.
And Dr. Reich began to experiment with weather modification. Those experiments seemed to attract glowing lights of unknown
origin and Reich speculated the lights were advanced machines operated by non-human intelligences. All of this apparently threatened
people of power and financial influence in America and Europe.


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