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with Earthfiles Reporter and Editor Linda Moulton Howe.

Dutch Eyewitness Says Two Crop Circles Created By Pink-Purple Light

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

June 9, 1999 Hoeven, Holland ­ I have received a report from Europe about an extraordinary event: an eyewitness to the creation of two crop circles in Hoeven, a southern Holland farm community about 90 minutes from Amsterdam. It was early Monday morning, June 7th at about 12:15 AM. This is the first formation in Holland this year. A 19-year-old named Robert woke up and felt compelled to look out his bedroom window. What happened next was phoned to me by Nancy Talbott, Director of the BLT Crop Circle Research Team in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Nancy has worked with biophysicist W. C. Levengood in Michigan for the past several years to analyze plants from formations in Europe, Israel, Australia, Canada and the United States.


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Increased Gray Whale Deaths in Spring 1999

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

June 8, 1999 Newport, Oregon ­ In the first four months of 1999, 65 gray whales have died during their migration from the west coast of Baja California. There, they give birth in warm water and then travel back north toward the colder Bering Sea to feed on amphipod crustaceans. Seventeen gray whales died in the past five weeks in Puget Sound, Washington. Nearly all the dead whales have been adult females who look like they have starved to death.


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U.K. Crop Circle Update with Photographer Peter Sorensen

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

June 7, 1999 Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, U.K ­ Beginning in early April of 1999, the first unusual formations in oilseed rape (canola) were discovered west of Bath, England near Newton St. Loe. Similar to formations back in 1990 to 1991, there were rune-like glyphs attached to circles and rings connected by corridors. You can see these early April photographs at pilot Busty Taylor's web site listed here: www.aviation-uk.com/cropper/99apr2.htm


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Global Warming Linked to Increasingly Warmer and Wetter Winters in Europe and Western North America

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

June 4, 1999  New York City -This week in the journal Nature (June 3, 1999), the first well-documented link between global warming and much warmer and wetter winters in western North America and Europe has been published. Atmospheric physicist, Drew Shindell, at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Columbia University in New York City confirms that over the past thirty years winter temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere have warmed up a full ten time more than the global average increase of .9 degree Fahrenheit. That means that the west coast of the U. S., Canada and Europe now have winters a full ten degrees Fahrenheit warmer than they were in the 1960's. For the first time, Dr. Shindell has been able to show with confidence that this chronic warming is a result of greenhouse gas emissions.


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Contrails and U.S. Government Interest

June 3, 1999  Swedesboro, New Jersey - Charles and Cathie Warren have lived in Swedesboro, New Jersey for ten years. In the spring of 1999, they heard news reports about mysterious contrail throughout the United States and Canada and started paying more attention to the skies above their New Jersey home south of Philadelphia. Two incidents shocked Charles so much on March 17th and May 23rd, that he put together a web site to share his photographs and information with the public. The result has been hundreds of similar contrail photographs submitted by people from all over the country - and regular visits to his web site by dozens of U. S. government agencies.


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Greenpeace – New Campaign To Slow Down Amazon Rainforest Destruction

June 1, 1999  Washington, D. C. ­ This week, Greenpeace has launched a worldwide campaign against loggers who are cutting down ancient forests illegally, especially Brazil's Amazon rainforest. Greenpeace Executive Director, Thilo Bode, announced in Rio de Janeiro on May 31st that "this is the most important campaign and also the largest. If we are successful, we can do something very important for the planet. It is certainly the most difficult campaign we have ever had." Bode pointed out that 70% of the Amazon's deforestation is caused by loggers - and most of them have no legal right to cut the trees down. Another fact is that half a dozen large corporations in Europe, Asia and the United States control more than 12% of the Amazon's timber-processing capacity and about half of the export value.


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Puncture Wounds On Dogs In Woodleaf, North Carolina

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

June 1, 1999  Woodleaf, North Carolina - Eight dogs died and the ninth was attacked - all within a quarter mile of each other in the farm community of Woodleaf, North Carolina - between May 9th and May 27th, 1999. All eight of the dead dogs had quarter-inch wide puncture wounds in their neck, back and chest. The Rowan County Animal Control Center did not call for a necropsy by a veterinarian until the eighth dog was found dead early on the morning of May 24th. I talked to the owner who wishes to remain anonymous about the moment she found the oldest of her two dogs dead near the house.


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Blowing Up Dangerous Germs with Oily “Nano Bombs”

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

May 30, 1999  Ann Arbor, Michigan ­ A few weeks ago I reported on Dreamland that the U. S. government is very concerned about biological warfare and bioterrorists. What would happen if anthrax spores, small pox or other dangerous infectious diseases were sprayed into the air above one or more American cities?

One new possible answer seems surprisingly simple and miraculously effective: drops of oil ­ droplets so small they can adhere to the surface of deadly anthrax and small pox pathogens and literally explode the germs. That's why these oil drops are called "nano bombs." Nano means "one billionth." Smaller than viruses and bacteria.


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Raw Sewage Dropping On Salt Lake City

April 1999  Salt Lake City - More than twenty
times since April 9, 1999, residents south of Salt Lake City,
Utah have waked up to find their roofs, sidewalks, cars and yards
splattered with liquid feces during the night. At first, investigators
looked to airplanes in the sky. The FAA investigated but could
not match the splattered neighborhoods with specific plane traffic.
As the incidents have repeated, law enforcement is now looking
for vandals on the ground.Jennifer Dobner is a crime reporter at The Deseret News.
I talked with her and later Captain Lee Smith of the Salt Lake
County Sheriff's Office. First, I quoted an Associated Press
report for Jennifer Dobner's comment.


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Unidentified Aerial Craft In Contrails Over Phoenix 5/7/99

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

May 28, 1999  Phoenix, Arizona - At 10 AM on Friday, May 7, 1999, 48-year-old Gary Graham was experimenting with his new Kodak DC-200 digital camera in front of his Phoenix, Arizona home. He was puzzled by the number of contrails, some in X-shapes, and aimed the camera sequentially moving around the sky. He did not realize until he went to his computer to download the digital images that he had captured unidentified aerial craft.


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