More Mid-August 1999 Crop Formations in Wiltshire, England

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

August 15, 1999 Stanton St. Bernard, Wiltshire County, England ­ Today I joined photographer Peter Sorensen at new formations in wheat that were discovered August 14th. These can be seen clearly only from the air. On the ground or from the car on the road, the large spiral and Celtic knot with side "signature" are barely visible.

Spiral discovered in Stanton St. Bernard, Wiltshire, wheat near Celtic Knot on August 14, 1999, in same field as the earlier June 23 pictogram. Aerial Photograph © 1999 by Peter Sorensen.
Spiral discovered in Stanton St. Bernard, Wiltshire, wheat near Celtic Knot on August 14, 1999, in same field as the earlier June 23 pictogram. Aerial Photograph © 1999 by Peter Sorensen.


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Solar Eclipse In Reims, France

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

August 11, 1999  Reims, France ­ More than half a million people drove into Reims yesterday and this morning to try to see the last total solar eclipse in Europe until the end of the next century in 2079. Satellite weather reports had focused on northern France as having the best chance of clearer viewing compared to England and other locales in the path of total moon shadow. Reims was once the territory of the long-haired Celtic clan of Gaul. By 817, a Carolingian cathedral was begun and added to over the centuries to become the now famous Notre Dame Cathedrale of Reims. A Reims high school was also where the Treaty ending World War II was signed.


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1999 Crop Circle Update from Wiltshire, England

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

August 1, 1999 Avebury, Wiltshire, England - I arrived in Wiltshire on the late afternoon of Thursday, July 29th and learned that one of the more amazing formations of the past ten years had arrived that morning. The wheat field is at the ancient sacred site of Avebury and the formation is more than 300 feet in diameter, as big as a football field. I walked all though it. The wheat was laid down in extremely complicated interior lays. On the ground, it is nearly impossible to know what the whole pattern is. But from the air, it is a large triangle of thirty-three standing circles bi-sected and tri-sected by lines that many people see projecting outward into six 3-dimensional cubes. That is one of the themes this summer of 1999 patterns in crops that are forcing 3-dimensional perspectives.

Aerial Photograph © 1999 by Peter Sorensen.
Aerial Photograph © 1999 by Peter Sorensen.


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Unidentified Craft in PA and Strange Grass Circle in Missouri

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

July 28, 1999 ­

Huntingdon Valley, PA ­ Two nights ago on July 26th, at 11:12 PM EST, Penny Katz was watching news on television near her bedroom window in Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania, a northern suburb of Philadelphia. Penny is a 47-year-old registered nurse who has lived in the region for several years. Outside the window, she suddenly saw an "illuminated derby-shaped object that glowed the color of silver metal." She thought it was as big as half her fist at an arm's length distance as it moved above the trees west to east slowly and steadily.


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Maryland Fish Kills; Global Warming; and Warm Oceans and Disease

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

July 25, 1999 ­

Chesapeake Bay, Maryland Fish Kills

Maryland fish kills have happened twice this month in the Pocomoke River and Bullbegger Creek which feed into Maryland's Chesapeake Bay. The first die off was 200,000 menhaden and other freshwater fish. Then this past week, another half million were found floating belly up and piled along the creek banks. This brings the total for July in just those two tributaries to over 700,000 dead fish ­ the Chesapeake's worst fish kill in a decade.


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Cherhill, England, New 1999 Crop Formation

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

July 22, 1999 Cherhill, Wiltshire, England ­ The photograph below was taken by Peter Sorensen of a mid-July formation in wheat at Cherhill Down a few miles west of the ancient sacred stone circles of Avebury. Other recent photographs of Wiltshire formations are in previous Real X-Files reports.

Photo Credit: Cherhill 9-Pointed Star © 1999 by Peter Sorensen of July 18, 1999 crop formation in wheat at Cherhill Down west of Avebury, Wiltshire, England.
Photo Credit: Cherhill 9-Pointed Star © 1999 by Peter Sorensen of July 18, 1999 crop formation in wheat at Cherhill Down west of Avebury, Wiltshire, England.


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Warm Oceans and Disease: A Link

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

July 21, 1999 Greenbelt, Maryland ­ In last week's journal Science, scientists at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland reported the first confirmed link between warm ocean surface temperatures in the Pacific and Indian oceans with epidemics of Rift Valley Fever in Africa. Goddard senior earth scientist, Compton Tucker, Ph.D., said, "We feel that the links are solid and the associations are clear."

The warming ocean waters begins with El Nino in the Pacific which produces more rain in parts of Africa. More rain means more mosquitoes, specifically the Aedes mosquito.

Photo Credit: Aedes mosquito, a species that carries different viruses, including the virus responsible for Rift Valley Fever which causes hemorrhaging and can be fatal.
Photo Credit: Aedes mosquito, a species that carries different viruses, including the virus responsible for Rift Valley Fever which causes hemorrhaging and can be fatal.


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Brentwood, Tennessee Crop Formation and New U.K. Photos by Peter Sorensen

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

July 15, 1999 Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, England ­ A few weeks ago on Coast to Coast AM radio, I interviewed crop circle researcher Nancy Talbott about the teenage fellow in Holland who watched a pink light shaped like a football, but smaller, expand to a thirty-foot disc. The transformation was over a crop field not far from the young man's bedroom window. He saw electrical discharges come down out of the pink glowing light. Then, the object disappeared by simply blinking out. He ran to the field where the ground was still warm to touch and he could hear a crackling noise. There, he found two circles: one about thirty feet in diameter and the other only about two feet wide. As far as the Dutch teenager is concerned, the pink, expanding light made the two circles.


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30th Anniversary of Apollo 11 Moon Landing, July 20, 1969

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

July, 18, 1999 Titusville, Florida ­ Associated Press reports from Moscow, Russia that locust swarms have been eating crops across Russia's southern border at the speed of about 31 miles a day. The insects moved into Russia from Kazakstan where government authorities usually have teams to kill locust swarms. But this year, Kazakstan claims it did not have enough money to handle the infestations. Farmers are appealing to the Russian government for insecticides and financial aid. The Russian Emergency Situations Ministry says it needs at least $12 million to battle the locusts.


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$1,000 Reward Offered in Mysterious Animal Deaths

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

June 29, 1999 Richwood, Ohio - Thirty-eight miles northwest of Columbus, Ohio in the farmland of Richwood, four cows and one goat have died in a strange way the past fourteen months. The five animals all had holes punctured in their uterus. The goat also had both eyes removed. Owner Tom Issler says it started back in October 1997 and the most recent attack was Saturday, June 12th. He asked veterinarian Louis Levan, D.V.M., to examine the first cow.


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