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with Earthfiles Reporter and Editor Linda Moulton Howe.

Update – Unidentified “Arrowhead”-Shaped Object in California Sky

December 28, 1999  Bermuda Dunes, California - On December 26, 1999, I reported that a peculiar aerial object shaped like an arrowhead with the rear curved inward was observed for nearly an hour on December 21st by Dominic Tavares, a water treatment technician, and his 11-year-old son. Five helicopters circled below the strange craft. Father and son were traveling on the I-10 freeway just outside of Indio, California headed west towards the San Jacinto Mountains which rise above Palm Springs. Mr. Tavares subsequently mailed to me color drawings that he and his son independently drew. These drawings are now in the updated interview below.


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Hubble Repair, Gamma Ray Bursts and Unidentified Aerial Objects

December 26, 1999 ­

Hubble Space Telescope Repair

Finally some good news for NASA and astronomers. This Christmas week, astronauts were able to repair the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope with six new gyroscopes, a new computer, a new radio transmitter and more batteries. Hubble hasn't been able to work since November 13th. But now, the nine-year-old observatory should be back in service around the middle of January. NASA cut the repair trip short so the Discovery space shuttle and crew could land tomorrow, back in plenty of time before New Year's Eve and any possible Y2K computer problems.


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Y2K Nuclear Concern and Global Warming Update

December 19, 1999 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania -

1) Nuclear Power Security

While everyone is waiting for the countdown on New Year's Eve, Y2K glitches have already started to appear. Instead of the year 2000, the number 1900 has been showing up on various documents around the country. And on December 15th in Vancouver, British Columbia, a new computerized smoke alarm installed in the city's SkyTrain went off and stopped the whole system. Thousands of commuters and holiday shoppers were stranded. Ironically, the new computerized alarm was supposed to prevent Y2K shutdown problems.

Photograph of Three Mile Island nuclear power plant located in Middletown, Pennsylvania, a few miles south of Harrisburg, the state capital. On March 28, 1979, the worst commercial nuclear disaster in U. S. history occurred when a pump failed in the reactor cooling system. Nearly a million gallons of radioactive water escaped through an open valve onto the reactor building basement floor. Radioactivity was also released into the air. Photograph courtesy U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Photograph of Three Mile Island nuclear power plant located in Middletown, Pennsylvania, a few miles south of Harrisburg, the state capital. On March 28, 1979, the worst commercial nuclear disaster in U. S. history occurred when a pump failed in the reactor cooling system. Nearly a million gallons of radioactive water escaped through an open valve onto the reactor building basement floor. Radioactivity was also released into the air. Photograph courtesy U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.


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Update – 1947 Aerial Craft of Unknown Origin

Two different frames of box camera photographs taken by William A. Rhodes  of unidentified aerial object seen at dusk on Monday, July 7, 1947 over his Phoenix, Arizona home and printed upside down on front page of the July 9, 1947 edition of The Arizona Republic  © 1947 by William A. Rhodes. The rear curvature inward is very similar to sketches by some retired military men who claim firsthand knowledge of craft of unknown origin.
Two different frames of box camera photographs taken by William A. Rhodes of unidentified aerial object seen at dusk on Monday, July 7, 1947 over his Phoenix, Arizona home and printed upside down on front page of the July 9, 1947 edition of The Arizona Republic © 1947 by William A. Rhodes. The rear curvature inward is very similar to sketches by some retired military men who claim firsthand knowledge of craft of unknown origin.


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Roswell 1947 and Beyond: U. S. Military Eyewitnesses of Unidentified Aerial Craft

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

Artist composite rendering of three eyewitness drawings of  “craft of unknown origin” associated with Roswell, New Mexico © 1999 by Tim Bauer.
Artist composite rendering of three eyewitness drawings of  “craft of unknown origin” associated with Roswell, New Mexico © 1999 by Tim Bauer.


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Is There Water – And Life – On Mars?

"Although life at the Martian surface would have been possible only 3.5 or 4 billion years ago, life could have existed on Mars any time from 4 billion years ago all the way up to the present. And if it does exist, it would be below the surface. "

- Bruce Jakowsky, Ph.D., Geologist and Planetary Scientist,
University of Colorado, Boulder

December 2, 1999  Houston, Texas - On Friday, December 3rd, NASA's Polar Lander will set down on the South Polar Cap of Mars. Two probes designed to punch into the soil will be released. If all goes well, soil samples will be warmed up and analyzed for water. If there's ice, there might be liquid water underground. And if there's water, then life could still possibly exist on Mars - even if only bacteria and other microbes below the surface.

The Allan Hills, Antarctica ALH84001 meteorite discovered in 1984 that made worldwide headlines because scientists found rice-shaped carbon globules in tiny cracks on the rock which resembled earth bacteria. The carbon in this meteorite dates back about three billion years when Mars probably had water on its surface, was warmer and had a global magnetic field. Photograph provided by the NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas.
The Allan Hills, Antarctica ALH84001 meteorite discovered in 1984 that made worldwide headlines because scientists found rice-shaped carbon globules in tiny cracks on the rock which resembled earth bacteria. The carbon in this meteorite dates back about three billion years when Mars probably had water on its surface, was warmer and had a global magnetic field. Photograph provided by the NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas.


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Six More Planets Discovered 60 to 190 Light Years Away

"There are an estimated 10 billion large gaseous planets in our Milky Way galaxy alone and at least one trillion galaxies in this universe. Even if only one out of a trillion of those galaxies had life, you'd still be talking about 10 billion places where life exists."

- Steve Vogt, Ph.D., Astronomer,
Univ. of California at Santa Cruz -

Star HD195019 is located in the constellation Delphinus. The large gaseous planet that orbits the star once every 18.3 days is estimated to have a mass equal to 3.5 Jupiters and is referred to as HD195019b. The planet is about .14 Astronomical Units from the star. One A. U. equals the mean distance from the Earth to the Sun, 93 million miles. Artwork © 1999 by Lynette Cook, used with artist's permission. http://www.spaceart.org/lcook/extraso2.html
Star HD195019 is located in the constellation Delphinus. The large gaseous planet that orbits the star once every 18.3 days is estimated to have a mass equal to 3.5 Jupiters and is referred to as HD195019b. The planet is about .14 Astronomical Units from the star. One A. U. equals the mean distance from the Earth to the Sun, 93 million miles. Artwork © 1999 by Lynette Cook, used with artist's permission. http://www.spaceart.org/lcook/extraso2.html


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A New Crop Formation In Marion, New York and Crop Research Updates

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

November 21, 1999  Marion New York - The latest formation on record, at least in soybeans, formed around October 21st when it was discovered in Marion, New York about 30 miles east of Rochester near Lake Ontario. The farmer was havesting at night with spotlights and was shocked to discover the curves, circles and corridors of this new pictogram in exactly the same place he found another formation in mid-August 1997. This new one was lined up north to south with a 24-foot-diameter ring at the top connected by a long corridor to a large comma-shape. Fifty feet straight east of the comma was a small 6 foot circle, known as a "grape shot." The entire formation was apparently crowned by a thin arc which the farmer had nearly obliterated in his night time harvesting before he realized the pictogram was there. All the circle, ring and arc plants were laid down counter-clockwise, except for one small circle at the end of the comma which was clockwise.

Survey © 1999 by investigator Larry Thomas of Marion, New York soybean formation discovered October 21, 1999.
Survey © 1999 by investigator Larry Thomas of Marion, New York soybean formation discovered October 21, 1999.


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Latest Bull Mutilation Near St. Paul, Alberta, Canada

November 19, 1999, Spedden, Alberta, Canada - Fernand Belzil, known to his friends as Fern, is 69 years old and has been raising purebred cattle on a ranch near St. Paul, Alberta for the last forty years. He became interested in the mutilation mystery in 1994 and has personally investigated about forty unusual cattle deaths. The most recent was a 1700 pound herd bull found in Spedden, a few miles west of St. Paul, on October 29th.


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Short Environmental Updates

A newborn Gray Whale in the San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja, California, the last Gray Whale nursery in North America © 1999 by Frank Balthis, Natural Resources Defense Council.
A newborn Gray Whale in the San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja, California, the last Gray Whale nursery in North America © 1999 by Frank Balthis, Natural Resources Defense Council.

November 18, 1999 ­

Orca Whales Contaminated by Ocean Chemical Pollution

­ Orca "killer whales" throughout the world are now contaminated by a poison that the United States and Canada banned twenty years ago, but other countries such as Russia still use. That poison is PCBs, poly chlorinated biphenyls, once used everywhere for cooling and insulating electrical transformers and coloring newspaper comics. PCBs were even sprayed on country roads to keep dust down. Dr. Rob Macdonald, an oceanographer for the Canadian Institute of Ocean Sciences in Sidney, British Columbia, says "the PCB paintbrush has covered the globe." Marine scientists are concerned that the oceans are so polluted with the dangerous chemicals.


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