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Mysterious Fires in Bartlesville, Oklahoma – 1966/1967


Map of Bartlesville, Oklahoma in which 1966/1967 eyewitness Brenda Livingston has drawn red X where area was charred and darkened by gold beam from unidentified lights shown in red near Torpedo.
Map of Bartlesville, Oklahoma in which 1966/1967 eyewitness Brenda Livingston has drawn red X where area was charred and darkened by gold beam from unidentified lights shown in red near Torpedo.

March 21, 2000 Dallas, Texas - After hearing my radio reports about the mysterious fires southeast of Little Rock, Arkansas first reported on March 9, 2000, a listener in The Colony north of Dallas, Texas sent me an e-mail that began:


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Update – Mysterious Fires Southeast of Scott, Arkansas

Red X marks area of mysterious fires at the intersection of Lonoke, Pulaski and Jefferson Counties in Arkansas, first reported to 911 by the Little Rock Airport and a Scott resident around 11:20 PM CST on Thursday, March 9, 2000.
Red X marks area of mysterious fires at the intersection of Lonoke, Pulaski and Jefferson Counties in Arkansas, first reported to 911 by the Little Rock Airport and a Scott resident around 11:20 PM CST on Thursday, March 9, 2000.

March 16, 2000  Scott, Arkansas - The mystery of unexplained fires about 25 miles southeast of Little Rock, Arkansas might actually be related to a fiery bolide that apparently came down and evaporated north of Austin around 8:30 PM CST, March 9th. I interviewed one eyewitness from Cabot, Arkansas today who wishes to remain anonymous, but told me, "It was 8:25 p.m. We were on Stagecoach Road and Highway 38 outside Old Austin. We started driving down the road heading home and I looked over at my husband and right there to his left, I could see out of nowhere running parallel with us on the road was what we thought at first was a small airplane on fire."


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Sasquatch – A Forensic Expert Says It’s A Different Species

Cast made by Georgia police officer in 1997 of a 16.5 inch footprint found in woods after "large gorilla creature" reported. Print has same unusual vertical derma ridges similar to two other casts found in California and Washington State. The diagonal line is a cast artifact. Forensics expert Jimmy Chilcutt says the cast footprints he has studied are from "an animal of a different species that we haven't studied before."
Cast made by Georgia police officer in 1997 of a 16.5 inch footprint found in woods after “large gorilla creature” reported. Print has same unusual vertical derma ridges similar to two other casts found in California and Washington State. The diagonal line is a cast artifact. Forensics expert Jimmy Chilcutt says the cast footprints he has studied are from “an animal of a different species that we haven’t studied before.”

March 16, 2000  Conroe, Texas – Recently I talked with Dr. Jeff Meldrum, an anatomy and anthropology professor at Idaho State University in Pocatello who has examined at least 100 casts of alleged Sasquatch footprint casts. He has also collaborated with Police Officer Jimmy Chilcutt of Conroe, Texas who is a crime scene investigator and latent fingerprint examiner for the Conroe Police Department. Officer Chilcutt was so impressed by three of the casts he studied that he told Field and Stream magazine in January, “I can assure you there’s an animal up in the Pacific Northwest that we have never seen.”Click for report.

Environmental Updates and Mysterious Fires Near Scott, Arkansas

1999-2000 Warmest Winter On Record

Winter for Philadelphia this year was a few cold, snowy days at the end of January into February. Before then and since, it has been unusually warm. And yesterday on March 11th, big, booming thunderstorms with lightning and heavy rain roiled around here most of the day through last night.


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Is 433 Eros Asteroid Younger Than Expected?

February 15, 2000 photograph while the NEAR satellite was passing directly over the large gouge "saddle" that is surprisingly smooth and free of craters. Detail down to 120 feet (35 meters) across. Narrow parallel troughs closely follow the shape of the saddle gouge. Photograph courtesy Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, Maryland.
February 15, 2000 photograph while the NEAR satellite was passing directly over the large gouge "saddle" that is surprisingly smooth and free of craters. Detail down to 120 feet (35 meters) across. Narrow parallel troughs closely follow the shape of the saddle gouge. Photograph courtesy Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, Maryland.

February 27, 2000  Laurel, Maryland - A human machine is orbiting an asteroid for the first time in known human history. It's a NASA satellite called NEAR for Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous. NEAR moved into orbit around an asteroid called 433 Eros on February 14th. At first the NEAR satellite was photographing at a range of 210 miles. But this past week on February 23rd, NEAR moved into about 130 miles from Eros. The satellite will keep getting closer to the asteroid over the next 12 months until its mission is completed in February 2001.


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New Energy Patent – Hydrogen Gas from Algae

"I guess it's the equivalent of striking oil. It was enormously exciting. It was unbelievable."

- Tasios Melis, Ph.D.
Plant and Microbial Biology
University of California, Berkeley

Beaker of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii algae culture which produces hydrogen gas in labs at University of California, Berkeley and National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado. Photograph courtesy University of California, Berkeley, January 2000.
Beaker of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii algae culture which produces hydrogen gas in labs at University of California, Berkeley and National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado. Photograph courtesy University of California, Berkeley, January 2000.

February 25, 2000 Berkeley, California - The journal, Plant Physiology, reported in February 2000 that for the first time scientists at the University of California, Berkeley and National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, Colorado, have been able to trigger a metabolic switch in algae to turn sunlight into large quantities of hydrogen gas. A joint patent on this new hydrogen production technique from plant photosynthesis has been filed by the two institutions.


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Green Square Unidentified Aerial Craft Over Phoenix

Drawing of green square unidentified aerial craft over Phoenix, Arizona on June 28, 1999 © 2000 by Dan Heaton.
Drawing of green square unidentified aerial craft over Phoenix, Arizona on June 28, 1999 © 2000 by Dan Heaton.

February 21, 2000 Phoenix, Arizona - Another unusual aerial object was seen in the sky over Phoenix by a family of three on June 28, 1999 and now they are coming forward in hopes that someone else might have seen the object, too. Dan Heaton, his wife Lorraine and their 30-year-old daughter, Kim, were driving home at 10:20 PM when Mr. Heaton first noticed a diamond or square pattern of lights coming so low that he pulled the car over and asked his wife and daughter to get out and watch with him. Dan has worked for the same insurance company for twenty-nine years and had U. S. Air Force training when he was younger. He told me, "I know planes and I generally know what we have, but my family and I had never seen anything like this before."


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433 Eros, Orbiting An Asteroid Up Close

Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) satellite photographs here and below of an asteroid called 433 Eros. NEAR moved into orbit around the 25 mile long asteroid on February 14, 2000 and took the first images from a range of 210 miles (330 km) above the asteroid's surface. Eros is about a hundred million miles from Earth in the asteroid belt between Earth and Mars. Photographs courtesy NASA and Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland.
Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) satellite photographs here and below of an asteroid called 433 Eros. NEAR moved into orbit around the 25 mile long asteroid on February 14, 2000 and took the first images from a range of 210 miles (330 km) above the asteroid's surface. Eros is about a hundred million miles from Earth in the asteroid belt between Earth and Mars. Photographs courtesy NASA and Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland.

February 16, 2000  Baltimore, Maryland - It looks a bit like a 25 mile long, five mile wide potato. In one photo, it even resembles a Dutch shoe. Called 433 Eros, it's made out of iron and magnesium-bearing silicates and is now the focus of a NASA satellite called NEAR, Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous. NEAR moved into orbit around Eros on February 14 and will stay there for the next year. Eros is one of the biggest asteroids in our Solar System circling between the earth and Mars. It's almost twice the size of Manhattan, measuring about 25 miles long and nearly five miles wide.


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Large Yellow Sphere In Snohomish, Washington

February 6, 2000 Everett, Washington - January 6th was a new moon, a night without moon light. The two previous evenings leading up to the new moon were nearly as dark. And yet, a husband and wife driving along a rural Snohomish, Washington road thought they saw the biggest, brightest full moon they had ever seen low over the Snohomish River. Back in the 1970s, many eyewitnesses throughout the United States, Canada and other parts of the world reported seeing "full moon"-sized glowing spheres hovering over rivers, farms and ranches. One area that has long had such reports, coupled with Sasquatch sightings and unusual animal deaths referred to as "animal mutilations," is Snohomish, Washington in wilderness country northeast of Seattle.


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Microwaves and Cell Phones – An Update

February 5, 2000 Christ Church, New Zealand - Since my January 30th radio and Earthfiles reports about the microwave research of Neil Cherry, Ph.D., Biophysicist at Lincoln University in Christ Church, New Zealand, I have received many questions from viewers and listeners. Dr. Cherry considers the proliferation of cell phones, microwave towers and microwave pollution to be a serious contributor to cancer, brain tumors and increasing neurological problems among the human population. Several thousand more microwave towers are expected to be built in the United States in the next few years. The following are a series of audience questions and Dr. Cherry's responses this week.


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