Photographs of Hole in Silbury Hill, Update Part 1

Seven foot square shaft that unexpectedly opened up in top of 6,000 year old Neolithic Silbury Hill and reported to local Avebury, Wiltshire police on May 29, 2000. Britain's private conservation charity, the National Trust, sealed off the hill for public safety and repairs. Photograph © 2000 Wiltshire Gazettte and Herald.
Seven foot square shaft that unexpectedly opened up in top of 6,000 year old Neolithic Silbury Hill and reported to local Avebury, Wiltshire police on May 29, 2000. Britain's private conservation charity, the National Trust, sealed off the hill for public safety and repairs. Photograph © 2000 Wiltshire Gazettte and Herald.

June 14, 2000  Silbury Hill, Wiltshire, England - Around 3700 B. C. - almost 6,000 years ago by some estimates - an enormous complex of stone avenues, stone circles and the largest artificially constructed mound in all of Europe were created in Avebury, England. The huge artificial mound that rises 130 feet and covers five acres at its base is known as Silbury Hill. Two weeks ago on May 29th, a large hole was discovered on top. The last time there was any such wound in the great hill was 1776 when the Duke of Northumberland decided to look for buried treasure inside. When he found nothing, his workers closed up the shaft they had dug - perhaps only


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Hole in Silbury Hill, Update Part 2

Britain's National Trust hauls metal roofing up 130 foot high Silbury Hill to cover hole that suddenly emerged in the top on May 29, 2000. Photograph © 2000 Wiltshire Gazettte and Herald.
Britain's National Trust hauls metal roofing up 130 foot high Silbury Hill to cover hole that suddenly emerged in the top on May 29, 2000. Photograph © 2000 Wiltshire Gazettte and Herald.

June 14, 2000  Silbury Hill, Wiltshire, England - Continuing interview with the Avebury Property Manager for the National Trust Estate in Wiltshire responsible for the repair and preservation of the Neolithic Silbury Hill.


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Large Hole in England’s Silbury Hill

Silbury Hill near Avebury, Wiltshire, England, circa 3700 B. C., the largest artificial mound in Europe, 130 feet high and covers five acres. On May 31, 2000, a resident found a hole on top. By June 11, 2000, the hole is 50 feet deep and about 6 feet wide. Aerial photograph © 1993 by Linda Moulton Howe.
Silbury Hill near Avebury, Wiltshire, England, circa 3700 B. C., the largest artificial mound in Europe, 130 feet high and covers five acres. On May 31, 2000, a resident found a hole on top. By June 11, 2000, the hole is 50 feet deep and about 6 feet wide. Aerial photograph © 1993 by Linda Moulton Howe.

June 11, 2000  Silbury Hill, Wiltshire, England - On May 31, 2000, a Wiltshire resident reported to police that at the top of Silbury Hill was a caved in hole. The local Gazette reported, "National Trust staff discovered a hole about six feet by four feet had opened up revealing a drop of almost 50 feet into a well-like shaft."


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Two New Crop Formations at Silbury Hill

8-sided "star" created by two squares placed on each other, then surrounded by rings. One of two formations about 200 feet diameter discovered in barley at 5 AM on June 11, 2000 near Silbury Hill in Wiltshire, England. The two fresh formations were only about 150 feet apart. Photograph © 2000 by Peter R. Sorensen.
8-sided "star" created by two squares placed on each other, then surrounded by rings. One of two formations about 200 feet diameter discovered in barley at 5 AM on June 11, 2000 near Silbury Hill in Wiltshire, England. The two fresh formations were only about 150 feet apart. Photograph © 2000 by Peter R. Sorensen.

June 11, 2000  Silbury Hill, Wiltshire, England - Photographer Peter Sorensen has been photographing the mysterious crop formations in England since 1992, both on the ground and in the air. He is back in Wiltshire, England for the 2000 crop formation season and e-mailed today:


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Crop Formation Transforms In England

West Kennett Long Barrow, Wiltshire, England. Formation first discovered at 6:30 AM on June 2, 2000 by farmer. No one photographed an aerial of it before it transformed into the pattern below. Peter Sorensen used computer graphics software to reconstruct first phase of formation digitally, as shown here © 2000 by Peter R. Sorensen.
West Kennett Long Barrow, Wiltshire, England. Formation first discovered at 6:30 AM on June 2, 2000 by farmer. No one photographed an aerial of it beforeit transformed into the pattern below. Peter Sorensen used computer graphics software to reconstruct first phase of formation digitally, as shown here © 2000 by Peter R. Sorensen.
West Kennett Long Barrow on June 3, 2000 had changed to this pattern. Aerial photograph © 2000 by Peter R. Sorensen.
West Kennett Long Barrow on June 3, 2000 had changed to this pattern. Aerial photograph © 2000 by Peter R. Sorensen.

June 10, 2000  West Kennett Long Barrow, Wiltshire, England - Peter Sorensen found a new formation at the West Kennett Long Barrow across the road from Silbury Hill on June 2nd which he estimated to be about 150 feet in diameter. The next day, June 3rd, the pattern had changed, "which is unusual. Apparently Paul Vigay went there early this morning (Saturday, June 3) and discovered that large areas had been flattened."


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Crop Formations In Germany, May 2000

"For me, it's no question. I think this energy comes from above.
Not from the ground. It comes from above."

-Frank Laumen, Crop Circle Researcher, Germany

 May 17, 2000 this formation was discovered in a field of barley at Doernberg close to Zierenberg and Kassel, Germany. This was the third of nine formations in May. Photograph © 2000 by Frank Laumen.
May 17, 2000 this formation was discovered in a field of barley at Doernberg close to Zierenberg and Kassel, Germany. This was the third of nine formations in May. Photograph © 2000 by Frank Laumen.

May 30, 2000  Kassel, Germany - Since May 1, 2000, nine mysterious crop formations have been discovered in Germany, the greatest number in one month since the phenomenon began to seriously show up in the world in 1990.


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New Crop Formation in Famous East Field, Wiltshire, U.K.

Aerial photograph of East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire formation discovered May 20, 2000 in barley © Lucy Pringle 2000.
Aerial photograph of East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire formation discovered May 20, 2000 in barley © Lucy Pringle 2000.

May 22, 2000  East Field in Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, England - Photographer Peter Sorensen e-mailed me the following report before Lucy Pringle was able to fly over the East Field on May 23, 2000 and take the aerial photograph above:


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Mysterious Blackness in Germany Precedes Crop Formation

Burghasungen, Germany crop formation in yellow flowering oileed rape, or canola, discovered on the morning of May 1, 2000 after a strange blackness descended twice over the region between Kassel and Zierenberg, Germany. Photograph © 2000 by Frank Laumen.
Burghasungen, Germany crop formation in yellow flowering oileed rape, or canola, discovered on the morning of May 1, 2000 after a strange blackness descended twice over the region between Kassel and Zierenberg, Germany. Photograph © 2000 by Frank Laumen.

"It was like we were in a pitch black universe floating or something. It was really weird! Like something I've never seen before."

- Janet Ossebaard, Writer and Photographer, Gieten, The Netherlands

May 21, 2000  Burghasungen, Germany - For the past several years in a beautiful farm valley between Kassel and Zierenberg, Germany, a crop formation has been discovered the same day of each year on May 1st. Anticipating the possibility of watching whatever light or energy or unknown process makes the crop glyphs, a group of about twenty people gathered on the hill tops around the valley on April 30, 2000 to watch all night.


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Crop Formation Update as of May 21, 2000 – Part 1

February 2000  Els Omellons near Las Garrigues, Barcelona Province, Spain - Two rings with circles in the middle, ancient symbol for God, appeared at different times the beginning of February 2000 in the County of Lleida. One 85 feet and the other 118 feet in diameters. Crop was short, young wheat. The rings came a couple of weeks apart and were "burned" into the plants and soil, according to local reports. Samples were analyzed at a laboratory that found "whatever it waas that made the rings and circles was not an herbicide or any other chemical agent."


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British Cell Phone Safety Alert and An Interview with Robert O. Becker, M. D.

"I have no doubt in my mind that at the present time the greatest polluting element in the earth's environment is the proliferation of electromagnetic fields. "
"I have no doubt in my mind that at the present time the greatest polluting element in the earth's environment is the proliferation of electromagnetic fields. "

- Robert O. Becker, M. D., Orthopedic Surgeon

May 14, 2000  London, England - The British government this past week received a medical research recommendation that controls be placed on mobile phone use, especially for all young people under the age of sixteen. Tayside University Hospitals in Scotland reported that in its study of the sort of microwave radiation emitted by cell phones on worms - scientists discovered changes in proteins consistent with cooking of the tissues. The British report said that children in particular are considered to be at risk because their nervous systems are still developing and because the smaller size of a child's skull allows greater absorption into the brain tissue of the low level microwaves emitted by mobile phones. Right now in Britain, one in four mobile phone users is under 18 years of age.


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