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Special Earthfiles YouTube Channel interview
with Earthfiles Reporter and Editor Linda Moulton Howe.

Eerie Animal Mutilation Again in Oregon – the 12th Since 2017 and Even More Since 1990.


“On August 14th 2021, the Wheeler County Sheriff's Office in Oregon confirmed that a bull owned by Michiel Brown of Greenbar Ranch, had been killed and mutilated on his private property. The mutilation occurred on the night of August 11 to 12, 2021.”

—  Wheeler County Sheriff's Office press release, Fossil, Oregon, August 18, 2021


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NOAA Warns More High Heat Over Most of U. S., July 29 – August 2, 2021

“It’s been a severe and dangerous summer, some of the heatwaves have been devastatingly hot. … I don’t think anyone anticipated temperatures would be so hot right now. I don’t think we could have expected so many heatwaves in the same general region in one summer. These sort of events are completely unprecedented. You expect records to be beaten by tenths of a degree, not 5F or more.”

— Michael Wehner, Senior Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley Nat’l. LabClick for report.

Martian Interior Mapped for First Time — Three Distinct Layers and Molten Martian Core “Is Surprisingly Large.”

“This study is a once-in-a-lifetime chance. It took scientists hundreds of years to measure Earth’s core. Then after the Apollo missions, it took them 40 years to measure the Moon’s core. Now InSight took just two years to measure Mars’ core.”

—  Simon Stähler, lead author of the core paper, Swiss research university ETH Zurich, inNASA July 22, 2021 press release about this first interior mapping of Mars.Click for report.

Heavy Rains and Deadly Floods in China Shut Down Subways and Trains. Scientists “Shocked and Alarmed.”

“I have lived in Zhengzhou all my life and have never seen such a heavy rainstorm as today, July 20, 2021…” where passengers were trapped in waist-high water.”

— Wang Guirong, restaurant manager in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China

“I am scared that it seems to be happening so quickly. There have been seriously record-breaking events all over the world, within weeks of each other.”

— Hayley Fowler, Ph.D., Hydroclimatologist, U. K. Newcastle University

Click for report.

Earthfiles YouTube Channel June 23, 2021, Summer Solstice Celebration – Thanks, Everyone Around the World!

L-R: Brad Stoddard, Stoddard Communications, Albuquerque, New Mexico, with Linda Moulton Howe, Reporter and Editor of Earthfiles.com News and YouTube Channel, watching Jim Moulton — Linda’s brother — pour first glass of champagne in celebration of the wonderful worldwide support as Earthfiles breaks through 178,000 subscribers. Click to enlarge.   See: https://www.youtube.com/earthfiles