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Extraordinary U. K. Crop Formations

June 18, 2000, this extraordinary 270 foot diameter formation in wheat was discovered at ancient Windmill Hill (3700 B. C.) not far from the sacred Avebury stone circle and avenues. Aerial photograph © 2000 by Francine Blake with her permission.
June 18, 2000, this extraordinary 270 foot diameter formation in wheat was discovered at ancient Windmill Hill (3700 B. C.) not far from the sacred Avebury stone circle and avenues. Aerial photograph © 2000 by Francine Blake with her permission.

July 6, 2000  Wiltshire, England - By the first week of July 2000, with so much of the summer yet to unfold, the crop circle mystery has been more global than 1999. Thirty-six crop formations have been reported in England, eighteen in Germany, three in The Netherlands, two in Spain, two in Italy, two in the U. S., one in Russia, one in Canada and one in the Czech Republic. In the past two weeks in England alone, two of the most extraordinary formations of the past decade appeared. The checkered one featured at the top of this report emerged in a field of very green immature wheat. Researcher Charles Mallett of Horton, Wiltshire discussed the Windmill Hill pattern at the web site where he and his artist wife, Frances, produce C & F Phenomenon Research Field Reports.


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Brown Tide Devastating Long Island’s Great South Bay Shellfish

Widespread outbreak of a microscopic algal bloom known as "brown tide" in Long Island's Great South Bay threatens shellfish industry. Photograph courtesy NOAA.
Widespread outbreak of a microscopic algal bloom known as "brown tide" in Long Island's Great South Bay threatens shellfish industry. Photograph courtesy NOAA.

July 2, 2000  Stony Brook, New York - Biologists in the Marine Sciences Research Center at State University of New York at Stony Brook are puzzled by the vigorous brown tide algal bloom this spring that has killed off most of the shellfish in Long Island's Great South Bay. Part of the problem, in addition to the more traditional link of algal blooms to pesticide and fertilizer runoffs from land, is global warming. Winter 2000 was warmer than normal and Spring 2000 was the warmest spring on record in the United States. But no one expected brown tide algae to persist through the winter and then flourish and spread as far as it has in the Great South Bay.


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250 Photographs of Mars Show Signs of Water

Gorgonum Crater on Mars showing dozens of possible water trails in the red planet crater wall. Photograph courtesy of NASA and Jet Propulsion Lab from Mars Global Surveyor.
Gorgonum Crater on Mars showing dozens of possible water trails in the red planet crater wall. Photograph courtesy of NASA and Jet Propulsion Lab from Mars Global Surveyor.

June 26, 2000  Boulder, Colorado - Major breaking news this past week was NASA's press conference in Washington, D. C. at NASA Headquarters on Thursday, June 22nd, to announce 250 photographs of widespread areas on Mars that closely resemble gullies and springs of water on earth.


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The UFO/FBI Connection by U. S. Navy Physicist, Bruce S. Maccabee – Part 5

June 22, 2000  Sabillasville, Maryland - Part 5 of the interview with Bruce S. Maccabee, Ph. D., Research Physicist at the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) in Dahlgren, Virginia begins with the complex politics of the USAF, FBI, CIA and one of the main reasons for their cover-up policy about the UFO mystery. On May 1, 2000, his book The UFO/FBI Connection, was released detailing his research since 1976 into FBI documents and knowledge about the UFO mystery.


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The UFO/FBI Connection by U. S. Navy Physicist, Bruce S. Maccabee – Part 4

Excerpt from a July 29, 1952 document concerning U.S. Air Force communication of startling facts to the FBI , but not the American people. Document from The UFO/FBI Connection © 2000 by Bruce S. Maccabee.
Excerpt from a July 29, 1952 document concerning U.S. Air Force communication of startling facts to the FBI , but not the American people. Document from The UFO/FBI Connection © 2000 by Bruce S. Maccabee.

June 21, 2000  Sabillasville, Maryland - Part 4 of the interview with Bruce S. Maccabee, Ph. D., Research Physicist at the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) in Dahlgren, Virginia begins with green fireballs, the FBI and the Soviet threat. On May 1, 2000, his book The UFO/FBI Connection was released detailing his research since 1976 into FBI documents and knowledge about the UFO mystery.


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The UFO/FBI Connection by U. S. Navy Physicist, Bruce S. Maccabee – Part 3

June 20, 2000  Sabillasville, Maryland - Part 3 of the interview with Bruce S. Maccabee, Ph. D., Research Physicist at the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) in Dahlgren, Virginia begins with the clash between the FBI and USAF over UFO investigations. On May 1, 2000, his book The UFO/FBI Connection, was released detailing his research since 1976 into FBI documents and knowledge about the UFO mystery.


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The UFO/FBI Connection by U. S. Navy Physicist, Bruce S. Maccabee – Part 2

"Objects that were flying and recorded on a theodolite camera at White Sands Missile Test Range in New Mexico were flying at 150,000 foot altitude and were about 30 feet in diameter. We had nothing that could approach that altitude then. Even the high altitude balloons only went up to 100,000 feet. And of course, the balloons did not move fast. The unidentified objects moved very fast. Here is a document which I guess you could say proves that UFOs are real."

- Bruce S. Maccabee, Author,
The UFO/FBI Connection © 2000 -

Excerpt about unidentified flying objects from July 13, 1950 Memo from Mathematician Wilbur L. Mitchell, Data Reduction Unit,White Sands Missile Range, to Commanding Officer, Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Excerpt about unidentified flying objects from July 13, 1950 Memo from Mathematician Wilbur L. Mitchell, Data Reduction Unit,White Sands Missile Range, to Commanding Officer, Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

June 19, 2000  Sabillasville, Maryland - Part 2 of the interview with Bruce S. Maccabee, Ph. D., Research Physicist at the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) in Dahlgren, Virginia. On May 1, 2000, his book The UFO/FBI Connection was released detailing his research since 1976 into FBI documents and knowledge about the UFO mystery.

Currently, Dr. Maccabee is still in high energy laser research and is trying to develop ways to protect sensitive devices such as eyeballs or sensitive viewing instruments from damage by high powered, very brief laser pulses. I asked him what provoked him to write his new book about the FBI's involvement wth UFO investigations.


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Spring 2000 – Hottest On Record in U. S.

Yellow to orange colors of warm temperatures over two-thirds the United States in May 2000. Data from the June 16, 2000 National Climatic Data Center report, a division in the U. S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Temperature graphic courtesy NOAA.
Yellow to orange colors of warm temperatures over two-thirds the United States in May 2000. Data from the June 16, 2000 National Climatic Data Center report, a division in the U. S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Temperature graphic courtesy NOAA.

June 18, 2000  Asheville, North Carolina - This weekend, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Climatic Data Center announced that this spring of 2000 has been the warmest on record for the United States. NOAA reports that during this spring season, "every state in the continental U. S. was warmer than its long-term average. ... The extremely warm temperatures contributed to worsening drought conditions in many areas of the country. Parts of the Southeast, Midwest and


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The UFO/FBI Connection by U. S. Navy Physicist, Bruce S. Maccabee – Part 1

October 27, 1952 Office Memorandum from V. P. Keay at the Federal Bureau of Investigation to FBI Agent A. B. Belmont summarizing Air Intelligence communication about flying saucers and "seriously considering the possibility of interplanetary ships." Document from The UFO/FBI Connection © 2000 by Bruce S. Maccabee with permission.
October 27, 1952 Office Memorandum from V. P. Keay at the Federal Bureau of Investigation to FBI Agent A. B. Belmont summarizing Air Intelligence communication about flying saucers and "seriously considering the possibility of interplanetary ships." Document from The UFO/FBI Connection © 2000 by Bruce S. Maccabee with permission.

June 18, 2000  Sabillasville, Maryland - U. S. Navy Research Physicist Bruce Maccabee is the author of a new and important book released May 1, 2000 entitled The UFO/FBI Connection, The Secret History of the Government's Cover-Up. He told me this week, "We're learning more about what happened years ago then they knew years ago. And this book could not have been written twenty years ago or ten years ago because it involves information that has only been recently released."


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Army Helicopters Damage East Field, Wiltshire Crop

East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, England, June 15, 2000 between 2-3 PM. Presumed British Army helicopters hovered as low as ten feet above crop and blew down a few hundred square feet. Photograph © 2000 by Peter R. Sorensen.
East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, England, June 15, 2000 between 2-3 PM. Presumed British Army helicopters hovered as low as ten feet above crop and blew down a few hundred square feet. Photograph © 2000 by Peter R. Sorensen.

June 17, 2000  East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, England - Videographer Peter Sorensen e-mailed me alarming and puzzling photographs he took in the East Field on June 15, 2000, one of the Wiltshire fields famous for spectacular crop formations. There is no fresh crop formation in the East Field, only the remnants of the 5-pointed star referred to as the "Harlequin Pentacle" discovered there on May 20, 2000. Recently, a 'rook circle' was made by birds that Peter was photographing to compare to the truly mysterious crop formations that glisten and flow like water. Often patterns resemble ancient symbols which imply a profile of high intelligence in whomever, or whatever, is responsible for the enigmatic crop glyphs. Is military intelligence monitoring frequencies from satellites and other listening posts to "catch" something associated with crop circle creation? The following is from Peter to the farm's owner, Tim Carson, Alton Barnes:


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