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Horse Slashings and Deaths in Calgary, Alberta, Canada

"The vet said there was a 10-inch hole in her digestive tract about 10 inches inside her rectum. He had another doctor confirm it and told us: 'This horse has been mutilated and we cannot save her.'"

- Guy Elford, Calgary, Alberta Resident

Calgary, Alberta, Canada where law enforcement has had a dozen horse slashing reports since 1980.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada where law enforcement has had a dozen horse slashing reports since 1980.

May 11, 2001  Calgary, Alberta, Canada - The Canadian Calgary Herald newspaper recently headlined, "Police say horse mutilations likely work of sexual deviate: Investigators examine links in equine attacks." Calgary law enforcement confirm two horse slashings on April 9 and another eight months before on the Guy and Christine Elford residence. A fourth attack killed Tammy Hambrook's pet horse in 1999. Over the past twenty years, there have been at least a dozen similar equine attacks in the Spy Hill of Calgary. Yet, despite the suspicions that a sexual predator is on the loose, no person has ever been arrested and arraigned on a horse slashing charge.


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Archaeologists Date Peru’s Supe Valley Civilization As Old As the Pyramids

120 miles north of Lima, Peru is the Supe Valley archaeologists found ruins and mounds in 1905, but only now have scientists confirmed the site to be nearly 5,000 years old.
120 miles north of Lima, Peru is the Supe Valley archaeologists found ruins and mounds in 1905, but only now have scientists confirmed the site to be nearly 5,000 years old.

May 6, 2001  Caral, Peru - Archaeologists reported in the April 27, 2001 journal Science that the mounds and ruins in the Supe Valley 120 miles north of Lima are as old as the pyramids. Now Caral, Peru is the oldest city in the Western Hemisphere. Even though the site and seventeen others were first discovered in 1905, age was never precisely dated. Now Jonathan Haas, Curator of Anthropology at the Field Museum in Chicago and co-author of the report, says that disintegration of carbon in plant fibers in the ruin walls definitely date between 2627 B.C. and 2020 B. C. That makes the Peruvian Supe Valley home to a civilization as old and advanced as those in Egypt where the pyramids were being built, to Mesopotamia where the Sumerian culture dominated, to the Indus Valley, China and the newly discovered Central Asian civilization near Iran and Afghanistan which was making fine ceramics and had its own independent writing symbols. See: Earthfiles Science report 05-05-01.


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Archaeologists Find Central Asia Civilization As Old As Sumeria

Large 150 meters by 150 meters fortified building complex dating to at least 1800 B. C. in the Kara Kum desert of Central Asia at Margiana, Turkmenistan (Russia) near Afghanistan border. Photograph courtesy Prof. Fredrik T. Hiebert, University of Pennsylvania.
Large 150 meters by 150 meters fortified building complex dating to at least 1800 B. C. in the Kara Kum desert of Central Asia at Margiana, Turkmenistan (Russia) near Afghanistan border. Photograph courtesy Prof. Fredrik T. Hiebert, University of Pennsylvania.

May 5, 2001  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - A large, sophisticated civilization equal to Sumeria and Mesopotamia and thriving at the same time at least 5,000 years ago was lost in the harsh desert sands of the Soviet Union near the Iran and Afghanistan borders. But now details are beginning to emerge. This week I visited archaeologist Fredrik Hiebert at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Anthropology and Archaeology. There he has some exquisite pottery shards the Russian government gave him permission to bring back to the United States from his recent excavations in the Kara Kum desert of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan on the Iran and Afghanistan borders.


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Part 3 – Retired Army Sergeant Describes 1969 Film of Unidentified Craft

Page 20 of the alleged U. S. government Restricted SOM1-01 Majestic-12 Group Special Operations Manual entitled "Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal," dated April 1954 by the United States of America War Office. Eight different "extraterrestrial craft" are drawn with a bottom note that reads: "Illustrations in this diagram are gathered from documented sightings in Air Force and Central Intelligence (CIA) and from examination of wreckage collected from various sources years 1947-1953 inclusive." See book Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. II: High Strangeness by Linda M. Howe.
Page 20 of the alleged U. S. government Restricted SOM1-01 Majestic-12 Group Special Operations Manual entitled "Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal," dated April 1954 by the United States of America War Office. Eight different "extraterrestrial craft" are drawn with a bottom note that reads: "Illustrations in this diagram are gathered from documented sightings in Air Force and Central Intelligence (CIA) and from examination of wreckage collected from various sources years 1947-1953 inclusive." See book Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. II: High Strangeness by Linda M. Howe.

Ft. Belvoir, Virginia Film Clips of Different Unidentified Aerial Craft

  • Disc with cupola on top as thick or thicker than disc.
  • Cigar shape.
  • "Shoe heel " shape.
  • Crescent shape.
  • Triangular shape.


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Part 2 – Former U.S. Army Sergeant Describes 1969 Film of Non-Human Entities

Different Non-Human Entities In 1969 Film Clips
  • Small, thin gray-colored with pear-shaped head.
  • Human-like with tight skull cap.
  • White "marshmallow" being.
  • Entity that resembled 6-fingered humanoid in Santilli film.


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Part 1 – Former Army Sergeant Describes 1969 Film of Alien Craft and Entities

 Sergeant Clifford E. Stone, U.S. Army, retired in 1990 to his home in Roswell, New Mexico after more than twenty years as a specialist assigned to investigations of unidentified aerial vehicle crash and retrievals. Photograph courtesy Clifford Stone.
Sergeant Clifford E. Stone, U.S. Army, retired in 1990 to his home in Roswell, New Mexico after more than twenty years as a specialist assigned to investigations of unidentified aerial vehicle crash and retrievals. Photograph courtesy Clifford Stone.

Roswell, New Mexico - In 1997, a book was published entitled U.F.O.s Are Real, Extraterrestrial Encounters Documented by the U. S. Government containing documents assembled by retired U. S. Army Sergeant Clifford E. Stone of Roswell, New Mexico. He served more than twenty years as a specialist assigned to investigations of unidentified aerial vehicle crash and retrievals.


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Foot-and-Mouth Disease Spreads to Humans in England?

As of April 24, 2001, England has slaughtered 1,974,000 hoofed animals and plans to slaughter 232,000 more animals in an effort to stop the rapidly spreading "O" strain of the foot-and-mouth virus that has plagued the United Kingdom since February 2001. Photograph © 2001 by Associated Press.
As of April 24, 2001, England has slaughtered 1,974,000 hoofed animals and plans to slaughter 232,000 more animals in an effort to stop the rapidly spreading "O" strain of the foot-and-mouth virus that has plagued the United Kingdom since February 2001. Photograph © 2001 by Associated Press.

April 24, 2001  Plum Island east of Orient, Long Island, New York - Today in England, three suspected cases of human foot-and-mouth disease are being investigated by the British Public Health Laboratory. One of the patients is a man from Cumbria who developed blisters in his mouth and sore, itchy hands while working on a crew slaughtering hoofed animals infected with foot-and-mouth disease. Officials are waiting to hear from laboratory test results which should be in next week. If the humans test positive for foot-and-mouth disease, it means the virus moved from animals to people.


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Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in Colorado and Saskatchewan, Canada

On the top is the normal prion protein, PrP-C found in all mammals. On the bottom is the abnormal, misshapen PrP-SC. Various distorted prion protein shapes are what cause diseases such as Chronic Wasting Disease in deer and elk; scrapies in sheep; BSE Mad Cow; Creutzfeldt-Jakob and new variant-CJD; and kuru - all attacking brain and spinal cord tissue in animals and humans and always fatal. These diagrams are from Huang, Z., Prusiner, Stanley B. and Cohen, Fred E. from "Structures of prion proteins and conformational models for prion diseases in Prions Prions Prions (ed. S.B. Prusiner) Berlin: SOn the left is the normal prion protein, PrP-C found in all mammals. On the right is the abnormal, misshapen PrP-SC. Various distorted prion protein shapes are what cause diseases such as Chronic Wasting Disease in deer and elk; scrapies in sheep; BSE Mad Cow; Creutzfeldt-Jakob and new variant-CJD; and kuru - all attacking brain and spinal cord tissue in animals and humans and always fatal. These diagrams are from Huang, Z., Prusiner, Stanley B. and Cohen, Fred E. from "Structures of prion proteins and conformational models for prion diseases in Prions Prions Prions (ed. S.B. Prusiner) Berlin: Springer-Verlag, © 1996.pringer-Verlag, © 1996.
Above is the normal prion protein, PrP-C found in all mammals. Below is the abnormal, misshapen PrP-SC. Various distorted prion protein shapes are what cause diseases such as Chronic Wasting Disease in deer and elk; scrapies in sheep; BSE Mad Cow; Creutzfeldt-Jakob and new variant-CJD; and kuru - all attacking brain and spinal cord tissue in animals and humans and always fatal. These diagrams are from Huang, Z., Prusiner, Stanley B. and Cohen, Fred E. from "Structures of prion proteins and conformational models for prion diseases in Prions Prions Prions (ed. S.B. Prusiner) Berlin: Springer-Verlag, © 1996.


April 24, 2001  Denver, Colorado - Another infectious agent made headlines in North America in April 2001. That is the fatal prion brain destroyer known as "Chronic Wasting Disease," or CWD. The first case of chronic wasting disease confirmed in a wild mule deer was shot by a hunter last fall in Saskatchewan near the border of Alberta, Canada. Over the past four years, dozens of CWD cases have been confirmed in Saskatchewan's 19 captive game farms. About 3000 animals have been slaughtered there in an attempt to keep the dreaded disease from spreading. Elk are raised on the game farms for their meat and their antler velvet which is used in homeopathic remedies and to provide aphrodisiacs for Asia. But now even Korea has banned imports of elk antlers from Canada because of concerns about spreading chronic wasting disease.


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April 1986: After Chernobyl Melt Down, What Flew Over Mannheim, Germany?

On April 26, 1986 when the Chernobyl, Russia nuclear reactor melted down, radioactivity spread all over Europe. Mannheim, Germany housed about 60,000 American military at the time, including a National Security Agency unit that passed out all the secret military codes. Not far away were the huge American Ramstein AFB in Kaiserslautern and Rhein-main AFB in Frankfurt.
On April 26, 1986 when the Chernobyl, Russia nuclear reactor melted down, radioactivity spread all over Europe. Mannheim, Germany housed about 60,000 American military at the time, including a National Security Agency unit that passed out all the secret military codes. Not far away were the huge American Ramstein AFB in Kaiserslautern and Rhein-main AFB in Frankfurt.

April 21, 2001  El Paso, Texas - Sergio Arellano was born in El Paso fifty years ago, graduated from high school there and then joined the U. S. Army where he earned a degree in transportation. By the end of April 1986 - and after the awful nuclear melt down at a Chernobyl, Russia power plant on April 26, 1986 - Sergio was a Master Sergeant in Mannheim, Germany working in the 28th Transportation Battalion. In 1996, he retired from the Army and returned to his hometown to work for a commercial trucking company.


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The Ekpyrotic Universe – A Collision Before the Big Bang?

Some of the mathematical equations used by particle physicist Burt A. Ovrut, Ph.D., at the University of Pennsylvania Physics Department to "work in" the theoretical 5th dimension. Photograph © 2001 by Linda Moulton Howe.
Some of the mathematical equations used by particle physicist Burt A. Ovrut, Ph.D., at the University of Pennsylvania Physics Department to "work in" the theoretical 5th dimension. Photograph © 2001 by Linda Moulton Howe.

April 15, 2001  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - A brand new theory about the creation of the universe emerged recently from cosmologists and particle physicists at Princeton University, the University of Pennsylvania and Cambridge, England. The new theory is called the Ekpyrotic Universe, from a Greek word meaning "conflagration" used to describe the universe's creation from a huge fireball that cooled down. Periodically, the Greeks thought, the process could repeat itself.


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