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Crop Formation in Holland Changes with Researchers Present

"Scorpion" crop formation in wheat discovered August 1, 2001 in Stadskanaal, Holland. Eight circles are clearly seen in the "tail." A ninth circle merged on August 7, 2001 while researchers were measuring and sampling plants from the formation. Aerialphotograph © 2001 by Hans Hesselink.
"Scorpion" crop formation in wheat discovered August 1, 2001 in Stadskanaal, Holland. Eight circles are clearly seen in the "tail." A ninth circle merged on August 7, 2001 while researchers were measuring and sampling plants from the formation. Aerialphotograph © 2001 by Hans Hesselink.
Diagram © 2001 by Jan Willem Bobbink with red lines indicating dowsed energy ley lines in"scorpion" crop formation discovered at Stadskanaal,Holland on August 1, 2001. Bobbink and his uncle, Robert Boerman, first visited the site soon after discovery to measure and sample plants. In addition to their diagram around August 1, the aerial photograph also shows eight circles in the tail.
Diagram © 2001 by Jan Willem Bobbink with red lines indicating dowsed energy ley lines in"scorpion" crop formation discovered at Stadskanaal,Holland on August 1, 2001. Bobbink and his uncle, Robert Boerman, first visited the site soon after discovery to measure and sample plants. In addition to their diagram around August 1, the aerial photograph also shows eight circles in the tail.

August 9, 2001  Stadskanaal, Holland ­ On August 1, 2001, Robert Boerman, crop circleresearcher and producer of a Netherlands website, www.dcca.nl,received a report of a new formation in Stadskanaal shaped likea "scorpion" with an eight circle tail. This was thesecond formation in the 2001 season discovered in Stadskanaal.Boerman went to the farm owned by J. A. Adams with his nephew,Jan Willem Bobbink, to measure and sample crop. Jan Willem used dowsing rods to determine energy ley lines. He drew a black and white diagram of the "scorpion" and the energy lines in red shown above. Boerman and Bobbink thought the formation was at least a week old at the time and concluded it first emerged around July 24, 2001.


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23 “Half Cat” and 2 Deer Mutilations Confirmed Since March by Austin, Texas Law Enforcement

On Wednesday, September 5, 2001, at 7:30 a.m., this deer was found dead in the front yard of a northwest Austin, Texas, home. Its abdomen was cleanly cut open as if by a sharp instrument and all internal organs were bloodlessly placed near the animal's body in the upper right of photograph above. Videotape image courtesy Channel 8 News, Austin, Texas.
On Wednesday, September 5, 2001, at 7:30 a.m., this deer was found dead in the front yard of a northwest Austin, Texas, home. Its abdomen was cleanly cut open as if by a sharp instrument and all internal organs were bloodlessly placed near the animal's body in the upper right of photograph above. Videotape image courtesy Channel 8 News, Austin, Texas.
23 mutilated half cats, like this one photographed at the Plano, Texas Police Department north of Dallas in 1991, have been investigated by Austin police and Travis County Sheriff's Office since March 2001. Photograph courtesy Plano, Texas Police Department, August 31, 1991.
23 mutilated half cats, like this one photographed at the Plano, Texas Police Department north of Dallas in 1991, have been investigated by Austin police and Travis County Sheriff's Office since March 2001. Photograph courtesy Plano, Texas Police Department, August 31, 1991.

September 8, 2001  Austin, Texas - A month ago on August 11, I reported “Unusual Cat Deaths in Austin, Texas and Navarre, Florida” at Earthfiles.com At the time, six cats had been found cut in half with no blood or signs of struggle. But a lot more has happened since then and on Thursday, September 6, Austin police and representatives from the Travis County Sheriff's office met with residents of northwestern Austin at the Balcones Country Club to announce that the cat mutilations have climbed to 23.


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Field Notes About English Animal Mutilations

August 1, 2003   Calne, Wiltshire, England  –  During my first day in Wiltshire on this trip, I met animal mutilation and crop circle researcher, David Cayton, and his colleague, Robert Hulse, at the Woodborough Hill “bear claw” formation. David is retired, but spent his professional life heading the non-destructive testing laboratory at British Aerospace after ten years in the U. K. Air Force.  David  has taken a serious interest in researching the earth mysteries of crop formations and sheep, cattle and other animal mutilations in England which fall into the category of high strangeness – sometimes associated with mysterious lights or beams in the sky. David and Robert are familiar with my documentaries and books about the worldwide animal mutilation phenomenon and wanted to show me images of a mutilated 3-month-old lamb discovered in May 2001. The lamb had an odd teardrop-shaped cut at the hip area of its left leg, similar to other such cuts on animal deaths I have investigated in North America.

  Three-month-old lamb discovered dead and mutilated in May 2001, Beddgelert, North Wales, England. Photographed by David Schindler.
Three-month-old lamb discovered dead and mutilated in May 2001, Beddgelert, North Wales, England. Photographed by David Schindler.


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Pure Hemoglobin Confirmed On Alabama Mutilated Cow

Young cow discovered dead and mutilated on a northeastern Alabama farm, February 21, 2001. Tissue was cleanly excised from rectum and vagina, the udder was removed, and tissue was excised from the right eye and lips. Photograph © 2001 by owner who requests name and location not be used.
Young cow discovered dead and mutilated on a northeastern Alabama farm, February 21, 2001. Tissue was cleanly excised from rectum and vagina, the udder was removed, and tissue was excised from the right eye and lips. Photograph © 2001 by owner who requests name and location not be used.

July 28, 2001  Grass Lake, Michigan - On October 15-16, 2000, I reported about the discovery of hardened bovine hemoglobin on a mutilated bull in Red Bluff, California. (See: Earthfiles 10/15-10/16/00.) Since the 1950s, unusual deaths called "animal mutilations" have been reported around the world. Both domestic animals and wild game have been affected, especially horses and cattle. Ranchers and law enforcement have long been puzzled because animals are found with the same pattern of hide and tissue removed - usually without blood - from the head, sexual organs, and rectum. There are no signs of struggle or tracks around the dead animals, not even the animal's own tracks. That peculiar fact provoked law enforcement to wonder if perpetrators came in and out of pastures using aerial craft, picking animals up and dropping them back down after taking tissues and fluids.


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Pure Hemoglobin Confirmed On Alabama Mutilated Cow

Young cow discovered dead and mutilated on a northeastern Alabama farm, February 21, 2001. Tissue was cleanly excised from rectum and vagina, the udder was removed, and tissue was excised from the right eye and lips. Photograph © 2001 by owner who requests name and location not be used.
Young cow discovered dead and mutilated on a northeastern Alabama farm, February 21, 2001. Tissue was cleanly excised from rectum and vagina, the udder was removed, and tissue was excised from the right eye and lips. Photograph © 2001 by owner who requests name and location not be used.

July 28, 2001  Grass Lake, Michigan - On October 15-16, 2000, I reported about the discovery of hardened bovine hemoglobin on a mutilated bull in Red Bluff, California. (See: Earthfiles.com Environment 3-parts 10/15-10/16/00.) Since the 1950s, unusual deaths called "animal mutilations" have been reported around the world. Both domestic animals and wild game have been affected, especially horses and cattle. Ranchers and law enforcement have long been puzzled because animals are found with the same pattern of hide and tissue removed - usually without blood - from the head, sexual organs, and rectum. There are no signs of struggle or tracks around the dead animals, not even the animal's own tracks. That peculiar fact provoked law enforcement to wonder if perpetrators came in and out of pastures using aerial craft, picking animals up and dropping them back down after taking tissues and fluids.


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Hartsville Update: No Lightning on July 6, 2001

National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN) has 108 sensors throughout United States. Graphic courtesy LightningStorm.com and Global Atmospherics, Inc.
National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN) has 108 sensors throughout United States. Graphic courtesy LightningStorm.com and Global Atmospherics, Inc.

July 25, 2001  Tucson, Arizona - Since several atmospheric scientists suggested that the abnormal power surge in Hartsville, Tennessee on July 6, 2001 at 10:45 a.m. might have been a rare clear day lightning strike, I contacted the National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN), the only national lightning detection network in the United States. The network has more than 108 sensors that instantaneously detect the electromagnetic signals given off when lightning strikes the earth's surface. Each sensor transmits the lightning information via satellite to the Network Control Center (NCC) in Tucson, Arizona. Using data from two or more sensors, the "intersection" of the data enables the determination of a strike location with a 15 mile radius.


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Abnormal July Heat in 2001

Map by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) where red indicates highest temperatures projected for July 31 to August 4, 2001 after previous week of abnormally high temperatures.
Map by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) where red indicates highest temperatures projected for July 31 to August 4, 2001 after previous week of abnormally high temperatures.

July 25, 2001  Washington, D. C. ­ Late July 2001 temperatures in Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas and New Mexico have averaged five to ten degrees above normal. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)'s National Weather Service, central Kansas hit 109 degrees Fahrenheit and southwest Oklahoma sweltered at 108 degrees F.


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Missing Link Between Humans and Chimpanzees ­Ethiopian Forest Bipeds 5.8 Million Years Ago?

140 miles northeast of Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa, near the Awash River marked in orange, paleontologists have discovered bones of a primate dubbed Ardipithecus ramidus kadabba which might have been the first upright ancestor to human lineage 5.8 million years ago.
140 miles northeast of Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa, near the Awash River marked in orange, paleontologists have discovered bones of a primate dubbed Ardipithecus ramidus kadabba which might have been the first upright ancestor to human lineage 5.8 million years ago.

July 21, 2001  Alayla, Ethiopia - A graduate student named Yohannes Haile-Selassie studying paleontology at the University of California, Berkeley, found bones on December 16, 1997 at a site 140 miles northeast of Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia which might be the missing link in evolving primates that went on to become humans. This creature, Ardipithecus ramidus kadabba, might have been the first primate to walk upright and the oldest human ancestor who lived in Ethiopian forests, not grassy plains, as far back as 5.8 million years ago. That's a million and a half years earlier than any other previous discovery and challenges the long held theory that primates stood up when they moved from trees to grassy plains.


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Part 2 – Gog Magog Hills, Cambridge, England – Two Unusual Crop Formations

"And I saw a great white throne and the one who sat upon it, from whose face the earth and sky fled away, but they found no place to hide. I saw the dead, great and small, standing before God; and The Books were opened, including the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to the things written in The Books, each according to the deeds he had done. ...And if anyone's name was not found recorded in the Book of Life, he was thrown into the Lake of Fire."

The Revelation in the Bible 20:11-15

Second formation in wheat at Gog Magog Hills southeast of Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England, reported on July 25, 2001.
Second formation in wheat at Gog Magog Hills southeast of Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England, reported on July 25, 2001.


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Continual Power Surges Force Hartsville, Tennessee’s WJKM Radio to Move

At least sixty birds were found dead with feathers burned and melted, scattered all over the yard around country music radio station WJKM (1090 AM) on July 6, 2001 in Hartsville, Tennessee. Photograph © 2001 by David Randall.
At least sixty birds were found dead with feathers burned and melted, scattered all over the yard around country music radio station WJKM (1090 AM) on July 6, 2001 in Hartsville, Tennessee. Photograph © 2001 by David Randall.

July 18, 2001  Hartsville, Tennessee ­ Today I learned from Ted Randall that dead birds with burned wings were found all over Hartsville's city park, a diameter of at least a mile. In fact, in the afternoon of that same day, power surges and dimming lights were reported at an insurance company more than a mile from WJKM. This afternoon, I talked with Ted Randall and Dave Fluehe, owner of Dave's Covert Surveillance in Hartsville who provides electronic camera and video security monitoring equipment to businesses. On July 6 in the afternoon, Dave Fluehe was in an insurance company more than a mile away from WJKM when more electronic interference occurred.


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