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with Earthfiles Reporter and Editor Linda Moulton Howe.

Osama bin Laden and the Hezbollah

Ground Zero, New York City, on October 4, 2001 where the two 110-story World Trade Towers used to stand. Their steel tubing melted in the 1000 degrees Fahrenheit-plus temperatures of burning jet fuel after terrorists linked to Osama bin Laden flew American jet liners into each building on September 11, 2001. Photograph © 2001 by Linda Moulton Howe.
Ground Zero, New York City, on October 4, 2001 where the two 110-story World Trade Towers used to stand. Their steel tubing melted in the 1000 degrees Fahrenheit-plus temperatures of burning jet fuel after terrorists linked to Osama bin Laden flew American jet liners into each building on September 11, 2001. Photograph © 2001 by Linda Moulton Howe.

October 6, 2001 New York City - Thursday I went to New York's Ground Zero with an attorney who represents some of Manhattan's fire and policemen. We heard on the radio driving in that a Russian airliner had blown up in the air between Israel and Russia. When we reached the Holland Tunnel, it was opening for the first time, and every car and driver was being stopped in one lane controlled by armed police who wanted to see a photo I.D. before allowing cars to enter the tunnel. When our turn came to proceed forward, we were amazed to travel that long tunnel under the river completely alone, no other cars in front or behind. Usually, it is packed with cars and trucks.


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Large Prehistoric Underground Circle Found in Chillicothe, Ohio

 90-foot-diameter circle discovered entirely underground by magnetic sensing equipment at Chillicothe prehistoric Mound City Group National Monument about 40 miles south of Columbus, Ohio. Large earthworks of ditches, walls and mounds in circles, octagons, squares and rectangles were created by cultures that lived in the Ohio region. First known were the Adena (1000 B.C. to 200 A.D.) followed by the Hopewell (500 B. C. to 500 A.D.) The Adena and Hopewell did not leave any writings, so no one understands precisely why the large soil formations were created.
90-foot-diameter circle discovered entirely underground by magnetic sensing equipment at Chillicothe prehistoric Mound City Group National Monument about 40 miles south of Columbus, Ohio. Large earthworks of ditches, walls and mounds in circles, octagons, squares and rectangles were created by cultures that lived in the Ohio region. First known were the Adena (1000 B.C. to 200 A.D.) followed by the Hopewell (500 B. C. to 500 A.D.) The Adena and Hopewell did not leave any writings, so no one understands precisely why the large soil formations were created.

October 5, 2001  Chillicothe, Ohio - About 3,000 years ago, a culture that archaeologists call the "Adena" made great soil formations in Ohio and the greater Mississippi Valley. By 500 B. C., the Adena evolved into a subsequent culture that archaeologists call the "Hopewell" after an 18th Century farmer named Hopewell who owned the land near Chillicothe, Ohio upon which many mounds are concentrated. The ancient patterns include circles, octagons, squares and rectangles. When the Adena dug great round ditches and piled walls of soil along the edges, one of their favorite measurements for circles was a 90-foot-diameter. No one knows why.


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Part 1 – Sasquatch Bigfoot, Physical Evidence in North America

 John Bindernagel, Ph.D., has thirty years of field experience in North America, East Africa, Iran, the Caribbean and Belize. He studies the physical evidence left by what he and others hypothesize is an unidentified humanlike, or apelike, creature that lives illusively in the United States and Canada. Book published in 1998 by Beachcomber Books, Canada.
John Bindernagel, Ph.D., has thirty years of field experience in North America, East Africa, Iran, the Caribbean and Belize. He studies the physical evidence left by what he and others hypothesize is an unidentified humanlike, or apelike, creature that lives illusively in the United States and Canada. Book published in 1998 by Beachcomber Books, Canada.

September 29, 2001 – Two weeks ago there was a Bigfoot conference in Jefferson, Texas. Two speakers presented two different sides of the hairy, hominoid mystery: the physical evidence and the connection of Bigfoot creatures with mysterious lights and sudden disappearances. Click for report.

Part 2 – Sasquatch Bigfoot, Visible and Invisible Evidence in North America

Rob Riggs is a Texas journalist and former publisher. This 2001 book is based on two decades of his investigations of "ghost lights" and Bigfoot in the Big Thicket about 75 miles northeast of Houston. Available at Amazon.com.
Rob Riggs is a Texas journalist and former publisher. This 2001 book is based on two decades of his investigations of “ghost lights” and Bigfoot in the Big Thicket about 75 miles northeast of Houston. Available at Amazon.com.

September 29, 2001  Austin, Texas ­ About 75 miles northeast of Houston is a swampy area called the “Big Thicket National Preserve” in Hardin County. On the southern edge of the thicket is a town called Sourlake. That’s where journalist, Rob Riggs, spent his childhood and heard stories of the hairy “wild man” that had been seen in the Big Thicket woods. In the 1990s, Rob Riggs published the Lake Travis View newspaper in Austin and the Fort Bend Sun in Sugarland, Texas.Click for report.

Huge Hexagram Crop Formation in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada

 Red Deer and Lacombe are about 100 miles south of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, a larger city which has also had several crop formations in its fields since the late 1990s.
Red Deer and Lacombe are about 100 miles south of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, a larger city which has also had several crop formations in its fields since the late 1990s.

September 22, 2001 Red Deer, Alberta, Canada - Last Sunday, September 16, 2001, the largest crop formation in Canadian history was discovered in a wheat field about six kilometers east of Red Deer, Alberta. Red Deer is south of Edmonton. The farmer, 73-year-old Ken Bickford, became aware of the pattern as his combine moved next to a large central circle. Later Mr. Bickford told a newspaper reporter that in 60 years of farming he has “never seen anything remotely like it.” The ripe spring wheat had been flattened in a hexagram pattern of two overlapping triangles. Each triangle point had a circle at the tip and a large, seventh circle at the center of the hexagram measured 100 feet in diameter. The whole hexagram at its longest measured 422 feet in diameter. Ken Bickford looked for evidence of shoe tracks or other evidence, but could not find any.


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Part 1 – Gog Magog Hills, Cambridge, England – Two Unusual Crop Formations

"When the thousand years end, Satan will be let out of his prison.
He will go out to deceive the nations of the world and gather them together, with Gog and Magog, for battle - a mighty host, numberless as sand along the shore. They will go up across the broad plain of the earth and surround God's people and the beloved city of Jerusalem on every side. But fire from God in heaven will flash down on the attacking armies and consume them."

The Revelation in the Bible 20:7-9

July 11, 2001 began the first formation that unfolded in three stages, followed by a second formation in a nearby wheat field on July 25, 2001 southeast of Cambridge, England at the Gog Magog Hills near an ancient Neolithic circle of stones called Wandlebury Ring.
July 11, 2001 began the first formation that unfolded in three stages, followed by a second formation in a nearby wheat field on July 25, 2001 southeast of Cambridge, England at the Gog Magog Hills near an ancient Neolithic circle of stones called Wandlebury Ring.

September 18, 2001  Gog Magog Hills, Cambridge, England - Two months to the day before the horrorific attacks on New York City's World Trade Center, the Pentagon in Washington, D. C. and the airliner over Shanksville, Pennsylvania, an unusual series of evolving crop formations occurred in wheat at the Gog Magog Hills southeast of Cambridge, England near an ancient Neolithic circle of stones called Wandlebury Ring.


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Who Is Osama bin Laden and What Does He Want?

Osama bin Laden, organizer of the Al Qaeda Islamic terrorist group and son of Muhammad Bin Laden, owner of the large construction company, Bin Laden Group, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Photograph from Middle East newspaper.
Osama bin Laden, organizer of the Al Qaeda Islamic terrorist group and son of Muhammad Bin Laden, owner of the large construction company, Bin Laden Group, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Photograph from Middle East newspaper.

September 15, 2001  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - The horror in New York, Washington and western Pennsylvania this week has not only changed the psyche of our nation - it changed air travelers into potential enemies and airports into much less friendly territory. I know that from personal experience yesterday morning at the Philadelphia Airport. I was scheduled to fly to Dallas on a 9:17 a.m. flight in order to attend a conference. But when my alarm went off at 5:30 a.m., lightning and thunderbolts were dropping around the house like bombs and the hard rain turned the Pennsylvania Turnpike and I-476 to the airport into a slow moving traffic jam. A trip that would normally take about 55 minutes, took 2 hours and 20 minutes.


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Black Hole At Center of Milky Way – More Evidence

This false-color image from the Chandra X-Ray Observatory shows a central region of our Milky Way Galaxy about 24,000 light years from Earth known as Sagittarius A+. The bright, white central light source was produced by a huge X-ray flare thought to have occurred near a black hole at the center of our galaxy approximately 93 million miles in diameter. Chandra X-ray image courtesy NASA/MIT/F. Baganoff et al.
This false-color image from the Chandra X-Ray Observatory shows a central region of our Milky Way Galaxy about 24,000 light years from Earth known as Sagittarius A+. The bright, white central light source was produced by a huge X-ray flare thought to have occurred near a black hole at the center of our galaxy approximately 93 million miles in diameter. Chandra X-ray image courtesy NASA/MIT/F. Baganoff et al.

September 7, 2001  Cambridge, Massachusetts - MIT scientists have detected for the first time a rapid X-ray flare at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy near what is thought to be a supermassive black hole. The observation was on October 26-27, 2000, but not reported until the September 6, 2001 issue of Nature. The lead author, MIT's Frederick Baganoff, said, "This is extremely exciting because it's the first time we have seen in our own neighborhood a supermassive black hole devour a chunk of material. This signal comes from closer to the event horizon of our Galaxy's supermassive black hole than any that we have ever received before. It's as if the material sent us a postcard before it fell in."


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Third Case of Pure Hemoglobin at Bull Mutilation

Dry, bloodless "cookie cutter" excision of scrotum from belly of 2200-pound bull, St. Brides, Alberta, Canada discovered October 12, 2000. Photograph © 2000 by Fern Belzil.
Dry, bloodless "cookie cutter" excision of scrotum from belly of 2200-pound bull, St. Brides, Alberta, Canada discovered October 12, 2000. Photograph © 2000 by Fern Belzil.

September 7, 2001 St. Paul, Alberta, Canada - Rancher Fern Belzil of St. Paul has been investigating unusual cattle mutilations in Alberta for the past several years. On October 16, 2000, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police called him about the eerie death of a 2200-pound bull found at the Saddle Lake Indian Reserve on October 12 about fifteen miles southwest of St. Paul in a rural area called St. Brides. The bull was a seven year old Semmental, a robust blood line from Europe, owned by rancher Marshall Kiziak.


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 Part 2 – Ground Details of Chilbolton “Code”

 The "binary code" in the wheat field next to Chilbolton Observatory near Wherwell, Hampshire, U. K. was first reported on Monday, August 20, 2001. Aerial photograph © 2001 by Lucy Pringle.
The "binary code" in the wheat field next to Chilbolton Observatory near Wherwell, Hampshire, U. K. was first reported on Monday, August 20, 2001. Aerial photograph © 2001 by Lucy Pringle.

August 30, 2001 Chilbolton, Hampshire, England - Field researcher, Charles Mallett, from Devizes, Wiltshire, England traveled to Chilbolton, Hampshire with his wife, artist and fellow field researcher Frances, soon after the "code" formation was reported to have appeared near the "face" in the wheat field next to Chilbolton Observatory on August 20. The following is a photo essay by Charles of the plant lay that created the "binary code."


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