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Another Orange Triangle Near Red Deer, Alberta, Canada

Red Deer and Lacombe are about 100 miles south of Edmonton, Alberta, a larger city which has also had several crop formations in its fields since the late 1990s.
Red Deer and Lacombe are about 100 miles south of Edmonton, Alberta, a larger city which has also had several crop formations in its fields since the late 1990s.

October 27, 2001 Red Deer, Alberta, Canada - Yesterday morning I received a phone call from one of the nurse's aides who works at the Lacombe Nursing Home near Red Deer, Alberta, Canada. A month ago, I reported about the large 422-foot-diameter hexagram that appeared in a Red Deer wheat field on September 2.


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A Scientific Report About Three British Crop Formations: Milk Hill and Chilbolton “Face” and “Code”

October 27, 2001  Grass Lake, Michigan - Two weeks before the September 2, 2001 huge hexagram appeared in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada, employees at the Chilbolton Observatory in Hampshire, England saw the strange binary code formation in the wheat field next to their radio telescope on August 20th. At the time, I interviewed British researcher, Paul Vigay, who compared the Chilbolton code to the 1974 Arecibo, Puerto Rico radio telescope transmission created by Cornell University astronomers to send a message about humans and the earth into space.
See: Earthfiles August 25, 2001.


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More Anthrax Cases and Deaths

Searches for anthrax spores in New Jersey, New York and Washington, D. C. increase as two postal workers die from inhalation anthrax and more postal workers are confirmed to have anthrax disease and more spore traces are found in the White House Brentwood mail site and Hamilton, New Jersey mail-processing center near Trenton.
Searches for anthrax spores in New Jersey, New York and Washington, D. C. increase as two postal workers die from inhalation anthrax and more postal workers are confirmed to have anthrax disease and more spore traces are found in the White House Brentwood mail site and Hamilton, New Jersey mail-processing center near Trenton.

October 24, 2001  Washington, D. C. - Officials have confirmed that two postal workers who worked in the Brentwood postal facility that processes mail for Capitol Hill, including contaminated mail from the Trenton, N. J. Processing and Distribution Center, have died from inhalation anthrax. The number of people who have died from anthrax since September 11 is now three. Further, officials announce that another Brentwood postal worker has inhalation anthrax and symptoms in nine other workers are under medical watch. A 56-year-old New Jersey female mail handler at the Hamilton, New Jersey mail center near Trenton is now hospitalized with inhalation anthrax. Overall, thirteen people have been diagnosed with anthrax, five inhalation and seven with skin infection.


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Nano Bomb Bio-Decontamination Update

Dish on right contains bacteria spores similar to anthrax. Dish on left shows what happened to spores after treatment with nanoemulsion bio-decontaminant developed by Dr. James Baker and NanoBio Corp, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Photograph courtesy University of Michigan Center for Biological Nanotechnology.
Dish on right contains bacteria spores similar to anthrax. Dish on left shows what happened to spores after treatment with nanoemulsion bio-decontaminant developed by Dr. James Baker and NanoBio Corp, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Photograph courtesy University of Michigan Center for Biological Nanotechnology.

October 20, 2001 - As the anthrax scare spread throughout the nation's Capitol, New York, New Jersey and other areas this week, the current total on people who have actually contracted anthrax is now eight. At least 37 others have tested positive for exposure to anthrax spores. The eight cases of disease include:


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Dozen Mutilated Cats Found in San Diego, California

Since September in the Ocean Beach and Point Loma U. S. Naval training Center areas, a dozen cats have been found cut in half or mutilated and left in yards or on house steps.
Since September in the Ocean Beach and Point Loma U. S. Naval training Center areas, a dozen cats have been found cut in half or mutilated and left in yards or on house steps.
October 4, 2001, Peninsula Beacon, Ocean Beach and Point Loma, California.
October 4, 2001, Peninsula Beacon, Ocean Beach and Point Loma, California.

October 20, 2001  Ocean Beach, California - Since September at least a dozen domestic and wild cats around the Naval Air Station in Point Loma or a neighborhood in Ocean Beach have been found cut in half, similar to the Austin, Texas cases, or completely eviscerated by a clean, bloodless excision in the belly from which all internal organs were removed.


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Heifer Mutilation and Mysterious Light in Mantario, Saskatchewan, Canada

Mantario, Saskatchewan, Canada where rancher Bill Francis found one of his heifers dead and mutilated and a second standing up, but unmoving and near death on August 16, 2001.
Mantario, Saskatchewan, Canada where rancher Bill Francis found one of his heifers dead and mutilated and a second standing up, but unmoving and near death on August 16, 2001.

October 13, 2001 Mantario, Saskatchewan, Canada - This weekend I talked with 49-year-old rancher, Bill Francis, in Mantario, Saskatchewan, Canada near the Alberta border and north of Medicine Hat. He has ranched there his whole life and added cattle to his business fifteen years ago. He had heard about animal mutilations where ears, eyes, tongues, jaw flesh, genitals and rectal tissue have been excised from thousands of animals worldwide since the mid-1950s. But until August 16th, he had never seen one on his own property.


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Beyond Florida, Anthrax Alerts in New York City, Reno, Washington, D. C.

Bacillus anthracis, anthrax bacteria, can form stable spores that are resistant to harsh conditions and extreme temperatures. Photomicrograph courtesy University of Michigan.
Bacillus anthracis, anthrax bacteria, can form stable spores that are resistant to harsh conditions and extreme temperatures. Photomicrograph courtesy University of Michigan.

October 12, 2001 - The FBI announced today that both The New York Times and NBC have received mail containing suspicious white powder. The NBC employee (not yet identified) who handled an envelope has tested positive for skin anthrax. She has long worked for Tom Brokaw's "Nightly News" and on September 25, she handled a letter that threatened Mr. Brokaw and contained a white powder that she reported to authorities. The powder at first tested negative for anthrax. But then she developed a black cutaneous anthrax infection the size of a softball on her arm. That means the bacteria entered her skin through a cut, but so far no anthrax bacteria has been confirmed in that mailed powder. Cutaneous anthrax is easily treatable with antibiotics which the NBC employee has been taking and progressing well.


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Three Anthrax Inhalation Cases In Florida – FBI Opens Criminal Probe and Nano Bomb Update

Bacillus anthracis, anthrax bacteria, can form stable spores that are resistant to harsh conditions and extreme temperatures. Photomicrograph courtesy University of Michigan.
Bacillus anthracis, anthrax bacteria, can form stable spores that are resistant to harsh conditions and extreme temperatures. Photomicrograph courtesy University of Michigan.

Update - October 10, 2001 Boca Raton, Florida -
The third employee at American Media, Inc. in Boca Raton (Lantana), Florida has tested positive for exposure to an anthrax bacteria known as the Ames strain after an Ames, Iowa bacteria found in the tissue of a dead animal in the early 1950s. The other two cases are also the Ames strain which has been distributed over the past half century to many medical researchers to make anthrax vaccines. The 35-year-old woman is being treated with antibiotics. The FBI says there is no evidence to link the three anthrax cases to terrorists, but has now shifted its investigation to a criminal probe. The consensus is that the anthrax bacteria have an "unnatural source," which implies manipulation at least by someone with malicious criminal intent, if not terrorists.


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Update On Unique British Crop Formations

A crop formation pattern not duplicated in previous worldwide patterns, discovered June 3, 2001 in barley at Wakerley village near Barrowden, Leicestershire, England. 120 feet in diameter. Aerial photograph © 2001 by Nick Nicholson, Editor, The Circular Review.
A crop formation pattern not duplicated in previous worldwide patterns, discovered June 3, 2001 in barley at Wakerley village near Barrowden, Leicestershire, England. 120 feet in diameter. Aerial photograph © 2001 by Nick Nicholson, Editor, The Circular Review.

October 10, 2001  Wakerley, Leicestershire, England - Nick Nicholson, Editor of The Circular Review in Calverton, Nottinghamshire, discovered an unusual crop formation in barley on Sunday, June 3, at Wakerley village near Barrowden, England. Nick's first e-mail to me with a ground photograph said: "I found a major formation near our last year's hunting ground between Morcott and Seaton in Leicestershire County."


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