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Will Our Universe End With Its Final Light Frozen in Time?

Artist David Aguilar's illustration of the universe's final light frozen unchanging in time after Dark Energy expansion exceeds the speed of light, courtesy the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, Massachusetts, December 2001.
Artist David Aguilar's illustration of the universe's final light frozen unchanging in time after Dark Energy expansion exceeds the speed of light, courtesy the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, Massachusetts, December 2001.
In contrast to the increasing dark void surrounding galaxies forecast for the end of the universe, here is the modern day Virgo Cluster of 2000 galaxies that still exerts tremendous gravitational influence on the Milky Way and other neighboring galaxies. Photograph courtesy Hubble Telescope.
In contrast to the increasing dark void surrounding galaxies forecast for the end of the universe, here is the modern day Virgo Cluster of 2000 galaxies that still exerts tremendous gravitational influence on the Milky Way and other neighboring galaxies. Photograph courtesy Hubble Telescope.

December 20, 2001  Cambridge, Massachusetts - In 1917, physicist Albert Einstein wrote his General Theory of Relativity in which the speed of light was considered the ultimate speed for anything in the universe. He thought back then that the universe was stationary, not expanding and not contracting. But since gravity pulls things together, Dr. Einstein needed to explain why ordinary matter in the universe didn't collapse on itself. His answer was a repulsive force that he called the "cosmological constant," a mysterious force that fills the vacuum of space balancing out gravity and keeping matter apart.


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Are Carolina Bay Craters Linked to Atlantic Ocean Impact and Sinking of Atlantis?

Thousands of elliptical craters called "Carolina Bays" cover parts of North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Virginia and Maryland, such as these at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. One age estimate for the craters is 10,500 years ago at the end of the last Ice Age. Aerial photograph by Fairchild Aerial Survey in 1930.
Thousands of elliptical craters called "Carolina Bays" cover parts of North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Virginia and Maryland, such as these at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. One age estimate for the craters is 10,500 years ago at the end of the last Ice Age. Aerial photograph by Fairchild Aerial Survey in 1930.

December 15, 2001  Leigh-On-Sea, Essex, England - Back in May of 2001, ocean engineer Paulina Zelitsky based in Havana, Cuba said she had discovered large underwater structures shaped like pyramids, roads and buildings about 2,200 feet deep off the western tip of Cuba. (See: Earthfiles.com 5/18/01)


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Unidentified Aerial Lights Over Nashville, Tennessee on September 12, 2001

"It's so strange and creepy when you see it with your own eyes.
It really makes you wonder what is out there?"

- Matt Randall, High School Student, Lebanon, Tennessee

These nine frames were selected from the original September 12, 2001 twenty-three-minute videotape taken by radio engineer Ted Randall of unidentified aerial lights that appeared in the sky over Lebanon, Tennessee, a southern suburb of Nashville. Ted and his sons, Matt and David, experimented by flashing bright lights at the sky after the September 11 catastrophe in New York City, Washington, D. C. and Pennsylvania provoked the U. S. government to ground all flights, except authorized military missions. This sequence of 9 selected frames shows the light in the lower left advance upward over a five minute period until it flared twice and disappeared. Videotape and frame sequence © 2001 by Matt, David and Ted Randall of WJKM1090 at Cedar Vine Manor, Lebanon, Tennessee.
These nine frames were selected from the original September 12, 2001 twenty-three-minute videotape taken by radio engineer Ted Randall of unidentified aerial lights that appeared in the sky over Lebanon, Tennessee, a southern suburb of Nashville. Ted and his sons, Matt and David, experimented by flashing bright lights at the sky after the September 11 catastrophe in New York City, Washington, D. C. and Pennsylvania provoked the U. S. government to ground all flights, except authorized military missions. This sequence of 9 selected frames shows the light in the lower left advance upward over a five minute period until it flared twice and disappeared. Videotape and frame sequence © 2001 by Matt, David and Ted Randall of WJKM1090 at Cedar Vine Manor, Lebanon, Tennessee.


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70,000-Year-Old “Modern Humans” Lived in Blombos Cave, South Africa

View looking out of Blombos Cave two hundred miles east of Cape Town at the tip of South Africa where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans come together. Photograph © 2001 by Christopher S. Henshilwood, Ph.D.
View looking out of Blombos Cave two hundred miles east of Cape Town at the tip of South Africa where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans come together. Photograph © 2001 by Christopher S. Henshilwood, Ph.D.
The "X" above Cape Agulhas marks the region of Blombos Cave.
The "X" above Cape Agulhas marks the region of Blombos Cave.
Blombos Cave entrance. Photographs in color and black and white below © 2001 by Christopher Henshilwood, Ph.D.
Blombos Cave entrance. Photographs in color and black and white below © 2001 by Christopher Henshilwood, Ph.D.
Blombos Cave entrance. Photographs in color and black and white below © 2001 by Christopher Henshilwood, Ph.D.
Blombos Cave entrance. Photographs in color and black and white below © 2001 by Christopher Henshilwood, Ph.D.

December 8, 2001 - The New York Times had a headline this week in its Science section entitled, "African Artifacts Suggest an Earlier Modern Human." The subject is an archaeological dig in a cave known as Blombos, 200 miles east of Cape Town. There, a team lead by Dr. Christopher Henshilwood, an archaeologist, has found polished and refined bone tools; beautifully carved stone points, some so thin that they seem more art than functional; and red ochre scratched as if cut to make powder, probably for color in cave drawings and perhaps body decorations. All three physical artifacts represent human ability to manufacture and to use symbols in art and communication, functions beyond lower primates. Yet, the dating of the layer in which all these artifacts were found together is 70,000 years ago. Dr. Henshilwood said, "We're absolutely convinced of the dating of the tools," and The New York Times described the Blombos discoveries as "turning long-held beliefs upside down."


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1200 B. C. – What Caused Earthquake Storms, Global Drought and End of Bronze Age?

The art of the Greek Mycenaens prior to the sudden and mysterious end of the Bronze Age in 1200 B. C.
The art of the Greek Mycenaens prior to the sudden and mysterious end of the Bronze Age in 1200 B. C.

December 1, 2001 New Orleans, Louisana - Recently I reported a news update about the underwater megalithic structures discovered a half mile deep off the western tip of Cuba by engineer Paulina Zelitsky and her husband Paul Weinzweig, partners in Advanced Digital Communications of Canada and Havana, experts in deep ocean exploration. Whatever the structures are down so deep, Paulina Zelitsky told me that in recent months she sent a Remotely Operated Vehicle to the site with a light and video camera. From the first videotape test, she described rock structures about the size and shape of Stonehenge, England. Carved in one of the rocks are a symbol of crossed ovals, hieroglyphs and lettering that looks like Greek, but is not Greek. (See: Earthfiles 11/19/01).


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Update on Underwater Megalithic Structures near Western Cuba

In May 2001, engineer Paulina Zelitzky, President, Advanced Digital Communications (ADC), Victoria, B. C., Canada and Havana, Cuba, announced the discovery of megalithic structures 2,200 feet down at the western tip of Cuba.
In May 2001, engineer Paulina Zelitzky, President, Advanced Digital Communications (ADC), Victoria, B. C., Canada and Havana, Cuba, announced the discovery of megalithic structures 2,200 feet down at the western tip of Cuba.

November 19, 2001 Havana, Cuba - The story about a possible megalithic site half a mile down off the western tip of Cuba first broke this past May when a Reuters News Service reporter interviewed the deep ocean engineer who first reported unusual sidescan sonar of the discovery. Her name is Paulina Zelitsky. Ms. Zelitsky was born in Poland, studied engineering in the Soviet Union, was assigned to work on a secret submarine base in Cuba during the Cold War, and eventually defected to Canada. There she met her current husband, businessman Paul Weinzweig. Now the couple own and operate a company called Advanced Digital Communications, or ADC, with offices in both Victoria, British Columbia, and Havana, Cuba. Their specialty is deep ocean exploration. ADC made news in November 2000 when Paulina Zelitsky found the wreckage of the famous U.S.S. Maine that blew up and sank in 1898. It was three miles off the Havana coast and two-thirds of a mile down. Her team videotaped the battleship which matched old photographs.


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Scientists Say Mysterious Lights in Hessdalen, Norway Are Thermal Plasmas of Unknown Origin

“We saw that those lights were changing shapes suddenly from very big to very small and the phenomenon was there standing still.
But the temperature was just constant because we measured the temperature in both phases. So, there must be some kind of self-heating mechanism that keeps the temperature constant. This is highly anomalous.”

- Massimo Teodorani, Ph.D., Astrophysicist

Observation point is Aspaskjolen in the valley of Hessdalen, Norway, on August 18, 2001 looking southeast. The exposures are about 30 seconds for each of the first three photo frames (upper left). The remaining three photos (upper right) were taken an hour later at the same exposure rate. Reflex camera was Yashica 107 Multiprogram; film 200 ASA. Photograph and processing by M. Teodorani.
Observation point is Aspaskjolen in the valley of Hessdalen, Norway, on August 18, 2001 looking southeast. The exposures are about 30 seconds for each of the first three photo frames (upper left). The remaining three photos (upper right) were taken an hour later at the same exposure rate. Reflex camera was Yashica 107 Multiprogram; film 200 ASA. Photograph and processing by M. Teodorani.
Red arrow points at Hessdalen in northeastern Norway.
Red arrow points at Hessdalen in northeastern Norway.

November 17, 2001  Hessdalen, Norway - Over the past decade, many eyewitnesses in the valley of Hessdalen in northeastern Norway have reported flickering, pulsing, lights that change shape. Norwegian engineers in 1984, lead by Prof. Erling Strand of Project Hessdalen, demonstrated that the light phenomenon is indeed measurable. Since 1998, the science team has taken automatic video frames of the lights in real time. But the research started to assume even more physical relevance in August 2000 and August 2001 when Italian astrophysicists joined the Norwegian engineers in a joint study with radio spectrum analyzers, photographs, videotape and spectroscopes. The results can be broken down into two groups: 95% are thermal plasmas and 5% are unidentified solid objects. The plasmas emit long wave radio frequencies and strangely, their temperatures do not vary with change in size or brightness.


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The Orion Constellation and the Pyramids of Giza

Time lapse photograph of the Orion constellation showing the three evenly spaced bright spots on a slant that make up what the Greek's thought was a belt from which "hung" the great hunter's sword. Egyptians considered this constellation and the nearby bright star, Sirius, to be the home of the gods that came to earth and created life and humankind. Each Egytian king wanted to return his soul to Orion and Sirius after death.The far left object of Orion's belt is the Horsehead Nebula, also known as Alnitak (Zeta Orionis). The middle belt object is the star, Alnilam, and the top of the belt is the star, Mintaka.
Time lapse photograph of the Orion constellation showing the three evenly spaced bright spots on a slant that make up what the Greek's thought was a belt from which "hung" the great hunter's sword. Egyptians considered this constellation and the nearby bright star, Sirius, to be the home of the gods that came to earth and created life and humankind. Each Egytian king wanted to return his soul to Orion and Sirius after death.The far left object of Orion's belt is the Horsehead Nebula, also known as Alnitak (Zeta Orionis). The middle belt object is the star, Alnilam, and the top of the belt is the star, Mintaka.

 A Graphic Overview of the Orion Constellation and Star Sirius
A Graphic Overview of the Orion Constellation and Star Sirius

November 10, 2001  Sedona, Arizona - French-born Robert Bauval, construction engineer and author, worked from 1974-1985 as a project manager and strategic engineer on construction projects in Saudi Arabia. He spoke this past weekend at the Earth Mysteries Conference in Sedona about the power of Egyptian talismans, physical objects that through magic and rituals were thought to bring the power of stars and gods into them; and his theory that the pyramids of Giza have the same alignment as the stars in the belt of Orion. He wrote a book about it with Adrian Gilbert in 1995 entitled, The Orion Mystery, Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids.


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Astronomy News

Comet approaches the sun on October 22, 2001. Image by Solar and Heliospheric Observatory courtesy SOHO/NASA.
Comet approaches the sun on October 22, 2001. Image by Solar and Heliospheric Observatory courtesy SOHO/NASA.

November 1, 2001 - As a comet approached the sun on October 22, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) was monitoring two coronal mass ejections from the sun headed for Earth. Solar radiation heated the comet's ice and rocks causing an outgassing of water and dust. The water molecules broke down in the sun's ultraviolet light into oxygen and hydrogen atoms. The hydrogen atoms interacted with the sun's coronal plasma and glowed brightly. The dark circle in upper left corner is the sun masked by an instrument that blots out sunlight. The white circle within the disk shows the size and position of the actual sun.


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12,000-Year-Old Human Hair DNA Has No Match With Modern Humans

Woodburn, Oregon Ice Age archaeological site where 10,000 to 12,000-year-old unidentified human hair was found in 1999.
Woodburn, Oregon Ice Age archaeological site where 10,000 to 12,000-year-old unidentified human hair was found in 1999.

October 28, 2001 Woodburn, Oregon - Human hair dating back to the last Ice Age ten to twelve thousand years ago was discovered in 1999 at an archaeological dig in Woodburn, Oregon between Salem and Portland. The Ice Age site is filled with the bones of elephants, sloths, condors and a bird with a 14-foot wingspan. The unidentified human hairs were found perfectly preserved a few feet underground and had enough follicles for DNA analysis. This week I talked with geology professor emeritus, William Orr, at the University of Oregon, about DNA efforts to match the Ice Age hair to any living hominoid species on earth today.


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