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Part 1 – “Huge Saucer Armada” Shocked Farmington, New Mexico 52 Years Ago

 Farmington and Aztec, New Mexico 100 air miles northwest of the Los Alamos National Laboratory where the atomic bomb was secretly developed in the 1940s. Espanola, the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation, Chama, Tierra Amarilla and Dulce are all areas where many unusual bloodless, trackless animal mutilations have also been reported since the 1960s.
Farmington and Aztec, New Mexico 100 air miles northwest of the Los Alamos National Laboratory where the atomic bomb was secretly developed in the 1940s. Espanola, the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation, Chama, Tierra Amarilla and Dulce are all areas where many unusual bloodless, trackless animal mutilations have also been reported since the 1960s.

March 16, 2002  Farmington, New Mexico - Fifty-two years ago on St. Patrick's Day March 17, 1950, citizens in Farmington, New Mexico - then a community of 5,000 people - reported that hundreds of strange, round aerial craft flew over town, seeming to dogfight and play tag at extremely rapid speeds that included 90-degree turns. There were reportedly several waves of fly-overs, including both shiny silver discs and red-orange objects as well. The next day on March 18, 1950, the Farmington Daily Times topped its front page with a large headline that read:


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El Nino 2002 Update

El Nino means "the little boy" or "Christ child" in Spanish. South American fishermen used the name years ago to designate periodic cycles of unusually warm water in the Pacific ocean which appear around Christmas time. El Nino conditions occur once water temperatures have warmed enough (.5 degrees Celsius or more above normal) to alter normal cloudiness and rainfall in the Pacific basin. The cycle is every four or five years and can last up to eighteen months. The last El Nino was 1997-1998.

Pacific Ocean temperatures near the South American coast in February 2002 had warmed 2 degrees Celsius (4 Fahrenheit) indicating that El Nino conditions are developing. Map courtesy National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Pacific Ocean temperatures near the South American coast in February 2002 had warmed 2 degrees Celsius (4 Fahrenheit) indicating that El Nino conditions are developing. Map courtesy National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

March 9, 2002 Washington, D. C. - Scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced on March 7 that ocean surface temperatures near the South American coast had already warmed 2 degrees Celsius (4 Fahrenheit) by February 2002.


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Dinosaur Feathers – Even On Tyrannosaurus rex?

 Tyrannosaurus rex dinosaur painting © by artist Tony Trammell in Dinosaur Illustrations.
Tyrannosaurus rex dinosaur painting © by artist Tony Trammell in Dinosaur Illustrations.

March 9, 2002 New York City, New York - This week I talked to a scientist who is confident that many dinosaurs had feathers, including the fierce Tyrannosaurus rex "monster" meat-eater, - or at least when it was young. Dr. Mark Norell, Chairman of the Paleontology Division at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, published photographs and information about a new fossil discovery from the Liaoning Province in northeast China in the March 7th journal, Nature.


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Mysterious Slowing of Pioneer Spacecraft 7 Billion Miles from Earth

An artist's rendering of the Pioneer spacecraft in deep space courtesy NASA.
An artist's rendering of the Pioneer spacecraft in deep space courtesy NASA.

February 24, 2002  Los Alamos, New Mexico - Thirty years ago on March 2, 1972, NASA launched the Pioneer 10 spacecraft from Cape Kennedy aboard an Atlas Centaur rocket. According to officials, it was the "fastest spacecraft ever to leave Earth." Its mission was to travel through the asteroid belt, be the first manmade machine to pass Jupiter and be the first spacecraft to use planetary gravity to change course and to reach escape velocity from the solar system. Pioneer 10 is powered by electricity derived from the warmth of decaying plutonium 238 and was intended to last only 21 months. Thirty years later, it is still going and sending signals.


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Sunken City Off India Coast – 7500 B. C.?

The underwater archaeological site that could be more than 9,000 years old is about 30 miles west of Surat in the Gulf of Khambhat (Cambay) in northwestern India.
The underwater archaeological site that could be more than 9,000 years old is about 30 miles west of Surat in the Gulf of Khambhat (Cambay) in northwestern India.

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Cedar Vine Manor, Lebanon, Tennessee

February 16, 2002  Surat, India - A month ago in mid-January, marine scientists in India announced they had sonar images of square and rectangular shapes about 130 feet down off the northwestern coast of India in the Gulf of Khambhat (Cambay). Not only are their sonar shapes with 90-degree angles, the Indian Minister of Science and Technology ordered that the site be dredged. What was found has surprised archaeologists around the world and was the subject of a private meeting two weeks ago attended by the Indian Minister in charge of investigating the underwater site about thirty miles off the coast from Surat.


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January 2002 Warmest On Record For Whole World

January 2002 had the warmest global temperatures in modern records. Satellite photograph courtesy NASA.
January 2002 had the warmest global temperatures in modern records. Satellite photograph courtesy NASA.

February 13, 2002  Boulder, Colorado - Over the past three weeks, there have been several sobering headlines about the impact of global warming:


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JFK, MJ-12 and Outer Space

February 12, 2002  New York City, New York - This past week in Manhattan, I met with reporter and author Jim Marrs to discuss U. S. government documents he was using for a television interview about MJ-12, also known as Majestic 12 or Majority 12. That Top Secret group of scientists, military officers and businessmen was allegedly appointed by President Harry S. Truman in 1947 to monitor and research the activity of extraterrestrial biological entities on the earth while simultaneously manipulating misinformation to keep all facts and physical evidence from the media and public "in the interest of national security." Jim's first book, Crossfire © 1989, was a national bestseller and used as a basis for Oliver Stone's feature film, JFK. Other books by Jim Marrs have included Alien Agenda © 1997 and Rule By Secrecy © 2000, each advancing insights about the interaction of one or more non-human intelligences with this planet since at least the Sumerian domination of Mesopotamia (modern day Iran and Iraq).


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United States Nuclear Power Plant Security – Is It Effective Against Terrorists?

"Government officials said intelligence suggested that al-Qaeda
members had been considering attacking U. S. nuclear power plants
with car or truck bombs, boats or aircraft."

- Seth Borenstein, The Philadelphia Inquirer, January 31, 2002

103 nuclear power plants in the states colored purple above supply about twenty percent of the electricity used in the United States. Some states have only one reactor. Others such as Pennsylvania have nine reactors, including Three Mile Island which is near the Harrisburg International Airport. Graphic © 2001 by the Nuclear Energy Institute.
103 nuclear power plants in the states colored purple above supply about twenty percent of the electricity used in the United States. Some states have only one reactor. Others such as Pennsylvania have nine reactors, including Three Mile Island which is near the Harrisburg International Airport. Graphic © 2001 by the Nuclear Energy Institute.

February 4, 2002  Middletown, Pennsylvania - President George Bush said in his January 29, 2002 State of the Union speech that "diagrams of American nuclear power plants" were found among terrorist manuals and other artifacts left by terrorists in Afghanistan. Earlier on January 16, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had issued an alert that a terrorist attack on a nuclear power plant could be imminent.


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Ghosts of United Flight 93 Reported in Shanksville, Pennsylvania

Photograph taken at the public memorial that was created soon after United Flight 93 crashed into the rural field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Mysterious translucent spheres cluster around the cross. Photograph © 2001 by Debbie Harris.
Photograph taken at the public memorial that was created soon after United Flight 93 crashed into the rural field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Mysterious translucent spheres cluster around the cross. Photograph © 2001 by Debbie Harris.

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Cedar Vine Manor, Lebanon, Tennessee

February 2, 2002 Shanksville, Pennsylvania - After September 11, 2001, the nation heard about cell phone calls from some of the passengers on United Flight 93 to loved ones, warning that terrorists had taken over the plane. One man told his wife that he and others were going to take action against the terrorists.


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