More Crop Formations in Holland and Germany

Three circles on left were investigated by Bert Janssen on July 8, 2002 in a wheat field near Ubachsberg, Holland. While there, Bert discovered the more complicated three rings on right which the farmer says appeared between 10 and 11 p.m. on July 3, 2002. Diagrams © 2002 by Robert Boerman, Dutch Crop Circle Archive.
Three circles on top were investigated by Bert Janssen on July 8, 2002 in a wheat field near Ubachsberg, Holland. While there, Bert discovered the more complicated three rings on the bottom which the farmer says appeared between 10 and 11 p.m. on July 3, 2002. Diagrams © 2002 by Robert Boerman, Dutch Crop Circle Archive.

July 13, 2002  Ubachsberg, Holland ­ On July 8, 2002, Robert Boerman and Bert Janssen of the Netherlands learned about a formation of three circles in Ubachsberg. Bert went to the wheat field and measured the diameter of the largest circle to be 11.80 meters; the smallest was 6.8 meters. He noted that many plants were standing straight up among the downed plants and showed no signs of damage on the stalks as might have occurred if boots, boards and other mechanical devices had flattened the circles.


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New Crop Formation in England

West Overton wheat field, formation reported July 9, 2002.  Each circle at corners of triangle about 30 feet in diameter. Side lengths  of triangle about 50 feet. Aerial photograph © 2002 by Steve Alexander.  Also, see
West Overton wheat field, formation reported July 9, 2002. Each circle at corners of triangle about 30 feet in diameter. Side lengths of triangle about 50 feet. Aerial photograph © 2002 by Steve Alexander. Also, see


July 12, 2002  West Overton, Wiltshire, England -­ At noon time on Tuesday, July 9, Charles and Frances Mallett at The Silent Circle Cafe in Cherhill, Wiltshire, received a phone call about a new crop formation in West Overton, not far from the double spiraled serpents discovered on June 23, 2002. It had been raining for several days. Fields were full of mud and not conducive for pranksters, so the Malletts immediately drove out to see the condition of the plants while still fresh. I talked with Charles the next day, July 10, about his impressions.


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Hubble Telescope Photographs Seven Binary Objects Beyond Pluto

This NASA composite picture shows the apparent orbit in blue of one member of a pair of Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) known as WW31. The six fainter points of light are Hubble photographs of WW31 as it moved relative to another object which is the larger, brighter light. The two objects revolve around a common center of gravity, like a pair of waltzing skaters. Astronomers assembled this picture from six separate Hubble Telescope exposures taken from July to September 2001, December 2001 and January to February 2002. The location is in the Kuiper Belt of icy objects that were left over from the solar system's birth and which orbit beyond Pluto. Graphic courtesy NASA and C. Veillet, Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope.
This NASA composite picture shows the apparent orbit in blue of one member of a pair of Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) known as WW31. The six fainter points of light are Hubble photographs of WW31 as it moved relative to another object which is the larger, brighter light. The two objects revolve around a common center of gravity, like a pair of waltzing skaters. Astronomers assembled this picture from six separate Hubble Telescope exposures taken from July to September 2001, December 2001 and January to February 2002. The location is in the Kuiper Belt of icy objects that were left over from the solar system's birth and which orbit beyond Pluto. Graphic courtesy NASA and C. Veillet, Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope.

July 11, 2002  Baltimore, Maryland ­ One of the most recent discoveries in our solar system, NASA reports, is an "intriguing new class of objects, dim and fleeting, which travel in pairs in the frigid, mysterious outer realm of the solar system called the Kuiper Belt." These Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs), inhabit a region that begins around Neptune and extends out more than nine billion miles. At least half of the short-period comets that come through the solar system, around the sun and back out again are from the Kuiper Belt, named after astronomer Gerard P. Kuiper who headed the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the University of Arizona until his death in 1973.


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Another Cow Mutilation In Christmas Valley, Oregon

Most recent July 2002 cow mutilation 6 miles east of May 11th cow marked with X on map.  The May 11, 2002 mutilated cow was found six miles from the May 5, 2002 mutilated bull. Brothers, Oregon is where a eight dead calves were found bloodlessly skinned on March 18 and 19, 2000. It's also where fourteen dead calves and a pig with its legs cut off were found in March 1999. The circled X marks the area where eyewitness Dwain Wright saw mutilated bull and where a cowboy described having seen glowing discs that lifted cattle up in glowing beams and dropped them back down through the trees in late 1970s to early 1980s.
Most recent July 2002 cow mutilation 6 miles east of May 11th cow marked with X on map. The May 11, 2002 mutilated cow was found six miles from the May 5, 2002 mutilated bull. Brothers, Oregon is where a eight dead calves were found bloodlessly skinned on March 18 and 19, 2000. It's also where fourteen dead calves and a pig with its legs cut off were found in March 1999. The circled X marks the area where eyewitness Dwain Wright saw mutilated bull and where a cowboy described having seen glowing discs that lifted cattle up in glowing beams and dropped them back down through the trees in late 1970s to early 1980s.

July 6, 2002  Christmas Valley, Oregon ­ Deputy Sheriff Keith Bumpass of the Lake County, Oregon Sheriff's Office has discovered another mutilated cow in Christmas Valley southeast of Bend. This new case is in the same general area as the previous bull, cow and long-horn cow mutilations reported at Earthfiles on June 17 and May 18. Deputy Bumpass says the location is "about three miles straight north of the sand dunes area. It would be about 12 miles straight east of the May 5th bull and about 6 miles east of the second mutilated cow.


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Stonehenge 4th of July Formation Echoes Hackpen Hill 1999 4th of July Spiral

Huge, delicate formation reported on July 4, 2002 near Stonehenge in the background. Measured over 700 feet in diameter in young wheat. Inner geometry is similar to the July 4, 1999 spiral formation at Hackpen Hill. Aerial photograph © 2002 by Steven Alexander. Also see
Huge, delicate formation reported on July 4, 2002 near Stonehenge in the background. Measured over 700 feet in diameter in young wheat. Inner geometry is similar to the July 4, 1999 spiral formation at Hackpen Hill. Aerial photograph © 2002 by Steven Alexander. Also see

July 6, 2002  Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England ­ The greatest number of crop formations are now in Germany, not England. As of July 4th, England has twenty. In Germany, new formation reports from Baden-Wurttemberg and the Saarland near the French border in southwest Germany will increase the number of German crop patterns to more than 30. Photographer Frank Laumen is going to fly over the Baden-Wurttemberg fields on Monday and I will have photographs after he returns for a more in-depth look at three German crop formation hot spots.


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Argentina’s SENASA Blames Mouse for Animal Mutilations

One of more than an estimated 300 Argentina cows since April 2002 whose jaw flesh was stripped clean to the bone; eye, tongue, and often ears removed; pharynx and larynx removed deep within the throat, along with other bloodless excisions of genitals and rectal tissue.
One of more than an estimated 300 Argentina cows since April 2002 whose jaw flesh was stripped clean to the bone; eye, tongue, and often ears removed; pharynx and larynx removed deep within the throat, along with other bloodless excisions of genitals and rectal tissue.

"Veterinarian Alberto Pariani, D.V.M., at the University of La Pampain General Pico has never even heard of this 'hocicudo rojizo' mouse.
... Dr. Pariani was especially surprised by the official statements in the press conference because he has not seen any fecal droppings from foxes, birds or mice on any of the mutilated animals he has examined."­

 - Reed Lindsay, Freelance Newspaper Reporter, Buenos Aires

 Official Press Release on July 1, 2002 from SENASA, the National Health and Agroalimentary Quality Service in Buenos Aires, Argentina, about the intense wave of animal mutilations reported from at least eight provinces in Argentina since April 2002.
Official Press Release on July 1, 2002 from SENASA, the National Health and Agroalimentary Quality Service in Buenos Aires, Argentina, about the intense wave of animal mutilations reported from at least eight provinces in Argentina since April 2002.

July 2, 2002  Buenos Aires, Argentina - The National Health and Agroalimentary Quality Service (SENASA) yesterday held a press conference in Buenos Aires to announce, as the press release above states, "Official Report Regarding Injuries and Mutilations to Bovine Carcasses." To most everyone's surprise, including ranchers and veterinarians who had examined dozens of the dead animals, SENASA's President, Bernardo Cane, announced that "studies performed on dead and mutilated animals have established that the deaths were the result of natural causes and the injuries were provoked by predators, among them a rodent of the genus Oxymcterus, more commonly known as the 'hocicudo rojizo' (red muzzle) whose population has recently increased and whose nutritional habits have changed."

Oxymcterus, "hocicudo rojizo" (red muzzle), a rodent now officially blamed by Argentina federal officials for the animal mutilations in Argentina since April 2002. Photograph provided by SENASA, Buenos Aires.
Oxymcterus, "hocicudo rojizo" (red muzzle), a rodent now officially blamed by Argentina federal officials for the animal mutilations in Argentina since April 2002. Photograph provided by SENASA, Buenos Aires.

A reporter at the SENASA press conference in Buenos Aires was Reed Lindsay, a freelancer who attended after spending time in Salliquelo and General Pico of northern La Pampa province to talk with ranchers and a couple of veterinarians who have seen dozens of dead cattle from which ears, eyes, jaw flesh, tongues, trachea, larynx, esophagus, genital organs and rectal tissue have been excised "surgically" and bloodlessly. The ground under the dead animals has not shown any signs of struggle or tracks. I talked with Reed today about the press conference and what he has learned the past few days in his research.


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Missing and Stolen U. S. Radioactive Materials

 June 24, 2002 Event Notification Report by U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission about Plutonium-242 and Americium-243 missing from a December 2001 shipment, not opened until May 20, 2002 and not reported by the NRC until June 24, 2002. To date, no one knows what has happened to the radioactive material supposedly encased in a flame-sealed glass container inside the shipping box and protective plastic container. The FBI is investigating.
June 24, 2002 Event Notification Report by U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission about Plutonium-242 and Americium-243 missing from a December 2001 shipment, not opened until May 20, 2002 and not reported by the NRC until June 24, 2002. To date, no one knows what has happened to the radioactive material supposedly encased in a flame-sealed glass container inside the shipping box and protective plastic container. The FBI is investigating.

June 29, 2002  Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania - This week, the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory commission issued an Event Notification Report about radioactive Americium-243 and Plutonium-242 that are missing from a shipment between AEA Technology of Burlington, Massachusetts and Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory in New York.

According to NRC and Department of Energy records, in the United States every year on average, about three hundred cases of missing radioactive materials are reported. Half of those are eventually recovered. But what about the other 150 cases of missing radioactive materials? Or the 9,000 missing nuclear items that the Department of Energy says it is trying to track?


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Part 1 – New Crop Formations in England, Holland and Germany

June 26, 2002  Western Europe -

To date in cereal crops, there have been 13 formations in Germany, 5 in Holland and 14 in England. New formations in all three countries have been discovered since the June 21st summer solstice. One of the most extraordinary was reported yesterday in the North Farm near West Overton, Wiltshire, at the top of a hill. It is like a labyrinth made of two coils winding around each other in opposite directions. Each coil ends up with a 25-foot-diameter serpent head that contains two eyes of standing crop.


West Overton, Wiltshire England, Reported June 23, 2002

North Farm, near West Overton, Wiltshire, England, reported June 23, 2002. Photograph © 2002 by Steve Alexander.
North Farm, near West Overton, Wiltshire, England, reported June 23, 2002. Photograph © 2002 by Steve Alexander.


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Argentina Animal Mutilation Count Rising Above 100; Federal SENASA and INTA Investigations Have Begun

Specialists from Argentina's federal INTA agency  (similar to USDA's Food Safety Inspection Service) are inspecting  a mutilated cow in the La Pampa province in late June 2002. More than 100 mutilated cows, and now horses, have been reported to local authorities in seven provinces since April. Image © 2002 by Rio Negro Online, Argentina.
Specialists from Argentina's federal INTA agency (similar to USDA's Food Safety Inspection Service) are inspecting a mutilated cow in the La Pampa province in late June 2002. More than 100 mutilated cows, and now horses, have been reported to local authorities in seven provinces since April.
Image © 2002 by Rio Negro Online, Argentina.

June 22, 2002  Buenos Aires, Argentina - This week, the unusual animal deaths known as mutilations ­ which have been making headlines in Argentina's La Pampa Province since early spring ­ finally made the news on American television. The number of cases has continued to rise daily and is approaching 100, according to local newspapers in La Pampa. Horses were also found mutilated this week and the number of affected provinces has increased to seven ­ La Pampa, Buenos Aires, Rio Negro, Santa Fe, Entre Rios, Chaco and Patagonia.

 Map in which yellow indicates towns in provinces of La Pampa, Buenos Aires  and Rio Negro where mutilations have been reported to date. Not shown on the map are other affected provinces further north: Entre Rios, Santa Fe and Chaco.  Reported mutilation count since April 2002 is approaching 100.
Map in which yellow indicates towns in provinces of La Pampa, Buenos Aires and Rio Negro where mutilations have been reported to date. Not shown on the map are other affected provinces further north: Entre Rios, Santa Fe and Chaco. Reported mutilation count since April 2002 is approaching 100.

Specialists from Argentina's federal agencies, SENASA and INTA, are inspecting mutilated cows and having tissue sent to laboratories, including the University of Buenos Aires School of Pathology. SENASA is similar to the U. S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. INTA is similar to USDA's Food Safety Inspection Service.


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Part 2 – Deer and Cattle Mutilations in Oregon

Mutilated cow found six miles from the May 5, 2002 mutilated bull. Brothers, Oregon is where a eight dead calves were found bloodlessly skinned on March 18 and 19, 2000. It's also where fourteen dead calves and a pig with its legs cut off were found in March 1999. The circled X marks the area where eyewitness Dwain Wright saw mutilated bull and where a cowboy described having seen glowing discs that lifted cattle up in glowing beams and dropped them back down through the trees in late 1970s to early 1980s.
Mutilated cow found six miles from the May 5, 2002 mutilated bull. Brothers, Oregon is where a eight dead calves were found bloodlessly skinned on March 18 and 19, 2000. It's also where fourteen dead calves and a pig with its legs cut off were found in March 1999. The circled X marks the area where eyewitness Dwain Wright saw mutilated bull and where a cowboy described having seen glowing discs that lifted cattle up in glowing beams and dropped them back down through the trees in late 1970s to early 1980s.

Christmas Valley Cattle Mutilations:

June 17, 2002 Christmas Valley, Oregon ­ Christmas Valley, Oregon is about six hours northeast by car from Applegate Valley where the doe was found dead and mutilated by Dwain Wright. On Monday, June 10th, Lake County Deputy Sheriff Keith Bumpass showed field investigator and writer, Jean Bilodeaux, another mutilation about six miles from where the large 2400 pound bull was found dead and mutilated on May 5. (See Earthfiles 05/15/02) The name of the mutilated cow's owner is withheld at his request. In the interviews below, first Deputy Bumpass describes the mutilated cow discovered two weeks after the bull's unusual death, but thought to have been killed around May 11 based on ranchers' experiences with deterioration in other dead animals.


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