Part 1 – September 2002 Maize Circles Update: England

Two circles in 7-foot-tall maize corn discovered by pilot Tony Hughes and photographer Peter Sorensen on western slope of Adam's Grave in Wiltshire County, England between September 8 and September 14, 2002.
Two circles in 7-foot-tall maize corn discovered by pilot Tony Hughes and photographer Peter Sorensen on western slope of Adam's Grave in Wiltshire County, England between September 8 and September 14, 2002.

September 28, 2002  Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, England - Two weeks ago in England, pilot Tony Hughes was flying over Adam's Grave in Wiltshire when he saw a circle inside a sweet corn field growing along the road between Adam's Grave and Milk Hill. Then a week later, photographer Peter Sorensen was flying over the same area and reported a second circle in the same corn field.


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Chapter 4 – Mystery Stalks The Prairie

© 1976 by Roberta Donovan and Keith Wolverton

Chapter 4

Montana Is Not Alone

Yellow indicates the towns, counties and areas affected by animal mutilations, unidentified helicopters and mysterious aerial craft during 1974 to 1976. Twenty-seven years later, in 2001 to 2002, Pondera County and surrounding region experienced more than a dozen animal mutilations associated with unidentified lights and other high strangeness. See Earthfiles 08/18/01.
Yellow indicates the towns, counties and areas affected by animal mutilations, unidentified helicopters and mysterious aerial craft during 1974 to 1976. Twenty-seven years later, in 2001 to 2002, Pondera County and surrounding region experienced more than a dozen animal mutilations associated with unidentified lights and other high strangeness. See Earthfiles 08/18/01.

Were livestock mutilations in other states following the same pattern as those in Montana? Had law officers in these states come up with any substantial evidence that might be helpful in solving the mutilations in Montana?

These were some of the questions Captain Wolverton considered when he started contacting law enforcement agencies in other states where mutilations had taken place. The replies were interesting, but did not solve the riddle. Some reports indicated a similarity in incidents while others introduced entirely new bits of information to add new and baffling parts to the puzzle.


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Part 2 – Harvard Egyptologist Discusses Purpose of Shafts and Small “Doors” in Cheops Pyramid

The Great Pyramid of Cheops built 4,500 years ago for King Khu-fu in the 4th Dynasty, near Cairo, Egypt. The three pyramids on the Giza plateau seen from across the Nile. Cheops appears smaller than Kephren with the white Tura limestone cap because Kephren is on higher ground. The three smaller to the left are Mykerinos and the smallest were for the wife and daughter of King Khu-fu. Drawing © 1971 Peter Tompkins.
The Great Pyramid of Cheops built 4,500 years ago for King Khu-fu in the 4th Dynasty, near Cairo, Egypt. The three pyramids on the Giza plateau seen from across the Nile. Cheops appears smaller than Kephren with the white Tura limestone cap because Kephren is on higher ground. The three smaller to the left are Mykerinos and the smallest were for the wife and daughter of King Khu-fu.
Drawing © 1971 Peter Tompkins.

September 25, 2002  Boston, Massachusetts - In ancient Egyptian cosmology, after the moment of death there came existence in the afterlife where joys of earthly existence were duplicated. One of the "machines" to get to that heaven was the Great Pyramid of Cheops built 4,500 years ago for King Khu-fu in the 4th Dynasty on the Giza plateau near Cairo. Some have called the pyramid a launching pad for the King's "ka," or soul, to travel to the circumpolar stars in the north, known as the "imperishable ones," and to the star Sirius and Orion constellation in the south where Osiris, King of the Dead, reigned eternal. In a paradoxical way, the Egyptians thought that whatever worked in this life would not work in the afterlife. So, in the burial chambers of noblemen, they carved doors out of stone with locks that no human could use, but the ka of the dead could move into and through the symbolic stone doors in a kind of Alice In Wonderland way to activate life in the opposite hereafter.


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Chapter 3 – Mystery Stalks The Prairie

© 1976 by Roberta Donovan and Keith Wolverton

Chapter 3

Appeal Made for Public's Help

The five Montana counties of Cascade, Chouteau, Teton, Judith Basin and Pondera have been the focus of unusual animal deaths that law enforcement has long called "mutilations" since the early 1970s to 2002, a span of more than thirty years without a single arrest and arraignment on an animal mutilation charge. See Earthfiles 08/18/01.
The five Montana counties of Cascade, Chouteau, Teton, Judith Basin and Pondera have been the focus of unusual animal deaths that law enforcement has long called "mutilations" since the early 1970s to 2002, a span of more than thirty years without a single arrest and arraignment on an animal mutilation charge. See Earthfiles 08/18/01.

The first cattle mutilation reported to the Cascade County Sheriff's Department was on August 14, 1974. While there continued to be isolated incidents in the weeks and months that followed, it was the following summer when the number of mutilations started increasing at an alarming rate. But apparently whoever or whatever was responsible for the mutilations was just beginning, as during the period from August 1975 to May 1976, over 100 possible mutilations were reported to the Cascade County Sheriff's Department.

The bulk of the incidents occurred during warm weather, particularly in August and September. Records of investigations revealed that most of the mutilations took place at the time of the full moon. Whether this has any special significance, other than the fact the moon would provide light for the task, has not been established. If, as some people believe, some cult is responsible for the mutilations, it is possible the moon's phase could have a bearing on it.


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What Is Behind the Second “Door” in Cheops Pyramid Shaft?

 Not drawn to scale, but to show location of the two "doors," about 215 feet up narrow 8-inch-diameter "air-shaft." 4th Dynasty Great Pyramid of Cheops built for Khu-fu, King of Egypt 2900? to 2877 B. C. The four narrow "air-shafts" leading from the Queen's Chamber, King's Chamber and the Subterranean Chamber have long baffled archaeologists about their true function. If Cheops was truly the King's burial chamber and transition site from this life to the afterlife, what would need airshafts? If linked to stars and constellations, why would there be stone blocks in them? Why are "Door One" and "Door Two" only seven inches apart?
Not drawn to scale, but to show location of the two "doors," about 215 feet up narrow 8-inch-diameter "air-shaft." 4th Dynasty Great Pyramid of Cheops built for Khu-fu, King of Egypt 2900? to 2877 B. C. The four narrow "air-shafts" leading from the Queen's Chamber, King's Chamber and the Subterranean Chamber have long baffled archaeologists about their true function. If Cheops was truly the King's burial chamber and transition site from this life to the afterlife, what would need airshafts? If linked to stars and constellations, why would there be stone blocks in them? Why are "Door One" and "Door Two" only seven inches apart?

September 21, 2002 Washington, D. C. - On Monday night, September 16, 2002, a television program co-produced by the Fox network and National Geographic was broadcast live from the great Cheops pyramid near Cairo, Egypt. The title was Pyramids Live: Secret Chambers Revealed. The goal was to have the television audience, Egyptologists and other scientists discover at the same time what was behind the little Tura limestone "door" bearing two small copper handles that blocks the southern "air-shaft" which extends from the so-called Queen's Chamber below the King's Chamber. Egyptologists generally agree now that since the Queen had her own burial pyramid, the chamber below the King's Chamber must have had another purpose.


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Chapter 2 – Mystery Stalks The Prairie

© 1976 by Roberta Donovan and Keith Wolverton

Chapter 2

Case of the Missing Calf

Yellow indicates the towns, counties and areas affected by animal mutilations, unidentified helicopters and mysterious aerial craft during 1974 to 1976. Twenty-seven years later, in 2001 to 2002, Pondera County and surrounding region experienced more than a dozen animal mutilations associated with unidentified lights and other high strangeness. See Earthfiles 08/18/01.
Yellow indicates the towns, counties and areas affected by animal mutilations, unidentified helicopters and mysterious aerial craft during 1974 to 1976. Twenty-seven years later, in 2001 to 2002, Pondera County and surrounding region experienced more than a dozen animal mutilations associated with unidentified lights and other high strangeness. See Earthfiles 08/18/01.

Evidence gained in investigating a number of mutilations, including the Shetland pony, seemed to indicate that the animals were tranquilized or anesthetized (but not killed) before they were mutilated. A veterinarian's theory that the drug Ketaset could have been used for this purpose greatly interested investigating officers.

Deputies Experiment With Cattle Tranquilizer

The lawmen decided to perform an experiment to observe the effects of Ketaset on a calf. A Teton County rancher, who was interested in seeing the mutilations solved, offered to donate a crippled steer calf for the experiment. A veterinarian conducted the experiment with lawmen from both Teton and Cascade Counties observing.


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Guards At Nuclear Power Plants “Under-manned, Under-equipped, Under-trained,” Says New Report

September 10, 2002
Nationwide Threat Level (Code Orange)

To find out who your Governor has appointed as your state's homeland security contact, go to:
To find out who your Governor has appointed as your state's homeland security contact, go to:
 103 nuclear power plants in the United States above supply about twenty percent of the nation's electricity. Pennsylvania has five fully active reactors, including Three Mile Island which is near the Harrisburg International Airport. Graphic © 2001 by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
103 nuclear power plants in the United States above supply about twenty percent of the nation's electricity. Pennsylvania has five fully active reactors, including Three Mile Island which is near the Harrisburg International Airport. Graphic © 2001 by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

September 10, 2002  Harrisburg, Pennsylvania - Today for the first time since the Homeland Security color-coded threat level went into effect last March, the level was raised from Code Yellow to Code Orange, only one notch below the highest Code Red. Homeland Security Director, Tom Ridge, and Attorney General John Ashcroft, said the alert level was raised after receiving what they called "an abundance of credible intelligence" about terrorists planning attacks to coincide with tomorrow's first anniversary of September 11, 2001 - somewhere in the U. S. or world.


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